Is slavery evidence of black inferiority?


That's human nature...Whites seem to be the only race that regrets on this planet.

Yuppers - non-whites have no conception of things like justice or fairness or compassion. Only whites try to help minorities . In africa whites are the minority and they are terrorized by both citizens and govt!!
I guarantee if blacks had enslaved whites 200 years ago, blacks would never apologize for it.
They would flaunt it and proclaim it as proof that whites are inferior.

BTW - prior to the Civil War there were lots of free blacks in america that owned black slaves. Do you see blacks apologizing for that?

Whites never apologize for slavery so what is your point?

What is the common meme majority of current descendants of settlers say?

"I didn't enslave your ancestors so why do you have an issue with slavery?"

That's human nature...Whites seem to be the only race that regrets on this planet.

Yuppers - non-whites have no conception of things like justice or fairness or compassion. Only whites try to help minorities . In africa whites are the minority and they are terrorized by both citizens and govt!!

The two of you are truly, truly fucking idiots.
I guarantee if blacks had enslaved whites 200 years ago, blacks would never apologize for it.
They would flaunt it and proclaim it as proof that whites are inferior.

BTW - prior to the Civil War there were lots of free blacks in america that owned black slaves. Do you see blacks apologizing for that?

And where did you obtain your "guarantee?"

That's human nature...Whites seem to be the only race that regrets on this planet.

Are you completely devoid of at least a shred of common sense? Regrets for what?

If YOU did not bring up slavery as often as you do, it would be a dead topic in this forum.
What a stupid racist question. Black warlords in Africa are currently enslaving their own people in record numbers.
I guarantee if blacks had enslaved whites 200 years ago, blacks would never apologize for it.
They would flaunt it and proclaim it as proof that whites are inferior.

BTW - prior to the Civil War there were lots of free blacks in america that owned black slaves. Do you see blacks apologizing for that?

I suppose that's one way of looking at it..but blacks weren't the only people enslaved. And eventually the slavers were utterly beaten by non slavers in this country.

The OP has a pretty unique vision. It's sort of like postulating that victims of genocide were responsible for their own fate because they were inferior to those that wiped them out.
I guarantee if blacks had enslaved whites 200 years ago, blacks would never apologize for it.
They would flaunt it and proclaim it as proof that whites are inferior.

BTW - prior to the Civil War there were lots of free blacks in america that owned black slaves. Do you see blacks apologizing for that?

And where did you obtain your "guarantee?"

That's human nature...Whites seem to be the only race that regrets on this planet.

That's patently false.
According to federal census reports, on June 1, 1860 there were nearly 4.5 million Negroes in the United States, with fewer than four million of them living in the southern slaveholding states. Of the blacks residing in the South, 261,988 were not slaves. Of this number, 10,689 lived in New Orleans. The country's leading African American historian, Duke University professor John Hope Franklin, records that in New Orleans over 3,000 free Negroes owned slaves, or 28 percent of the free Negroes in that city.

To return to the census figures quoted above, this 28 percent is certainly impressive when compared to less than 1.4 percent of all American whites and less than 4.8 percent of southern whites. The statistics show that, when free, blacks disproportionately became slave masters.

Black Slave Owners Civil War Article by Robert M Grooms

O'man does the liberal love to smear history against whites.

The majority of slaveholders, white and black, owned only one to five slaves. More often than not, and contrary to a century and a half of bullwhips-on-tortured-backs propaganda, black and white masters worked and ate alongside their charges; be it in house, field or workshop. The few individuals who owned 50 or more slaves were confined to the top one percent, and have been defined as slave magnates.

In 1860 there were at least six Negroes in Louisiana who owned 65 or more slaves The largest number, 152 slaves, were owned by the widow C. Richards and her son P.C. Richards, who owned a large sugar cane plantation. Another Negro slave magnate in Louisiana, with over 100 slaves, was Antoine Dubuclet, a sugar planter whose estate was valued at (in 1860 dollars) $264,000 (3). That year, the mean wealth of southern white men was $3,978 (4).

In Charleston, South Carolina in 1860 125 free Negroes owned slaves; six of them owning 10 or more. Of the $1.5 million in taxable property owned by free Negroes in Charleston, more than $300,000 represented slave holdings (5). In North Carolina 69 free Negroes were slave owners (6).

In 1860 William Ellison was South Carolina's largest Negro slaveowner. In Black Masters. A Free Family of Color in the Old South, authors Michael P. Johnson and James L. Roak write a sympathetic account of Ellison's life. From Ellison's birth as a slave to his death at 71, the authors attempt to provide justification, based on their own speculation, as to why a former slave would become a magnate slave master.

why is it you are attacking me for saying black people are NOT stupid and vote for the same reasons other voters vote?

It is unfathomable for some to accept the fact that the black population is not a single thinking single acting monolithe

Yet you say NOTHING about your own racist posts?

Of course not. It is always easy to spot one with a single sided agenda.

There are a lot of whites doing the same thing begging.whites didn't defeat the kkk,Blacks broke them by winning several law suits.Most Blacks are not living in poverty,only a small group are. Even they are doing better then some whites.

Per capita 5 times as many blacks are on welfare as whites.

This is a lie 5 times as many whites are on welfare as Blacks.:badgrin:

that is contrary to all the evidence that I have seen. what is your definition of 'welfare'? certainly TANF is disproportionally collected by blacks.
I don't believe the color of a persons skin dictates their potential. However, black CULTURE is inferior, particularly in Africa, and inferior cultures will always suffer more than superior cultures. If your culture sucks, expect a sucky life.

Black culture in america is pathetic. What can you say of a people who

1. ridicule kids that do well in school

2. accept fathers who abandon their kids

3. think going to prison is cool

You obviously do not know many blacks.
And where did you obtain your "guarantee?"

That's human nature...Whites seem to be the only race that regrets on this planet.

Are you completely devoid of at least a shred of common sense? Regrets for what?

If YOU did not bring up slavery as often as you do, it would be a dead topic in this forum.
unfair business activities
regret for everything bad in the world.thats what whites regret.
Black people don't like math, didn't you get the memo?

Well - looks like we're finally getting thru that thick skull of yours. Yes - blacks don't like math and simply can't do it. To a black, all numbers past 12 are the same.
Whites are also 5-6 times the population of blacks. Do you understand math?

Black people don't like math, didn't you get the memo?

sarcasm aside, I think you are somewhat correct. many people do not understand the difference between absolute numbers and rates. lack of skill in everyday math is a severe deficit and leads to being easily manipulated by others. low intelligence people of all races are more easily swayed by rhetoric and public opinion.

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