Is Sanders Retarded or Insane?

So what's the source of Bernie Boy's tunnel vision and oblivion? Is he a nut, or just not real swift on the uptake?
Campaign rhetoric.

Politicians are full it, among other things. Even Bernie, one of the more honest pols.

Are we supposed to be taking any of this seriously?


Campaign rhetoric requires someone to sound like they just realized that the opposing political party has different views?

I'm fascinated by the idea that campaign rhetoric requires someone to sound oblivious and stupid. That explains a lot about Democrats, liberals, and socialists.
Being obtuse and pretending things don't exist are foundational behaviors of partisans.

Sanders is probably the sanest person currently running on issues of economics and education. He cares about the other 95% of this country,,,while the right wing nutz only care about giving the super rich more rights and more money!
Fascism is one form of socialism.

Get an education, numskull.

So, NASA, the US Armed Forces, etc. are all fascist/socialistic enterprises?

They are obviously socialist.
The fact that you believe NASA is socialist makes me laugh.

Nothing could be more obvious. Does the government run it? If the government owned and ran General Motors, would it be socialist? Of course it would.

The fact that you can't believe it only shows that you're a dumbass socialist.
Socialism is indeed for dummies. The stupidity of advocating for something that has failed time and time again would be.

Oh, but you don't understand. Socialism didn't fail all those times because it's an inherent unrealistic and unworkable system that goes against human nature; no, it failed because it wasn't being run by the liberal geniuses in this society who advocate it. If THEY were just in charge, socialism would be Heaven.


Sorry. I just couldn't keep a straight face any longer.
Sanders is probably the sanest person currently running on issues of economics and education. He cares about the other 95% of this country,,,while the right wing nutz only care about giving the super rich more rights and more money!

Oh, dear Christ. Most people who reach legal adulthood learn long before that intentions don't equal results. You don't get brownie points for saying, "But I CARE!" if your results end up being harmful, as the results of leftist policies always do.
Socialism is indeed for dummies. The stupidity of advocating for something that has failed time and time again would be.

Name a first world nation that doesn't use social democracy! Name just one nation that doesn't tax its citizens to pave their roads, invest in their children's education, pay their police and have regulations.

There's a difference between pure socialism(marxism, Stalinism, etc) that is truly a centrally planned nationalized economic system and social democracy that is a hybrid that is used by everyone throughout all of civilization.

Like those police you pay for your taxes? Well, you maybe a supporter of social democracy!
Like driving on roads? You maybe a supporter of social democracy!
Like clean water, food, and not seeing most of your country being poorer then shit like in africa??? You might be a supporter of social democracy.


1) Brilliant. "Everyone else does it, so that makes it right!" :rolleyes-41:

2) "I can't tell the difference between socialism and appropriate government function." :rolleyes-41:

Nobody is proposing the US go Socialist
Folks like Sanders and me think we could be more like Scandinavia where they look out after each other and provide infrastructure.
Name one. They were crushed by military force, the zapatistas are active today but they're not expanding anymore, for now.

Yep, so they lasted about 5 weeks. That's hardly a valid test of an economic system.

"Active" doing what? Did they ever run an economy? Nope, they're just rebels wrecking havoc on the locals.
5 weeks? What the fuck are you talking about? The anarchists in Ukraine/Spain lasted years, the commune was crushed but it achieved a shit ton in just a short time. You know nothing of the zapatistas. They're on the defensive.

Did they ever run an economy? From what I read about the Zapatistas, they're just terrorists.
HUGE amount of history. The Zapatista Uprising Profit Over People Noam Chomsky

Aside from the fact that your cite was authored by Noam Chomsky, the most delusional commie I've ever read, and a pathological liar, it doesn't mention anything about the Zapatistas running an economy. All it does is whine about how unfair the Mexican government and NAFTA is.
Noam is an anarchist, and he is quite intelligent, he may be wrong on some things..
Fascism is one form of socialism.

Get an education, numskull.

So, NASA, the US Armed Forces, etc. are all fascist/socialistic enterprises?

They are obviously socialist.
The fact that you believe NASA is socialist makes me laugh.

Nothing could be more obvious. Does the government run it? If the government owned and ran General Motors, would it be socialist? Of course it would.

The fact that you can't believe it only shows that you're a dumbass socialist.
Socialism is indeed for dummies. The stupidity of advocating for something that has failed time and time again would be.

Oh, but you don't understand. Socialism didn't fail all those times because it's an inherent unrealistic and unworkable system that goes against human nature; no, it failed because it wasn't being run by the liberal geniuses in this society who advocate it. If THEY were just in charge, socialism would be Heaven.


Sorry. I just couldn't keep a straight face any longer.
Since you're more then likely like bripat and believe anything related to the government is socialism and have no basic understanding of history, well, what a stupid statement, it would seem all first World Countries are socialist in some way.
Sanders is probably the sanest person currently running on issues of economics and education. He cares about the other 95% of this country,,,while the right wing nutz only care about giving the super rich more rights and more money!

Oh, dear Christ. Most people who reach legal adulthood learn long before that intentions don't equal results. You don't get brownie points for saying, "But I CARE!" if your results end up being harmful, as the results of leftist policies always do.
What leftist policies are harmful? Please, back up which ones you're whining about. Social security? Food stamps, which help bring people out of poverty and feed kids, legal abortion?
Nobody is proposing the US go Socialist
Folks like Sanders and me think we could be more like Scandinavia where they look out after each other and provide infrastructure.

That would be socialist.
I'm proposing democratic socialism in the first world, workplace democracy, the third world needs to violently rise up and push out the imperialist dogs.
while the right wing nutz only care about giving the super rich more rights and more money!

Well, to be "fair" right wing politicians are just paying back those donations that got them elected in the first place......Whores have to pay back the pimps, after all.

(The above does NOT mean that some democrats aren't just s crooked, but all in all, slightly less crooked.)
Rousseau wrote the Social Contract a very astute argument that when people must live together, some freedoms have to be sacrificed for the better good.
We stop at red lights allowing others the right -of-way and "sacrifice" our own freedom to drive on, not only because of traffic laws, but also because it is the right thing to do.

When we choose to live together as a unit, we must then embrace some form of "socialism."
Somalia is a capitalist paradise, no regulations, no taxes, a truly free market.
That's anarchy, not capitalism. You're an idiot, that's why you believe what you do.
Anarchism is essentially socialism, idiot. Anarchism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Actually anarchism is the opposite of socialism since the later is government control over the economy. How do you have government control and anarchy at the same time?
Yep, so they lasted about 5 weeks. That's hardly a valid test of an economic system.

"Active" doing what? Did they ever run an economy? Nope, they're just rebels wrecking havoc on the locals.
5 weeks? What the fuck are you talking about? The anarchists in Ukraine/Spain lasted years, the commune was crushed but it achieved a shit ton in just a short time. You know nothing of the zapatistas. They're on the defensive.

Did they ever run an economy? From what I read about the Zapatistas, they're just terrorists.
HUGE amount of history. The Zapatista Uprising Profit Over People Noam Chomsky

Aside from the fact that your cite was authored by Noam Chomsky, the most delusional commie I've ever read, and a pathological liar, it doesn't mention anything about the Zapatistas running an economy. All it does is whine about how unfair the Mexican government and NAFTA is.
Noam is an anarchist, and he is quite intelligent, he may be wrong on some things..

He's a Maoist. He claims to be an anarchist, but he's always supporting big government and despicable regimes like the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia.
while the right wing nutz only care about giving the super rich more rights and more money!

Well, to be "fair" right wing politicians are just paying back those donations that got them elected in the first place......Whores have to pay back the pimps, after all.

(The above does NOT mean that some democrats aren't just s crooked, but all in all, slightly less crooked.)

FYI, utter refusal of the Democrat base to prosecute corruption in their politicians, or even acknowledge it, does not constitute "not crooked".
Somalia is a capitalist paradise, no regulations, no taxes, a truly free market.
That's anarchy, not capitalism. You're an idiot, that's why you believe what you do.
Anarchism is essentially socialism, idiot. Anarchism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Actually anarchism is the opposite of socialism since the later is government control over the economy. How do you have government control and anarchy at the same time?

Some government regulations and control is a good thing...You don't want corporations doing anything they want.

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