Is Piers Morgan a "Strawman Sock Puppet" ???


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
I've noticed that every time Pier's Morgan have a show about guns in America, he seems to get owned, embarrassingly.

Then he comes back for more. I begin to wonder if it's because he always gets high ratings (people like to watch him get destroyed) when he schedules those types of topics, or because he's a media socket puppet, making Gun Control Advocates look like morons?

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Piers Morgan is merely a very, very thick-skinned individual who laughs at his detractors because he thinks/believes they aren't in on the joke. Despite being an anchor for CNN, he isn't a liberal. Neither is he a Conservative. He's someone who can wake-up in the morning and absorb all the vitriol and derision his 'interviews' provoke like no other. No amount of headlines, talkshows or internet chatter will deter him from taking it on the chin, everyday, in return for a handsome paycheck. When he goes to bed at night, he doesn't lose a wink of sleep over what he said or did on TV or what most of us would consider awkward or humiliating criticism from the opposition.
He is also a liar, Briton was named one of the most dangerous places to live... People still killed people, just without guns.

did a quick google, I don't care who runs the site.

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S. : The Jack Blood Show

The UK has the second highest overall crime rate in the EU.
It has a higher homicide rate than most of our western European neighbours, including France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
The UK has the fifth highest robbery rate in the EU.
It has the fourth highest burglary rate and the highest absolute number of burglaries in the EU, with double the number of offences than recorded in Germany and France.
I just watched him tonight on purpose, most volatile news program I've ever seen. He keeps accusing Joe Paterno of a myriad of crimes without having ANY proof (even though it's probably true, you can't convinct people on strong beliefs).

Then he brought on some woman who's baby got shot in the face. She describes how the two young men (15 and 17 years old) approached her with a gun, asked for her money, shot her ear (grazed), the the pavement (bounced), then shot her in the leg, she still told them she had no money, and then shot her baby in the face.

Then she tried to call the police, they went to shoot her and finish her off, but they were out of ammo. So they roughed her up real good and ran away. After that she went to a nearby house and police arrived about twelve minutes later.

What's interesting is that she wasn't fooled by Pier's Morgan, even though her child was just killed less than seven days ago and she was shot in the leg, even though she was hysterical. She didn't take the bait and say "all guns are evil." She ignored Pier's Morgan (even Pier's knew he couldn't' chastise her) and kept talking about the conditions and young men themselves, not the guns.

Then she told Pier's (as he kept trying to fool her into an anti gun comment that her 17 year old was stabbed to death several years ago, which then forces you to realize that your son will be killed, with, or without a gun, if the criminal is willing to commit the act of murder.

Should we ban knives? No, even Pier's knows how silly it would be to go down that road. So instead of keeping her on for a few more minutes, he just cordially dismisses her off the show, like a lost opportunity.

As of the writing of this post, Pier's is still on with 9 minutes to go.

I bet that woman is applying for concealed carry after the police didn't arrive for twelve minutes AFTER the call (it took her a long time to even make the call).
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I've noticed that every time Pier's Morgan have a show about guns in America, he seems to get owned, embarrassingly.

Then he comes back for more. I begin to wonder if it's because he always gets high ratings (people like to watch him get destroyed) when he schedules those types of topics, or because he's a media socket puppet, making Gun Control Advocates look like morons?

Jesse Ventura Debates Piers Morgan on Gun Control - YouTube

Larry Pratt Skillfully Destroys Piers Morgan on Gun Control Debate - YouTube


Alex Jones Piers Morgan Part 1. 1776 Will Commence Again' If Guns Taken Away - YouTube

Piers Morgan Vs Ted Nugent On Gun Control - YouTube

First of all, having gun topics guarantees ratings no matter how the discussion goes, because it's a hot topic. So that's the reason for the recurrence; as long as it's hot, they'll continue to milk it.

Second, what you 'notice' about "getting owned" is entirely subjective and coloured by your own preconceptions-- seeing in the debate the parts you want to see. "All lies and jest, still a man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest". I haven't seen all these but from the ones I have seen, Nugent and Jones made complete asses of themselves, just from a standpoint of responsible debate alone.

Simply slapping a title of "Joe Blow Skillfully Destroys Joe Bloggs" doesn't make it a reality; it's just a YouTube wanker prepoisoning his own well from his own preconceptions. Real debate includes an actual exchange of ideas -- meaning one's adversary may have a point too.

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