Is racism a problem in America?

Is racism a problem in America?

  • Yes, it's worse than ever.

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • Yes, but we've come a long way.

    Votes: 10 55.6%
  • Yes, but it's nearly gone.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • No, but we only just got things set right.

    Votes: 1 5.6%
  • No, the civil rights movement took care of it.

    Votes: 2 11.1%
  • No, it's never been a problem.

    Votes: 1 5.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Calm as a Hindu cow
Nov 28, 2008
Just wanting to get a general feel for the way the board leans on this issue. :)

I know my poll answers won't reflect every view, just pick whatever is closest and expand in the thread.
There is always racism because it is a subset of notme-ism.

No matter where you go in the world, every individual will have some bias favoring whatever group(s) they belong: male, female, white, black, gay, straight, muslim, jew, etc, etc.

However, I think that the majority of thoughtful and courteous people in this country have toned down their racism to the point that it has improved.
Of course racism is a problem in the United States and if you don't believe me try living near northern Idaho.
Just wanting to get a general feel for the way the board leans on this issue. :)

I know my poll answers won't reflect every view, just pick whatever is closest and expand in the thread.

Yes, racism is a big problem, if the left would stop being such racists we'd be a lot better off........:cool:
Just wanting to get a general feel for the way the board leans on this issue. :)

I know my poll answers won't reflect every view, just pick whatever is closest and expand in the thread.

Yes, racism is a big problem, if the left would stop being such racists we'd be a lot better off........:cool:
way to spin the issue around on the left. We all know how un racist the right is.:doubt:
Who voted "worse than ever"? Racism today is worse than it was in the 19th century...?
Racism is natural and occurs everywhere, even those who deny it. It's equality that should be concerned, but in the US we are all treated equally by the law regardless of racial traits so ... meh.
There is a high concentration of blacks, hispanics and rednecks where I live and there is more than enough racism to go around. I just try to stay out of the way.
Racism is natural and occurs everywhere, even those who deny it. It's equality that should be concerned, but in the US we are all treated equally by the law regardless of racial traits so ... meh.

No we are not. And I do not just mean by the color of ones skin. Try Family Courts where most judges automatically side with the female. Try the fact that white males are now heavily discriminated against in Government jobs and else where.

I will not vote because there is no close answer of those provided.
There is a high concentration of blacks, hispanics and rednecks where I live and there is more than enough racism to go around. I just try to stay out of the way.

Been to Little Rock, spent a year there ... but I hung with the bikers so didn't spend much time with anyone else. Booze Fighters rule! They know how to party, and how to be safe at the same time. :eek:
There is a high concentration of blacks, hispanics and rednecks where I live and there is more than enough racism to go around. I just try to stay out of the way.

Been to Little Rock, spent a year there ... but I hung with the bikers so didn't spend much time with anyone else. Booze Fighters rule! They know how to party, and how to be safe at the same time. :eek:

I bet we have some mutual friends then! Too bad I have to remain anonymous. Secret agent stuff, 'ya know.
There is a high concentration of blacks, hispanics and rednecks where I live and there is more than enough racism to go around. I just try to stay out of the way.

Been to Little Rock, spent a year there ... but I hung with the bikers so didn't spend much time with anyone else. Booze Fighters rule! They know how to party, and how to be safe at the same time. :eek:

I bet we have some mutual friends then! Too bad I have to remain anonymous. Secret agent stuff, 'ya know.

Wow ... when did you start working for the CIA to? Eerie ...

:tongue: Probably, Booze fighters were a tight knit group, but they were all great people. Since I wasn't working in the city though I never noticed anyone else so never saw any racial tensions. But I don't doubt it, try going to Indianapolis IN sometime, talk about tension across the board!
Who voted "worse than ever"? Racism today is worse than it was in the 19th century...?

I did. Today's racism is worse because it is more dishonest. Racist policies are passed in the name of racial equality and systems that keep the disadvantaged down are lauded as great equalizers

at least slave owners were honest :doubt:
Who voted "worse than ever"? Racism today is worse than it was in the 19th century...?

I did. Today's racism is worse because it is more dishonest. Racist policies are passed in the name of racial equality and systems that keep the disadvantaged down are lauded as great equalizers

at least slave owners were honest :doubt:
So you admit that the Civil Rights Movement didn't fix anything did it? :lol:
So you admit that the Civil Rights Movement didn't fix anything did it? :lol:

The CVM and the civil rights laws passed by the Republican party righted many wrongs; the racism and manipulation of the masses by the KKK and its Democrat members serve to undo that progress, along with help from the neocons
Is racism a problem in America?

Not if you're White and wealthy.


Yeah, sometimes.
Who voted "worse than ever"? Racism today is worse than it was in the 19th century...?

I did, the left wing in this country needs racism and they do what they can to keep it alive and well. What would they do without it ? About 75% of their shtick would be gone without racism and they'd have to find other ways to demonize those whom they disagree with...........:eusa_whistle:
Is racism a problem in America?

Not if you're White and wealthy.


Yeah, sometimes.

I'd expect that from the usual ass clowns, i thought you were more level headed than that .......
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Racism is just a tool used to keep people divided. The real problems are class based, but so long as the working poor are blaming each other they cannot direct their anger at the appropriate targets. I have to say that while I do not like the TARP it has done more to help correct this problem than any voting rights act or NAACP.
Racism is just a tool used to keep people divided. The real problems are class based, but so long as the working poor are blaming each other they cannot direct their anger at the appropriate targets. I have to say that while I do not like the TARP it has done more to help correct this problem than any voting rights act or NAACP.

Racism is a tool the LEFT NEEDS, period. That's why racism will NEVER fade away in this country........

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