Is racism even real anymore?

must be parody, as actually he/she supports protecting statues and flags that respect and honor those Democrats he is talking about
Yes, we (American patriots) preserve statues and history so we don't forget our past good and bad. Democrats celebrate the bad and Republicans celebrate the good. We also have a deep understanding of events and times past. We do not try to apply the morals of today to the past and think we can change the past by erasing memories or statuary. In short, we learn from the past so we don't repeat the same bad shit. Destroying the past precludes that knowledge.
The confederacy were traitors who seceded from the union and waged war on the United States. And every time you talk about your interpretation of the constitution you apply todays morals to the past. You haven't learn shit from the past or the events we are seeing would not happen. Your post was a bunch of bs excuses.

And were beaten, mostly forgiven and mostly brought back into the United States as Citizens. The people who actually beat them let them remember their fight as they saw fit, as long as they didn't try it again.

Along the way reconstruction got fucked up and we ended up fighting some things all over again about a century later.
If you don't vote for Joe Biden you are a racist. If you are black and don't vote for Joe Biden you are not black. All blacks think alike according to Joe Biden. I'd say 'what is racism' has become lets say blurred by the left and Joe Biden.
Yes that's because once one recognizes just how racist Democrats are, their party will shrivel up and die because that's all they have.

And you can't tell us you support freedom of expression by burning the American flag, and then demand the removal of all confederate flags across the country. You can't tell us the American flag is nothing more than died cloth that has no meaning, but a confederate flag is so offensive.
If you don't vote for Joe Biden you are a racist. If you are black and don't vote for Joe Biden you are not black. All blacks think alike according to Joe Biden. I'd say 'what is racism' has become lets say blurred by the left and Joe Biden.

Blacks are all alike. They don't have different cultures like Hispanics. Blacks have one culture, that's it.
If you don't vote for Joe Biden you are a racist. If you are black and don't vote for Joe Biden you are not black. All blacks think alike according to Joe Biden. I'd say 'what is racism' has become lets say blurred by the left and Joe Biden.
Yes that's because once one recognizes just how racist Democrats are, their party will shrivel up and die because that's all they have.
Listen, Mr. 'Airborne Toxic' and 'dumbfuck'........Dear Democrats you can't be the party of blacks when you are the ones who kept and owned slaves. Today you Democrats promise blacks free shit to get their vote and keep them in the projects JUST LIKE THE PLANTATIONS. Look at all the violence in your Democrat controlled cities for further proof.
In the last ten years, or even the last 20, I am not seeing racism, systemic or otherwise. I am seeing poor blacks failing to acclimate and blaming their failure on whites, though. And for 50 years we have had multiple social programs that give free food & and housing and job assistance to blacks. I see blacks instead, harm whites and each other and continually shift the blame. Enough. I don't care anymore what cops do, stop rioting and looting. There are no reparations, just grow the fuck up and stop shifting the blame.

Think for a moment: where would the Democrat party be today without racism? They would be buried. With help from the MSM, it's imperative that racism be kept alive and well even if it's not a real issue today.

So how do they do that? Expand the definition of racism. It's classical definition is this:

a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.

hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

So how is racism to have been against the marxist policies of Obama? How is it racism when police have to subdue a hostile suspect and he ends up dead? How is it racism to show facts and statistics? The Democrat party made it that way.
In the last ten years, or even the last 20, I am not seeing racism, systemic or otherwise. I am seeing poor blacks failing to acclimate and blaming their failure on whites, though. And for 50 years we have had multiple social programs that give free food & and housing and job assistance to blacks. I see blacks instead, harm whites and each other and continually shift the blame. Enough. I don't care anymore what cops do, stop rioting and looting. There are no reparations, just grow the fuck up and stop shifting the blame.

One seldom sees something you're not looking for. You're looking to blame black people for being poor and being murdered by the police.

You're the one shifting the blame here. 80% of blacks aren't poor. They're not living on social programs, they are working just like white people, but they're still likely to be shot for looking "suspicious" while going to the 7/11. Instead you taught to ignore black complaints as "shifting blame".

Republicans continue to lie about black people, painting them as criminals and dependent on welfare, when the vast majority of black people are tax paying citizens just like you, and they're fed up with being targeted by the police for "living while black".
In the last ten years, or even the last 20, I am not seeing racism, systemic or otherwise. I am seeing poor blacks failing to acclimate and blaming their failure on whites, though. And for 50 years we have had multiple social programs that give free food & and housing and job assistance to blacks. I see blacks instead, harm whites and each other and continually shift the blame. Enough. I don't care anymore what cops do, stop rioting and looting. There are no reparations, just grow the fuck up and stop shifting the blame.

Depends what you mean by racism. Leftist take the view that any type of favorable treatment or even outcome is racism. An impossible standard as any leftist standard. Leftists want all the free shit, not just some, and it is up to others to determine how much they can take.

A better question is whether one should care very much about racism. The answer is an obvious no, the white nations are too open minded if anything.
In the last ten years, or even the last 20, I am not seeing racism, systemic or otherwise. I am seeing poor blacks failing to acclimate and blaming their failure on whites, though. And for 50 years we have had multiple social programs that give free food & and housing and job assistance to blacks. I see blacks instead, harm whites and each other and continually shift the blame. Enough. I don't care anymore what cops do, stop rioting and looting. There are no reparations, just grow the fuck up and stop shifting the blame.
Have you thought about starting a different thread than the one you have repeated the last 1000 times?
Shut up fool. You exist here to be our punching bag, nothing more. Your opinions arent needed or welcomed.
Not feeling ‘fresh’ there today, dear?

Go take a shower or something.
Shut up fool, and dance for our amusement.
In the last ten years, or even the last 20, I am not seeing racism, systemic or otherwise. I am seeing poor blacks failing to acclimate and blaming their failure on whites, though. And for 50 years we have had multiple social programs that give free food & and housing and job assistance to blacks. I see blacks instead, harm whites and each other and continually shift the blame. Enough. I don't care anymore what cops do, stop rioting and looting. There are no reparations, just grow the fuck up and stop shifting the blame.
Well the GOP has been screwing regular people 4 30 years so coarse blacks do the worst. We need cheap college and training for good jobs that the Germans are getting. Because we have no money to invest in America and Americans after all the tax cuts for the rich.

who is "the rich"?
In the last ten years, or even the last 20, I am not seeing racism, systemic or otherwise. I am seeing poor blacks failing to acclimate and blaming their failure on whites, though. And for 50 years we have had multiple social programs that give free food & and housing and job assistance to blacks. I see blacks instead, harm whites and each other and continually shift the blame. Enough. I don't care anymore what cops do, stop rioting and looting. There are no reparations, just grow the fuck up and stop shifting the blame.
Have you thought about starting a different thread than the one you have repeated the last 1000 times?
Shut up fool. You exist here to be our punching bag, nothing more. Your opinions arent needed or welcomed.
Not feeling ‘fresh’ there today, dear?

Go take a shower or something.
Shut up fool, and dance for our amusement.
Maybe shake some of the sand out?
No one is impressed by your lame comebacks. Why are you always so corny?
If you don't vote for Joe Biden you are a racist. If you are black and don't vote for Joe Biden you are not black. All blacks think alike according to Joe Biden. I'd say 'what is racism' has become lets say blurred by the left and Joe Biden.
Yes that's because once one recognizes just how racist Democrats are, their party will shrivel up and die because that's all they have.

And you can't tell us you support freedom of expression by burning the American flag, and then demand the removal of all confederate flags across the country. You can't tell us the American flag is nothing more than died cloth that has no meaning, but a confederate flag is so offensive.
Supreme court ruled flag burning is protected speech.
When blacks are walking with democrats than we need a better definition
If you don't vote for Joe Biden you are a racist. If you are black and don't vote for Joe Biden you are not black. All blacks think alike according to Joe Biden. I'd say 'what is racism' has become lets say blurred by the left and Joe Biden.
Yes that's because once one recognizes just how racist Democrats are, their party will shrivel up and die because that's all they have.

And you can't tell us you support freedom of expression by burning the American flag, and then demand the removal of all confederate flags across the country. You can't tell us the American flag is nothing more than died cloth that has no meaning, but a confederate flag is so offensive.
Supreme court ruled flag burning is protected speech.

I'm well aware of that. But I love outing you hypocrites.
If you don't vote for Joe Biden you are a racist. If you are black and don't vote for Joe Biden you are not black. All blacks think alike according to Joe Biden. I'd say 'what is racism' has become lets say blurred by the left and Joe Biden.
Yes that's because once one recognizes just how racist Democrats are, their party will shrivel up and die because that's all they have.

And you can't tell us you support freedom of expression by burning the American flag, and then demand the removal of all confederate flags across the country. You can't tell us the American flag is nothing more than died cloth that has no meaning, but a confederate flag is so offensive.
Supreme court ruled flag burning is protected speech.
Not if there are no cameras around hehe
The black African's genomic tendency to overspiritualize the socius is intimately linked to infantilism, the exact same kind we see in xianity and other religions/protection rackets. BLM's modus operandi uses pre-emptive shock. The phrase, 'black lives matter,' is racist, because it excludes while reifying itself, all other races. It is a selfish phrase that has no room in a democracy, because that phrase will be subsumed by the collective, by default, and also due to reactionary forces protecting the infrastructure of society from BLM-Antifa destruction.

Chodorov's important passage exposes BLM's pathology, which includes sloth:

'It is in the free market that self-interest finds its finest expression; that is a cardinal point in individualism. If the market is regularly raided, by robbers of the government, and the safety of property is impaired, the individual loses interest in production, and the abundance of things men live by shrinks. Hence, it is for the good of society that self-interest in the economic sphere be allowed to operate without hindrance.

But self-interest is not selfishness. Self-interest will impel the manufacturer to improve upon his outputs so as to attract trade, while selfishness will prompt him to seek the special privileges and state favor that in the end destroy the very system of economic freedom on which he depends. The worker who tries to improve his lot by rendering better service could hardly be called selfish; the description rather fits the worker who demands that he be paid for not working. This subsidy seeker is selfish, and so is every citizen who uses the law to enrich himself at the expense of other citizens.'
(Chodorov F, Fugitive Essays: What Individualism Is Not)

BLM's attempt at pre-emptive racism ("black lives matter") mimics this desire for enrichment.
If you don't vote for Joe Biden you are a racist. If you are black and don't vote for Joe Biden you are not black. All blacks think alike according to Joe Biden. I'd say 'what is racism' has become lets say blurred by the left and Joe Biden.
Yes that's because once one recognizes just how racist Democrats are, their party will shrivel up and die because that's all they have.

And you can't tell us you support freedom of expression by burning the American flag, and then demand the removal of all confederate flags across the country. You can't tell us the American flag is nothing more than died cloth that has no meaning, but a confederate flag is so offensive.
Supreme court ruled flag burning is protected speech.

I'm well aware of that. But I love outing you hypocrites.

You bitch slapped the left hard on that one. Only liberal approved free speech is acceptable in their world view.
In the last ten years, or even the last 20, I am not seeing racism, systemic or otherwise. I am seeing poor blacks failing to acclimate and blaming their failure on whites, though. And for 50 years we have had multiple social programs that give free food & and housing and job assistance to blacks. I see blacks instead, harm whites and each other and continually shift the blame. Enough. I don't care anymore what cops do, stop rioting and looting. There are no reparations, just grow the fuck up and stop shifting the blame.
We had a man attack police in their squad car, riots. We had a man die of an overdose, riots. Then a guy points a taser at cops, and I believe a man killed himself in the back of a van, riots. This crap started with Obama, and the media is pushing it strong today. We aren't talking about the LA riots or the LAPD here.
None of those things happened. This shit started with George Washington. A slave owner long before there was a democratic party.
This shit actually started with African Kings trading lives for goods. Get your history straight.
No, it happened like I said because what you said is fairly inaccurate. Africans did not make slavery legal in the US and the trans Atlantic slave trade began with Portuguese kidnapping Africans.
But you just said it started with George Washington. There were more white slaves in the Mediterranean in those times than there were black slaves en total.

So now it's the fault of the Portuguese?

History matters.
It did start in this country when it officially became a nation when Washington was president. Because we are talking about America and there were not more white slaves in the Mediterranean than total black slaves.

It continued when the states formed the union, otherwise, no union and slavery would have still existed. In fact it's only been in the last couple hundred years since it was abolished in the developed world.
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The Confederacy was made up our most loyal troops and heros from previous wars

Baloney, some of the officers fit that category but mostly both armies were filled at first with young men who enlisted after the navel show at Ft. Sumter. After their terms were up and the war drug on and lots of young men died, both side started conscription. Of course in the South the elite could buy their way out........
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If you don't vote for Joe Biden you are a racist. If you are black and don't vote for Joe Biden you are not black. All blacks think alike according to Joe Biden. I'd say 'what is racism' has become lets say blurred by the left and Joe Biden.
Yes that's because once one recognizes just how racist Democrats are, their party will shrivel up and die because that's all they have.

And you can't tell us you support freedom of expression by burning the American flag, and then demand the removal of all confederate flags across the country. You can't tell us the American flag is nothing more than died cloth that has no meaning, but a confederate flag is so offensive.

A citizen can burn a flag he owns, no matter what the flag is. He can't burn your flag, or steal somebody else's flag and burn it because he doesn't like that flag. But flying a flag above a capital or at a courthouse is different than burning a flag. Citizens have the right to oppose or support what ever flag they want to fly.

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