CDZ Is the Climate changing?

Can you provide one scientific organization that backs your assertion ?

if not, why?
And again, show me one scientific experiment that proves humans are able to change global climate. Heck even the EDF admits that the only way they can have a human caused global warming is through the process of elimination. Scientifically, human caused climate change is a guess. Now, I am not against studying the climate because we may be facing a natural climate change.

The headline in E&E News, WOWT-TV, Scientific American, WorldNewsNetwork, and other media outlets this week, “Unprecedented Heat Wave in Pacific Northwest Driven by Climate Change” couldn’t possibly be more unscientific. With absolutely no analysis, no historical context, and nothing but conjecture, author Anne. C. Mulkern eschewed science for advocacy in her reporting of the brief Pacific Northwest (PNW) heat wave this week.

Yes, the heat wave set all-time high temperature records in Washington, Oregon, and Canada. But consider this: At best, we have about 150 years of reliable weather records for the PNW, so a “black swan” outlier event like this isn’t surprising. It’s happened before, most certainly. We just weren’t around to observe it. After all, Native Americans did not keep written weather records.

High (and low) temperature records are nothing new. But it is important to look at the past, because data show us that more high temperature records were set during the first half of the twentieth century than during the past 50 years. Even the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) confirms this.

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Why did you not post this one too...

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Well, first off, the timeline in that graph only comprises 50 years. Hardly an adequate sampling of a planet that is 4.54 billion years old. Second, it proves nothing about any global human caused warming because, the sampling is from large metropolitan areas that are subject to local warming due to on-going additons of pavement, and on-going, local, changes in the environment otherwise known as the "heat island effect."
Well, since you brought it up as a statement of fact, can you post for us the exact locations of all temperature reading sites....since you claim to know them.
Well, since you brought it up as a statement of fact, can you post for us the exact locations of all temperature reading sites....since you claim to know them.
It said METROPOLITAN areas in the legend of the graph YOU posted. Metro areas are heat islands.
A little heatwave?

That little heatwave was described as a 1000 year event. Broke all heat records in the pacific northwest. This on the back of record drought in the southwest.

BTW it's hot all over the globe, so it's no different.
So it happened 1000 years ago....Was that human caused too?
Would that change the fact that this warming is caused by us?
If it is caused by us and is so detrimental to everything, nations not complying would be involved if our survival depended on it. They are not. The Western World is used as the "payers" for near everything. At least the elites for now are not getting rid of us like so many others.
how can that be? climate change is based on time. Not weather events. You should go learn you something.
(January 2007) The end of the Fossil Fuel era is upon us so what are we going to do next-?

Energy information Administration Official Energy Statistics from the US government

The above report indicates that the US will be using primarily oil as our main energy source through 2030.
The world's total declared reserves are 1,317,400,000,000 barrels (January 2007).

World oil consumption 2005 is 80,290,000 barrels per day or 29,305,850,000 per year

Dividing annual consumption into total reserves gives us 44.9 years of oil supply at the current consumption rate.

That was fourteen (14) years ago.
We are not changing our habits, and this spells doom for us all.

45-13 = 31 years then the well runs dry

Do you have any suggestions--?

Wait, there is hope for us it seems, now everyone is concerned about climate change.

That concern may be what we need.
Our climate is changing, it has changed dramatically at least four times.

Google “snowball earth”
The Snowball Earth hypothesis proposes that during one or more of Earth's icehouse climates, Earth's surface became entirely or nearly entirely frozen, sometime earlier than 650 Mya (million years ago) during the Cryogenian period. A number of unanswered questions remain, including whether Earth was a full snowball, or a "slushball" with a thin equatorial band of open (or seasonally open) water.
Snowball Earth - Wikipedia

It is amazing that two (2) major events are happening at the same time.

We are running out of fossil fuels, and everyone is concerned about climate change. They both are working towards the same end.

Stop climate change and end our dependence on fossil fuels.
One fixes the other.
Then again, our planet will recover with or without us.

Even if we burned all the fossil fuels still in the ground, over time our planet will recover, with or without us.

Going all electric is our future.

Please embrace these changes, we the people need all the help we can get.

(January 2007) The end of the Fossil Fuel era is upon us so what are we going to do next-?

Energy information Administration Official Energy Statistics from the US government

The above report indicates that the US will be using primarily oil as our main energy source through 2030.
The world's total declared reserves are 1,317,400,000,000 barrels (January 2007).

World oil consumption 2005 is 80,290,000 barrels per day or 29,305,850,000 per year

Dividing annual consumption into total reserves gives us 44.9 years of oil supply at the current consumption rate.

That was fourteen (14) years ago.
We are not changing our habits, and this spells doom for us all.

45-13 = 31 years then the well runs dry

Do you have any suggestions--?

Wait, there is hope for us it seems, now everyone is concerned about climate change.

That concern may be what we need.
Our climate is changing, it has changed dramatically at least four times.

Google “snowball earth”
The Snowball Earth hypothesis proposes that during one or more of Earth's icehouse climates, Earth's surface became entirely or nearly entirely frozen, sometime earlier than 650 Mya (million years ago) during the Cryogenian period. A number of unanswered questions remain, including whether Earth was a full snowball, or a "slushball" with a thin equatorial band of open (or seasonally open) water.
Snowball Earth - Wikipedia

It is amazing that two (2) major events are happening at the same time.

We are running out of fossil fuels, and everyone is concerned about climate change. They both are working towards the same end.

Stop climate change and end our dependence on fossil fuels.
One fixes the other.
Then again, our planet will recover with or without us.

Even if we burned all the fossil fuels still in the ground, over time our planet will recover, with or without us.

Going all electric is our future.

Please embrace these changes, we the people need all the help we can get.

Not in your lifetime, nor that of your children or their children. Pipe dreams aside, petroleum lubricants will always be needed and besides that, your favored plastics are petroleum products.
Concerned American disagrees because that’s all he has, nothing to offer, just some bla, blka, bla

Is you have some facts to offer, offer it

You haven't presented one fact or viable solution. You've done nothing other than repeat democrat pipe dream talking points. The oil reserves that you cite, are proven--not what have yet to be discovered. ICE will eventually disappear through attrition as all old technology does. It is not magically made to disappear by a particular date because some demented fool says so. If these morons (look in the mirror) were serious about wanting to change to electric then they would be coming up with viable solutions to our grossly inefficient electrical grid instead of saying "Oh let's go out and overwhelm an already insufficient electrical grid with a bunch of inefficient EVs. Build tidal electrical technology, use proven hydroelectric technology that we already have instead of advocating for destroying hydroelectric capacity. Find cleaner, safer nuclear tech. You're a fool without a clue about what you are claiming to be expert on, spouting bullshit. STFU.
You haven't presented one fact or viable solution. You've done nothing other than repeat democrat pipe dream talking points. The oil reserves that you cite, are proven--not what have yet to be discovered. ICE will eventually disappear through attrition as all old technology does. It is not magically made to disappear by a particular date because some demented fool says so. If these morons (look in the mirror) were serious about wanting to change to electric then they would be coming up with viable solutions to our grossly inefficient electrical grid instead of saying "Oh let's go out and overwhelm an already insufficient electrical grid with a bunch of inefficient EVs. Build tidal electrical technology, use proven hydroelectric technology that we already have instead of advocating for destroying hydroelectric capacity. Find cleaner, safer nuclear tech. You're a fool without a clue about what you are claiming to be expert on, spouting bullshit. STFU.
You haven't presented one fact or viable solution.
I have presented many, It is not my fault that mama did not teach you how to read
The oil reserves that you cite, are proven--not what have yet to be discovered.
The oil companies have been looking hard across this globe to find more oil. They have found nothing that will change the ultimate outcome. The oil companies last resort is fracking, which is nothing more than scraping the bottom of the barrel, no pun intended.
BW: I have done the research, you should give it a try before humiliatingly yourself on a public forum.

ICE will eventually disappear through attrition as all old technology does.
Finally we agree, there may be hope for you, then maybe not.
It is not magically made to disappear by a particular date because some demented fool says so. If these morons (look in the mirror) were serious about wanting to change to electric then they would be coming up with viable solutions
They are, it is called renewables
Build tidal electrical technology, use proven hydroelectric technology that we already have instead of advocating for destroying hydroelectric capacity.
Your post makes no since but I applaud your efforts.
Find cleaner, safer nuclear tech. You're a fool without a clue about what you are claiming to be expert on, spouting bullshit. STFU.
The oil companies have been looking hard across this globe to find more oil. They have found nothing that will change the ultimate outcome. The oil companies last resort is fracking, which is nothing more than scraping the bottom of the barrel, no pun intended.

Nuclear is a great addition, we could use the same nuclear plants in our nuclear submarines to power large cities and local communities.

I do believe you and I are traveling down the same road to a greater future, if, and only is you, Concerned American, STFU!!!!!

But honestly I have enjoyed our back and forth, please continue to expose your ignorance for all to see :)-
just kidding, I like you, just do not know why!!!!
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What do you do when that wheel bearing seizes because you didn't lubricate it

If you can not read the fine print, it says "Full Synthetic Oil Change Kit, 2879323"

Your post makes no since
You're trying to impress someone ^^^. Your point by point presents nothing other than opinion, that is not fact. Research of new reserves is ongoing moron, it never stops. The technologies that I presented are currently being developed and will be nowhere near available in nine years and you want to replace the country's fleet of ICE by 2024--you're a fool. BTW Your post makes no SENSE since you apparently can't differentiate two completely different words.
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If you can not read the fine print, it says "Full Synthetic Oil Change Kit, 2879323"

What was that you said about making a fool of yourself on a public forum? Read it moron.
The Manufacture of SYNTHETIC OIL.
The process starts using ordinary petroleum as the main feedstock with additional raw materials like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane. These raw materials are injected and blended with artificial chemical compounds that are absent in natural crude oil to create uniformly sized and weighed oil molecules.
Now run along.

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