Is our economy better regulated by liberty or by government?

Then you mean your theory of supply and demand. Have you published yet?
No, I mean the opposite of your ignorance.
The opposite of my ignorance, would be what I know. Perhaps you can explain why you think what I know is what you said, that the "theory of supply and demand assumes perfect competition for a benchmark Standard."

What I actually stated, in contrast to your lie, is that your statement is incorrect. Thus, your lie that what I know is what you said, well that would just be a ludicrous lie of yours. Any other ludicrous lies you want to make up?

Why are you even having this pointless slap fight over this point?

The argument over "perfect markets" doesn't hinge either way on it and it was only introduced as a red herring to distract away from the real argument.

What's the "real argument," dumbass?
Socialism would always be better than Capitalism, if our elected representatives were not so averse to the "hard work" it may require to come up with Pareto Optimum solutions in public policies.

Even if that were possible under socialism, what makes you think politicians would ever be wiling to do an honest day's work? The reason people go into government is so they don't have to work hard. Furthermore, government provides no incentives for working hard.
No it doesn't.
Yes, it does; simply Because I say so.
Then you mean your theory of supply and demand. Have you published yet?
No, I mean the opposite of your ignorance.
The opposite of my ignorance, would be what I know. Perhaps you can explain why you think what I know is what you said, that the "theory of supply and demand assumes perfect competition for a benchmark Standard."

What I actually stated, in contrast to your lie, is that your statement is incorrect. Thus, your lie that what I know is what you said, well that would just be a ludicrous lie of yours. Any other ludicrous lies you want to make up?

Why are you even having this pointless slap fight over this point?

The argument over "perfect markets" doesn't hinge either way on it and it was only introduced as a red herring to distract away from the real argument.
Good point I'll just put him on ignore.
No, I mean the opposite of your ignorance.
The opposite of my ignorance, would be what I know. Perhaps you can explain why you think what I know is what you said, that the "theory of supply and demand assumes perfect competition for a benchmark Standard."

What I actually stated, in contrast to your lie, is that your statement is incorrect. Thus, your lie that what I know is what you said, well that would just be a ludicrous lie of yours. Any other ludicrous lies you want to make up?

Why are you even having this pointless slap fight over this point?

The argument over "perfect markets" doesn't hinge either way on it and it was only introduced as a red herring to distract away from the real argument.

What's the "real argument," dumbass?
Socialism would always be better than Capitalism, if our elected representatives were not so averse to the "hard work" it may require to come up with Pareto Optimum solutions in public policies.

Even if that were possible under socialism, what makes you think politicians would ever be wiling to do an honest day's work? The reason people go into government is so they don't have to work hard. Furthermore, government provides no incentives for working hard.
Should we enjoin our elected representatives from asking others to work harder than they themselves.
The OP has presented a false choice between government and freedom.

What about the corporations that invest trillions into Washington for the purpose of controlling the legislative and regulatory environment in which they operate?

The OP lives in a FOX News bubble where Stalin steals your family's pharmacy ( a la Ayn Rand).

Problem is: we no longer liver in that world. We now live a world where the pharmaceutical owns the politician, and where the Vice Presidency is staffed by Halliburton, and the Federal Reserve is staffed by Goldman Sachs.

The OP needs to turn off talk radio and take a look at what the most powerful corporations did with the freedom given to them by the Reagan Revolution. They didn't create competitive markets. They purchased the American government and set up quasi monopolies over most large domestic sectors.

The profit motive - which is the strongest force on earth - doesn't want the risk associated with competition. The profit motive wants to lock down markets with the help of the politicians it owns.

(His blessed free marketeers get their middle east oil fields and trade routes protected by big government, and they pour trillions into Washington for patent protection. They live off subsidies and bailouts and government protected monopolies. They don't want the freedom to fail. They want protection from the nanny government, whose elections they fund)
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The opposite of my ignorance, would be what I know. Perhaps you can explain why you think what I know is what you said, that the "theory of supply and demand assumes perfect competition for a benchmark Standard."

What I actually stated, in contrast to your lie, is that your statement is incorrect. Thus, your lie that what I know is what you said, well that would just be a ludicrous lie of yours. Any other ludicrous lies you want to make up?

Why are you even having this pointless slap fight over this point?

The argument over "perfect markets" doesn't hinge either way on it and it was only introduced as a red herring to distract away from the real argument.

What's the "real argument," dumbass?
Socialism would always be better than Capitalism, if our elected representatives were not so averse to the "hard work" it may require to come up with Pareto Optimum solutions in public policies.

Even if that were possible under socialism, what makes you think politicians would ever be wiling to do an honest day's work? The reason people go into government is so they don't have to work hard. Furthermore, government provides no incentives for working hard.
Should we enjoin our elected representatives from asking others to work harder than they themselves.

Yeah, right after we convince them to quit lying.

Are you serious?
Why are you even having this pointless slap fight over this point?

The argument over "perfect markets" doesn't hinge either way on it and it was only introduced as a red herring to distract away from the real argument.

What's the "real argument," dumbass?
Socialism would always be better than Capitalism, if our elected representatives were not so averse to the "hard work" it may require to come up with Pareto Optimum solutions in public policies.

Even if that were possible under socialism, what makes you think politicians would ever be wiling to do an honest day's work? The reason people go into government is so they don't have to work hard. Furthermore, government provides no incentives for working hard.
Should we enjoin our elected representatives from asking others to work harder than they themselves.

Yeah, right after we convince them to quit lying.

Are you serious?
Sure, why not.

Here is just another example of Socialism bailing out Capitalism to avoid repeating historical mistakes of the alleged liberty of Capitalism: Since 2008, the Fed has granted unlimited credit to banks at an official rate of 0.25%.--Source: The Federal Reserve Bails Out Wall Street. Since 2008 the Fed has Granted Unlimited Credit to Banks at an Official Rate of 0.25 Global Research - Centre for Research on Globalization
When looking at market economics there are a lot of ways things can go wrong where a perfect market is not created and there can be all sorts of outcomes that can come from market economics that are not preferable. There is also the reality of the government having certain roles in modern economies, which includes relationships between the states and between nations.

A strong respect and understanding of market economics is critical to understanding the issues our nation faces today. Ideological devotion to laissez faire economics tends to blind people more than it helps them as does a blind devotion to fairness.

The idea of "perfect markets" was created by statist interventionist "economists" to justify government intervention. It's propaganda, not science. I put the term "economists" in quotes because these clowns aren't really economists. They're quacks.

If there is one thing clowns like you don't understand, it's markets. People who do understand markets endorse laissez faire. Government interference never solves any problem. It only makes the worse.
Theory of supply and demand assumes perfect competition for a benchmark Standard.
No it doesn't.
All market theory starts with perfect competition and then builds off of that to demonstrate how a market can be impacted by different things.

When market theory is applied it isn't applied assuming a perfect market.

That's utter horseshit. What your saying is that all the economics that came before WW II was founded on a bullshit theory conceived by some government toady after WW II. You don't jack shit about economics except for the propaganda that your government subsidized professors rammed into your thick skull. In other words, you don't know jack shit about economics.

The argument about perfect market theory is a red herring and a stupid distraction created by this clueless clown. The weakness of laissez faire economics has always been a blindness to the imperfections of markets and overly optimistic assumptions concerning the outcomes of markets.

ROFL! The free market has always been an obstacle to the trimmers and con artists who infest the federal government, which is why they have done everything possible to disicredit it since Abraham Lincoln became dictator.

You're just another bootlicking toady doing your masters bidding.

lol, Abraham Lincoln was a dictator and modern economics is jackshit.

This is hilarious.
The idea of "perfect markets" was created by statist interventionist "economists" to justify government intervention. It's propaganda, not science. I put the term "economists" in quotes because these clowns aren't really economists. They're quacks.

If there is one thing clowns like you don't understand, it's markets. People who do understand markets endorse laissez faire. Government interference never solves any problem. It only makes the worse.
Theory of supply and demand assumes perfect competition for a benchmark Standard.
No it doesn't.
All market theory starts with perfect competition and then builds off of that to demonstrate how a market can be impacted by different things.

When market theory is applied it isn't applied assuming a perfect market.

That's utter horseshit. What your saying is that all the economics that came before WW II was founded on a bullshit theory conceived by some government toady after WW II. You don't jack shit about economics except for the propaganda that your government subsidized professors rammed into your thick skull. In other words, you don't know jack shit about economics.

The argument about perfect market theory is a red herring and a stupid distraction created by this clueless clown. The weakness of laissez faire economics has always been a blindness to the imperfections of markets and overly optimistic assumptions concerning the outcomes of markets.

ROFL! The free market has always been an obstacle to the trimmers and con artists who infest the federal government, which is why they have done everything possible to disicredit it since Abraham Lincoln became dictator.

You're just another bootlicking toady doing your masters bidding.

lol, Abraham Lincoln was a dictator and modern economics is jackshit.

This is hilarious.

Not even historians who worship Lincoln deny that he was a dictator.

As always you prove you don't know jack shit about anything you pretend to be an expert on.
Yes, it does; simply Because I say so.
Then you mean your theory of supply and demand. Have you published yet?
No, I mean the opposite of your ignorance.
The opposite of my ignorance, would be what I know. Perhaps you can explain why you think what I know is what you said, that the "theory of supply and demand assumes perfect competition for a benchmark Standard."

What I actually stated, in contrast to your lie, is that your statement is incorrect. Thus, your lie that what I know is what you said, well that would just be a ludicrous lie of yours. Any other ludicrous lies you want to make up?

Why are you even having this pointless slap fight over this point?

The argument over "perfect markets" doesn't hinge either way on it and it was only introduced as a red herring to distract away from the real argument.

What's the "real argument," dumbass?

Is the economy better regulated by "liberty" or government? It is in the title of the thread and can help you remember what a thread is about.

In this case your ignorance of the history of economics is fairly irrelevant to the fact that you are totally ignorant concerning economics period. You don't know what happened in the past and you have less then no understanding of economics. You are also super convinced you are right and will even ignore it when you contradict yourself from thread to thread.
Theory of supply and demand assumes perfect competition for a benchmark Standard.
No it doesn't.
All market theory starts with perfect competition and then builds off of that to demonstrate how a market can be impacted by different things.

When market theory is applied it isn't applied assuming a perfect market.

That's utter horseshit. What your saying is that all the economics that came before WW II was founded on a bullshit theory conceived by some government toady after WW II. You don't jack shit about economics except for the propaganda that your government subsidized professors rammed into your thick skull. In other words, you don't know jack shit about economics.

The argument about perfect market theory is a red herring and a stupid distraction created by this clueless clown. The weakness of laissez faire economics has always been a blindness to the imperfections of markets and overly optimistic assumptions concerning the outcomes of markets.

ROFL! The free market has always been an obstacle to the trimmers and con artists who infest the federal government, which is why they have done everything possible to disicredit it since Abraham Lincoln became dictator.

You're just another bootlicking toady doing your masters bidding.

lol, Abraham Lincoln was a dictator and modern economics is jackshit.

This is hilarious.

Not even historians who worship Lincoln deny that he was a dictator.

As always you prove you don't know jack shit about anything you pretend to be an expert on.

lol, tell us more about how the South started a war because of as you put it, "minor" government involvement with the economy.

You are a clown bub.
Then you mean your theory of supply and demand. Have you published yet?
No, I mean the opposite of your ignorance.
The opposite of my ignorance, would be what I know. Perhaps you can explain why you think what I know is what you said, that the "theory of supply and demand assumes perfect competition for a benchmark Standard."

What I actually stated, in contrast to your lie, is that your statement is incorrect. Thus, your lie that what I know is what you said, well that would just be a ludicrous lie of yours. Any other ludicrous lies you want to make up?

Why are you even having this pointless slap fight over this point?

The argument over "perfect markets" doesn't hinge either way on it and it was only introduced as a red herring to distract away from the real argument.

What's the "real argument," dumbass?

Is the economy better regulated by "liberty" or government? It is in the title of the thread and can help you remember what a thread is about.

In this case your ignorance of the history of economics is fairly irrelevant to the fact that you are totally ignorant concerning economics period. You don't know what happened in the past and you have less then no understanding of economics. You are also super convinced you are right and will even ignore it when you contradict yourself from thread to thread.

The guy who claims all market economics is founded on the theory of "perfect competition" says I am totally ignorant concerning economics?

You're a fucking moron. What's worse, you're arrogant about your ignorance. You' are especially ignorant about anything that occurred before WW II. I've never seen anyone spew so much idiocy in my life.
No it doesn't.
All market theory starts with perfect competition and then builds off of that to demonstrate how a market can be impacted by different things.

When market theory is applied it isn't applied assuming a perfect market.

That's utter horseshit. What your saying is that all the economics that came before WW II was founded on a bullshit theory conceived by some government toady after WW II. You don't jack shit about economics except for the propaganda that your government subsidized professors rammed into your thick skull. In other words, you don't know jack shit about economics.

The argument about perfect market theory is a red herring and a stupid distraction created by this clueless clown. The weakness of laissez faire economics has always been a blindness to the imperfections of markets and overly optimistic assumptions concerning the outcomes of markets.

ROFL! The free market has always been an obstacle to the trimmers and con artists who infest the federal government, which is why they have done everything possible to disicredit it since Abraham Lincoln became dictator.

You're just another bootlicking toady doing your masters bidding.

lol, Abraham Lincoln was a dictator and modern economics is jackshit.

This is hilarious.

Not even historians who worship Lincoln deny that he was a dictator.

As always you prove you don't know jack shit about anything you pretend to be an expert on.

lol, tell us more about how the South started a war because of as you put it, "minor" government involvement with the economy.

You are a clown bub.

You're a fucking moron, What was considered major back then would be considered minor now. That just goes to show how much government has grown since then, Only a complete numskull would call a single tariff "massive government intervention in the economy." Government has thousands of tariffs and quotas on products too numerous to count.

The bottom line is that you're an intellectual jackass.
No, I mean the opposite of your ignorance.
The opposite of my ignorance, would be what I know. Perhaps you can explain why you think what I know is what you said, that the "theory of supply and demand assumes perfect competition for a benchmark Standard."

What I actually stated, in contrast to your lie, is that your statement is incorrect. Thus, your lie that what I know is what you said, well that would just be a ludicrous lie of yours. Any other ludicrous lies you want to make up?

Why are you even having this pointless slap fight over this point?

The argument over "perfect markets" doesn't hinge either way on it and it was only introduced as a red herring to distract away from the real argument.

What's the "real argument," dumbass?

Is the economy better regulated by "liberty" or government? It is in the title of the thread and can help you remember what a thread is about.

In this case your ignorance of the history of economics is fairly irrelevant to the fact that you are totally ignorant concerning economics period. You don't know what happened in the past and you have less then no understanding of economics. You are also super convinced you are right and will even ignore it when you contradict yourself from thread to thread.

The guy who claims all market economics is founded on the theory of "perfect competition" says I am totally ignorant concerning economics?

You're a fucking moron. What's worse, you're arrogant about your ignorance. You' are especially ignorant about anything that occurred before WW II. I've never seen anyone spew so much idiocy in my life.

lol, didn't you say it was some invention of socialists or something like that? Can you tell us more about this world you live in?

I don't know when laissez faire economics turned into some crazy cult of stupid people but I am glad it did because everything you say is pure gold. A laisses faire proponent complaining about perfect markets is pretty much the most bizarre crap I have ever heard.
All market theory starts with perfect competition and then builds off of that to demonstrate how a market can be impacted by different things.

When market theory is applied it isn't applied assuming a perfect market.

That's utter horseshit. What your saying is that all the economics that came before WW II was founded on a bullshit theory conceived by some government toady after WW II. You don't jack shit about economics except for the propaganda that your government subsidized professors rammed into your thick skull. In other words, you don't know jack shit about economics.

The argument about perfect market theory is a red herring and a stupid distraction created by this clueless clown. The weakness of laissez faire economics has always been a blindness to the imperfections of markets and overly optimistic assumptions concerning the outcomes of markets.

ROFL! The free market has always been an obstacle to the trimmers and con artists who infest the federal government, which is why they have done everything possible to disicredit it since Abraham Lincoln became dictator.

You're just another bootlicking toady doing your masters bidding.

lol, Abraham Lincoln was a dictator and modern economics is jackshit.

This is hilarious.

Not even historians who worship Lincoln deny that he was a dictator.

As always you prove you don't know jack shit about anything you pretend to be an expert on.

lol, tell us more about how the South started a war because of as you put it, "minor" government involvement with the economy.

You are a clown bub.

You're a fucking moron, What was considered major back then would be considered minor now. That just goes to show how much government has grown since then, Only a complete numskull would call a single tariff "massive government intervention in the economy." Government has thousands of tariffs and quotas on products too numerous to count.

The bottom line is that you're an intellectual jackass.

So in your world it is both minor and the cause of the civil war. Got it.

Can you tell us more about the economic history between the civil war and WW2 in the US and how awesome and laissez faire it was. I am fascinated by your imagination.
Apparently, even Hilter was brighter than the Right in the US:

Hitler followed an autarky economic policy, creating a network of client states and economic allies in central Europe and Latin America. By cutting wages and taking control of labor unions, plus public works spending, unemployment fell significantly by 1935. Large scale military spending played a major role in the recovery.[104]--

Notice no national and socialized, War on Drugs.
Common sense says liberty since liberty works through millions of shoppers each day while govt works through a handful of distant bureaucrats each day.

Ok. If liberty, as you call profit making, and corporate America has got almost all of what they want...explain 1970 to present.
Well if we let the private corporations regulate,

1) the working class suffers
2) wages go down
3) safety of workers is an afterthought
4) depression here we come

...benefits disappear, unions dried up, more hours worked.

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