Zone1 Is the GOP at a Crossroads?

I suggest a new avatar for OP....

This is America and it is a place where we can do as we please and say as we please and it should forever stay that way.
As the scam defamation case against Trump in NY has clearly shown, we cannot say OR do as we please and the DOJ has been terribly compromised as well as the executive branch of the government.
Yup...It's a chatbot.

As the scam defamation case against Trump in NY has clearly shown, we cannot say OR do as we please and the DOJ has been terribly compromised as well as the executive branch of the government.
When I say you can say or do and so forth, I mean so long as it's not abusive, defaming or slanderous. As to the scam case. Trump was judged by a jury of his peers and found liable by a preponderance of the evidence against him and that is how our system operates like it or not. It's all we got and it's sure as hell better than most judicial systems worldwide.
When I say you can say or do and so forth, I mean so long as it's not abusive, defaming or slanderous. As to the scam case. Trump was judged by a jury of his peers and found liable by a preponderance of the evidence against him and that is how our system operates like it or not. It's all we got and it's sure as hell better than most judicial systems worldwide.

Who gets to define "abusive", "defaming" and "slanderous"?

Turning point? It’s the “tipping point”. They are about to go over the edge of relevance.
Yes. I think Trump has made people more aware of the do nothing style of survival that republican politicians play.

The Republican Strategy has been this: Say everything your electorate likes, the democrat bullies hate, exert all the energy in your being to make sure nothing is ever accomplished, and make frequent speeches about the evils of abortion.

Trump has shown us what happens when a republican actually does something. They get destroyed by any means necessary. "Republicans are going to have to get tougher." ~Donald Trump

If Republicans want to survive they are going to have to go through the same torture Trump is enduring but not only that, they are going to have to inflict torture in the same fashion. The game isn't played in the ballot box. Republicans win tons of elections because the things they say resonate with voters. The game is played in the courts. Republicans are going to have to learn that game and play it as vicious as bleep bleep bleep. Republican voters are slowly losing their patience with all the hot air they are being given.
Donald Trump won the South Carolina Republican primary, moving closer to the GOP nomination. Despite losing, Nikki Haley, the state's former governor, is not giving up, showing what appears to be deep differences within the Republican Party.

Trump's success in early primaries shows he has strong support. His strong stance on nationalism and immigration appeals to his loyal supporters.

Haley, however, is pushing for a return to classic conservative values. Despite her setback, she's still in the race, backed by extremely strong financial support and ready to face the long battle ahead, keeping an eye on Trump's legal issues.

Trump's lead in the primaries shows he's popular in the party, but it also raises questions about his ability to win over a wider range of voters, including those with college degrees and racial minorities. His controversial nature and legal problems could be hurdles in a national election, even though he has a lot of support from conservatives.

Is this situation a turning point for the Republican Party, making it think about its future path? Will it stick with Trump's style of politics, or try to reach more voters by going back to more traditional conservative ideas? Last, will Haley and her persistence to go to the end create a split vote in the GOP in the end result?
Perhaps you were out of the USA the last time he faced fellow Republicans. He won the job as president. The Biden path is far more weaker. Worry about him and his daughters secret diary.
Trump was judged by a jury of his peers and found liable by a preponderance of the evidence against him
Tell me how he can be judged by a jury of his peers for something that was NEVER TRIED. He was never charged for sexual abuse or rape, so how can he be found liable for saying she is lying. If anyone has been abused, it is him. That is exactly why the award will be overturned. Now run along, I can see that I am not corresponding with a critical thinker.
Donald Trump won the South Carolina Republican primary, moving closer to the GOP nomination. Despite losing, Nikki Haley, the state's former governor, is not giving up, showing what appears to be deep differences within the Republican Party.

Trump's success in early primaries shows he has strong support. His strong stance on nationalism and immigration appeals to his loyal supporters.

Haley, however, is pushing for a return to classic conservative values. Despite her setback, she's still in the race, backed by extremely strong financial support and ready to face the long battle ahead, keeping an eye on Trump's legal issues.

Trump's lead in the primaries shows he's popular in the party, but it also raises questions about his ability to win over a wider range of voters, including those with college degrees and racial minorities. His controversial nature and legal problems could be hurdles in a national election, even though he has a lot of support from conservatives.

Is this situation a turning point for the Republican Party, making it think about its future path? Will it stick with Trump's style of politics, or try to reach more voters by going back to more traditional conservative ideas? Last, will Haley and her persistence to go to the end create a split vote in the GOP in the end result?

That's a good question, a damn good question, but have no idea. Politics is always evolving. And as of late, it had devolved very fast. In days of old, no reps would every go for lying conman Trump. Neither would dems have gone for senile, traitor Biden. But these are the candidates that the parties have put forth in the 2020s.

vote democrat.jpg

vote maga.jpg
Tell me how he can be judged by a jury of his peers for something that was NEVER TRIED. He was never charged for sexual abuse or rape, so how can he be found liable for saying she is lying. If anyone has been abused, it is him. That is exactly why the award will be overturned. Now run along, I can see that I am not corresponding with a critical thinker.
That is irrational rationalizing and fundamentally wrong on many levels and is really not critical thought at all. More like critically ill thought. Come on you can do better than that. 😊

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