CDZ Is the Climate changing?

Brazil averages 8 degrees warmer than the US. They have no problem growing things, your claims are baseless, and not founded in science.
Brazil receives a lot more rainfall, I forgot to take that into consideration.
In creating these pools, do they have to tear down any forests ? Does it do anything to upset the balance of nature ?
The geography of central WA is vocanic that has many depression that were hollowed out by a massive flash flood millenia ago. These depressions are called coulees and they can be filled with water as Grand Coulee is. Grand Coulee/Banks Lake hold irrigation water for much of the arid part of the state. As I understand, the reservoirs for this project will be coulees.
The geography of central WA is vocanic that has many depression that were hollowed out by a massive flash flood millenia ago. These depressions are called coulees and they can be filled with water as Grand Coulee is. Grand Coulee/Banks Lake hold irrigation water for much of the arid part of the state. As I understand, the reservoirs for this project will be coulees.
Sounds like a win-win-win situation. Maybe human ingenuity will save us yet.
Brazil receives a lot more rainfall, I forgot to take that into consideration.

The simple fact is that none of your claims are supported by real science.

Real science is MEASURABLE. Climatology is polluted by opinion. Opinions are not facts, and facts are the only things that matter.
The Midwest is the breadbasket of America, if that ever becomes " was the breadbasket of America " the whole country and a lot of the world are in big trouble.

It will happen, the farmers here see it coming. But the world will not feel it for a long time, the "bread basket" will just keep moving north, first the Dakotas and then Canada will take their time as the breadbasket.

In another generation people will think it is weird that Ga is called the Peach State
The simple fact is that none of your claims are supported by real science.

Real science is MEASURABLE. Climatology is polluted by opinion. Opinions are not facts, and facts are the only things that matter.
So do you work for the oil or just have a lot of stock in it ? It's no longer just a theory, it's been accepted as scientific fact but most of the people in the world. Sorry you can't comprehend or refuse to accept that.
Brazil averages 8 degrees warmer than the US.

Brazil is a really big country, what is the average temp in the areas where they are growing things like SoyBeans compared to the US Mid-west?
So do you work for the oil or just have a lot of stock in it ? It's no longer just a theory, it's been accepted as scientific fact but most of the people in the world. Sorry you can't comprehend or refuse to accept that.

No, I am an environmental geologist who has spent my career cleaning those assholes messes up.

And, no, it hasn't. In fact it is now a well failed theory. So failed that it has entered the realm of pseudo science.
Brazil is a really big country, what is the average temp in the areas where they are growing things like SoyBeans compared to the US Mid-west?

8 degrees warmer. Warmer is better so long as you have moisture.

Remember, 75% of Earth's history it has been much warmer than today. The age of the dinosaurs was up to 20 degrees warmer than the present day.

Food was beyond plentiful.
8 degrees warmer. Warmer is better so long as you have moisture.

The 8 degrees is for the whole country compared to the whole of of the US.

Try again.

Remember, 75% of Earth's history it has been much warmer than today. The age of the dinosaurs was up to 20 degrees warmer than the present day.

Food was beyond plentiful.

Seems there was a lot less humans eating the food back then.

Also it is about more than just average temp, it is about rain cycles, about the coldest part of the winter being colder and the hottest part of the summer being hotter.

Things are changing and whole ecosystems are shifting north. We can keep fighting over who/what is the cause or we can work to adapt to the changes.
"Renewables cannot be depended upon. The wind does not always blow and the sun does not always shine. Add to that, situations like what last year in Texas, where the turbines froze. Since renewables cannot be depended upon, it is necessary for power plants powered by coal or natural gas, or nuclear to be fired up and ready to provide electrical power when renewables are not working.
In a nutshell.
situations like what last year in Texas, where the turbines froze.

If they are willing to spend the money, wind turbines can be winterized, but the companies in Texas were too cheap to do that. While the wind turbines in Texas were frozen, the ones in Wyoming were still turning.
The 8 degrees is for the whole country compared to the whole of of the US.

Try again.

Seems there was a lot less humans eating the food back then.

Also it is about more than just average temp, it is about rain cycles, about the coldest part of the winter being colder and the hottest part of the summer being hotter.

Things are changing and whole ecosystems are shifting north. We can keep fighting over who/what is the cause or we can work to adapt to the changes.

One brachiosaur had to eat several tons of vegetable matter per day. All on a landmass that was one third of what we enjoy today.

Like I said, food of all types was plentiful.

You should read some paleontology books. Life was great.....then it got cold.

Figure out why it got cold all of a sudden and you have an instant PhD.
If they are willing to spend the money, wind turbines can be winterized, but the companies in Texas were too cheap to do that. While the wind turbines in Texas were frozen, the ones in Wyoming were still turning.

You really need to expand your reading. The Sun has entered a quiet phase so severe that the last time it happened the Earth was tossed into a little ice age.

That's what's coming. This globull warming horsecrap is wasting money that could be used to prepare people for the coming food shortages.
You really need to expand your reading. The Sun has entered a quiet phase so severe that the last time it happened the Earth was tossed into a little ice age.

what does that have to do with what I posted? Do tell?
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You really need to expand your reading. The Sun has entered a quiet phase so severe that the last time it happened the Earth was tossed into a little ice age.


Can you support that?

The recent recalibration of the sunspot number makes it even clearer that the Sun’s effect on climate is minimal and limited to the 0.1 percent variation in the Sun’s luminosity (radiative output),” says Hathaway. “This gives a small 0.1 degree centigrade change in global temperature — far too small to produce a ‘Little Ice Age.’ ”

If Solar Cycle 25 meets the panel’s predictions, it should be weaker than average. Cycle 25 is also expected to end a longer trend over the past four decades, in which the magnetic field at the Sun’s poles were gradually weakening. As a result, the solar cycles have been steadily weaker too. If Solar Cycle 25 sees an end to this waning, it would quell speculations that the Sun might enter a grand solar minimum, a decades-to-centuries long stretch of little solar activity. The last such minimum — known as the Maunder minimum — occurred in the middle of what’s known as the Little Ice Age from the 13th to 19th centuries, causing erroneous beliefs that another grand minimum could lead to global cooling.

“There is no indication that we are currently approaching a Maunder-type minimum in solar activity,” Upton said. But even if the Sun dropped into a grand minimum, there’s no reason to think Earth would undergo another Ice Age; not only do scientists theorize that the Little Ice Age occurred for other reasons, but in our contemporary world, greenhouse gases far surpass the Sun’s effects when it comes to changes in Earth’s climate.
Brazil is a really big country, what is the average temp in the areas where they are growing things like SoyBeans compared to the US Mid-west?
US 20-40 inches a year: Brazil 40-60 inches of rain a year. Because of climate change these averages can no longer be relied upon. The entire planet is destabilizing.
US 20-40 inches a year: Brazil 40-60 inches of rain a year. Because of climate change these averages can no longer be relied upon. The entire planet is destabilizing.

Averages for a country is a meaningless number. Both countries are far too big and their growing regions far too diverse for a national average to matter.

Also, it is not always just the total that matters, but how it is delivered. I live in the Heartland of America and work with the farmers here. What has changed over the last 20 years is not the amount of rainfall, but how it comes. The old climate it fell spread out over 15 to 20 days a month, now it comes in 5 to 7 days with longer in-between. This is not good for crops and many operations in this area have had to add irrigation and tiling, which had not been needed for the past 5 plus generations.

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