CDZ Is the Climate changing?

Is the Climate changing?

Hell yeah it is...It changes everyday... I live in Hawaii... Sometimes the morning showers don't get here till afternoon... Then believe it or not but the afternoon rains get here in the morning...

Some things just need repeating
Until heard
Please, do not call anyone an idiot
Just a friendly suggestion
from one
to another
There is zero doubt it’s changing
It appears to be a slight warning trend by humans
Will it get worse , is the ????
I for one believe that it is. I've believed this for a long time, but I found that a documentary called "An Inconvenient Truth", which features for Vice President Al Gore prominently, was very persuasive. I know there are those who believe that the Climate isn't changing as well, including some people like James Corbett, who I respect immensely for his work on other subjects, but we simply don't agree when it comes to climate. Recently, a poster in another thread of mine expressed his belief that the climate isn't changing so I thought it might be good to create this thread and see where it goes. I ask that people support any assertions that haven't already been made by another poster with at least one link.

Of course the climate is changing. It always has. The problem with Gores movie is it is also an inconvenient lie.

Multiple factual errors, that they knew were errors, but they left them in.

Makes them lies.
Gores movie is it is also an inconvenient lie.
Ok, weatwall, I reply by saying-------
you be da liar!!; maybe/maybe not
Fess up
admit you may be wrong
admit to what has been done
confess your sins
Tell the truth as best you know it
Knowing you may have heard wrong
Just ask for forgiveness,
& as one to another,
forgiveness will be granted
So Help Me God

for aqll to see
Imay of heard
once done
That is a very myopic response?
What about every other creature that is not

The other critters are pretty adaptable too. Remember, most of the mammals alive today evolved during the PETM.

That was at least 8 degrees warmer than today by the most conservative estimate.
Ok, weatwall, I reply by saying-------
you be da liar!!; maybe/maybe not
Fess up
admit you may be wrong
admit to what has been done
confess your sins
Tell the truth as best you know it
Knowing you may have heard wrong
Just ask for forgiveness,
& as one to another,
forgiveness will be granted
So Help Me God

for aqll to see
Imay of heard
once done

There was a Court hearing in the UK involving the lies made by the movie.

Gore lost.

Look it up.
I have been dying to use the word “ myopic “ all day lol

Anyways , it’s about a 1.5 F spike in temperature the last 20 years
Who knows?
1. 5 is nothing to be alarmed

5 F degree then we got serious crisis ??
Large areas of land would be under water and you would see insane hurricanes, storms and god knows what else
GW is man made

5 F and places on the coast are in the ocean
Fires become killers
Massive weather changes
Ok, weatwall, I reply by saying-------
you be da liar!!; maybe/maybe not
Fess up
admit you may be wrong
admit to what has been done
confess your sins
Tell the truth as best you know it
Knowing you may have heard wrong
Just ask for forgiveness,
& as one to another,
forgiveness will be granted
So Help Me God

for aqll to see
Imay of heard
once done
There is zero doubt it’s changing
It appears to be a slight warning trend by humans
Will it get worse , is the ????

Worse is not really the right word. There is no right or wrong climate for the planet, it does not care about the things living on it.

The climate will keep changing, whether mankind can adapt is the bigger question.

Because both sides choose to make it political 20 years ago, we just sit and bicker about who/what is the cause instead of doing things to adapt to the changes.

I work with farmers in the mid-west and they have seen it first hand. Rain patterns that have been constant for 4 or 5 generations have changed and they have had to adapt. More and more are adding irrigation and tiling, neither of which had been needed before. They are also looking at what they will plant when this area is no longer suited for being the bread basket (Canada will be the big winner in that area).

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