CDZ Is the Climate changing?

That proves absolutely nothing. Global warming is measured by the earths average temperature, not the temperature in Boston or any other city.

And the 2010's average temperature rose to 58.9 degrees Fahrenheit a 2.19 degree rise since 1880. The average temperature of the earth and the atmosphere should remain fairly constant from one decade to the next. From year to year it goes up and down but there should be no long term trend, up or down.

If the current rate of world atmospheric temperature rise continues, sea levels will be up 11 inches by 2050 and 2 1/2 feet by 2100. Yet our problems will not be just coast flooding. Russia will become the major producer of wheat as the US, China, and India's outputs dwindle. Many fruit trees, including peaches, have a peculiar temperature requirement. If they don't experience enough chill during wintertime, they get confused and don't bloom properly. No bloom, no harvest. In the US, most of our production of peaches and several types of fruit trees will disappear. Corn will also be hit hard. Our oceans creatures will suffer far more than land species since oceans absorb 93% of the heat. Fishing for Salmon, Tuna, Snapper, Grouper, and Cod will see major reductions in yield. Etc, etc,....

It is not a question of will we devote our resource to stopping climate change but rather when. I believe we can not avoid the results of climate change in this century. What we can do is prepare to deal with problems produced by climate change and reduce greenhouse gases so man and and our environment can be saved.
Climate change means there's all kinds of extremes. Citing specific readings is not scientific at all. The general direction we are going is one we don't want to go. The whole earth is affected. Think of the Earth as a 20 gallon aquarium . The entire livable ( the Earth's biosphere ) portion of that aquarium is the bottom 1/4 th. inch which we are polluting very badly with CO2. CO2 traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere like a slow cooker. Life exists here because of the perfect balance of elements. We have thrown the entire Earth out of balance.
The human race do not have the ability to house it's own people and get taxation right, but feel authoritative in the Earth's complex mechanism of the climate.

But to keep your agenda going, why no look at the last couple hundred years.

But if you look over millions of years -

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Human beings have only been around for a couple million years, they've adapted to current conditions which are changing too rapidly for us to evolve an adapt to.
Human beings have only been around for a couple million years, they've adapted to current conditions which are changing too rapidly for us to evolve an adapt to.
Can you explain how you've failed to adapt recently?

I had a moment in time when I collected postcards for the town I was born and brought up in and the neighbouring city where I've also lived. I noticed the city had flooded before as depicted in postcards from the 1800's. When the city flooded in the noughties, man made climate (mmcc) change was blamed. So was mmcc responsible in the 1800's, and as the city is built on the river's flood plain, was mmcc responsible for the floods previous to then?

In the minds of alarmists, do we have a date when mmcc started?

Was mmcc responsible for the greatest flood of them all, as recorded in the Bible.

Is the climate changing? Well, it's not doing anything different then what it's done a million times over billions of years. I suppose cavemen didn't pay tax and today's humans need some excuse to extract more money out of the population.
Can you explain how you've failed to adapt recently?

I had a moment in time when I collected postcards for the town I was born and brought up in and the neighbouring city where I've also lived. I noticed the city had flooded before as depicted in postcards from the 1800's. When the city flooded in the noughties, man made climate (mmcc) change was blamed. So was mmcc responsible in the 1800's, and as the city is built on the river's flood plain, was mmcc responsible for the floods previous to then?

In the minds of alarmists, do we have a date when mmcc started?

Was mmcc responsible for the greatest flood of them all, as recorded in the Bible.

Is the climate changing? Well, it's not doing anything different then what it's done a million times over billions of years. I suppose cavemen didn't pay tax and today's humans need some excuse to extract more money out of the population.
You aren't looking for the truth. Our inaction on climate change is costing all of us already. How much more do you want to pay ? You need not respond, I made my point and I'm not going to engage in argument for argument's sake. It serves no good.
You aren't looking for the truth. Our inaction on climate change is costing all of us already. How much more do you want to pay ? You need not respond, I made my point and I'm not going to engage in argument for argument's sake. It serves no good.
I asked all but simple questions.
Simple questions how to design to them. I prefer honest conversations. Goodbye.
Your simple questions had a design to them. ( Because of my arthritis I use a voice machine to print out the words it doesn't always come out right usually I catch the imperfections and correct them myself, but I'm watching I was watching big sky on TV I wasn't paying attention now the news is on I'm going to watch that goodbye.
Simple questions how to design to them. I prefer honest conversations. Goodbye.
If you make a claim, you should be prepared to defend it. For example, If people are failing to adapt because climate change is now too rapid, then how are they failing? What does that look like?

And off you scurry. Typical
If you make a claim, you should be prepared to defend it. For example, If people are failing to adapt because climate change is now too rapid, then how are they failing? What does that look like?

And off you scurry. Typical
okay I'm going to respond to you one more time I don't like talking to morons or people who purposely deny the truth. I don't know what your game is but it's sick
try to have a good day I plan on it I will not respond to any more of your idiotic posts
Our state and our climate change has direct has affected me personally Ang I pointed out the way it's affecting the entire world. if you read through all these posts on climate change you'll get the big picture. You're thinking is backwards and in the minority thank God. Even the most ignorant people are beginning to accept the truth about our world and how her affect humans I'm sorry you're not among them. Whatever your whatever your goal is, it's not helping matters. Goodbye once and for all. I'm going to try to ignore you or ever or until I see you're grown up. I didn't waste time trying to correct any mistakes that came up from the machine cuz you're not worth it. Your climate denier for whatever reason, I don't know why I don't care I just know you're mistaking very mistaken and you're part of the problem instead of helping to solve it.
If you make a claim, you should be prepared to defend it. For example, If people are failing to adapt because climate change is now too rapid, then how are they failing? What does that look like?

And off you scurry. Typical
Respiratory problems will become worse. People's resistance to diseases will become less. The list is endless. Just look up the facts, instead of looking for the lies and conspiracy theories there aren't any.
The human race do not have the ability to house it's own people and get taxation right, but feel authoritative in the Earth's complex mechanism of the climate.

But to keep your agenda going, why no look at the last couple hundred years.

But if you look over millions of years -

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Putting things in the big picture, a graph of 500 million years may be a good way of looking at climate change over the next hundred millions years but not over the next couple of centuries. The time period of interest is inside your dot of Today. Your temperature scale covers 40 degrees The temperature range that will wreck our environment is only a 2 to 4 degree change.

This chart shows that the earth has existed through massive changes in temperatures. However neither animals nor plants did.

When talking about global warming we are taking about only a few degree change in temperature of the earth occurring over a few centuries and the devastating changes if will cause in our environment and our way of life. Those changes are nothing compared to the changes over the last 500 years but they could well be the most devastating changes to the environment in man's brief history on this planet.
Climate change means there's all kinds of extremes. Citing specific readings is not scientific at all. The general direction we are going is one we don't want to go. The whole earth is affected. Think of the Earth as a 20 gallon aquarium . The entire livable ( the Earth's biosphere ) portion of that aquarium is the bottom 1/4 th. inch which we are polluting very badly with CO2. CO2 traps heat in the Earth's atmosphere like a slow cooker. Life exists here because of the perfect balance of elements. We have thrown the entire Earth out of balance.
As someone once explained just a few degrees change in the average global temperature may seem very small but it can have devastating impacts on many species of animals and plants. Take the sea turtle. If the average global temperature went up just 2 degrees, the temperatures on our shorelines would go up an average of 6 degrees. Sea turtle eggs would produce almost all females when the temperature is this high The result being the sea turtles would rapidly become extinct which would have a devastating effect on the species that pray on them. Peaches must child to a certain temperature in winter to blossom, no blossoms, no peaches. A few degrees rise in sea temperature would destroy the coral reefs which are a hatchery for thousands of species of fish. These just a few examples. I believe because man can easily adapt to rapidly changing temperatures, he assumes all plants and animals can also.
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Putting things in the big picture, a graph of 500 million years may be a good way of looking at climate change over the next hundred millions years but not over the next couple of centuries. The time period of interest is inside your dot of Today. Your temperature scale covers 40 degrees The temperature range that will wreck our environment is only a 2 to 4 degree change.

This chart shows that the earth has existed through massive changes in temperatures. However neither animals nor plants did.

When talking about global warming we are taking about only a few degree change in temperature of the earth occurring over a few centuries and the devastating changes if will cause in our environment and our way of life. Those changes are nothing compared to the changes over the last 500 years but they could well be the most devastating changes to the environment in man's brief history on this planet.
Absolutely correct, but you are talking to someone who isn't listening, doesn't want to listen or both. The boisterous 5% are climate deniers primarily are people invested in big oil in one way or another. There's no other reasonable excuse not to acknowledge the fact. Like I said, with this guy you were talking to the wind.
okay I'm going to respond to you one more time I don't like talking to morons or people who purposely deny the truth. I don't know what your game is but it's sick
try to have a good day I plan on it I will not respond to any more of your idiotic posts
Our state and our climate change has direct has affected me personally Ang I pointed out the way it's affecting the entire world. if you read through all these posts on climate change you'll get the big picture. You're thinking is backwards and in the minority thank God. Even the most ignorant people are beginning to accept the truth about our world and how her affect humans I'm sorry you're not among them. Whatever your whatever your goal is, it's not helping matters. Goodbye once and for all. I'm going to try to ignore you or ever or until I see you're grown up. I didn't waste time trying to correct any mistakes that came up from the machine cuz you're not worth it. Your climate denier for whatever reason, I don't know why I don't care I just know you're mistaking very mistaken and you're part of the problem instead of helping to solve it.
Your grammar suggests your credulous to the alarmists.

While the climate has put an end to civilization, in your mind, just take 5 minutes and read up on the Ordovician Period, especially the level of co2 and the glaciation that was going on.

By the way, I do have a Geology background so if you wish to listen to cranks giving you dire news due to the last 150 years, than that's your fault.

Even the dinosaurs were wandering about in 2,400ppm+ co2 and your knickers have twisted because we've currently hit 450ppm.

My advice, if you feel co2 and mankind is destroying the world, then lead by example and stop producing co2 and using products that contributes to your dilemma.
Absolutely correct, but you are talking to someone who isn't listening, doesn't want to listen or both. The boisterous 5% are climate deniers primarily are people invested in big oil in one way or another. There's no other reasonable excuse not to acknowledge the fact. Like I said, with this guy you were talking to the wind.
I'm not into "big" oil. From crustaceans to volcanoes, the Earth's co2 has fluctuated wildly. Also, the planet has had at least five ice ages, we are on the tail end of this one.

What I take exception to, are the idiots who claim the planet is doomed due to co2 hitting it's present level. I take exception to the idiots that believe the whole climate mechanism hinges on one thing, co2.

Man produces co2, as does marine life and volcanoes. Live with it.

Why not look at the Ordovician Period and have a read up on marine life, invertebrates and fish, then the glacial activity that was going on whilst co2 levels were well above 5,000ppm.

And I take exception to the idiots that have no clue about the replication crisis but kiss the arse off scientists.
Can you explain how you've failed to adapt recently?

I had a moment in time when I collected postcards for the town I was born and brought up in and the neighbouring city where I've also lived. I noticed the city had flooded before as depicted in postcards from the 1800's. When the city flooded in the noughties, man made climate (mmcc) change was blamed. So was mmcc responsible in the 1800's, and as the city is built on the river's flood plain, was mmcc responsible for the floods previous to then?

In the minds of alarmists, do we have a date when mmcc started?

Was mmcc responsible for the greatest flood of them all, as recorded in the Bible.

Is the climate changing? Well, it's not doing anything different then what it's done a million times over billions of years. I suppose cavemen didn't pay tax and today's humans need some excuse to extract more money out of the population.

Extreme weather has always existed. Flooding, drought etc etc.

The reality is that in this era we're like a person jumping off a cliff, knowing there's sea at the bottom, because we can see the sea, but we don't know if there are rocks or not at the bottom.

Maybe there are, maybe there aren't. By the time we find out, it'll be way too late to do anything about it.

Life is about balance. Too much water, we die, too little, we die. Too much sun, we die, too little, we die.

We should be looking after the world we live in, but we're not. We don't know the consequences of those actions. We can't predict.

Like when Mao decided the birds were eating the crops. So he had people kill the birds, and then the insects that the birds ate destroyed the crops..... That's what we're doing with the world right now.
That proves absolutely nothing. Global warming is measured by the earths average temperature, not the temperature in Boston or any other city.

And the 2010's average temperature rose to 58.9 degrees Fahrenheit a 2.19 degree rise since 1880. The average temperature of the earth and the atmosphere should remain fairly constant from one decade to the next. From year to year it goes up and down but there should be no long term trend, up or down.

If the current rate of world atmospheric temperature rise continues, sea levels will be up 11 inches by 2050 and 2 1/2 feet by 2100. Yet our problems will not be just coast flooding. Russia will become the major producer of wheat as the US, China, and India's outputs dwindle. Many fruit trees, including peaches, have a peculiar temperature requirement. If they don't experience enough chill during wintertime, they get confused and don't bloom properly. No bloom, no harvest. In the US, most of our production of peaches and several types of fruit trees will disappear. Corn will also be hit hard. Our oceans creatures will suffer far more than land species since oceans absorb 93% of the heat. Fishing for Salmon, Tuna, Snapper, Grouper, and Cod will see major reductions in yield. Etc, etc,....

It is not a question of will we devote our resource to stopping climate change but rather when. I believe we can not avoid the results of climate change in this century. What we can do is prepare to deal with problems produced by climate change and reduce greenhouse gases so man and and our environment can be saved.
They said the same thing in the 1990s.
That "by 2020 NY harbor will be under water"... same people.
The human race do not have the ability to house it's own people and get taxation right, but feel authoritative in the Earth's complex mechanism of the climate.

But to keep your agenda going, why no look at the last couple hundred years.

But if you look over millions of years -

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at what point on that timeline did humans start to thrive?
We have nothing to lose buy taking better care of our water air & soil. no matter what you believe about climate change.
"Renewables cannot be depended upon. The wind does not always blow and the sun does not always shine. Add to that, situations like what last year in Texas, where the turbines froze. Since renewables cannot be depended upon, it is necessary for power plants powered by coal or natural gas, or nuclear to be fired up and ready to provide electrical power when renewables are not working.

Also in Texas last year, all sorts of screw up happened at the electric plant and substations, that left many without power.

Me personally, I could care less what make the lights come on, or my vehicle move from A to B. I just want it cheap.

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