Zone1 is the church built upon Peter? HELL NO

I have Jesus and His Spirit. That's all anyone needs.

You are only able to have hope in god, Jesus and the spirit. And this hope is the greatest gift. Some people do not have this hope. This makes no one special or proud.

And the problem of baptism in case of the Mormons is from my point of view the baptism of dead persons. That's impossible! Who is dead is dead and rests in the arms of god! And it is even ugly to try to do so when you imagine this means a concrete disturbance of the peace of the dead without any need to have to do so. If the dead will be able to help the living then this is not a big problem. Love - and as far as I can see only love - overbridges all spaces and times. But the dead on their own need no help. They are closer to god.
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The bible is a book - and not a god. But it's absolutelly not wrong to ask what's really written there and how to understand this today - but also in the century when it had been written the first time and was read the first time. But it's perhaps not a good idea to ask organisations like '"Jehova's" witnesses' for example - because the word "Jehova" is on its own a misinterpretation.

No one understands this book. As far as I know it is in the bible because it is said the author had been boiled in oil from the Romans but he had survived without to deny god. We respect such people - independent from their exceptional mental situation.
Joseph Smith was taught by the Lord and his angels to understand the book of revelation. When our eyes and hearts are open, we can understand it. Same with Isaiah and the other prophets and apostles.
Joseph Smith was taught by the Lord and his angels to understand the book of revelation. When our eyes and hearts are open, we can understand it. Same with Isaiah and the other prophets and apostles.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists also claim to have full understanding of the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Jehovah's Witnesses and Seventh Day Adventists also claim to have full understanding of the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ.
Good for them. They believe on their scholars and claim no personal revelation. That’s why the JWs so-called prophets at the time stated day and year of the end of the earth or beginning of the Millennium. They did their calculations on false translation and interpretation of the ancient manuscripts. They even confuse Michael with Jehovah and this he’s not the Son of God or a God.
Joseph Smith, not a scholar, relied on revelation and angels of the Godhead.
Good for them. They believe on their scholars and claim no personal revelation. That’s why the JWs so-called prophets at the time stated day and year of the end of the earth or beginning of the Millennium. They did their calculations on false translation and interpretation of the ancient manuscripts. They even confuse Michael with Jehovah and this he’s not the Son of God or a God.
Joseph Smith, not a scholar, relied on revelation and angels of the Godhead.
Galatians 1:6-9.
So are mormons. You got your gospel from an angel.
Nope. The reason is that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ’s restored Church, restored by Jesus Christ himself. So, it’s the Gospel according to Jesus Christ.
Nope. The reason is that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ’s restored Church, restored by Jesus Christ himself. So, it’s the Gospel according to Jesus Christ.
Yes, that's the same story JWs use. You both claim to be the one true church.
You keep missing the point. For example, your church community never prays the Lord's prayer together? One person prays it aloud while everyone else remains silent?

All pray the Lord's prayer aloud during Mass in the Catholic Church, all speaking in one voice and it is not chaos at all. You do not pray together in your church?

We do not doubt the Holy Spirit's ability to handle all prayers. You are aware that all prayers are in Jesus' name, correct? You are just having trouble with the thought of Mary joining in with the prayers of so many? Prayer doesn't uplift in your church, they drag one down? I don't understand.
First, what part of "he is the one praying and the congregation prays silently along with him" is unclear?
Second, yes, the Holy Spirit can handle all the prayers of humanity at the same time. He is, after all, God. Mary, OTOH, is human, not divine. I ask again, why do you think she can hear, let alone handle, millions of voices clamoring for her attention at the same time?
Not when it is known that prayers for the dead were the norm in Jesus' and still are apart from Protestants. The first we hear that they aren't needed is from Martin Luther, sixteen centuries later.

All the same, if you don't want to pray for those who have passed on, then don't. I doubt unwilling prayers are of much, if any, value. I know for a fact prayers for the dead are valued. But as that is personal experience, not scripture, that can be readily dismissed by those who do not care to pray for those who have passed on.
When it is a practice or a tradition that literally has no Scriptural backing, it can indeed be questioned, and should. Just because they did it is no reason to believe we are commanded by God to do likewise.

Also, NO ONE has been able to tell me how and why ANY saint of the Church that has passed on and now is at rest in Christ is equipped and wants to hear and handle millions of prayers on a daily basis.
Nope. The reason is that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is Jesus Christ’s restored Church, restored by Jesus Christ himself. So, it’s the Gospel according to Jesus Christ.
When that church violates God's Word, it is not a true Church. Sorry, that's the bottom line.
Yes, that's the same story JWs use. You both claim to be the one true church.
Nope. They don’t do all things in the name of Jesus Christ. That is in the Bible and doctrine. So, from the naming of their church they messed up. And, they have no prophet of God. Just so-called scholars but not called directly by Jesus Christ and his prophets and apostles.
Second, yes, the Holy Spirit can handle all the prayers of humanity at the same time. He is, after all, God. Mary, OTOH, is human, not divine. I ask again, why do you think she can hear, let alone handle, millions of voices clamoring for her attention at the same time?
How else but through the Holy Spirit. Interesting to envision prayer rising to heaven as chaotic.
Jesus is especially fond of Mary. I'm not sure you guys have thought this through.
Also, NO ONE has been able to tell me how and why ANY saint of the Church that has passed on and now is at rest in Christ is equipped and wants to hear and handle millions of prayers on a daily basis.
I take it is not something you would want to do? Join in prayer after you are at rest?

I believe prayer is powerful, not chaotic; uplifting, not burdensome.

How many prayers do you imagine are for peace? For healing? For needs? For forgiveness? Do you imagine millions of different categories, or a manageable amount? Do you imagine that God's will in heaven is for his creation to avoid praying for/with others? You cannot imagine millions of voices praying for peace, with saints and angels joining in with mankind?
Joseph Smith was taught by the Lord and his angels to understand the book of revelation.

I think Joseph Smith had been a sex-addicted spiritual charlatan. And this is only a very soft critics.

When our eyes and hearts are open,


we can understand it.

What is anyone able to understand in case of Joseph Smith except that he had been a criminal?

Same with Isaiah and the other prophets and apostles.

Mahatma Smith? Did he fight for the freedom of anyone else except his own fake-freedom to do whatever he liked to do on his own by manipulating with his lies anyone else?
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I think Joseph Smith had been a sex-addicted spiritual charlatan. And this is only a very soft critics.


What is anyone able to understand in case of Joseph Smith except that he had been a criminal?

Mahatma Smith? Did he fight for the freedom of anyone else except his own fake-freedom to do whatever he liked to do on his own by manipulating with his lies anyone else?
Jesus Christ was considered a criminal too according to the Romans and the Religious leaders.
Did Jesus fight the Romans for the freedom of the Jews? You are sadly mistaken about what is really important. The restoration of the Lord’s Church and all the necessary ordinances for exaltation in the highest degree of Glory is the purpose of God and the Church. God’s purpose is to bring to past the immortality and eternal life of mankind. Joseph Smith was successful at doing this and that’s all that matters.
Jesus is building his house upon Peter confessing the accurate truth as to who he is. Peter confessed that Jesus is the Christ, Son of the living God. That is rock Jesus' house is built on.

There are many gospel/religious songs about the "rock of salvation" being that of Christ Jesus, the Son of God just like Peter confessed.

Many religions do not accept this truth as they are taught as kids that Jesus is God rather than the son of God in which Peter confessed Jesus to be.
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