Is partition of the United States inevitable?

Not going to happen. Any rebellion by rednecks is going to be put down brutally just as it was the last time. Unfortunately, force is all they understand so at some point there will be a large uprising (possibly a couple of hundred yokels). They may occupy a building or two in a mid-sized city. The support they thought they were going to get won't materialize and they'll either be arrested or go out in a blaze of glory just like they do on their video games that they have played WAYYYYY too often.
This isn't about rebellion.

It's about peacable partition into 2-4 countries.
Due to a stunning lack of imagination and cognition, corny thinks we are like the CHAZ/CHOP fools in Portland. The above is an exact description. Heh
Good point.

Do you think a plan of peaceful partition is workable?

Can the constitutional crisis the Democrats have created be addressed in any other reasonable way?
That's exactly where we are at, but few will admit to it.
But here's the thing.

As I imagine myself considering which state/country to inhabit, I'm mostly drawn to the more concrete, rational conservative side.


You and I have had huge disputes over housing and transit, and we likely don't agree on socialized medicine either.

To me, transit, housing and basic health care are primary human rights, but you probably see this as communism.

Is there any middle ground, any give on these three issues?

A way to blend these common goods with a largely capitalist system otherwise?
January 2023 will tell the tale.

If Garland isn't spending all his days before Congress or behind bars, and Kamala's home hasn't been raided in a search for illegal drugs - among other necessary retribution - the nutless conservatives will have won.

You see. Peaceful or amiable is not possible. You don’t want Justice. You want revenge. You don’t want equality. You want to stand on the corpses of the vanquished.

I have consistently said I don’t know if the Warrant was justified. But you’ve already decided. You’ve decided6 before the evidence is in. You’ve decided, and now you want revenge. How could the separation work? With so many like you determined to get revenge. You wouldn’t accept that the WSA or LSA or whatever wouldn’t collapse. If they started to actually succeed funded in part by the Tariffs they would certainly charge you would rally for stomping them into the ground. When their technological development exceeded yours because the Tech base is located there, you would find yourself demanding invasion and forcing them to serve you.

Hell they could surrender everything to China, and that couldn’t be allowed could it?

You don’t want the Liberals to have a separate nation. You want them jailed, or dead.

I don’t know if the Warrant was justified. I don’t know. And you don’t know either, but you’ve already decided, and you want revenge for the outrage. I’m willing to wait for the facts, but you all on the extreme right, the core Trump Fanboys, nothing will ever change your mind.

It will come to a Civil War. It is impossible to avoid at this point. We have 300 million people in this nation, and if it goes Nuclear we may have fifty million survivors scattered about the ruins after the first month. We may have ten million survivors after six. The world will lose a few billion. And all the things you hate, will be the norm.

Mexicans will be able to cross the border at will, and nothing could stop them because there won’t be a Government, or even enough people to do anything about it. In fact, Mexico along with South and Central America will probably fare better than we will. Nobody will waste nukes on them while bombing their enemies into rubble.

Africa will probably survive. Oh they’ll lose perhaps fifty percent of their population, but they’ll survive. The Middle East will explode, Israel will go out with a bang. Australia will lose some, but again, nobody is going to waste too many bombs nuking wide open deserted territories in the middle of nowhere.

America, Europe, and especially Russia and China will be blown essentially off the map.

So launch the nukes. Get it going. Get it over with. You won’t live with anyone who is unwilling to become as radical as you are. I won’t live like that. Ever.
Not going to happen. Any rebellion by rednecks is going to be put down brutally just as it was the last time. Unfortunately, force is all they understand so at some point there will be a large uprising (possibly a couple of hundred yokels). They may occupy a building or two in a mid-sized city. The support they thought they were going to get won't materialize and they'll either be arrested or go out in a blaze of glory just like they do on their video games that they have played WAYYYYY too often.
Lol. You’d like your government killing Americans.
This article, written by a liberal Democrat last month, claims that it is:


After 8/8, and the profound rage and division which have followed, we are in vastly greater danger than perhaps ever before in our history.

And no one is backing down, but rather the stakes are being raised higher and higher.

So it seems we have two choices:

1) Peaceful partition into a) rational territories and b) irrational territories

2) Civil war (which will result in the above, but after incalculable violence and death)

Is there a third option, or is this country at an end?
The problem is all this division is based on ignorance. The American people are divided because the oligarchs, big corporations, and the two criminal gangs divide them, with the help of the establishment media.

Americans allow themselves to be divided by their absurd support of the two gangs.

It’s particularly absurd when you realize there is little difference between the two gangs.
You don’t want the Liberals to have a separate nation. You want them jailed, or dead.

I don’t know if the Warrant was justified. I don’t know. And you don’t know either, but you’ve already decided, and you want revenge for the outrage. I’m willing to wait for the facts, but you all on the extreme right, the core Trump Fanboys, nothing will ever change your mind.

Wanting equity is wanting people imprisoned or dead?

Let's look at the closest thing to this Trump situation:

Hillary was suspected she had classified material on her server and was ordered by Congress to turn it over.
Hillary had her server bleach bitted.

Trump was suspected of having classified material at his home.
Trump had FBI agents to his home, they searched through all his boxes of material he brought home, and they told him to put a padlock on the door.

Hillary didn't have the authority to declassify anything.
Trump had full authority to declassify anything.

The information Hillary had was available to millions of people across the world.
Trump's material was only available to guests in his home, and that's if he wasn't watching them.

The FBI never raided Hillary's home.
The FBI did raid Trump's home.

Hillary's computer was found to have traces of classified material, and not only was she not prosecuted, she was allowed to run for President.
If Trump is found to have classified material, they will exercise full lenght of the law, and he will not be allowed to run for President ever again.

Trump was accused and investigated for dealing with the Russians to win the election and it turned out to be bullshit.
Hillary did deal with the Russians and got false information on Trump, and she didn't even pay a ticket yet alone face charges.

Trump was falsely accused and impeached over doing a quid pro quo in Ukraine and it was a lie.
Biden did do a quid pro quo in Ukraine as VP, laughed about it while admitting to it on video, and he was allowed to run for President.

Wanting to be treated equal is not wanting revenge, it's wanting equity.
You see. Peaceful or amiable is not possible. You don’t want Justice. You want revenge. You don’t want equality. You want to stand on the corpses of the vanquished.

I have consistently said I don’t know if the Warrant was justified. But you’ve already decided. You’ve decided6 before the evidence is in. You’ve decided, and now you want revenge. How could the separation work? With so many like you determined to get revenge. You wouldn’t accept that the WSA or LSA or whatever wouldn’t collapse. If they started to actually succeed funded in part by the Tariffs they would certainly charge you would rally for stomping them into the ground. When their technological development exceeded yours because the Tech base is located there, you would find yourself demanding invasion and forcing them to serve you.

Hell they could surrender everything to China, and that couldn’t be allowed could it?

You don’t want the Liberals to have a separate nation. You want them jailed, or dead.

I don’t know if the Warrant was justified. I don’t know. And you don’t know either, but you’ve already decided, and you want revenge for the outrage. I’m willing to wait for the facts, but you all on the extreme right, the core Trump Fanboys, nothing will ever change your mind.

It will come to a Civil War. It is impossible to avoid at this point. We have 300 million people in this nation, and if it goes Nuclear we may have fifty million survivors scattered about the ruins after the first month. We may have ten million survivors after six. The world will lose a few billion. And all the things you hate, will be the norm.

Mexicans will be able to cross the border at will, and nothing could stop them because there won’t be a Government, or even enough people to do anything about it. In fact, Mexico along with South and Central America will probably fare better than we will. Nobody will waste nukes on them while bombing their enemies into rubble.

Africa will probably survive. Oh they’ll lose perhaps fifty percent of their population, but they’ll survive. The Middle East will explode, Israel will go out with a bang. Australia will lose some, but again, nobody is going to waste too many bombs nuking wide open deserted territories in the middle of nowhere.

America, Europe, and especially Russia and China will be blown essentially off the map.

So launch the nukes. Get it going. Get it over with. You won’t live with anyone who is unwilling to become as radical as you are. I won’t live like that. Ever.
In the United States an autonomous system can be set up with massive taxing swings. The interstate commerce and road systems can have exits warning of what the area is politically with safety levels. This is doable. It works with guaranteed safety in transportation on highways until exiting into the areas.
But here's the thing.

As I imagine myself considering which state/country to inhabit, I'm mostly drawn to the more concrete, rational conservative side.


You and I have had huge disputes over housing and transit, and we likely don't agree on socialized medicine either.

To me, transit, housing and basic health care are primary human rights, but you probably see this as communism.

Is there any middle ground, any give on these three issues?

A way to blend these common goods with a largely capitalist system otherwise?

On the conservative side we would still have elections and states. It would be the establishment vs the constitutionalists. As for social programs it would run along the same lines or perhaps (as they should be) different in each state The establishment may be for the things you want. The constitutionalists is the side I would be on.

"I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution, that grants Congress the right of expending on articles of benevolence, the money of their constituents."
James Madison, annals of Congress, 1794
Not going to happen. Any rebellion by rednecks is going to be put down brutally just as it was the last time. Unfortunately, force is all they understand so at some point there will be a large uprising (possibly a couple of hundred yokels). They may occupy a building or two in a mid-sized city. The support they thought they were going to get won't materialize and they'll either be arrested or go out in a blaze of glory just like they do on their video games that they have played WAYYYYY too often.

We're not talking about a civil war, we're talking about ways to prevent one.

I've started topics of splitting up the country in the past. Conservatives are either for it or would consider it. Every liberal was outraged by my suggestion.

Face it, you can't live without us. That's why your people are running to our states now. Your theories are flawed, your policies the same, and you need us to save you from yourselves.

I can't imagine a happier environment than never seeing a liberal again. The real benefit is if we voted my side as the conservative country and all you libs had to move out, my property value would double overnight.
We're not talking about a civil war, we're talking about ways to prevent one.

I've started topics of splitting up the country in the past. Conservatives are either for it or would consider it. Every liberal was outraged by my suggestion.

Face it, you can't live without us. That's why your people are running to our states now. Your theories are flawed, your policies the same, and you need us to save you from yourselves.

I can't imagine a happier environment than never seeing a liberal again. The real benefit is if we voted my side as the conservative country and all you libs had to move out, my property value would double overnight.
If Trump gets elected again, California might secede. That just might get the ball rolling for other states to secede.

Now if we have a potus like Dishonest Abe, expect him or her to mass murder Americans to keep them in the beloved perpetual Union.


I'm in the middle and trust neither party, but what the Democrats have done over the last 6 years, culminating in 8/8...

It simply cannot stand.

So, raiding the home of your Orange Baboon-God was the Last Straw?


Bring it.

A massive Republican victory this fall leads to a shit show in early 2023 in which every deranged Democrat insurrectionest is called on the congressional carpet for the next 2+ years...

We MIGHT be able to avoid partition.

The fascists love to brag about how wonderful the economy of California is. But the economy is driven by natural resources, particularly the natural deep water port in Long Beach / Los Angeles - the busiest port in the world.

Whoever controls that port will control a 7th of the economy in the world. There would be no way to partition such resources. Add in San Diego and San Francisco, though nothing like Long Beach harbor, and you have the wealth of California.

Partitions aren't just about politics, they are about resources. The Imperial Valley in California is the most fertile farm land in the world - but depends on water from the San Jaquane delta - which the democrats have denied. Hence most of our produce now comes from Mexico or Chili - but that is because of the war on food waged by the Nazi party.

Whoever controlled the delta AND the Imperial Valley would control the food supply of most of the nation. Again, how do you partition this? What about the oil and shale fields of the Dakotas?

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