Is partition of the United States inevitable?

If Trump gets elected again, California might secede. That just might get the ball rolling for other states to secede.

Now if we have a potus like Dishonest Abe, expect him or her to mass murder Americans to keep them in the beloved perpetual Union.

The left is all bark and no bite. What about all the entertainers that vowed to leave the country if the court reversed Roe? They're all still here. And what about all the entertainers that vowed to leave if Trump or GW won the election? Never happened.

They're all a bunch of hypocrites. They love illegals entering the country until they get bused into their liberal cities and states, then it's a problem. It's not a problem for our southern and red states, just theirs. And when they claim to leave the country, they say they're going to Canada or Europe, not Mexico, the people they claim to love so much.
3. Not give into the extremist teenage angst and find the middle ground like we almost always have in the past

You mean like NOT using the Gestapo to attack the opposition candidate that you can't defeat at the polls?

The Nazi party has destroyed the past. What your Reich does was unthinkable even a decade ago. We are in this civil war because your Reich in it's lust for absolute power has waged war on everything that keeps society civil. From your war on civil rights, outlawing speech, religion, attempting to shutting down opposition press (before you lie, remember what you Nazis did to the New York Post when it revealed the Hunter laptop.) Your attacks on the 4th Amendment, scouring the taxes of enemies in order to attack them. You Reich is putting 87,000 new ARMED IRS agents on the streets to wage taxfare against your enemies.

Are you Nazis willing to relinquish your totalitarian agenda to have peace?

What's driving this civil war is that you Nazis have driven the decent people to hate you as much as you have always and openly hated us. You Nazis are school yard bullies. You are outraged that your victims are fighting back against you.

First step you Nazis can take to move back toward peace - live by the same laws and rules you impose of your enemies.

But we ALL know that will never happen - and that's why bloodshed is inevitable.
The fascists love to brag about how wonderful the economy of California is. But the economy is driven by natural resources, particularly the natural deep water port in Long Beach / Los Angeles - the busiest port in the world.

Whoever controls that port will control a 7th of the economy in the world. There would be no way to partition such resources. Add in San Diego and San Francisco, though nothing like Long Beach harbor, and you have the wealth of California.

Partitions aren't just about politics, they are about resources. The Imperial Valley in California is the most fertile farm land in the world - but depends on water from the San Jaquane delta - which the democrats have denied. Hence most of our produce now comes from Mexico or Chili - but that is because of the war on food waged by the Nazi party.

Whoever controlled the delta AND the Imperial Valley would control the food supply of most of the nation. Again, how do you partition this? What about the oil and shale fields of the Dakotas?

Its sad to watch such a geographically beautiful state fall into a third world communist state. They celebrate the drugheads, abominable sexual deviants, communism, while hundreds of thousands are fleeing that dump.
But here's the thing.

As I imagine myself considering which state/country to inhabit, I'm mostly drawn to the more concrete, rational conservative side.


You and I have had huge disputes over housing and transit, and we likely don't agree on socialized medicine either.

To me, transit, housing and basic health care are primary human rights, but you probably see this as communism.

Is there any middle ground, any give on these three issues?

A way to blend these common goods with a largely capitalist system otherwise?
Nothing wrong with being conservative, Nothing wrong with wanting all Americans to care about other Americans having some measure of basic care. We already have a largely capitalist system. ITS the crazy part that some would believe that tearing our country apart is better than working together. That one or the other political party being in control will by some magic fix everything.
The left is all bark and no bite. What about all the entertainers that vowed to leave the country if the court reversed Roe? They're all still here. And what about all the entertainers that vowed to leave if Trump or GW won the election? Never happened.

They're all a bunch of hypocrites. They love illegals entering the country until they get bused into their liberal cities and states, then it's a problem. It's not a problem for our southern and red states, just theirs. And when they claim to leave the country, they say they're going to Canada or Europe, not Mexico, the people they claim to love so much.
If dumb Don gets re-elected, the left will bite. They’ve been so thoroughly indoctrinated with hate for dumb Don, though he’s not much different than dumb Joe.

Is partition of the United States inevitable?​

No…sadly, nutless conservatives will do what nutless conservatives have done for decades…they’ll take it in the ass and concede and then pretend they didn’t. That’s what they do.

The reason we are in the situation we're in is because the Nazis are school yard bullies. Donald Trump stood up to the bullies.

Now the Nazis, the democrats, deathly fear a "revenge of the nerds" situation, where their victims stand up to them. The reason they hate Trump so deeply is he showed that they CAN be stood up to, that we DON'T have to take it up the ass.

This is why the Gestapo raided Trumps home, to try and make the point that the can and will get anyone who stands against them.

The POWER of the Reich is illusory - it's smoke and mirrors. Trumps security forces at Mar-a-Lago could have defeated the democrat Gestapo soldiers Garland sent in an open battle. The democrats KNOW this, they DEPEND on submission. Their GREATEST fear is that the people stop submitting. Give the proles a rigged election and tell them they are in charge while the Reich rules unopposed.

The power of "NO."

Will you submit to the Nazi democrats? You have the power to say "NO.'
This isn't the past. The left keeps drifting further and further left while the right keeps pressing towards constitutionalism. There is no middle ground between Communism and constitutionalism. There is more middle ground between the Palestinians and the Jews.

The only way to save at least half of this country is to divide it in half, north to south. We have a national vote which side is conservative and which side is liberal. We have a land trade-off. If you own a 2500 square foot house in the now liberal country, you can trade for a 2500 square foot house in the new conservative country. Then we conservatives will erect a huge Trump wall to keep the liberals out of our country.

If you are a liberal that refuses to move out of the conservative country, you can stay, but you can't vote, can't protest, and be put to death if you riot. The libs can make their own rules about conservatives that don't want to leave their country.

Everybody would be happy again. The lib side could tax their job creators 90% if they want. They can disarm everybody in their country including the police. They may even choose not to have police. They can make attempts to supply all their energy from windmills and solar farms. They can have as many illegals as they desire per year. They can make all recreational narcotics legal, and have all companies be unionized.

On our side firearms would be legal to anybody except for felons. We would tax our job producers at a low rate. We would give full authority to our police to use any means necessary to apprehend criminals including deadly force. Our social programs would involve private investment, and government supporting only those that have no ability to support themselves. On our side men would be men and women would be women. Our schools would be allowed to teach religion again.
Unfortunately ideologies are MENTAL.

In your imaginary conservative country. Liberals will be born. The cancer of liberalism will spread and in another 50 years there will again be talk of splitting your conservative country.

The ONLY way is at the ballot box.. if you can't change minds you will always lose.
Yes, but the federal government has power over all states.

And should NOT.

Our Constitution is based on consent of the governed. But that isn't how the Nazi democrats operate, They impose rule through submission based on fear.

This is what they make such big productions of their abuses of civil rights. It's why we STILL have Stalinist show trials for those who dared stand up and protest against the Reich on 1/6, so the Reich can provide a warning to any who would stand up to them how harsh even minor crimes will be treated against enemies.

The motto of the democrats is "SUBMIT."

Our motto must be "NO."

The power of "NO."
Unfortunately ideologies are MENTAL.

In your imaginary conservative country. Liberals will be born. The cancer of liberalism will spread and in another 50 years there will again be talk of splitting your conservative country.

The ONLY way is at the ballot box.. if you can't change minds you will always lose.
Liberalism is a good thing.

We struggle against fascism. The democrats are not "liberal," quite the opposite. They are totalitarian collectivists.
That is not just not true.
You know that doesn't matter.

In the spectacularly unlikely event that something like this occurred, I hope there would be some purple states that welcomed ideas and opinions from everyone, with collaboration and innovation as the goal.

Those are the states that would be the most dynamic and succeed the best.


Constitutionalism like January 6, 2021?

Were you aware that the Constitution protects the rights of ALL people, even the enemies of your Reich, to protest and seek redress of greivance?

Such as what people did at the Reichstag Fire.

Again, if you Nazis are serious about wanting peace. stop fucking lying to demonize your victims.

But that's not where the Republic is at.

Stop lying to demonize your enemies - which you do to justify the atrocities you are committing against the political prisoners. Atrocities you inflict in order to create fear so that people will submit.

Was there rioting at the Reichstag Fire? Yes, and rioters should be punished in the EXACT measure that rioters in the democrat Kristallnacht were punished. But you Nazis let your Brown Shirts from the Kristallnacht off - hell Kamaltoe was bailing them out.

Was the Reichstag Fire an "insurrection?" How utterly fucking stupid - and we all know it. It was a protest with some rioting.

But CHAZ/CHOP was a real, honest to god insurrection - armed democrat troops occupied and held American territory for 10 weeks while you cheered. Do we see any congressional hearings? Anyone in prison over it?

The complete lack of any semblance of law and justice, coupled with the extreme rhetoric and demagoguery by the Nazis in Congress created the situation we have now, where no sane person has any faith in the justice system.

Those like you cheer the destruction of the rule of law as it gives power to your Reich, but even you don't think there is anything even approaching equal justice.
An interesting statistic...

Recent survey shows 42% of Americans have started growing their own produce​

According to the National Gardening Association, millennials make up 29 percent of gardener demographics.

The above doesn't break down if the 42% are liberal/progressives or conservatives which would be interesting.
My point for bringing this up is with a division as being discussed how involved would such a division be in food distribution for example. With the majority of population in large cities under liberal/progressives would your local food stores see shortages? With the largest oil production coming from a red state and a liberal CA working to eliminate fossil fuels,
what would CA do if food, fuel, etc. be reduced?
So does the USA continue with this growing schism between reality vs non-reality?
Not going to happen. Any rebellion by rednecks is going to be put down brutally just as it was the last time. Unfortunately, force is all they understand so at some point there will be a large uprising (possibly a couple of hundred yokels). They may occupy a building or two in a mid-sized city. The support they thought they were going to get won't materialize and they'll either be arrested or go out in a blaze of glory just like they do on their video games that they have played WAYYYYY too often.

Are you going to throw quarters you earned in the adult bookstores in the 60's at us?

What you are far, far too stupid to grasp, is you've caused us to hate you as deeply as you've always hated us. We have no reason to be civil to you Nazis - none.

You are our enemy and will be treated as what you are.
The problem is all this division is based on ignorance. The American people are divided because the oligarchs, big corporations, and the two criminal gangs divide them, with the help of the establishment media.

Americans allow themselves to be divided by their absurd support of the two gangs.

It’s particularly absurd when you realize there is little difference between the two gangs.

Name the Oligarchs and you'll see a pattern with them.

Standard Disclaimer: They're nearly all fascist democrats.
The USA is not split between states, but between metropolitan and small town/rural American. California is not all blue and Texas is not all red. That is the problem. Therefore a split simply does not work. I really don't know how all this can play out in the future. The split between red and blue American is so deep , I Just do not see how it can be overcome. At the same time separation ideas are impossible to realize.

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