Is Romney Electable


Senior Member
Jul 14, 2011
Romney electable? Good question. I told my mom he'd be the nominee months ago and pose a serious threat to Obama. Now I'm much less confident in his candidacy.
It's not just his constant gaffes - which will undoubtedly be transformed into soundbites. It's that Santorum has forced Romney to continue moving further and further to The Right and away from The Center - the votes which decide the election.
The GOP should be discussing one thing only: The Economy (including unemployment). Instead, they are allowing themselves to be distracted by social issues and instead of rolling around them and going back to the economy, Santorum is FOCUSING on these issues. IDIOT!!! Obama's approval with women has shot up TEN points in the last three weeks, thanks to this whackjobbery. According to Gallup (who leans Right), Obama has lost nothing with Catholics.
Where Obama was tied with Romney on RCP three months ago, he now leads by 7+ points in the aggregate of all polls. By the time Romney is confirmed, severe damage will have been done.
If I were advising Obama, I would tell him to throw out a new red herring concerning Affirmative Action, SB1070 or something along those lines. Bait the GOP to run to the Extreme Right again and guarantee Obama the minority vote - which is expected to break all records at 30%+ in the 2012 popular vote - and again, keeping them talking about something OTHER THAN unemployment and the economy.
Obama may or may not be a good president but Axelrod and Plouffe are as skilled a political machine as I have ever seen, and their product (Obama) is good at following their advice.
Romney's advisors seem to pale in comparison. They seem to be completely reactive instead of proactive. In tennis, this is called "Letting the other player dictate play".
If Romney is going to have a realistic shot in the General Election, he can't wait until after the GOP Convention to begin dictating play. By then it will be too late - especially if the economy continues on even a mildly positive trend.
Is Obama electable? The democrat party should be focusing on economic issues and instead they seem to campaigning on the laughable issue of free condoms.
perhaps he might if he stood for hope, change, community organizing, redistribution , and trillions in "stimulus" spending..................a real man of the "people"
If the economy continues even the present slow recovery, it will not be a negative by November. And Romney has been giving the Dems buku ammo, all they have to do is run Romney vs. Romney ads.
Is Obama electable? The democrat party should be focusing on economic issues and instead they seem to campaigning on the laughable issue of free condoms.

Actually, to anyone but ConservaRepubs, the opposite is true. Obama had the issue come up, made a compromise and walked away from it. I haven't heard heard him discuss it since. But the GOP Candidates have been all over it every day and as recent as yesterday.

perhaps he might if he stood for hope, change, community organizing, redistribution , and trillions in "stimulus" spending..................a real man of the "people"

Or maybe if he discussed jobs more than five minutes out of 3 HOURS in the AZ debate?

Well Shit. They elected Barry didn't they??

Yes we did (I include my vote). The GOP offered a guy who voted with Bush 90% of the time and Eskimo Barbie. Oops. I think part of that was because after Bush, they knew they were doomed anyway.

But they didn't NEED to repeat the mistake of offering a horrible pool of candidates again this year.
Romney will end up being the nominee and he seems determined to spend time painting a bull's eye on himself instead of implementing a more proactive and effective campaign. The only people the GOP is impressing nowadays, are people who would vote for a tennis shoe, before they would vote for Obama. Everyone else, they're pushing away.
I see that the user known as 'independentlogic' still steadfastly refuses to practice either independence or logic.... but at least (s)he is consistent.
I see that the user known as 'independentlogic' still steadfastly refuses to practice either independence or logic.... but at least (s)he is consistent.

I see that the user known as 'independentlogic' still steadfastly refuses to practice either independence or logic.... but at least (s)he is consistent.
Just call it bad data...:eusa_whistle:

LOL! I see the weaklings still have nothing on issues, nothing on topics, no facts, not even an opinion - just basically.... nothing. As usual. :lol:

Well you guys are cute and although my OP was specifically on what Romney could do to run a more effective campaign, I'm flattered that as has been the case in so many threads, you continue to post about one thing only: Me!

At least the Liberals here, have the ability to debate me with facts and such when I disagree with them on things like Global Warming, unions etc... But of course, they're "elitistist" and therefore intellectually superior to the little "internet people". :eusa_angel:
Yes, he is.

Thanks for caring.
And would do a far better job than Obama could ever. Romney isn't waging war on America and it's people. Obama is.

Now I know you would vote for a tennis shoe before Obama but votes like yours don't decide elections. The point of the OP is that Romney is losing a lot of votes with an ineffectual campaign and lack of focus. Any commentary beyond that or is the entire scope of your political sophistication limited to comments such as "Anyone but Obama!". (and of course, slinging petty insults and labels toward anyone posting anything that doesn't fall in line with the proper indoctrination)
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Well, since people are electing him, the answer is obviously yes.

Got any tougher questions?
Yes, he is.

Thanks for caring.
And would do a far better job than Obama could ever. Romney isn't waging war on America and it's people. Obama is.

Now I know you would vote for a tennis shoe before Obama but votes like yours don't decide elections. The point of the OP is that Romney is losing a lot of votes with an ineffectual campaign and lack of focus. Any commentary beyond that or is the entire scope of your political sophistication limited to comments such as "Anyone but Obama!". (and of course, slinging petty insults and labels toward anyone posting anything that doesn't fall in line with the proper indoctrination)

YOU know nothing of me.

Romney electable? Good question. I told my mom he'd be the nominee months ago and pose a serious threat to Obama. Now I'm much less confident in his candidacy.
It's not just his constant gaffes - which will undoubtedly be transformed into soundbites. It's that Santorum has forced Romney to continue moving further and further to The Right and away from The Center - the votes which decide the election.
The GOP should be discussing one thing only: The Economy (including unemployment). Instead, they are allowing themselves to be distracted by social issues and instead of rolling around them and going back to the economy, Santorum is FOCUSING on these issues. IDIOT!!! Obama's approval with women has shot up TEN points in the last three weeks, thanks to this whackjobbery. According to Gallup (who leans Right), Obama has lost nothing with Catholics.
Where Obama was tied with Romney on RCP three months ago, he now leads by 7+ points in the aggregate of all polls. By the time Romney is confirmed, severe damage will have been done.
If I were advising Obama, I would tell him to throw out a new red herring concerning Affirmative Action, SB1070 or something along those lines. Bait the GOP to run to the Extreme Right again and guarantee Obama the minority vote - which is expected to break all records at 30%+ in the 2012 popular vote - and again, keeping them talking about something OTHER THAN unemployment and the economy.
Obama may or may not be a good president but Axelrod and Plouffe are as skilled a political machine as I have ever seen, and their product (Obama) is good at following their advice.
Romney's advisors seem to pale in comparison. They seem to be completely reactive instead of proactive. In tennis, this is called "Letting the other player dictate play".
If Romney is going to have a realistic shot in the General Election, he can't wait until after the GOP Convention to begin dictating play. By then it will be too late - especially if the economy continues on even a mildly positive trend.
So is Santorum.
So is Newt.

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