Is the Bible clear?

I believe they are the same person. And I don't believe Jehovah of the OT was a bloodthirsty monster. I think he was just cleaning house in situations where he knew that people were beyond redemption and had rejected him as a society.
When Jehovah came down as Jesus, I think part of his mission was to help people realize that he was not a blood thirsty monster because everything he did was out of love and honor.
also, just because men of God go to war doesn't mean they are violent people. Righteous men go to war in order protect their peace, their families their wives and such. Martin Luther King Jr. a warrior? You must be joking. Noviolent protest sounds peaceful to me. Just because we call resisting peacefully "fighting for a good cause" doesn't mean he is not peaceful.:cuckoo:

Your mind is really tripped out man. You are on something or emotionally and mentally damaged. I don't know how else to put it. I wish I was wrong but I don't think so. preach peace and love and acceptance, yet you lay harsh judgement on me.

Smile like a donut bitch. you have a psychology degree, along with a license to practice? If not, then what makes you qualified to pass judgement on my emotional and mental status? SEVERAL psych types have screened me (several during my foster care period, as well as several in the Navy for various screenings), and ALL of them have told me that I'm pretty well adjusted, as well as emotionally and mentally healthy.

So.....your justification for those comments are what?
Like I told you, I don't know what else it is. I know I am not a psychologist, but I just don't know how to explain your irrational comments otherwise. Perhaps, just angry at the world and trying to take revenge on the boards?
That may or may not have been jesus depending on specific denominational belief. So, i'll ask again, who would jesus kill? Try to stay within the NT since we know full well what kind of bloodthirsty monster the god of the OT is.

by the way... Rome and Egypt sure did get a major pass, eh?

Yeah Egypt got off real easy, God only had their armies swallowed up in the Red Sea, killed every one of their firstborn, smote them with plagues of lice, locusts, hail, frogs and fire.
Rome got off real nice too by getting their entire empire wiped out and their major city sacked.
So Sunni, I want to ask an honest question.
Do Muslims believe that just because you accept the Quran, you get eternal life?
Like the story of Nephi where he was commanded to slay Laban, saying "It is better that one man should die, than an entire nation dwindle and perish in unbelief."
I would agree with you except on the point of his having a personality. Because I believe he has a body of flesh and bones like ours except perfected. I also think he has a perfect personality.
Yea, but 1.2 billion Muslims say we are Right!! :lol:
It is a done deal sunni tell your mislead fold to. "Choose life."
They have chosen "Eternal Life" by accepting the Quran as the Revelation of the One True God and the teachings of the Final Prophet Muhammad. :eusa_angel:
Well hang onto your shorts sunni because Jesus/Yahushua (that is the Spirit of prophecy) ain't with Muhammad. He already said, The one that comes after me is not of me. He does not share His glory with another.

When you see the nations fall (happening at the moment) know the day of the Lord is near.

I have just as much confidence that you will just as that bigdaddy person will be bowed down to the One I serve who sends me where He will.
This "my religion is better than yours" argument does nothing but stir up contention and is not of God. We should be kinder in our speech to those of other faiths. Of course we are going to disagree on doctrines but that doesn't mean we should be pronouncing judgments. That is God's job.
A perfect personality? No such thing. Personality is impermanent. Isn't God is eternal?

That is purely a matter of opinion. The truth will only be found out when we meet God. I believe a perfect person has a perfect personality of love, compassion, humor, honor and all the rest of the attributes that make up a person's personality. Yes God is eternal, as are all of us.
So Sunni, I want to ask an honest question.
Do Muslims believe that just because you accept the Quran, you get eternal life?

To become a Muslim, you Must say in public the "Shahada" which means "testify" in arabic

"Lā ilaha illa al-Lāh, Muhammadun rasūlu l-Lāh", which means in english:

“There is no god but God, and Muhammad is the Messenger of God"

This is the first of the 5 Pillars of Islam.

Accepting the Quran does not get you into heaven in Islam. Just like believing in the Bible won't get you into heaven in Christianity..

In fact, Heaven is Not guaranteed for any Muslim.

God is the ultimate decider of who enters in and who is barred from eternal life.
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This "my religion is better than yours" argument does nothing but stir up contention and is not of God. We should be kinder in our speech to those of other faiths. Of course we are going to disagree on doctrines but that doesn't mean we should be pronouncing judgments. That is God's job.

Who are you addressing this post to? Who is saying his/her religion is better than yours? Isn't it entirely possible that we conceive of God differently, but that doesn't mean that God is any of our conceptions.
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I believe they are the same person. And I don't believe Jehovah of the OT was a bloodthirsty monster. I think he was just cleaning house in situations where he knew that people were beyond redemption and had rejected him as a society.
When Jehovah came down as Jesus, I think part of his mission was to help people realize that he was not a blood thirsty monster because everything he did was out of love and honor.

you know what they say about opinions and assholes. I would imagine that Egypt's first born and canaan, a people that didn't do ANYTHING to jews, would have disagreed with you. Hell, if only bald men everywhere had a few bears handy, eh?

Again, according to the NT who would jesus have killed?
That may or may not have been jesus depending on specific denominational belief. So, i'll ask again, who would jesus kill? Try to stay within the NT since we know full well what kind of bloodthirsty monster the god of the OT is.

by the way... Rome and Egypt sure did get a major pass, eh?

Yeah Egypt got off real easy, God only had their armies swallowed up in the Red Sea, killed every one of their firstborn, smote them with plagues of lice, locusts, hail, frogs and fire.
Rome got off real nice too by getting their entire empire wiped out and their major city sacked.

well, so sayeth the MYTH. The fact remains that both Egypt AND Rome remained despite the canonization of jewish myth. If you believe all that I have an excellent story for you about George Washington and a cherry tree.

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