Is Obama retarded or lying?

Sequestration is the moral equivalent of holding a gun to one's own head as an inducement to get the other side to compromise.

Or, maybe it's not.
Awe Frankie, why are you pretending to be stupid? Both the House and Senate passed the The Budget Control Act.

Setting the Record Straight About the Sequester | The White House

The President has laid out a specific plan with detailed cuts to avoid the sequester and reduce the deficit in a balanced way by cutting spending, reforming entitlements and closing tax loopholes for the wealthiest and big corporations - loopholes not available to the middle class -- and Congressional Democrats have put forward a balanced approach as well.

The only party unwilling to compromise to avoid these devastating cuts are Congressional Republicans, who would rather see our recovery and middle class economic security be put at risk than close one tax loophole for big corporations and the wealthiest.

Setting the Record Straight About the Obama Sequester

In less than two weeks, dangerous across the board budget cuts proposed by Obama in 2011, are slated to take effect, potentially threatening hundreds of thousands of jobs, our national security and our economic recovery. And now Obama is against it

There, fixed

In less than two weeks, dangerous across the board budget cuts proposed by Obama and passed by both houses of Congress in 2011, are slated to take effect, potentially threatening hundreds of thousands of jobs, our national security and our economic recovery. And now only tea party associates are for it.

Now it's fixed Frankie you little fibber you.!

NOTHING will happen, its like a guy making 100K losing 25 cents. Its all bullshit from both sides.
It may have already been posted but even so it's worth repeating,

when Boehner famously said that the Republicans got 98% of what they wanted in the bill,

the bill he was referring to was the bill that created the sequestration.

Case closed.
It may have already been posted but even so it's worth repeating,

when Boehner famously said that the Republicans got 98% of what they wanted in the bill,

the bill he was referring to was the bill that created the sequestration.

Case closed.

Yeah, so what? both parties voted for it, obama supported it.

Now tell me, what is the annual expenditure total of the USA? compare that number to 85 billion and get back to us with the fraction.
Which is what Obama pitched as a solution, NOW the case is closed.

It may have already been posted but even so it's worth repeating,

when Boehner famously said that the Republicans got 98% of what they wanted in the bill,

the bill he was referring to was the bill that created the sequestration.

Case closed.
Thanks to the Rs, a lot of people will lose their jobs or go on temp furlough. They are now refusing to return from their vacation.

It's Obama's plan, but you knew that. A "man" in his position should really be careful what they ask for as they might get it.
Which is what Obama pitched as a solution, NOW the case is closed.

It may have already been posted but even so it's worth repeating,

when Boehner famously said that the Republicans got 98% of what they wanted in the bill,

the bill he was referring to was the bill that created the sequestration.

Case closed.

I support the sequestration, so you look like an idiot again.
It may have already been posted but even so it's worth repeating,

when Boehner famously said that the Republicans got 98% of what they wanted in the bill,

the bill he was referring to was the bill that created the sequestration.

Case closed.

Yeah, so what? both parties voted for it, obama supported it.

Now tell me, what is the annual expenditure total of the USA? compare that number to 85 billion and get back to us with the fraction.

Would it kill you to at least try to make sense? I mean, seriously...
Silly lil guy, the argument has been about who's idea the sequestration was, and it was try and keep up...the sequestration is actually won't hurt anyone.

So what if you support it.

Me I could care less about it, it's a bunch of fear mongering by this moron who happens to hold the office.

Which is what Obama pitched as a solution, NOW the case is closed.

It may have already been posted but even so it's worth repeating,

when Boehner famously said that the Republicans got 98% of what they wanted in the bill,

the bill he was referring to was the bill that created the sequestration.

Case closed.

I support the sequestration, so you look like an idiot again.
to answer the op, both....He's a moron that's over his head and liberals buy it up....because we're all gonna be equal.....LOLOLOLOLOL

excpet his rich buddies NEVER seem to pay taxes...but they complain they dont pay enough.......hmmmmmm
It was Obama who proposed the gutless, thoughtless Sequester, now he's saying his own idea will devastate us. Is he retarded or lying?

It's the name of the political game. How else can you whip up the masses and tighten the yoke around the opposition? That's why the fiscal cliff was created. President Obama is smart and using the sequester to force the Republicans into some positions that they would rather not take and if they don't want to go there then there's the Norquist pledge.

Yeah, he's a smart one. Regardless of his policies which history will judge better than I.
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It was Obama who proposed the gutless, thoughtless Sequester, now he's saying his own idea will devastate us. Is he retarded or lying?
he is counting on the stupidity of his base to fall for his bull not the right.his comments were intended to convince the idiotic left not the right.
It was Obama who proposed the gutless, thoughtless Sequester, now he's saying his own idea will devastate us. Is he retarded or lying?

It's the name of the political game. How else can you whip up the masses. That's why the fiscal cliff was created. President Obama is smart and using the sequester to force the Republicans into some positions that they would rather not take and if they don't want to go there then there's the Norquist pledge.

Yeah, he's a smart one. Regardless of his policies which history will judge better than I.

Dear UKRider and CrusaderFrank:
Thanks for your messages and feedback.

I agree Obama has been effective in using politics and even executive orders and media to push for change, though the responsibility for fixing what is unconstitutional is left to the people and he does not accept equal responsibility for that work or the COSTS incurred, and does not admit he takes advantage of it, including taking false credit for these as a "success." I believe if you are going to push imperfect legislation for the purpose of forcing the issue to correct things wrong with the system "after the fact", AT LEAST be honest about it instead of saying your position is right and the others are wrong for political gain. But again, part of the politics is to push one side and discredit the other; it is not the job of the legal prosecution to defend the other side's views, which I also believe is what is wrong with the legal system not being fully Constitutional because it does not guarantee equal protection of interests when used for adversarial bullying back and forth. Same with our govt leaders playing party politics, and losing sight of the duty to represent all people equally as the American public, which would require equal protection and inclusion of ALL party views to be fully Constitutional, not favoring some views over others (which I believe is against the 1st and 14 Amendment as well as the Code of Ethics for Govt Service see

It totally bothers me as dishonest for Obama to claim to be for consensus and grassroots change, but then demonize and EXCLUDE views members and leaders in opposition, and then blame them for why there is not a consensus? That part drives me nuts, because when I push for real consensus, people don't believe it is possible now, because of how Obama has abused it to mean forcing "his view of a consensual solution" on people politically, not reaching a true consensus naturally by including everyone's input and consent.

What I would say Obama is doing is balancing the karma, where both sides have been taking turns pushing their agenda and approach over opposition of the other, until they call a truce, and agree to accept equal responsibility for respective costs incurred.

We are waiting for people to figure out this is not sustainable and wastes resources back and forth, that could be invested in solutions, even pursued separately to avoid fighting.

So in the meantime he keeps pushing things until the right solutions come forth from the people and parties working together, and not from him directly. The right solution to funding health care and jobs/medical education is to reform the criminal justice and mental health system so the funds wasted there can be directed into facilities and progrms for medical treatment, education and clinics that work effectively and sustainably to correct and prevent the causes of abuses, illness and crime that costs so much more to taxpayers than preventative education and services it is bankrupting our state budgets and economy.

So those solutions will come from the state level, not the federal; pushing it from Washington was not the solution in itself but a catalyst to compel reform. A lot of the work to treat and heal criminal illness and addiction comes from the "spiritual recovery" programs and can't be legislated or mandated through govt anyway; so all this pushing is just to force that issue to come out in public, so people can resolve problems in other ways.

I think it would be more effective to have people organize resources around their solutions by party, and not try to impose one policy for the whole nation by bullying between parties trying to dominate; just separate the funding and even taxes paid by members by directing it to programs organized by the party structures and keep those out of the public realm. Only use the federal budget and authority for policies that all people and parties agree to.

That would achieve the goal of Conservative Republicans and Libertarians of limited federal govt, and would also fulfill the role of the liberal Democrats in organizing grassroots individuals and communities in having direct representation in managing their own resources through localized democracy and economy. This also fits the focus of Green and Occupy in having sustainable environmentally-based cooperatives. If everyone can govern the programs and policies of their free choice, equally under the Constitution, that would satisfy the Tea Party also trying to hold govt to the Constitution and quit going off on tangents that are the responsibility of the people and the states to manage and fund locally.

I believe this is where we are heading, and Obama and Bush have been taking turns playing "Good Cop Bad Cop" until people realize it's easier to behave and take responsibility for being or hiring our own Cops!
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Silly lil guy, the argument has been about who's idea the sequestration was, and it was try and keep up...the sequestration is actually won't hurt anyone.

So what if you support it.

Me I could care less about it, it's a bunch of fear mongering by this moron who happens to hold the office.

Which is what Obama pitched as a solution, NOW the case is closed.

I support the sequestration, so you look like an idiot again.

You're not even interesting when you have a meltdown.
It's funny that the Republicans were able to vote 'no' on Obamacare, but happily voted 'yes' on the sequester,

and now suddenly both Obamacare and the sequester belong to Obama.
Contrary to the willfully ignorant rantings of our neocon/teabagger Crusader Frank, the sequester was a COMPROMISE AGREED UPON BY BOEHNER AND OBAMA in order to avoid the "fiscal cliff" that the GOP was threatening the country with if they didn't get their way on the Bush tax cuts. The sequester would happen only if Congress couldn't get it's act together regarding the budget.

Both Boehner and Ryan are on record stating that they were satisfied with that agreement.


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