CDZ Is the Climate changing?

I have a friend who lives in Madeira Beach, Florida. She has lived there for 30 years. When she originally about the house I was about three feet above sea level. Now it's more like two and a half feet above sea level. Last year alone the seas rose almost an inch, the rate at which the seas are rising is accelerating. I don't think we have 50 years left before most of the coastline infrastructure is threatened.

That's not true at all. What has happened is Florida has been cutting down on the amount of sand they use to replenish the beaches.

That IS man caused though. All the streams and rivers have been dammed up which has stopped the flow of sand to naturally replenish the beaches.

A problem that has been had to be dealt with for over 75 years.
For something that isn't conjecture, big oil is investing in renewable energy sources, they don't want to be left behind...
lol! there's no stock ticker "BO" for the Big Oil Corporation, but I'll admit there's some people doing something. A DuckDuck search on "big oil investing renewables" gave me How the six major oil companies have invested in renewable energy projects and while the article starts out w/ "billions into clean energy" the article later admits that all the companies only coughed up a percent of their budgets in 2018. What that suggests to me is that we're looking at a hedge or a maybe, but definitely not a transition.
...I just hope they don't get a monopoly on it and screw everyone over like they've been doing for years.
Let's face it, the oil corps serve us, they're selling something that's hard to get that we want, and when we buy it we're better off because we need the gas a lot more than our money. Do we understand this together?
As I understand, the reservoirs for this project will be coulees
I had no idea what the term "coulees" meant. so had to look it up.
At first I thought it was a curse word of sorts. I was wring.

Coulee, or coulée is a term applied rather loosely to different landforms, all of which refer to a kind of valley or drainage zone. The word coulee comes from the Canadian French coulée, from French couler 'to flow'. Wikipedia

btw: thanks for introducing a new term
I for one believe climate is changing which is pretty obvious and believe man is mostly responsible if not entirely. However, I do not believe that our efforts will be enough to make a major difference in climate change.
There are two (2) simultaneous major events going on at the same time; that will affect the development of the human race as we know it, one way or another.

[1] Fossil fuels are finite. There is a fixed amount of fossil fuels, natural gas, and coal in the ground today. This fact is not going to change. We are not going to find oil deposits on mars or the moon. Based on public records covering reserve amounts and the rate we are consuming those energy sources; humans will consume it all in 20-30 years.

[2] there is a worldwide effort to switch to renewables and the reason for this is to prevent climate change.

Those two independent efforts are working towards the same end and they do not even know it.

In my view the two groups should join. Together as one force I believe real change can take place before it is too late & that too late date is not far away, in my view of things.

The climate is changing, this is an undisputed fact. I have never much cared about the "why" or the "who" even. I personally think mankind has some impact on it, it seems to me to be rather naïve to think we can rape the planet and not have any impact on it
Since the fuels we are using now are finite, we will eventually consume it all. Once that end comes our planet will recover back to what it was before. The only question remaining is whether the human race will be around to live it. There is a possibility that we will destroy ourselves first, even if it is a slim one, It is still a possibility, in my view of things..

God; I pray not but who knows?

Still, I would not call this “raping the planet”
There are two (2) simultaneous major events going on at the same time; that will affect the development of the human race as we know it, one way or another.

[1] Fossil fuels are finite. There is a fixed amount of fossil fuels, natural gas, and coal in the ground today. This fact is not going to change. We are not going to find oil deposits on mars or the moon. Based on public records covering reserve amounts and the rate we are consuming those energy sources; humans will consume it all in 20-30 years.

[2] there is a worldwide effort to switch to renewables and the reason for this is to prevent climate change.

Those two independent efforts are working towards the same end and they do not even know it.

In my view the two groups should join. Together as one force I believe real change can take place before it is too late & that too late date is not far away, in my view of things.

I certainly wish we could say goodbye to oil in 50 years but I don't think that's going happen. Back in 1950's it was predicted that by 2000 there would be a huge shortage of oil. Such forecast are based on proven reserves. The trouble is, proved reserves only represent the oil that a given region can theoretically be extract based on the infrastructure it has planned or in place. Every year, there is more oil discovered, new regions opening up and new technologies being developed to get more out our reserves.

Oil is not going to go away any time soon. What will happen is dwindling production will force prices higher and higher making oil unsuitable for usage of the general public as a source of fuel. That will make alternative energy sources a bargain compared to oil. That is when the world will move to alternative fuels rapidly. I would guess that may may happen in the next century.
it's been accepted as scientific fact
Dream on comrad Stann. It is accepted by fake scientists and politicians figuring on getting big bucks from taxing and impoverishing most of mankind.
And, for Comrad Flopper
at least you got good taste, using Humphrey Bogart for you avatar. The Earth makes petroleum, so it is increasingly available. But the Richman and his hired politicians want to murder millions of people and play wind mills, solar farms, etc. that cost more and produce less than petroleum does.
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Dream on comrad Stann. It is accepted by fake scientists and politicians figuring on getting big bucks from taxing and impoverishing most of mankind.
And, for Comrad Flopper
at least you got good taste, using Humphrey Bogart for you avatar. The Earth makes petroleum, so it is increasingly available. But the Richman and his hired politicians want to murder millions of people and play wind mills, solar farms, etc. that cost more and produce less than petroleum does.
I'm sorry but you're ridiculous. The only part of the scientific community that states otherwise are the few employed by big oil. I don't believe liars.
Since the fuels we are using now are finite, we will eventually consume it all. Once that end comes our planet will recover back to what it was before. The only question remaining is whether the human race will be around to live it. There is a possibility that we will destroy ourselves first, even if it is a slim one, It is still a possibility, in my view of things..

God; I pray not but who knows?

Still, I would not call this “raping the planet”

I do not think "recover" is the correct term. There is no "right" or "wrong" temperature for the planet. The planet does not care, we humans do
When I was a kid we used to joke, "They'd tax the air if they could." We just laughed.

Well guess what???.Liberals found a way to do it and gorged themselves with enrichment. They ain't stoopid, but so many are
I do not think "recover" is the correct term. There is no "right" or "wrong" temperature for the planet. The planet does not care, we humans do
The planet has a very complex system of conveying energy in it's biosphere. If the temperature increases much more, we will end up creating dead zones on the planet. Up till now, even the deserts of our planet have life. This is being altered at the present time. I prefer a planet that flourishes rather than one that struggles to survive. This is all going to reflect on how good are people we are. The human race shouldn't be remembered as one that made their planet unlivable.
Dream on comrad Stann. It is accepted by fake scientists and politicians figuring on getting big bucks from taxing and impoverishing most of mankind.
And, for Comrad Flopper
at least you got good taste, using Humphrey Bogart for you avatar. The Earth makes petroleum, so it is increasingly available. But the Richman and his hired politicians want to murder millions of people and play wind mills, solar farms, etc. that cost more and produce less than petroleum does.
What I was pointed out was that known reserves are not a good guide as to when we will run out of oil. Oil and gas is being discovered everyday and new technologies such fracking, robotics, and IOT is making it easier find and remove petroleum. People have been forecasting the end of oil and gas for over a hundred years and they have been wrong.

What will cause the world to move to alternative fuel sources is the slow rise in the cost of discovery, production, refining and transportation of oil and gas. Over the long term oil and gas is slowly getting to harder find and more expense to produce. Petroleum is not going to go away. The economic advantage as a fuel is. As the environmental damage rises due to use of petroleum as a fuel along with global warming and falling costs of alternative sources, we will see more and more movement to alternative sources. We will always need petroleum to make plastics and thousands of products. That's not likely to change. Large cargo vessels, petroleum driven power plants, jet airplanes will need petroleum as a fuel for a long time.
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I for one believe that it is. I've believed this for a long time, but I found that a documentary called "An Inconvenient Truth", which features for Vice President Al Gore prominently, was very persuasive. I know there are those who believe that the Climate isn't changing as well, including some people like James Corbett, who I respect immensely for his work on other subjects, but we simply don't agree when it comes to climate. Recently, a poster in another thread of mine expressed his belief that the climate isn't changing so I thought it might be good to create this thread and see where it goes. I ask that people support any assertions that haven't already been made by another poster with at least one link.
YOu "found a documentary called An Inconvenient Truth"???
Just now knew about it??
Do you know how many times this documentary has been completely wrong? Not just a little wrong... but holy cow wrong??
Climate fear and doom spreaders..
Boston January 2021... OH MY GOD!!!... Warmest January Day ever!!... AUUUGH!!!

Yeah... a little comparison they left out. It was the fouth time in Boston History the temp went above 70 in Boston.
1872... it was 73 degrees. Nobody went insane.
1876... it was 72 one died.
1950... it was 72 degrees... no one panicked
What they ALSO left out... exactly 3 weeks later Boston had the coldest day ON RECORD in Boston... -11 degrees
The 2nd coldest day in Boston was in 2019.
So guess the 3rd coldest day?.... yeah...2018.

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What I was pointed out was that known reserves are not a good guide as to when we will run out of oil. Oil and gas is being discovered everyday and new technologies such fracking, robotics, and IOT is making it easier find and remove petroleum. People have been forecasting the end of oil and gas for over a hundred years and they have been wrong.

What will cause the world to move to alternative fuel sources is the slow rise in the cost of discovery, production, refining and transportation of oil and gas. Over the long term oil and gas is slowly getting to harder find and more expense to produce. Petroleum is not going to go away. The economic advantage as a fuel is. As the environmental damage rises due to use of petroleum as a fuel along with global warming and falling costs of alternative sources, we will see more and more movement to alternative sources. We will always need petroleum to make plastics and thousands of products. That's not likely to change. Large cargo vessels, petroleum driven power plants, jet airplanes will need petroleum as a fuel for a long time.
Wake up already. 1. Fossil fuels are finite. 2. Fossil fuels are altering the Earth's climate at an unprecedented rate. 3. The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is well underway and is a necessary step in our evolution. The remaining fossil fuels are irreplaceable; we need to start thinking of them are strategic reserves for limited use by future generations. End of story.
Oil and gas is being discovered everyday
EXCLUSIVE: Expert warns that N. Sea oil exploration will dry up in 12 years time; meanwhile new Mariner field to support 1,500 east of Shetland jobs

“And by 2030, spending on North Sea oil exploration will have dwindled to virtually zero.
EXCLUSIVE: Expert warns that N. Sea oil exploration will dry up in 12 years time; meanwhile new Mariner field to support 1,500 east of Shetland jobsScottish Energy News | Scottish Energy News

Fracked Shale Oil Wells Drying Up Faster than Predicted, Wall Street Journal Finds
Jan 10, 2019
Those 1.3 million-barrel wells, the Journal reported, “now appear to be on a pace to produce about 482,000 barrels” apiece — a little over a third of what Pioneer told investors they could deliver.

In Texas’ famed Permian Basin, now the nation’s most productive shale oil field, where Pioneer predicted 960,000 barrels from each of its shale wells in 2015, the Journal concluded that those “wells are now on track to produce about 720,000 barrels” each.

Not only are the wells already drying up at a much faster rate than the company predicted,

“Two-thirds of projections made by the fracking companies between 2014 and 2017 in America’s four hottest drilling regions appear to have been overly optimistic, according to the analysis of some 16,000 wells operated by 29 of the biggest producers in oil basins in Texas and North Dakota,” it reported. “Collectively, the companies that made projections are on track to pump nearly 10 percent less oil and gas than they forecast for those areas, according to the analysis of data from Rystad Energy AS, an energy consulting firm.”

Fracked Shale Oil Wells Drying Up Faster than Predicted, Wall Street Journal Finds

Yet as the Enterprise drillers know, slaking the world's oil thirst is harder than it used to be. The old sources can't be counted on anymore. On land the lower 48 states of the U.S. are tapped out, producing less than half the oil they did at their peak in 1970.

But in the end the quest for more cheap oil will prove a losing game
: Not just because oil consumption imposes severe costs on the environment, health, and taxpayers, but also because the world's oil addiction is hastening a day of reckoning.

"In our lifetime," says economist Robert K. Kaufmann of Boston University, who is 46, "we will have to deal with a peak in the supply of cheap oil."

Abandoned Texas oil wells seen as "ticking time bombs" of contamination

Texas is among several states grappling with a surge of abandoned drilling sites and dwindling funds to clean them up.

Amid a recent oil market crash that followed years of frenzied drilling, Texas is among several states — including Louisiana and Oklahoma — grappling with a surge of abandoned drilling sites and dwindling funds to clean them up.

Abandoned Texas oil wells seen as "ticking time bombs" of contamination
EXCLUSIVE: Expert warns that N. Sea oil exploration will dry up in 12 years time; meanwhile new Mariner field to support 1,500 east of Shetland jobs

“And by 2030, spending on North Sea oil exploration will have dwindled to virtually zero.
EXCLUSIVE: Expert warns that N. Sea oil exploration will dry up in 12 years time; meanwhile new Mariner field to support 1,500 east of Shetland jobsScottish Energy News | Scottish Energy News

Fracked Shale Oil Wells Drying Up Faster than Predicted, Wall Street Journal Finds
Jan 10, 2019
Those 1.3 million-barrel wells, the Journal reported, “now appear to be on a pace to produce about 482,000 barrels” apiece — a little over a third of what Pioneer told investors they could deliver.

In Texas’ famed Permian Basin, now the nation’s most productive shale oil field, where Pioneer predicted 960,000 barrels from each of its shale wells in 2015, the Journal concluded that those “wells are now on track to produce about 720,000 barrels” each.

Not only are the wells already drying up at a much faster rate than the company predicted,

“Two-thirds of projections made by the fracking companies between 2014 and 2017 in America’s four hottest drilling regions appear to have been overly optimistic, according to the analysis of some 16,000 wells operated by 29 of the biggest producers in oil basins in Texas and North Dakota,” it reported. “Collectively, the companies that made projections are on track to pump nearly 10 percent less oil and gas than they forecast for those areas, according to the analysis of data from Rystad Energy AS, an energy consulting firm.”

Fracked Shale Oil Wells Drying Up Faster than Predicted, Wall Street Journal Finds

Yet as the Enterprise drillers know, slaking the world's oil thirst is harder than it used to be. The old sources can't be counted on anymore. On land the lower 48 states of the U.S. are tapped out, producing less than half the oil they did at their peak in 1970.

But in the end the quest for more cheap oil will prove a losing game
: Not just because oil consumption imposes severe costs on the environment, health, and taxpayers, but also because the world's oil addiction is hastening a day of reckoning.

"In our lifetime," says economist Robert K. Kaufmann of Boston University, who is 46, "we will have to deal with a peak in the supply of cheap oil."

Abandoned Texas oil wells seen as "ticking time bombs" of contamination

Texas is among several states grappling with a surge of abandoned drilling sites and dwindling funds to clean them up.

Amid a recent oil market crash that followed years of frenzied drilling, Texas is among several states — including Louisiana and Oklahoma — grappling with a surge of abandoned drilling sites and dwindling funds to clean them up.

Abandoned Texas oil wells seen as "ticking time bombs" of contamination
He probably works for a big oil, they don't want to hear the truth.
Climate fear and doom spreaders..
Boston January 2021... OH MY GOD!!!... Warmest January Day ever!!... AUUUGH!!!

Yeah... a little comparison they left out. It was the fouth time in Boston History the temp went above 70 in Boston.
1872... it was 73 degrees. Nobody went insane.
1876... it was 72 one died.
1950... it was 72 degrees... no one panicked
What they ALSO left out... exactly 3 weeks later Boston had the coldest day ON RECORD in Boston... -11 degrees
The 2nd coldest day in Boston was in 2019.
So guess the 3rd coldest day?.... yeah...2018.

That proves absolutely nothing. Global warming is measured by the earths average temperature, not the temperature in Boston or any other city.

And the 2010's average temperature rose to 58.9 degrees Fahrenheit a 2.19 degree rise since 1880. The average temperature of the earth and the atmosphere should remain fairly constant from one decade to the next. From year to year it goes up and down but there should be no long term trend, up or down.

If the current rate of world atmospheric temperature rise continues, sea levels will be up 11 inches by 2050 and 2 1/2 feet by 2100. Yet our problems will not be just coast flooding. Russia will become the major producer of wheat as the US, China, and India's outputs dwindle. Many fruit trees, including peaches, have a peculiar temperature requirement. If they don't experience enough chill during wintertime, they get confused and don't bloom properly. No bloom, no harvest. In the US, most of our production of peaches and several types of fruit trees will disappear. Corn will also be hit hard. Our oceans creatures will suffer far more than land species since oceans absorb 93% of the heat. Fishing for Salmon, Tuna, Snapper, Grouper, and Cod will see major reductions in yield. Etc, etc,....

It is not a question of will we devote our resource to stopping climate change but rather when. I believe we can not avoid the results of climate change in this century. What we can do is prepare to deal with problems produced by climate change and reduce greenhouse gases so man and and our environment can be saved.
The human race do not have the ability to house it's own people and get taxation right, but feel authoritative in the Earth's complex mechanism of the climate.

But to keep your agenda going, why no look at the last couple hundred years.

But if you look over millions of years -


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