Is slavery evidence of black inferiority?

I'm not here 24/7

and that would have no correlation to educational attainment anyway.

It's just another one of your dodges

Racism is popularly defined as one who believes that one racial or ethnic group or groups possess certain traits (often genetic) that determine their superiority or inferiority.

Aristotle has not once that I have seen, applied any such logic in defining an entire group of people.

He has however, called out individual stupidity and racist based thinking more often than quite few here are comfortable with.

Jews are measurably more successful and blacks are measurably less successful. both groups are discriminated against. it is the discrimination that is bad, not the measurement or the differences.

of course in my opinion Jews deserve a certain amount of admiration for their achievements while blacks tend to earn only pity for their lack of attainment outside of sports and entertainment. (groups averages, individuals may vary, blah, blah, blah)

Yes the jews do have my admiration,mainly because they support each other.Whereas the Blacks dont. Yes look at Africa these people are always fighting one another they go from one excuse to another,I dont understand them at all.Then these africans get a chance to come to America and try that same shat here,but when they dont get the reponse from Black Americans like they want they want ,the first thing coming from their mouths are "kaffa". But the majority of times they get their face smashed in. So no Black Americans are not inferior,African Blacks are,they are the ones who cant assimulate to American life.:clap2:
I would say they are a superior race because the survived 200 years of slavery, Jim Crow, etc. White man could never had made it. You are not so fucking superior then you think you are.

White have been inslaving each other since the beginning of time.

"They were white and they were slaves" Michael A. Hoffman.
Slavery was justified by the false notion of white supremacy. The slave owners and traders were savages, but in turn lied and reversed that and justified slavery by saying that the slaves were savages. They were saying that the slaves were backward people and naked (abominations). However, it is true that although there was some nakedness in Africa, there was little to no sexual psychosis there (pornography, incest, sexual perversion). (Prevelant among our founding fathers) But when Blacks were enslaved and brought here and began wearing clothes, they actually had taken on the sexual psychoses of Western whites, adopting whites' sexual deviationsHow did slave owners justify slavery
I would say they are a superior race because the survived 200 years of slavery, Jim Crow, etc. White man could never had made it. You are not so fucking superior then you think you are.

White have been inslaving each other since the beginning of time.

"They were white and they were slaves" Michael A. Hoffman.
Slavery was justified by the false notion of white supremacy. The slave owners and traders were savages, but in turn lied and reversed that and justified slavery by saying that the slaves were savages. They were saying that the slaves were backward people and naked (abominations). However, it is true that although there was some nakedness in Africa, there was little to no sexual psychosis there (pornography, incest, sexual perversion). (Prevelant among our founding fathers) But when Blacks were enslaved and brought here and began wearing clothes, they actually had taken on the sexual psychoses of Western whites, adopting whites' sexual deviationsHow did slave owners justify slavery

first you state that white people could never survive slavery, then you go to state that white people have been "inslaving " each other since the beginning of time.

Lil ole Lady ; proving of your own inferiority
whites did everything they could to keep the Black man down.

Ever hear of affirmative action?

Smart ass, do you even know what affirmative actions is?Afirmative action did nothing to bring the black man to the forefront equal to the white man. Affirmative action did not give equality to the black man, If anything it held him down. It was a complete faiure. Affirmative action produces no concrete benefits for minority students and actually has several harmful effects, according to a new report by the Cato Institute. It may help you get into a schools but do not help get a job. Back to square one.
I disagree that the whites did everything to keep the black man down. He just did not give him equal footing. Equal access.
Black slavery was patterened after centuries of white slavery. Black slaves were in a better place them poor whites who were not in slavery who starved to death if they did not work. Black slaves work and they were housed and fed. That was the only alternative considering they could never had found paying work and could not get back to africa. Whites were the first slaves in America.When slavery ended it opened up jobs for poor whites. A good thing. While black were slaving and eating, poor whites and their children were starving to death. History is kind of repeating it self, illegal aliens working and eating and black starving and killing each other. I remember when blacks worked.
The real tragedy were the enslavery of white children by white men. If was horrifying.
Every white person should read "they were white and they were slaves" so they can really see that they were not so superior after all.

The Forgotten Slaves: Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain

Long after Blacks were free throughout the British Empire, the British House of Lords refused to abolish chimney-sweeping by White children under the age of ten. The Lords contended that to do so would interfere with "property rights." The lives of the White children were not worth a farthing and were considered no subject for humanitarian concern.

Let it be said, in many cases Blacks in slavery had it better than poor Whites in the antebellum South. This is why there was such strong resistance to the Confederacy in the poverty-stricken areas of the mountain south, such as Winston County in Alabama and the Beech mountains of North Carolina. Those poor Whites could not imagine why any White laborer would want to die for the slave-owning plutocracy that more often than not, gave better care and attention to their Black servants than they did to the free white labor they scorned as "trash."

To this day, the White ruling class denigrates the White poor and patronizes Blacks.

Hoffman reveals: The Forgotten Slaves--Whites in Servitude
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It would appear that I have stumbled upon a KKK family reunion here.
Based upon what I'm reading here, blacks are inferior and their conditions as slaves weren't bad.
Thus, I'm assuming that based upon the conversations herein, the buying and selling of humans, like animals, is acceptable.

Your understanding of history sucks if you think whites were the only ones that owned slaves. Honestly...

Blacks and arabs owned slaves into the 20th century.

If slavery is an indicaton of inferiority, whites take the lead. Blacks condition as slaves were not nearly as bad as slavery for whites. Whites enslaved their own and children was a prime target. "Human brooms" were children used to sweep chimneys. There are no atrocities equal to how the white man treated his own. You want to call that superiority????
I see Matthew changed his avatar. I guess he is trying to prove to other male posters he isn't gay
I guarantee if blacks had enslaved whites 200 years ago, blacks would never apologize for it.
They would flaunt it and proclaim it as proof that whites are inferior.

BTW - prior to the Civil War there were lots of free blacks in america that owned black slaves. Do you see blacks apologizing for that?

Actually it was a freed african that owned the first actual slave, as we've come to know the term, in this nation, paving the way for ALL negroes to be enslaved from birth till death or from purchase till death. So in reality the father of salvery in the US was a negro. Prior to Johnson's court case, ALL negroes where held for a term in indenture as he was, and had to be, by law, freed after said indenture was up. Thanks to Johnson, one of the original 20 negroes brought to this nation, negroes went from being indentured servants to slaves. See Johnson vs Parker, Northhampton Co Va 1655.. Bet they don't teach that during "Black History Month".
We live in an equal opportunity society, not a caste system, so, no, black people are not inferior. If blacks were inferior then a black man could never have been elected president.
Obama ain't black!

You're right, he is both...

bi-racial......Your point?

Actually I believe the point intended was that his "black half" is inferior therefore his ethnic make up of "half white" enables him.
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Black slavery was patterened after centuries of white slavery. Black slaves were in a better place them poor whites who were not in slavery who starved to death if they did not work. Black slaves work and they were housed and fed. That was the only alternative considering they could never had found paying work and could not get back to africa. Whites were the first slaves in America.When slavery ended it opened up jobs for poor whites. A good thing. While black were slaving and eating, poor whites and their children were starving to death. History is kind of repeating it self, illegal aliens working and eating and black starving and killing each other. I remember when blacks worked.
The real tragedy were the enslavery of white children by white men. If was horrifying. Every white person should read "they were white and they were slaves" so they can really see that they were not so superior after all.

The Forgotten Slaves: Whites in Servitude in Early America and Industrial Britain

Long after Blacks were free throughout the British Empire, the British House of Lords refused to abolish chimney-sweeping by White children under the age of ten. The Lords contended that to do so would interfere with "property rights." The lives of the White children were not worth a farthing and were considered no subject for humanitarian concern.

Let it be said, in many cases Blacks in slavery had it better than poor Whites in the antebellum South. This is why there was such strong resistance to the Confederacy in the poverty-stricken areas of the mountain south, such as Winston County in Alabama and the Beech mountains of North Carolina. Those poor Whites could not imagine why any White laborer would want to die for the slave-owning plutocracy that more often than not, gave better care and attention to their Black servants than they did to the free white labor they scorned as "trash."

To this day, the White ruling class denigrates the White poor and patronizes Blacks.

Hoffman reveals: The Forgotten Slaves--Whites in Servitude

Oh boohoo,I bet their families weren't separated by the selling of the parents, children or what have you now were they. Po whites didn't have to go thru being called "ni77ers all their lives,being beaten to a pulp by their massa's,now were they.
I guarantee if blacks had enslaved whites 200 years ago, blacks would never apologize for it.
They would flaunt it and proclaim it as proof that whites are inferior.

BTW - prior to the Civil War there were lots of free blacks in america that owned black slaves. Do you see blacks apologizing for that?

Actually it was a freed african that owned the first actual slave, as we've come to know the term, in this nation, paving the way for ALL negroes to be enslaved from birth till death or from purchase till death. So in reality the father of salvery in the US was a negro. Prior to Johnson's court case, ALL negroes where held for a term in indenture as he was, and had to be, by law, freed after said indenture was up. Thanks to Johnson, one of the original 20 negroes brought to this nation, negroes went from being indentured servants to slaves. See Johnson vs Parker, Northhampton Co Va 1655.. Bet they don't teach that during "Black History Month".

I have one question for all of you"could you have survived slavery for one hour,much less your whole lives"? Now could you?
The title of this board implies one thing; the initial post goes off on a tangent. Nobody should have ever accepted slavery, either as the owner or the slave or as the merchant. What are we going to do? Who is the real bad guy here?There isn’t any good going to come out of such a debate.
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