Is the Democratic Party waking up?

Seems to be a thread asking Democrats/liberals questions and unfortunately the wingnuts sidetracked and ruined it.
Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
No the dem party has no liberals. They have regressive statists. Real liberals left the party years ago.
Dems don’t have a candidate to the right of Stalin.
Hilarious with the ‘they’ll have to moderate’. Like the internet is not forever filled with their real quotes.
Klobuchar is not to the right of Stalin?


But I think exaggerations are often used to make a point.

The point is (I think) is every democrat candidate is all about ushering in the new green deal globalist world and destroying America. They all believe and tell each other this country has been illegitimate from its founding.

Only possible exception is Tulsi and they hate her cause she isn't WOKE enough.
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Dems don’t have a candidate to the right of Stalin.
Hilarious with the ‘they’ll have to moderate’. Like the internet is not forever filled with their real quotes.
Klobuchar is not to the right of Stalin?


But I think exaggerations are often used to make a point.

The point is (I think) is every democrat candidate is all about ushering in the new green deal globalist world and destroying America. They all believe and tell each this country has been illegitimate from its founding.

Only possible exception is Tulsi and they hate her cause she isn't WOKE enough.
Klobuchar has stated that she is only in favor of using the GND as a set of goals, but not as a rationale for implementing socialism,

Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
No the dem party has no liberals. They have regressive statists. Real liberals left the party years ago.

Neat, wingnut semantics. Can't imagine why or how I could care less about this reply.
Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
No the dem party has no liberals. They have regressive statists. Real liberals left the party years ago.

Neat, wingnut semantics. Can't imagine why or how I could care less about this reply.
Maybe you dont ubderstand what semantics means :dunno:
Does the Democratic party have liberals? Duh. Should it be surprising that liberals will run for president as a Democrat? Duh.

The Democratic party is a larger tent than Republicans. While Sanders won New Hampshire, his vote share at the same time was dwarfed by Pete, Amy and Joe who combined got over 52% of the vote. The Democratic party is always going to be a brawl between moderates and liberals which I'm fine with, at least they debate from different sides which is more than I can say about the Trump fan club which is what the GOP has devolved into.

Is Sanders too far left? Is Bloomberg too moderate? They are both beating Trump in the polls, we'll have to wait and see.

I wouldn't hold Manchin up as an example of moderation. He's a an old hat Democrat trying to survive in a deep, deep red state, he's not what I would consider an accurate barometer on the views of Democratic Socialists in the Democratic party as he runs well to the right of most. For the record I don't have a problem with him, different opinions are valued in big tent parties.

AOC and Manchin in the same party, it's one of the few things that makes me proud to belong to a political party, diversity of opinion and background.

So, Mac if Sanders is too far left for you, even though his policies are pretty standard fare for most democratic countries then that's fine, but you like Manchin are also not someone I would consider to be able to accurately gauge what is too liberal, moderate or conservative.

Look forward to your immediate dismissal of my post.
No the dem party has no liberals. They have regressive statists. Real liberals left the party years ago.

Neat, wingnut semantics. Can't imagine why or how I could care less about this reply.
Maybe you dont ubderstand what semantics means :dunno:

I do 'ubderstand' what semantics mean and I don't wish to play them here.
Seems to be a thread asking Democrats/liberals questions and unfortunately the wingnuts sidetracked and ruined it.
I made a very slight comment about Trump ("over the top", three words, 10 letters) in a thread that CLEARLY criticizes the Democrats, and the Trumpsters went full drama queen.

I've never seen anything like this. Talk about "snowflakes".
Seems to be a thread asking Democrats/liberals questions and unfortunately the wingnuts sidetracked and ruined it.
I made a very slight comment about Trump ("over the top", three words, 10 letters) in a thread that criticizes the Democrats, and the Trumpsters went full drama queen.

I've never seen anything like this. Talk about "snowflakes".

They can't take criticism, they are children.
Seems to be a thread asking Democrats/liberals questions and unfortunately the wingnuts sidetracked and ruined it.
I made a very slight comment about Trump ("over the top", three words, 10 letters) in a thread that criticizes the Democrats, and the Trumpsters went full drama queen.

I've never seen anything like this. Talk about "snowflakes".

They can't take criticism, they are children.
This is a degree of hero worship and devotion that I've never seen.

The American version of freakin' North Korea here.
Seems to be a thread asking Democrats/liberals questions and unfortunately the wingnuts sidetracked and ruined it.
I made a very slight comment about Trump ("over the top", three words, 10 letters) in a thread that criticizes the Democrats, and the Trumpsters went full drama queen.

I've never seen anything like this. Talk about "snowflakes".

They can't take criticism, they are children.
This is a degree of hero worship and devotion that I've never seen.

Freakin' North Korea here.

It's cringy as fuck and getting dangerous.
Dems don’t have a candidate to the right of Stalin.
Hilarious with the ‘they’ll have to moderate’. Like the internet is not forever filled with their real quotes.
Klobuchar is not to the right of Stalin?


But I think exaggerations are often used to make a point.

The point is (I think) is every democrat candidate is all about ushering in the new green deal globalist world and destroying America. They all believe and tell each other this country has been illegitimate from its founding.

Only possible exception is Tulsi and they hate her cause she isn't WOKE enough.
Yep. Every Democrat running wants to gut our economy and go full socialist.
Even a thread like THIS can get the Trumpsters all pissy and defensive.


When Mac is saying Trump didn't make the democrats do anything.....

Is Mac admitting there was no conclusion?

Even if I asked Mac if he believed that Trump somehow colluded with Russia to steal the election from the disgraceful witch in a pants suit, he would not answer.

Admittedly, it would be a rhetorical question on my part, but even if it wasn't, he still would not answer it and we would all know why.

So Mac, do you? Do you believe Trump colluded with Russia?

Watch this everyone.
No, I sure don't. Nor have I ever said otherwise.

Instead of making ignorant assumptions, perhaps you should just ask.

But you guys just don't have the intellectual elasticity to do that. Not my problem.
Good gawd you are such a hypocrite
You're more than welcome to point out any hypocrisy.

Let's see if you can actually use quotes -- words I've actually used and opinions I've actually expressed -- instead of your simplistic, fabricated nutter fantasies.

I'll wait here.
You blasting him for making assumptions and his intellectual elasticity.
You dont dare actually argue with people. Your mind doesnt have the elasticity to think beyond your ignorant POV. You prove it over and over. If you need quotes, pull up every OP you ever started.
I call you extreme for supporting a war monger and i get called a "nutter" And a trumpster even though I dont support him. While DEFENDING a socialist.
Grow up. Your false superiority complex is for children.

Mac1958 is an ‘opener’, he has zero interest in closing a debate....he gets a huge boner from opening and instigating but it ends there. You can not reason with him as he is the smartest guy in the room and you are way too stupid to change his course or opinion....just ask him.
He honestly believes that everyone who drives faster than he does is a crazed lunatic and everyone who drives slower is a special retard...You drive his speed or you’re his mind.
Exactly. And every thread he starts finishes with his full Leftard being exposed.
This is a degree of hero worship and devotion that I've never seen.
The American version of freakin' North Korea here.
Trump gave up a very comfortable life where he had his ass kissed 24/7 by vultures wanting his endorsement and donations.

He knew that they were fakes and would never fix the problems that they ran on. They lied, lied, and lied even more to the voters.

So he ran for office and won against all odds, and has turned this country around, got it out of its rut headed for the ash heap of history, and for that, the Political Establishment has attacked him in every way they can with over the top hyperbole, invention and lies, and have attacked his supporters just the same.

People see it as personal now, Mac, and that is because the Democrat Talking Heads have made it so.
This is a degree of hero worship and devotion that I've never seen.
The American version of freakin' North Korea here.
Trump gave up a very comfortable life where he had his ass kissed 24/7 by vultures wanting his endorsement and donations.

He knew that they were fakes and would never fix the problems that they ran on. They lied, lied, and lied even more to the voters.

So he ran for office and won against all odds, and has turned this country around, got it out of its rut headed for the ash heap of history, and for that, the Political Establishment has attacked him in every way they can with over the top hyperbole, invention and lies, and have attacked his supporters just the same.

People see it as personal now, Mac, and that is because the Democrat Talking Heads have made it so.

Years of personal attacks, will do that.
Seems to be a thread asking Democrats/liberals questions and unfortunately the wingnuts sidetracked and ruined it.
I made a very slight comment about Trump ("over the top", three words, 10 letters) in a thread that CLEARLY criticizes the Democrats, and the Trumpsters went full drama queen.

I've never seen anything like this. Talk about "snowflakes".

We are not responsible for your side's actions.
Mac1958[/USER] is an ‘opener’, he has zero interest in closing a debate....he gets a huge boner from opening and instigating but it ends there. You can not reason with him as he is the smartest guy in the room and you are way too stupid to change his course or opinion....just ask him.
He honestly believes that everyone who drives faster than he does is a crazed lunatic and everyone who drives slower is a special retard...You drive his speed or you’re his mind.
Exactly. And every thread he starts finishes with his full Leftard being exposed.
Mac is a liberal who comes into the lion's den to try to discuss things and usually gets his head bitten off.

There is no real need to insult him, and I dont think he deserves to be.

He is fairly rational and open minded to conservative thought and reason.

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