Is Obama retarded or lying?

With this kind of reasoning you could say that he never meant to keep the other 999 promises he has yet to fulfill. Does he flash a sign to the initiated to let them know when he is speaking truthfully? So far the only sign I am getting from him is the middle finger. Please help :eusa_angel:

Obama never purposed sequestration as something we should do, it was passed with the idea that it was so bad, that it would force both sides to work together because no one would ever want it to go into effect.

And like Frank, I suspect you know this, and are being obtuse on purpose:)

If that is true then he needs to be impeached as being the most irresponsible president. What you suggest if trues, proves he has no place in the seat of leadership.

The last thing our nation' our people needs is a president engaged in a game of chicken.


Do you honestly think congress passed sequestration thinking it was something that would happen?

Really? :confused:

I thought it was obvious that it was never meant to go into effect.
It was Obama who proposed the gutless, thoughtless Sequester, now he's saying his own idea will devastate us. Is he retarded or lying?

Why are you limited to one or the other? Seriously? Question..... Do you think he could make a profit selling Girl Scout Cookies? Do you suspect he might instead eat the inventory, or give it away to the challenged? Maybe short sell? Do you think he could even get the math right? If you did indeed buy Girl Scout Cookies from him, do you honestly believe in good faith that you would even get what you ordered? If so, you have more faith in him than me. I look at all of the Tax money I pay, pretty much the same way. Lost cause. Out of site, out of mind. Bankrolling Other Peoples lifestyles, while, I forge on with what is left, on my own. Meanwhile, back in Oz, the argument that it further benefits us in borrowing more money than we can ever afford to pay back, moves forward with huge support. Some packaging and marketing skills, huh. ;)
Its Obamas fault for thinking.

It ruined the whole republican plan of acting without thinking to solve our problems
Oh yeah they dont want our problems solved they want us smaller and smaller and smaller until we fix easily in the tub
obama knew when he passed sequestration that he would never agree to anything that would avoid it. He knew that democrats would follow him and stop attempts to avoid it.

Let it happen. If we are degraded, let it happen. In the long run, if it gets rid of democrats it will be wroth it, even if it results in an attack by North Korea or Iran.
Dem's & Repubs who voted for it.

How Different Groups Voted on the Debt Bill - Graphic -

Senate vote
The Senate passed the Act on August 2, 2011 by a vote of 74–26. 6 Democrats and 19 Republicans voted against it.

Presidential signature

President Obama signed the bill shortly after it was passed by the Senate. In doing so, the president said, "Is this the deal I would have preferred? No. But this compromise does make a serious down payment on the deficit reduction we need, and gives each party a strong incentive to get a balanced plan done before the end of the year."

Which never happened.
Both parties are playing games.
Both parties might think they are playing games, but only obama knew from the beginning that he was going to oppose any and all plans to avoid it.
Obama never intended for sequestration to actually happen. It was supposed to be a tool that would ensure congresses cooperation.

But I suspect you knew that:)

With this kind of reasoning you could say that he never meant to keep the other 999 promises he has yet to fulfill. Does he flash a sign to the initiated to let them know when he is speaking truthfully? So far the only sign I am getting from him is the middle finger. Please help :eusa_angel:

Obama never purposed sequestration as something we should do, it was passed with the idea that it was so bad, that it would force both sides to work together because no one would ever want it to go into effect.

And like Frank, I suspect you know this, and are being obtuse on purpose:)

You may be right but if this was his tactic, it wasn't understood by everyone. The obtuse thank you for your kind reply. :eusa_angel:
It was Obama who proposed the gutless, thoughtless Sequester, now he's saying his own idea will devastate us. Is he retarded or lying?

Awe Frankie, why are you pretending to be stupid? Both the House and Senate passed the The Budget Control Act.

Setting the Record Straight About the Sequester | The White House

The President has laid out a specific plan with detailed cuts to avoid the sequester and reduce the deficit in a balanced way by cutting spending, reforming entitlements and closing tax loopholes for the wealthiest and big corporations - loopholes not available to the middle class -- and Congressional Democrats have put forward a balanced approach as well.

The only party unwilling to compromise to avoid these devastating cuts are Congressional Republicans, who would rather see our recovery and middle class economic security be put at risk than close one tax loophole for big corporations and the wealthiest.
Look up the U.S Budget report for 2002 and compare it to 2011 and its obvious they have not reduced spending on anything except the U.S. Postal Service. They added Homeland Security for a total of 60 billion. Most of the deficit is money we borrowed from ourselves so their really is no incentive to reduce spending.
Sequester PowerPoint: In 2011, John Boehner was touting the sequester.

A weird thing has opened up in Washington where now the big point of emphasis among congressional Republicans is to say that the looming budget sequester that Republicans voted for is "Obama's Sequester" and that he is in some sense to blame for it. That's about 85 percent bullshit depending on exactly how you mean it...

Now what happened, as you'll recall, is that the House GOP said it would force the nation to default on its already-accrued bills unless the President agreed to big cuts in spending. The White House essentially welcomed that hostage-taking, seeing it as a good opportunity to strike a grand bargain on deficit reduction, but said they'd only agree to big spending cuts if they were paired with meaningful tax increases. Boehner toyed around with embracing that idea, but ultimately balked. So the sequester emerged as a process that left the door open to a grand bargain (that Obama's pursuit of a grand bargain played a role in this emerging is the non-bullshit 15 percent) but was consistent with the GOP's framework of insisting on large spending cuts unpaired with tax hikes.

In essence, Democrats tries to put pressure on the GOP to temper its anti-tax fervor as the only way to avoid big defense cuts, but it turned out—and then turned out again on the supercommittee, and then turned out again during the fiscal cliff deal—that their view on taxes trumps everything else. That's on them.
Nice of him to come off the golf course long enough to lie to the public.

While Congress was on vacation.

Ya know, this stupid accusation gets really old. Even rw's know that the President of the United States is never really on vacation.Even the dumbest rw knows that the White House goes where the president goes. That is just as true if there's a (gawd forbid) a Republican in the White House.

Even rw's know that Congress voted themselves a fat raise at the same time they voted to shorten their work week to THREE DAYS.

Congress was on vacation for 5 days at the time the president was playing golf.
Nice of him to come off the golf course long enough to lie to the public.

While Congress was on vacation.

Ya know, this stupid accusation gets really old. Even rw's know that the President of the United States is never really on vacation.Even the dumbest rw knows that the White House goes where the president goes. That is just as true if there's a (gawd forbid) a Republican in the White House.

Even rw's know that Congress voted themselves a fat raise at the same time they voted to shorten their work week to THREE DAYS.

Congress was on vacation for 5 days at the time the president was playing golf.

To some extent, this is very true.

However, I remember a lot of anger from the left over the fact that Bush was on vacation almost as often than he was in the White House. Just because some things can be done on vacation, doesn't mean everything can or that those things are being taken care of by the president.
Obama never intended for sequestration to actually happen. It was supposed to be a tool that would ensure congresses cooperation.

But I suspect you knew that:)

Why put something into play that you don't want to actually happen? That's just dumb.

Anyway, I'm all for it... the notion that a $1.2 trillion in cuts over ten years, out of an over $3 trillion annual budget is disastrous is absurd.

It's a joke.
it was obama who proposed the gutless, thoughtless sequester, now he's saying his own idea will devastate us. Is he retarded or lying?

blaming your partys inability to construct anything positive for the nation on someone else is stupid

sorry TM but its your party and your messiah that have been unable to construct anything positive for the nation. The GOP controlled house has passed several budget bills, but the Dem asshole Reid has not let a single one come to the floor of the senate for discussion or a vote-----why is that? is he afraid one might pass?

Obama proposed the sequester---its his deal-- it was his idea. Now he is lying to you about who did it and the affect it would have if allowed to happen.

Worst president in history is not strong enough to describe this traitorus bastard the is destroying our children's future------and he is doing it on purpose.

TRUTH! :clap2:

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