Is slavery evidence of black inferiority?


Again you're here, I'm out there in the real world contributing. School quarter is in full swing and you're still here whining about blacks.

You saying you're a teacher? Unless you teach math or science, you ain't not contributing nothing none!

That's a joke...As Aristotle doesn't even understand 11th grade math as he doesn't understand per population.

5 times the white murder rate is a fact. (Per population).
I dont care what you people say "God doesn't make inferior people".

but he does make groups of people that have different strengths and weaknesses. it should come as no surprise that blacks do not perfectly fit into white culture that is designed by white people to make the most out of white traits.
I dont care what you people say "God doesn't make inferior people".

Evolutionary forcing of the environment of a "population group" certianly does have effects. The brains development over the last 5 million is quite important when talking about intelligence and ability. Different environments certainly had some effect... I'm sorry but this is what science says about most of the animal kingdom. I don't hate blacks and feel that some of them are good people.
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Again you're here, I'm out there in the real world contributing. School quarter is in full swing and you're still here whining about blacks.

You saying you're a teacher? Unless you teach math or science, you ain't not contributing nothing none!

That's a joke...As Aristotle doesn't even understand 11th grade math as he doesn't understand per population.

5 times the white murder rate is a fact. (Per population).

"You ain't not contributing"

Ah yes wise words from someone who understands grammar very well...
Terrified of what? Matthew is terrified of me...Matthew knows that I'd punch him in the mouth if he revealed himself to me. Terrified that Matthew is a pussy?

Terrified of what? Matthew is terrified of me...Matthew knows that I'd punch him in the mouth if he revealed himself to me. Terrified that Matthew is a pussy?


Funny how blacks prove my point with violence every time. LOL.

The day you start using logic instead of violence maybe you will have a first world civilization.

5 times the white murder rate
136 times more likely to be violent towards whites then the other way around.

This is because of your limited ability to control yourselves. Secondly I'm a first degree black belt. I can use logic a hell of a lot better then you with far more control.
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How is it relevant?

Tell us why you feel you are not a racist. You certainly are gratuitous about describing others as such.

You should go to Africa where there are few if any white people to oppress you. Poor thing. :eusa_boohoo:

I ask about your education because I want to know what prompts a person to be here 24/7?

I'm not here 24/7

and that would have no correlation to educational attainment anyway.

It's just another one of your dodges

Racism is popularly defined as one who believes that one racial or ethnic group or groups possess certain traits (often genetic) that determine their superiority or inferiority.

Aristotle has not once that I have seen, applied any such logic in defining an entire group of people.

He has however, called out individual stupidity and racist based thinking more often than quite few here are comfortable with.
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I ask about your education because I want to know what prompts a person to be here 24/7?

I'm not here 24/7

and that would have no correlation to educational attainment anyway.

It's just another one of your dodges

Racism is popularly defined as one who believes that one racial or ethnic group or groups possess certain traits (often genetic) that determine their superiority or inferiority.

Aristotle has not once that I have seen, applied any such logic in defining an entire group of people.

He has however, called out individual stupidity and racist based thinking more often than quite few here are comfortable with.

Jews are measurably more successful and blacks are measurably less successful. both groups are discriminated against. it is the discrimination that is bad, not the measurement or the differences.

of course in my opinion Jews deserve a certain amount of admiration for their achievements while blacks tend to earn only pity for their lack of attainment outside of sports and entertainment. (groups averages, individuals may vary, blah, blah, blah)
I'm not here 24/7

and that would have no correlation to educational attainment anyway.

It's just another one of your dodges

Racism is popularly defined as one who believes that one racial or ethnic group or groups possess certain traits (often genetic) that determine their superiority or inferiority.

Aristotle has not once that I have seen, applied any such logic in defining an entire group of people.

He has however, called out individual stupidity and racist based thinking more often than quite few here are comfortable with.

Jews are measurably more successful and blacks are measurably less successful. both groups are discriminated against. it is the discrimination that is bad, not the measurement or the differences.

of course in my opinion Jews deserve a certain amount of admiration for their achievements while blacks tend to earn only pity for their lack of attainment outside of sports and entertainment. (groups averages, individuals may vary, blah, blah, blah)

Jews are measurably more successful individually and collectively in this capitalistic society than even the average caucasoid because they control the media and most importantly CONTAIN their wealth within their communities, and by doing so, create generational wealth that will never be exhausted. Asian and even Hispanic immigrants have emulated that same strategy with great results over the past few decades.

What has stifled the progress of the black population in America is the wrong approach to assimilation.

The path for black Americans has been one of pandering and marching for what we considered the "honor" of sitting side by side at some greasy spoon diner or "sharing" a bus seat with white citizens, as opposed to looking at those closed options as sound reasons to start a self reliance movement towards economic growth and development in our own comunities.

As a counter strategy to American societies disdain, the Jews have intelligently and patiently pooled their wealth over generations and for the most part retained it within their own circles.

In many ways, the foundation of the civil rights movement hurt the progress of black Americans more than it helped, because the mission was diluted (by its leaders) in a false vision of "brotherhood" in nation that blacks were less than a century removed from essentially the same status as a farm animal.

Until a community collectively empowers ITSELF economically, it will remain powerless.
What has stifled the progress of the black population in America is the wrong approach to assimilation.

The path for black Americans has been one of pandering and marching for what we considered the "honor" of sitting side by side at some greasy spoon diner or "sharing" a bus seat with white citizens, as opposed to looking at those closed options as sound reasons to start a self reliance movement towards economic growth and development in our own comunities.

But blacks simply can't do that. They are mentally inferior and they know it. They know their only hope for a good life is to cry and complain and hope whites continue with affirmative action.l
It would appear that I have stumbled upon a KKK family reunion here.
Based upon what I'm reading here, blacks are inferior and their conditions as slaves weren't bad.
Thus, I'm assuming that based upon the conversations herein, the buying and selling of humans, like animals, is acceptable.
It would appear that I have stumbled upon a KKK family reunion here.
Based upon what I'm reading here, blacks are inferior and their conditions as slaves weren't bad.
Thus, I'm assuming that based upon the conversations herein, the buying and selling of humans, like animals, is acceptable.

Your understanding of history sucks if you think whites were the only ones that owned slaves. Honestly...

Blacks and arabs owned slaves into the 20th century.
According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million Negroes in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.

To return to the census figures quoted above, this 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.

Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms

O'man does the liberal love to smear history against whites.

The majority of slaveholders, white and black, owned only one to five slaves. More often than not, and contrary to a century and a half of bullwhips-on-tortured-backs propaganda, black and white masters worked and ate alongside their charges; be it in house, field or workshop. The few individuals who owned 50 or more slaves were confined to the top one percent, and have been defined as slave magnates.

In 1860 there were at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation. Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet, a sugar planter whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000 (3). That year, the mean wealth of southern white men was $3,978 (4).

In Charleston, South Carolina in 1860 125 free Negroes owned slaves; six of them owning 10 or more. Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free Negroes in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented slave holdings (5). In North Carolina 69 free Negroes were slave owners (6).

In 1860 William Ellison was South Carolina's largest Negro slaveowner. In Black Masters. A Free Family of Color in the Old South, authors Michael P. Johnson and James L. Roak write a sympathetic account of Ellison's life. From Ellison's birth as a slave to his death at 71, the authors attempt to provide justification, based on their own speculation, as to why a former slave would become a magnate slave master.

For all you idiots that blame whites for slavery.

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One of the better things to come from the industrial revulation is the end of slavery within white society. You can go back to Eygpt and further find it in every culture, race and society.

Whites owned white slaves
Blacks owned blacks slaves

This thread could be called who had the most power to force a larger share of ones population into slavery. You can ask why?

The whys?
Whites had guns
far more organizion
Skilled millitary commanders
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What has stifled the progress of the black population in America is the wrong approach to assimilation.

The path for black Americans has been one of pandering and marching for what we considered the "honor" of sitting side by side at some greasy spoon diner or "sharing" a bus seat with white citizens, as opposed to looking at those closed options as sound reasons to start a self reliance movement towards economic growth and development in our own comunities.

But blacks simply can't do that. They are mentally inferior and they know it. They know their only hope for a good life is to cry and complain and hope whites continue with affirmative action.l

The fact that you would even type such an absurd statement would make for a minimally contested case for your own mental inferiority and individual insecurity especially considering that in all probability the only blacks that you know are the ones that you cringe in the corner and peek at on the 11 o'clock news.

As far as affirmative action, white females are the most consistently rewarded beneficiaries of affirmative action, you dunce.

With the right re conditioning (which will not happen in this lifetime), the black population collectively can and must reverse this trend of living a lie and actually believing that bringing about change through public protest either peaceful or forceful in a land largely inhabited by myopic, savages such as yourself is impossible, because any way one examines it, it is pandering to the wrong segment of society.

Just like demoralized, bigots with marginal intelligence like you can be trained to act a certain way over time, negative behaviors that are counter productive to economic development can be redirected as well.

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