Is Republican "war profiteering" considered "treason"?



Rand Paul says Dick Cheney exploited 9/11 [VIDEO] -

WASHINGTON, April 8 (UPI) -- A video has emerged of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney of pushing for the Iraq war to benefit his former employer Halliburton.

Rand Paul with very late news: Dick Cheney pushed for Iraq war - National Politics

One of the most transparently obvious drivers for the Iraq war came from vested interest by the lobbyists and government participants who would benefit from it financially. It isn’t just Dick Cheney as Rand Paul came to realize.

The entire Military Industrial Complex wanted that war and Republican wealthy constituents and their corporations profited tremendously off the backs of the American middle class. The Bush administration raped and pillaged America and loaded the nation with debt and deficit. Then, along came the Republican Party to blame the poor and Democrats for that.


Strange that any Republican would have the nerve to talk about this so late in the game.
Rand Paul says Dick Cheney exploited 9/11 [VIDEO] -

WASHINGTON, April 8 (UPI) -- A video has emerged of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney of pushing for the Iraq war to benefit his former employer Halliburton.

Rand Paul with very late news: Dick Cheney pushed for Iraq war - National Politics

One of the most transparently obvious drivers for the Iraq war came from vested interest by the lobbyists and government participants who would benefit from it financially. It isn’t just Dick Cheney as Rand Paul came to realize.

The entire Military Industrial Complex wanted that war and Republican wealthy constituents and their corporations profited tremendously off the backs of the American middle class. The Bush administration raped and pillaged America and loaded the nation with debt and deficit. Then, along came the Republican Party to blame the poor and Democrats for that.


Strange that any Republican would have the nerve to talk about this so late in the game.

So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?
Apparently everyone has an opinion, some are wrong, and some aren't but this is always fun to shove up the subversives ass!

Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...

I guess the evil Cheney wasn't so evil after all?

KBR to Get No-Bid Army Work as U.S. Alleges Kickbacks

May 06, 2010, 11:27 AM EDT

By Tony Capaccio

May 6 (Bloomberg) -- KBR Inc. was selected for a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through 2011 for military support services in Iraq, the Army said.
The Army announced its decision yesterday only hours after the Justice Department said it will pursue a lawsuit accusing the Houston-based company of taking kickbacks from two subcontractors on Iraq-related work. The Army also awarded the work to KBR over objections from members of Congress, who have pushed the Pentagon to seek bids for further logistics contracts.
The Justice Department said the government will join a suit filed by whistleblowers alleging that two freight-forwarding firms gave KBR transportation department employees kickbacks in the form of meals, drinks, sports tickets and golf outings.
“Defense contractors cannot take advantage of the ongoing war effort by accepting unlawful kickbacks,” Assistant Attorney General Tony West said in a statement.
KBR, the Army’s largest contractor in Iraq, will review the litigation when it is received and “will continue to cooperate with the government,” company spokeswoman Heather Browne said in an e-mail. “Gifts of dinners, baseball tickets and similar items would violate KBR policies and KBR was not aware of these violations.”
KBR will continue to provide services in Iraq such as housing, meals, laundry, showers, water purification and bathroom cleaning under the new order, which was placed under a military contract KBR won in late 2001, shortly after the U.S. invaded Afghanistan.
‘Appropriate Safeguards’
The Army has “reviewed the government’s notice to intervene” in the whistleblower lawsuit, Army spokesman Dan Carlson said. “We feel we have appropriate safeguards in place” to protect the government’s interests.
The no-bid work order is unusual because the Army, at the insistence of Congress, has since April 2008 put all logistics orders to bid, pitting KBR against Falls Church, Virginia-based DynCorp International Inc. and Irving, Texas-based Fluor Corp.
The Army didn’t put this work out for bids because U.S. commanders in Iraq advised against it, saying that enlisting a new company would be too disruptive as the U.S withdraws, Army program director Lee Thompson said in an interview before the Justice Department action was announced.
Odierno’s View
The view of General Ray Odierno, the U.S. military commander in Iraq, was crucial to the decision, Army Chief of Staff General George Casey told reporters today.
“Odierno said, ‘I’ve got three million pieces of equipment I’ve got to get out of Iraq, I’ve got 100 or so bases to close, I’ve got to move 80,000-plus people out of here and you want me to change horses in the middle of the stream?’” Casey recounted.
The U.S. force in Iraq is scheduled to shrink from 94,000 troops today to 50,000 by August, with a complete withdrawal by December 2011.
The Army, in its statement yesterday, said putting to bid an order for 18 months’ work and making the transition to a new contractor would cost at least $77 million. The KBR work order will be awarded by Aug. 31, said Mike Hutchison, deputy director of Army logistics contracting.
Earlier U.S. Lawsuit
The lawsuit is the second government action this year against KBR. The U.S. sued the company on April 1, alleging that it used private armed security guards in Iraq between 2003 and 2006 in violation of its Army contract and then improperly billed for their services.
Before yesterday’s Justice Department announcement, the Army had said in an e-mailed statement that it was aware of the April lawsuit and would use “additional oversight measures to ensure only reasonable, allowable costs are paid” under the new work order.
The new lawsuit, filed in a Texas federal court, was based on information from two whistleblowers who work in the air cargo industry, the Justice Department statement said. The whistleblowers can get a portion of any money the Justice Department obtains in the case.
Senate Objections
KBR’s no-bid work order drew criticism from two U.S. senators even before it was announced.
Senator Claire McCaskill, the Missouri Democrat who heads a subcommittee that oversees military contracting, and the panel’s ranking Republican, Susan Collins of Maine, wrote Defense Secretary Robert Gates on April 30 urging the Army against “continued reliance” on KBR in light of the Justice Department’s April lawsuit.
“The Army has a big burden to demonstrate that a decision to not compete is in the best interest of the military and American taxpayers,” McCaskill said in a statement last night. “We will hold their feet to the fire and continue to demand accountability on this decision.”
Under the new competitive-bid approach, KBR on March 2 won a one-year, $571 million contract with four option years that, if exercised, could be worth as much as $2.77 billion.
That contract calls for KBR to provide services including transportation and postal operations. DynCorp initially protested the award and then dropped its objections. - Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...
Rand Paul says Dick Cheney exploited 9/11 [VIDEO] -

WASHINGTON, April 8 (UPI) -- A video has emerged of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney of pushing for the Iraq war to benefit his former employer Halliburton.

Rand Paul with very late news: Dick Cheney pushed for Iraq war - National Politics

One of the most transparently obvious drivers for the Iraq war came from vested interest by the lobbyists and government participants who would benefit from it financially. It isn’t just Dick Cheney as Rand Paul came to realize.

The entire Military Industrial Complex wanted that war and Republican wealthy constituents and their corporations profited tremendously off the backs of the American middle class. The Bush administration raped and pillaged America and loaded the nation with debt and deficit. Then, along came the Republican Party to blame the poor and Democrats for that.


Strange that any Republican would have the nerve to talk about this so late in the game.

So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?

Oh, I don't know. Fake data? "You are with us or with the terrorists"? Using the "patriot card"? Iraqi's met with al Qaeda (two deadly enemies) to work together?

Why do you think they voted for it?
Apparently everyone has an opinion, some are wrong, and some aren't but this is always fun to shove up the subversives ass!

Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...

I guess the evil Cheney wasn't so evil after all?

KBR to Get No-Bid Army Work as U.S. Alleges Kickbacks

May 06, 2010, 11:27 AM EDT

By Tony Capaccio

May 6 (Bloomberg) -- KBR Inc. was selected for a no-bid contract worth as much as $568 million through 2011 for military support services in Iraq, the Army said.
The Army announced its decision yesterday only hours after the Justice Department said it will pursue a lawsuit accusing the Houston-based company of taking kickbacks from two subcontractors on Iraq-related work. The Army also awarded the work to KBR over objections from members of Congress, who have pushed the Pentagon to seek bids for further logistics contracts.
The Justice Department said the government will join a suit filed by whistleblowers alleging that two freight-forwarding firms gave KBR transportation department employees kickbacks in the form of meals, drinks, sports tickets and golf outings.
“Defense contractors cannot take advantage of the ongoing war effort by accepting unlawful kickbacks,” Assistant Attorney General Tony West said in a statement.
KBR, the Army’s largest contractor in Iraq, will review the litigation when it is received and “will continue to cooperate with the government,” company spokeswoman Heather Browne said in an e-mail. “Gifts of dinners, baseball tickets and similar items would violate KBR policies and KBR was not aware of these violations.”
KBR will continue to provide services in Iraq such as housing, meals, laundry, showers, water purification and bathroom cleaning under the new order, which was placed under a military contract KBR won in late 2001, shortly after the U.S. invaded Afghanistan.
‘Appropriate Safeguards’
The Army has “reviewed the government’s notice to intervene” in the whistleblower lawsuit, Army spokesman Dan Carlson said. “We feel we have appropriate safeguards in place” to protect the government’s interests.
The no-bid work order is unusual because the Army, at the insistence of Congress, has since April 2008 put all logistics orders to bid, pitting KBR against Falls Church, Virginia-based DynCorp International Inc. and Irving, Texas-based Fluor Corp.
The Army didn’t put this work out for bids because U.S. commanders in Iraq advised against it, saying that enlisting a new company would be too disruptive as the U.S withdraws, Army program director Lee Thompson said in an interview before the Justice Department action was announced.
Odierno’s View
The view of General Ray Odierno, the U.S. military commander in Iraq, was crucial to the decision, Army Chief of Staff General George Casey told reporters today.
“Odierno said, ‘I’ve got three million pieces of equipment I’ve got to get out of Iraq, I’ve got 100 or so bases to close, I’ve got to move 80,000-plus people out of here and you want me to change horses in the middle of the stream?’” Casey recounted.
The U.S. force in Iraq is scheduled to shrink from 94,000 troops today to 50,000 by August, with a complete withdrawal by December 2011.
The Army, in its statement yesterday, said putting to bid an order for 18 months’ work and making the transition to a new contractor would cost at least $77 million. The KBR work order will be awarded by Aug. 31, said Mike Hutchison, deputy director of Army logistics contracting.
Earlier U.S. Lawsuit
The lawsuit is the second government action this year against KBR. The U.S. sued the company on April 1, alleging that it used private armed security guards in Iraq between 2003 and 2006 in violation of its Army contract and then improperly billed for their services.
Before yesterday’s Justice Department announcement, the Army had said in an e-mailed statement that it was aware of the April lawsuit and would use “additional oversight measures to ensure only reasonable, allowable costs are paid” under the new work order.
The new lawsuit, filed in a Texas federal court, was based on information from two whistleblowers who work in the air cargo industry, the Justice Department statement said. The whistleblowers can get a portion of any money the Justice Department obtains in the case.
Senate Objections
KBR’s no-bid work order drew criticism from two U.S. senators even before it was announced.
Senator Claire McCaskill, the Missouri Democrat who heads a subcommittee that oversees military contracting, and the panel’s ranking Republican, Susan Collins of Maine, wrote Defense Secretary Robert Gates on April 30 urging the Army against “continued reliance” on KBR in light of the Justice Department’s April lawsuit.
“The Army has a big burden to demonstrate that a decision to not compete is in the best interest of the military and American taxpayers,” McCaskill said in a statement last night. “We will hold their feet to the fire and continue to demand accountability on this decision.”
Under the new competitive-bid approach, KBR on March 2 won a one-year, $571 million contract with four option years that, if exercised, could be worth as much as $2.77 billion.
That contract calls for KBR to provide services including transportation and postal operations. DynCorp initially protested the award and then dropped its objections. - Obama administration approves No-Bid Halliburton Contract...

Your own report shows an infrastructure that had been in place for years. To tear it down and replace it with something else would cost billions more.

The reminds me of Republicans insisting Obama extended the Bush tax cuts so he must like it.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says -

The truth is he just couldn't stand to see unemployed Americans, most who lost their jobs because of GOP policies, suffer. The new "should we help unemployed Americans" debate demonstrates where Republicans stand as opposed to where Americans stand.
Rand Paul says Dick Cheney exploited 9/11 [VIDEO] -

WASHINGTON, April 8 (UPI) -- A video has emerged of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney of pushing for the Iraq war to benefit his former employer Halliburton.

Rand Paul with very late news: Dick Cheney pushed for Iraq war - National Politics

One of the most transparently obvious drivers for the Iraq war came from vested interest by the lobbyists and government participants who would benefit from it financially. It isn’t just Dick Cheney as Rand Paul came to realize.

The entire Military Industrial Complex wanted that war and Republican wealthy constituents and their corporations profited tremendously off the backs of the American middle class. The Bush administration raped and pillaged America and loaded the nation with debt and deficit. Then, along came the Republican Party to blame the poor and Democrats for that.


Strange that any Republican would have the nerve to talk about this so late in the game.

So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?

Oh, I don't know. Fake data? "You are with us or with the terrorists"? Using the "patriot card"? Iraqi's met with al Qaeda (two deadly enemies) to work together?

Why do you think they voted for it?

In order for the data to be fake means that Clinton and his entire Administration was in on it and initially faked the data. If it were fake that means Germany, France, Great Briton, Belgium, China and the Russians were all in on it. It means if it were fake that 3 separate independent Congressional Investigations were in on it. Including one run solely by democrats. In order for the data to be fake means that the CIA, FBI,NSA and a host of other US Intel groups and agencies were in on it. It also means the UN was in on the lie and fake data.

In other words your claim is so far out there as to be unbelievable on its face. And has been shown to be false ever since the question ever came up.

Further you have no evidence that Republicans profiteered nor any that Cheney specifically did so. This does not belong in politics it belongs in Conspiracy theories as that is all you have.
Rand Paul says Dick Cheney exploited 9/11 [VIDEO] -

WASHINGTON, April 8 (UPI) -- A video has emerged of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney of pushing for the Iraq war to benefit his former employer Halliburton.

Rand Paul with very late news: Dick Cheney pushed for Iraq war - National Politics

One of the most transparently obvious drivers for the Iraq war came from vested interest by the lobbyists and government participants who would benefit from it financially. It isn’t just Dick Cheney as Rand Paul came to realize.

The entire Military Industrial Complex wanted that war and Republican wealthy constituents and their corporations profited tremendously off the backs of the American middle class. The Bush administration raped and pillaged America and loaded the nation with debt and deficit. Then, along came the Republican Party to blame the poor and Democrats for that.


Strange that any Republican would have the nerve to talk about this so late in the game.

So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?
I will try to explain this to you on a level you might understand:
Once upon a time there was this great nation (FACT). A government was set up to run this great nation (FACT). That government consisted of a Congress, an Executive Branch, and a Court system (FACT). Each of these three branches had their own rules and powers and they were different from each other (FACT). Now, one of the powers of the Executive Branch was to have all of the powers regarding obtaining intelligence (FACT). Neither the Court nor the Congress had an intelligence agency (FACT) . They had to depend on the Executive Branch to share its intelligence with them (FACT). Now the Congress believed that the Executive branch would not lie to them on matters of national security and so when the Executive branch told Congress that this bad person had WMD and was preparing to harm this great country they became afraid (FACT). They were so afraid they never questioned the Executive branch and voted to go to war against this bad person (FACT). But guess what? The Executive branch had lied to Congress to start a war (FACT). There were no WMD (FACT). It was all made up (FACT). That bad person was not preparing to go to war with the great country (FACT). And that is why Congress voted to go to war (FACT). The bottom line is THE CONGRESS VOTED TO GO TO WAR BECAUSE GWB AND COMPANY HAD CHERRY PICKED THE INTELLIGENCE TO FOOL CONGRESS INTO VOTING FOR WAR.
Now, you know all this. It has been told to you a dozen times and to the best of my knowledge neither you nor any of the other feather brains in the gop have been able to disprove this. If you think you can, give it your best shot. And don't give us any of your ultra right sewer sites. I will accept nothing but a well known non partisan source.
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Don't have to go any further than RetiredGySgt

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Member #5176
Rand Paul says Dick Cheney exploited 9/11 [VIDEO] -

WASHINGTON, April 8 (UPI) -- A video has emerged of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney of pushing for the Iraq war to benefit his former employer Halliburton.

Rand Paul with very late news: Dick Cheney pushed for Iraq war - National Politics

One of the most transparently obvious drivers for the Iraq war came from vested interest by the lobbyists and government participants who would benefit from it financially. It isn’t just Dick Cheney as Rand Paul came to realize.

The entire Military Industrial Complex wanted that war and Republican wealthy constituents and their corporations profited tremendously off the backs of the American middle class. The Bush administration raped and pillaged America and loaded the nation with debt and deficit. Then, along came the Republican Party to blame the poor and Democrats for that.


Strange that any Republican would have the nerve to talk about this so late in the game.

So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?
I will try to explain this to you on a level you might understand:
Once upon a time there was this great nation (FACT). A government was set up to run this great nation (FACT). That government consisted of a Congress, an Executive Branch, and a Court system (FACT). Each of these three branches had their own rules and powers and they were different from each other (FACT). Now, one of the powers of the Executive Branch was to have all of the powers regarding obtaining intelligence (FACT). Neither the Court nor the Congress had an intelligence agency (FACT) . They had to depend on the Executive Branch to share its intelligence with them (FACT). Now the Congress believed that the Executive branch would not lie to them on matters of national security and so when the Executive branch told Congress that this bad person had WMD and was preparing to harm this great country they became afraid (FACT). They were so afraid they never questioned the Executive branch and voted to go to war against this bad person (FACT). But guess what? The Executive branch had lied to Congress to start a war (FACT). There were no WMD (FACT). It was all made up (FACT). That bad person was not preparing to go to war with the great country (FACT). And that is why Congress voted to go to war (FACT).
Now, you know all this. It has been told to you a dozen times and to the best of my knowledge neither you nor any of the other feather brains in the gop have been able to disprove this. If you think you can, give it your best shot.

Don't have to go any further than this to see the LIE!

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News
Rand Paul says Dick Cheney exploited 9/11 [VIDEO] -

WASHINGTON, April 8 (UPI) -- A video has emerged of Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., accusing former Vice President Dick Cheney of pushing for the Iraq war to benefit his former employer Halliburton.

Rand Paul with very late news: Dick Cheney pushed for Iraq war - National Politics

One of the most transparently obvious drivers for the Iraq war came from vested interest by the lobbyists and government participants who would benefit from it financially. It isn’t just Dick Cheney as Rand Paul came to realize.

The entire Military Industrial Complex wanted that war and Republican wealthy constituents and their corporations profited tremendously off the backs of the American middle class. The Bush administration raped and pillaged America and loaded the nation with debt and deficit. Then, along came the Republican Party to blame the poor and Democrats for that.


Strange that any Republican would have the nerve to talk about this so late in the game.

So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?
I will try to explain this to you on a level you might understand:
Once upon a time there was this great nation (FACT). A government was set up to run this great nation (FACT). That government consisted of a Congress, an Executive Branch, and a Court system (FACT). Each of these three branches had their own rules and powers and they were different from each other (FACT). Now, one of the powers of the Executive Branch was to have all of the powers regarding obtaining intelligence (FACT). Neither the Court nor the Congress had an intelligence agency (FACT) . They had to depend on the Executive Branch to share its intelligence with them (FACT). Now the Congress believed that the Executive branch would not lie to them on matters of national security and so when the Executive branch told Congress that this bad person had WMD and was preparing to harm this great country they became afraid (FACT). They were so afraid they never questioned the Executive branch and voted to go to war against this bad person (FACT). But guess what? The Executive branch had lied to Congress to start a war (FACT). There were no WMD (FACT). It was all made up (FACT). That bad person was not preparing to go to war with the great country (FACT). And that is why Congress voted to go to war (FACT). The bottom line is THE CONGRESS VOTED TO GO TO WAR BECAUSE GWB AND COMPANY HAD CHERRY PICKED THE INTELLIGENCE TO FOOL CONGRESS INTO VOTING FOR WAR.
Now, you know all this. It has been told to you a dozen times and to the best of my knowledge neither you nor any of the other feather brains in the gop have been able to disprove this. If you think you can, give it your best shot. And don't give us any of your ultra right sewer sites. I will accept nothing but a well known non partisan source.

Ohh so you again are claiming that all the intel agencies lied to Congress. Funny how 3 investigations found no such event, funny how numerous foreign Governments intel agencies all substantially agreed with our intel, funny how the UN agreed as well. Further in order to start the lie you need to believe Clinton and his entire Administration were in on the big lie.
Don't have to go any further than this to see the LIE!

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News
That's not weapons-grade plutonium. You know that, right? The article even says it couldn't be weaponized. And look at the date of the article- 2008. Bush left 550 metric tons of deadly yellowcake in a corrupt warzone for five years? Are you sure you want to use that argument?

The Cheney/Bush administration knowingly manipulated intelligence regarding WMD to fit their agenda of invading Iraq.
Don't have to go any further than this to see the LIE!

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News
That's not weapons-grade plutonium. You know that, right? The article even says it couldn't be weaponized. And look at the date of the article- 2008. Bush left 550 metric tons of deadly yellowcake in a corrupt warzone for five years? Are you sure you want to use that argument?

The Cheney/Bush administration knowingly manipulated intelligence regarding WMD to fit their agenda of invading Iraq.

You do know that YELLOWCAKE is the VERY FIRST and most important part of making a nuclear bomb. You do know that during the war itself, it was UNGUARDED, and you do know that right after the war, American and coalition troops were present to protect this do know that, don't you? You also realize Saddam broke the Gulf War I peace treaty by shooting at American planes that were protecting the NO FLY zone and had 16 Resolutions against him by the U.N. and that the corrupt OIL FOR FOOD program garnered France, Germany, Russia, and that corrupt POS U.N. Sec General Anin over $10 BILLION for their parts in delaying any action against do know this, right.... Can you refute any of that?
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Don't have to go any further than this to see the LIE!

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News
That's not weapons-grade plutonium. You know that, right? The article even says it couldn't be weaponized. And look at the date of the article- 2008. Bush left 550 metric tons of deadly yellowcake in a corrupt warzone for five years? Are you sure you want to use that argument?

The Cheney/Bush administration knowingly manipulated intelligence regarding WMD to fit their agenda of invading Iraq.

You do know that YELLOWCAKE is the VERY FIRST and most important part of making a nuclear bomb. You do know that during the war itself, it was UNGUARDED, and you do know that right after the war, American and coalition troops were present to protect this do know that, don't you? You also realize Saddam broke the Gulf War I peace treaty by shooting at American planes that were protecting the NO FLY zone and had 16 Resolutions against him by the U.N. and that the corrupt OIL FOR FOOD program garnered France, Germany, Russia, and that corrupt POS U.N. Sec General Anin over $10 BILLION for their parts in delaying any action against do know this, right.... Can you refute any of that?
Bush left deadly yellowcake unguarded for five years? It wasn't deadly and it wasn't going anywhere before the invasion. Are you sure that you want to stick with that argument?

Also, shut up about whatever and read the declassified government documents at the National Security Archives. You're not breaking any top secret codes to get to them. They're online for everyone, free of charge. National Security Archives, George Washington University. Declassified government documents from the Bush administration. They lied to you, me, and everyone else on Earth. They used only certain information to drum up fear of the possibility that Saddam Hussein possessed vast quantities of deadly chemical and biological agents in order to justify an otherwise unjustifiable preemptive invasion of a country that was not involved with 9/11.

They lied to you. Curveball lied, the CIA told those lies to Colin Powell who then told those lies to the United Nations, then there was war.
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That's not weapons-grade plutonium. You know that, right? The article even says it couldn't be weaponized. And look at the date of the article- 2008. Bush left 550 metric tons of deadly yellowcake in a corrupt warzone for five years? Are you sure you want to use that argument?

The Cheney/Bush administration knowingly manipulated intelligence regarding WMD to fit their agenda of invading Iraq.

You do know that YELLOWCAKE is the VERY FIRST and most important part of making a nuclear bomb. You do know that during the war itself, it was UNGUARDED, and you do know that right after the war, American and coalition troops were present to protect this do know that, don't you? You also realize Saddam broke the Gulf War I peace treaty by shooting at American planes that were protecting the NO FLY zone and had 16 Resolutions against him by the U.N. and that the corrupt OIL FOR FOOD program garnered France, Germany, Russia, and that corrupt POS U.N. Sec General Anin over $10 BILLION for their parts in delaying any action against do know this, right.... Can you refute any of that?
Bush left deadly yellowcake unguarded for five years? It wasn't deadly and it wasn't going anywhere before the invasion. Are you sure that you want to stick with that argument?

Also, shut up about whatever and read the declassified government documents at the National Security Archives. You're not breaking any top secret codes to get to them. They're online for everyone, free of charge. National Security Archives, George Washington University. Declassified government documents from the Bush administration. They lied to you, me, and everyone else on Earth. They used only certain information to drum up fear of the possibility that Saddam Hussein possessed vast quantities of deadly chemical and biological agents in order to justify an otherwise unjustifiable preemptive invasion of a country that was not involved with 9/11.

They lied to you. Curveball lied, the CIA told those lies to Colin Powell who then told those lies to the United Nations, then there was war.

It's futility trying to argue with a deranged man...You are a loony tune! You didn't read a word I wrote, especially right after the war, the yellowcake was secured by the coalition!
That's not weapons-grade plutonium. You know that, right? The article even says it couldn't be weaponized. And look at the date of the article- 2008. Bush left 550 metric tons of deadly yellowcake in a corrupt warzone for five years? Are you sure you want to use that argument?

The Cheney/Bush administration knowingly manipulated intelligence regarding WMD to fit their agenda of invading Iraq.

You do know that YELLOWCAKE is the VERY FIRST and most important part of making a nuclear bomb. You do know that during the war itself, it was UNGUARDED, and you do know that right after the war, American and coalition troops were present to protect this do know that, don't you? You also realize Saddam broke the Gulf War I peace treaty by shooting at American planes that were protecting the NO FLY zone and had 16 Resolutions against him by the U.N. and that the corrupt OIL FOR FOOD program garnered France, Germany, Russia, and that corrupt POS U.N. Sec General Anin over $10 BILLION for their parts in delaying any action against do know this, right.... Can you refute any of that?
Bush left deadly yellowcake unguarded for five years? It wasn't deadly and it wasn't going anywhere before the invasion. Are you sure that you want to stick with that argument?

Also, shut up about whatever and read the declassified government documents at the National Security Archives. You're not breaking any top secret codes to get to them. They're online for everyone, free of charge. National Security Archives, George Washington University. Declassified government documents from the Bush administration. They lied to you, me, and everyone else on Earth. They used only certain information to drum up fear of the possibility that Saddam Hussein possessed vast quantities of deadly chemical and biological agents in order to justify an otherwise unjustifiable preemptive invasion of a country that was not involved with 9/11.

They lied to you. Curveball lied, the CIA told those lies to Colin Powell who then told those lies to the United Nations, then there was war.

And YET 3 separate Independent investigations by the US Congress all concluded that NO ONE LIED. SO explain again for us slow pokes how Bush convinced Clinton and his entire Administration to create the lie and then support the lie to help pass the war fighting resolution?

Explain for us slow pokes why Germany, France, Briton, Russia, China, Belgium all lied with their intel branches?

Explain why every US Intel agency that exists all had the same lies as Germany, Briton, France, Russia, China and Belgium?

Explain why the UN also lied for all those years including leading up to the attacks?

And then explain why all those Intel agencies all conspired together across numerous Countries and the UN to lie to the US Congress?
So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?

Oh, I don't know. Fake data? "You are with us or with the terrorists"? Using the "patriot card"? Iraqi's met with al Qaeda (two deadly enemies) to work together?

Why do you think they voted for it?

In order for the data to be fake means that Clinton and his entire Administration was in on it and initially faked the data. If it were fake that means Germany, France, Great Briton, Belgium, China and the Russians were all in on it. It means if it were fake that 3 separate independent Congressional Investigations were in on it. Including one run solely by democrats. In order for the data to be fake means that the CIA, FBI,NSA and a host of other US Intel groups and agencies were in on it. It also means the UN was in on the lie and fake data.

In other words your claim is so far out there as to be unbelievable on its face. And has been shown to be false ever since the question ever came up.

Further you have no evidence that Republicans profiteered nor any that Cheney specifically did so. This does not belong in politics it belongs in Conspiracy theories as that is all you have.

I know you've been victimized. Just from the stuff you write. Does being a "victim" mean you were "in on it"?
So why did most of the Democrats vote for war? And care to provide some actual facts other then your conspiracy theories?
I will try to explain this to you on a level you might understand:
Once upon a time there was this great nation (FACT). A government was set up to run this great nation (FACT). That government consisted of a Congress, an Executive Branch, and a Court system (FACT). Each of these three branches had their own rules and powers and they were different from each other (FACT). Now, one of the powers of the Executive Branch was to have all of the powers regarding obtaining intelligence (FACT). Neither the Court nor the Congress had an intelligence agency (FACT) . They had to depend on the Executive Branch to share its intelligence with them (FACT). Now the Congress believed that the Executive branch would not lie to them on matters of national security and so when the Executive branch told Congress that this bad person had WMD and was preparing to harm this great country they became afraid (FACT). They were so afraid they never questioned the Executive branch and voted to go to war against this bad person (FACT). But guess what? The Executive branch had lied to Congress to start a war (FACT). There were no WMD (FACT). It was all made up (FACT). That bad person was not preparing to go to war with the great country (FACT). And that is why Congress voted to go to war (FACT).
Now, you know all this. It has been told to you a dozen times and to the best of my knowledge neither you nor any of the other feather brains in the gop have been able to disprove this. If you think you can, give it your best shot.

Don't have to go any further than this to see the LIE!

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

Did you bother to actually READ the article you linked to????

It said the stuff was so old it was in barrels that were leaking. That it came from at least 1991. That it was so weak it wouldn't even make a "dirty bomb".

How long have the Iranians been trying to concentrate nuclear material with their centrifuges???? And still they are years away. There was no imminent threat, only imminent "oil". - Nuke program parts unearthed in Baghdad back yard - Jun. 26, 2003

U.S. officials, including President Bush, also had cited British intelligence documents indicating Iraq may have tried to buy 500 tons of uranium from Niger, but the IAEA said the documents were obvious fakes.
I will try to explain this to you on a level you might understand:
Once upon a time there was this great nation (FACT). A government was set up to run this great nation (FACT). That government consisted of a Congress, an Executive Branch, and a Court system (FACT). Each of these three branches had their own rules and powers and they were different from each other (FACT). Now, one of the powers of the Executive Branch was to have all of the powers regarding obtaining intelligence (FACT). Neither the Court nor the Congress had an intelligence agency (FACT) . They had to depend on the Executive Branch to share its intelligence with them (FACT). Now the Congress believed that the Executive branch would not lie to them on matters of national security and so when the Executive branch told Congress that this bad person had WMD and was preparing to harm this great country they became afraid (FACT). They were so afraid they never questioned the Executive branch and voted to go to war against this bad person (FACT). But guess what? The Executive branch had lied to Congress to start a war (FACT). There were no WMD (FACT). It was all made up (FACT). That bad person was not preparing to go to war with the great country (FACT). And that is why Congress voted to go to war (FACT).
Now, you know all this. It has been told to you a dozen times and to the best of my knowledge neither you nor any of the other feather brains in the gop have been able to disprove this. If you think you can, give it your best shot.

Don't have to go any further than this to see the LIE!

The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program — a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium — reached a Canadian port Saturday to complete a secret U.S. operation that included a two-week airlift from Baghdad and a ship voyage crossing two oceans.

U.S. removes 'yellowcake' from Iraq - World news - Mideast/N. Africa - Conflict in Iraq | NBC News

Did you bother to actually READ the article you linked to????

It said the stuff was so old it was in barrels that were leaking. That it came from at least 1991. That it was so weak it wouldn't even make a "dirty bomb".

How long have the Iranians been trying to concentrate nuclear material with their centrifuges???? And still they are years away. There was no imminent threat, only imminent "oil". - Nuke program parts unearthed in Baghdad back yard - Jun. 26, 2003

U.S. officials, including President Bush, also had cited British intelligence documents indicating Iraq may have tried to buy 500 tons of uranium from Niger, but the IAEA said the documents were obvious fakes.

Yellowcake doesn't go bad, like your thinking! If it wasn't ACTIVE, why all the precautions when packing and shipping? Logic escapes you! It's a commonly traded commodity used for nuclear power!:cuckoo:
You do know that YELLOWCAKE is the VERY FIRST and most important part of making a nuclear bomb. You do know that during the war itself, it was UNGUARDED, and you do know that right after the war, American and coalition troops were present to protect this do know that, don't you? You also realize Saddam broke the Gulf War I peace treaty by shooting at American planes that were protecting the NO FLY zone and had 16 Resolutions against him by the U.N. and that the corrupt OIL FOR FOOD program garnered France, Germany, Russia, and that corrupt POS U.N. Sec General Anin over $10 BILLION for their parts in delaying any action against do know this, right.... Can you refute any of that?
Bush left deadly yellowcake unguarded for five years? It wasn't deadly and it wasn't going anywhere before the invasion. Are you sure that you want to stick with that argument?

Also, shut up about whatever and read the declassified government documents at the National Security Archives. You're not breaking any top secret codes to get to them. They're online for everyone, free of charge. National Security Archives, George Washington University. Declassified government documents from the Bush administration. They lied to you, me, and everyone else on Earth. They used only certain information to drum up fear of the possibility that Saddam Hussein possessed vast quantities of deadly chemical and biological agents in order to justify an otherwise unjustifiable preemptive invasion of a country that was not involved with 9/11.

They lied to you. Curveball lied, the CIA told those lies to Colin Powell who then told those lies to the United Nations, then there was war.

And YET 3 separate Independent investigations by the US Congress all concluded that NO ONE LIED. SO explain again for us slow pokes how Bush convinced Clinton and his entire Administration to create the lie and then support the lie to help pass the war fighting resolution?

Explain for us slow pokes why Germany, France, Briton, Russia, China, Belgium all lied with their intel branches?

Explain why every US Intel agency that exists all had the same lies as Germany, Briton, France, Russia, China and Belgium?

Explain why the UN also lied for all those years including leading up to the attacks?

And then explain why all those Intel agencies all conspired together across numerous Countries and the UN to lie to the US Congress?
You're saying that the US Congress determined that no one in the American government lied? That makes sense because the system is designed to protect itself. Have you ever heard the term "too big to fail"? The US government considers itself to be "too big to fail" even when they fail miserably.

Read the declassified government documents. You should stop talking about what FOX News or the Heritage Foundation said about it and GO TO THE SOURCE.

Declassified government documents show that the Bush administration manipulated intelligence to push for an invasion of Iraq that would not have been justifiable otherwise. Is it so difficult to understand?

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