Is the Communist Party and the Democratic Party actually the same thing?

Matthew, are you a Communist?


You wouldn't understand that term to begin with first grader.

I believe in the private sector and tons of political choice for the people. Because I believe the government should protect the people from abuse doesn't make me a communist. Only in your screwed up little world. lol
Matthew, are you a Communist?


You wouldn't understand that term to begin with first grader.

I believe in the private sector and tons of political choice for the people. Because I believe the government should protect the people from abuse doesn't make me a communist. Only in your screwed up little world. lol
You forgot to change your socks. Good to know you're the same person though.
Sad that idiots like you think that the majority of voters in the United States are traitors.
The majority of Democrat voters are idiots. The DNC itself is loaded with full-blown communists, who are also idiots. They have to hide their communist leanings because if they don't, nobody would vote for their commie asses.

I am way fucking smarter than you, dipshit. Name the test. Name the challenge. I will own your fucking ass. Let's compare sheepskins. Name the challenge.

All you can do is bitch and name call without adding any substance, just like a commie. You know you're a fucking commie. Quit lying.
It isn't me that aims to make voting harder, only believes in their narrow worldly views of extreme conservatism and fights for a police state. A police state that locks up more of the little guy then any other nation on earth. The republicans are close to communist..

Communism doesn't allow for a private sector and could care less about the vote of the people. Most communist countries have only one main party,,,China, Cuba, USSR, etc.

Oh'yess, you don't believe in the public sector and believe the private sector should be able to own people as slaves. Damn.
By the time the Dims are through implementing their agenda, there won't be any private sector.

No one said the country was communist, moron. They said the Democrat party was communist.

Once again, like a typical Dim, you accuse anyone who disagrees with you of being a racist. That's why I spit on Dims every chance I get.
It isn't me that wants to kick people doors down over a leaf
It isn't me that wants to strip millions of their right to vote because they happen to oppose the republican party
It isn't me that wants to tell people who they can marry or be in life

Republicans are a joke
Matthew, are you a Communist?


You wouldn't understand that term to begin with first grader.

I believe in the private sector and tons of political choice for the people. Because I believe the government should protect the people from abuse doesn't make me a communist. Only in your screwed up little world. lol
I've noticed that Communists always say I don't understand Communism.

Because you said that, I know 100% that you are IN FACT, a dyed-in-the-wool Communist.
It isn't me that wants to kick people doors down over a leaf
It isn't me that wants to strip millions of their right to vote because they happen to oppose the republican party
It isn't me that wants to tell people who they can marry or be in life

Republicans are a joke
Name one Democrat in Congress who supports legalization of MJ.

Who ever said they want to strip people of their right to vote?

We've been telling people who they can marry since the long before the American revolution.
Matthew, are you a Communist?


You wouldn't understand that term to begin with first grader.

I believe in the private sector and tons of political choice for the people. Because I believe the government should protect the people from abuse doesn't make me a communist. Only in your screwed up little world. lol
I've noticed that Communists always say I don't understand Communism.

Because you said that, I know 100% that you are IN FACT, a dyed-in-the-wool Communist.

Mathew? Nah, he's just a moron.
They are the same. Democrats are commies, commies are democrats. Commies are traitors to the United States by their very nature (anti-constitution), thus......

Sad that idiots like you think that the majority of voters in the United States are traitors.
Dims aren't the majority of voters, moron.
Political party strength in U.S. states - Wikipedia

As of October 2014, Gallup polling found that 43% of Americans identified as Democrats and 39% as Republicans, when party "leaners" were included; those figures changed to 41% Democratic and 42% Republican after the November 2014 elections.[3] However, an earlier 2013 Gallup survey found that 42% of Americans identified as political independents, a record high.
Matthew, are you a Communist?


You wouldn't understand that term to begin with first grader.

I believe in the private sector and tons of political choice for the people. Because I believe the government should protect the people from abuse doesn't make me a communist. Only in your screwed up little world. lol
You believe in government, not private enterprise. You've said so many times.
Matthew says he's pro-science, but if I told him science proves that some races are more intelligent than other races, he would probably deny that.
Matthew says he's pro-science, but if I told him science proves that some races are more intelligent than other races, he would probably deny that.
It has been proven that those barbarian Muslim "refugees" have an average IQ of about 80 due to so much inbreeding.
A good argument could be made that the Communist Party USA has so infiltrated the Democratic Party, that they are now one and the same.

Look and see that the Communist Party USA has the same exact agenda as the Democrats:

Communist Party USA

The Communist completely own the democrat Party. The only thing left is the name change

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