Is Obama retarded or lying?

Obama never intended for sequestration to actually happen. It was supposed to be a tool that would ensure congresses cooperation.

But I suspect you knew that:)

Well then it was a pretty moronic move on his part......again, wasn't it?
why did the Rs run with it if it was such a bad "Obama" Idea?

What they voted for is very different than what was suggested. They would never vote in favor of something that would help. The Rs are loving this because it will hurt Americans.

You cant possibly be this stupid can you? This was O's idea. Now he is crying about pitiful small cuts.

Are you not familiar with Puddly Pillowbiter? Yes, he is that stoopid.
The madness of king Barry. Honestly if it wasn't for the fawning media he would have been laughed out of Washington. His paranoia and crazy secrecy has alienated the Press Corps that travels with him but they still love him when he allows them into his chamber for an off the record chat. He rants against programs he is on record for supporting and he spends untold wealth flying to golf courses and hobnobing with domestic abusers. We are in a world of hurt with the paranoia president and the brain damaged V.P.
It was Obama who proposed the gutless, thoughtless Sequester, now he's saying his own idea will devastate us. Is he retarded or lying?
As usual, the Misinformation Voter gets it wrong and just parrots the GOP scripted lies spread through the GOP hate media echo chamber.

Actually it was Lyin' Ryan who demanded the sequester be part of the bill and bragged about it being "in the law" after it passed. Lyin' Ryan owns the sequester, he wanted it then and he still wants it now and is making it part of his new budget proposal!!! Lyin' Ryan sold the sequester to Boner who included it as part of his powerpoint presentation to House Republicans just before the House vote.

“what conservatives like me have been fighting for, for years are statutory caps on spending, literally legal caps in law that says government agencies cannot spend over a set amount of money and if they breach that amount across the board sequester comes in to cut that spending. You can’t turn it out without a supermajority. We got that into law."
- Paul Ryan, August 2011


A slide from the final page of Speaker John Boehner's Powerpoint to House Republicans on July 31st, 2011
Obama never purposed sequestration as something we should do, it was passed with the idea that it was so bad, that it would force both sides to work together because no one would ever want it to go into effect.

And like Frank, I suspect you know this, and are being obtuse on purpose:)

If that is true then he needs to be impeached as being the most irresponsible president. What you suggest if trues, proves he has no place in the seat of leadership.

The last thing our nation' our people needs is a president engaged in a game of chicken.


Do you honestly think congress passed sequestration thinking it was something that would happen?

Really? :confused:

I thought it was obvious that it was never meant to go into effect.

No, I think congress needed spending cuts on the table- So Obama gave them to them. That you think playing chicken with our economic crisis is "cool" or "good" is why we have "The Idiot In Chief" acting so irresponsibly- if his own party would hold his feet to the fire maybe we'd get something done!. Obama thought he was being clever and he has been "hoist upon his own Petard".

The republicans did not create this crisis- Obama did. If he, Obama, wants to undo the mess he created, then he needs to actually work with congress to put some spending cuts on the table.

The bottom line is this: If he won't do so then the sequestration is a necessary reality!
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Obama never intended for sequestration to actually happen. It was supposed to be a tool that would ensure congresses cooperation.

But I suspect you knew that:)

With this kind of reasoning you could say that he never meant to keep the other 999 promises he has yet to fulfill. Does he flash a sign to the initiated to let them know when he is speaking truthfully? So far the only sign I am getting from him is the middle finger. Please help :eusa_angel:

People think that those who support Obama are honest, just misguided.

I have been telling everyone, for as long as I can remember...the people who support progressivism are dishonest scum. They are liars, and without a shred of honor or character themselves. They know that he's a liar...but they support him anyway, and probably because of it. And they will lie to gain support for him.

Just as they lie, cheat and steal in all other aspects of their lives.

Nice people, eh?
Obama never intended for sequestration to actually happen. It was supposed to be a tool that would ensure congresses cooperation.

But I suspect you knew that:)

With this kind of reasoning you could say that he never tymeant to keep the other 999 promises he has yet to fulfill. Does he flash a sign to the initiated to let them know when he is speaking truthfully? So far the only sign I am getting from him is the middle finger. Please help :eusa_angel:

People think that those who support Obama are honest, just misguided.

I have been telling everyone, for as long as I can remember...the people who support progressivism are dishonest scum. They are liars, and without a shred of honor or character themselves. They know that he's a liar...but they support him anyway, and probably because of it. And they will lie to gain support for him.

Just as they lie, cheat and steal in all other aspects of their lives.

Nice people, eh?

I agree they are class envious or just haters for their own failures its te only thing that makes sense. Who else is an enemy of their own liberty but haters?
It was Obama who proposed the gutless, thoughtless Sequester, now he's saying his own idea will devastate us. Is he retarded or lying?

Awe Frankie, why are you pretending to be stupid? Both the House and Senate passed the The Budget Control Act.

Setting the Record Straight About the Sequester | The White House

The President has laid out a specific plan with detailed cuts to avoid the sequester and reduce the deficit in a balanced way by cutting spending, reforming entitlements and closing tax loopholes for the wealthiest and big corporations - loopholes not available to the middle class -- and Congressional Democrats have put forward a balanced approach as well.

The only party unwilling to compromise to avoid these devastating cuts are Congressional Republicans, who would rather see our recovery and middle class economic security be put at risk than close one tax loophole for big corporations and the wealthiest.

Setting the Record Straight About the Obama Sequester

In less than two weeks, dangerous across the board budget cuts proposed by Obama in 2011, are slated to take effect, potentially threatening hundreds of thousands of jobs, our national security and our economic recovery. And now Obama is against it

There, fixed
With this kind of reasoning you could say that he never tymeant to keep the other 999 promises he has yet to fulfill. Does he flash a sign to the initiated to let them know when he is speaking truthfully? So far the only sign I am getting from him is the middle finger. Please help :eusa_angel:

People think that those who support Obama are honest, just misguided.

I have been telling everyone, for as long as I can remember...the people who support progressivism are dishonest scum. They are liars, and without a shred of honor or character themselves. They know that he's a liar...but they support him anyway, and probably because of it. And they will lie to gain support for him.

Just as they lie, cheat and steal in all other aspects of their lives.

Nice people, eh?

I agree they are class envious or just haters for their own failures its te only thing that makes sense. Who else is an enemy of their own liberty but haters?

They are haters.

But not necessarily failures...dishonest scum often succeed in some arena. Which is why they're motivated to keep a system in place that rewards lying, cheating, and stealing.
Obama never intended for sequestration to actually happen. It was supposed to be a tool that would ensure congresses cooperation.

But I suspect you knew that:)

Zo it vass a very clever trick, eh?

He seems to propose lots of things he never intends to get enacted. Like budgets.
I'll bet the economy would do much better if he could propose something that might actually work.
It was Obama who proposed the gutless, thoughtless Sequester, now he's saying his own idea will devastate us. Is he retarded or lying?

Awe Frankie, why are you pretending to be stupid? Both the House and Senate passed the The Budget Control Act.

Setting the Record Straight About the Sequester | The White House

The President has laid out a specific plan with detailed cuts to avoid the sequester and reduce the deficit in a balanced way by cutting spending, reforming entitlements and closing tax loopholes for the wealthiest and big corporations - loopholes not available to the middle class -- and Congressional Democrats have put forward a balanced approach as well.

The only party unwilling to compromise to avoid these devastating cuts are Congressional Republicans, who would rather see our recovery and middle class economic security be put at risk than close one tax loophole for big corporations and the wealthiest.

Setting the Record Straight About the Obama Sequester

In less than two weeks, dangerous across the board budget cuts proposed by Obama in 2011, are slated to take effect, potentially threatening hundreds of thousands of jobs, our national security and our economic recovery. And now Obama is against it

There, fixed

In less than two weeks, dangerous across the board budget cuts proposed by Obama and passed by both houses of Congress in 2011, are slated to take effect, potentially threatening hundreds of thousands of jobs, our national security and our economic recovery. And now only tea party associates are for it.

Now it's fixed Frankie you little fibber you.!
He said when he signed the bill that it was incentive for congress to work together to create a more balanced approach.

Does anyone have any proof, any member of congress thought the goal was sequestration, not compromise?
Thanks to the Rs, a lot of people will lose their jobs or go on temp furlough. They are now refusing to return from their vacation.
Thanks to the Rs, a lot of people will lose their jobs or go on temp furlough. They are now refusing to return from their vacation.

NOTHING will happen if the sequester goes into effect, NOTHING. Obama is lying to you--------------------------------again.

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