Is the GOP base as mean spirited as their leadership?

remember when you left-wing losers cried when "mean-spirited" Republicans said unemployment didnt need to be at 99 WEEKS, ALMOST TWO YEARS????

remember how you losers predicted children and veterans were going to starve in the streets?

yea moron. did that actually happen???
I don't really remember those things. Do you have links?
The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?

More sophistry and lies. Not surprising.
Remember this from the right wing Christian Science Monitor?

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

That's outright blackmail.
remember when you left-wing losers cried when "mean-spirited" Republicans said unemployment didnt need to be at 99 WEEKS, ALMOST TWO YEARS????

remember how you losers predicted children and veterans were going to starve in the streets?

yea moron. did that actually happen???
I don't really remember those things. Do you have links?

sure dummy. here's one:

Senate rejects jobless benefits | TheHill
The Hill
Feb 6, 2014 - Republicans blocked Democrats' third attempt to pass an extension of the jobless aid. ... “It's a 'no' vote because they don't want to extend unemployment insurance.” ... and accused them of denying a "vital lifeline" to the unemployed. ... benefits that help them keep food on the table and a roof over their ...
Republicans Fail to Block Unemployment Extension; Final ...
Roll Call
Apr 3, 2014 - Unemployment Extension Set to Pass After GOP Filibuster Fails .... games whil your country people and children starve…..good job ASSHOLES ..... would not push for anything Democrats are against to avoid being accused of ..... We want our unemployment benefits extended until they bring our jobs back
The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?

Yes. They deserve one another
The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?

Yes. They deserve one another

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!1 mean ol people are questioning why things designed for desperate times have to be kept at the same levels when left-wing nutjobs are insisting things are so much better now!!

The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?

Yes. They deserve one another

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!1 mean ol people are questioning why things designed for desperate times have to be kept at the same levels when left-wing nutjobs are insisting things are so much better now!!

Yawn....obl dead gm alive....economy growing....gas around 2 a gallon. I can see why ur pissed
Mean = middle class desperate for decent paying jobs working on the keystone pipeline, Obama and the Dem's throw the middle class under the bus in favor of liberal ideology.

Mean = Obama and the Dem's war on coal, throwing middle class jobs under the bus in favor of liberal ideology.

Mean = Obama and the Dem's tax on middle class union 'Cadillac' healthcare plans.

Mean = Obama and the Dem's allowing millions of illegals to flood across our borders to compete with the poor for the few jobs available.

Mean = Obama and the Dem's tax and regulatory policies that cost the poor and middle class millions of jobs.

IF we had a free press in this country that was doing its job vs the liberal propaganda brigade Dem's wouldn't get away with this shit. Instead Dem's destroy the country and the liberal press blame the Republicans.

If there's a bit of good news its that Dem's have lost over 1,200 seats nationally and both houses of congress, the people are waking up to what these assholes have been doing. The Republican establishment who are not much better are also under increasing pressure. Issues neither side want's discussed are being discussed and the people are getting pissed off.

The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?

How is it mean to tell someone no? Do you think anytime someone asks for the government to do for them the answer should be yes?

If anyone is mean, to use your words, it's those of you who say one person deserves another person's money then you don't write a personal check to them.
Thank you!!!!

That's how the left operates. They say they believe in choice but when an individual makes a choice of "no" to a request by someone asking for help and the left doesn't like the answer, rather than meeting that need themselves, they go about seeing what additional program can be created where the funding for the help is mandated.
The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?

Yes. They deserve one another

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!1 mean ol people are questioning why things designed for desperate times have to be kept at the same levels when left-wing nutjobs are insisting things are so much better now!!

Yawn....obl dead gm alive....economy growing....gas around 2 a gallon. I can see why ur pissed

Record numbers on food stamps and out of the labor force yet you consider that growing?

You blamed Bush when gas when up in the mid 2000s. Did you give him credit like you do Obama when it came down to less than $2 in late 2008? Did you blame Obama when it went up to almost $4/gallon in 2011/2012?
The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?

Yes. They deserve one another

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!1 mean ol people are questioning why things designed for desperate times have to be kept at the same levels when left-wing nutjobs are insisting things are so much better now!!

Yawn....obl dead gm alive....economy growing....gas around 2 a gallon. I can see why ur pissed


can you believe this loser has the audacity to use that "bin laden is dead, GM is alive" talking point?
what loser thinks we are at less danger from islamic fanaticism than we were???
Poverty reached a FIFTY-YEAR HIGH on Progressive's watch.
but it's cool, because "they care"
From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China. Republicans cut education. Without jobs here and without an education, what jobs are available?
remember when you left-wing losers cried when "mean-spirited" Republicans said unemployment didnt need to be at 99 WEEKS, ALMOST TWO YEARS????

remember how you losers predicted children and veterans were going to starve in the streets?

yea moron. did that actually happen???
I don't really remember those things. Do you have links?

sure dummy. here's one:

Senate rejects jobless benefits | TheHill
The Hill
Feb 6, 2014 - Republicans blocked Democrats' third attempt to pass an extension of the jobless aid. ... “It's a 'no' vote because they don't want to extend unemployment insurance.” ... and accused them of denying a "vital lifeline" to the unemployed. ... benefits that help them keep food on the table and a roof over their ...
And then on the other hand, you complain about more people ending up in poverty. Um, there is a connection you know.............
projecting again

have you been in a cave for the last seven year and NOT SEEN that thug President you all put on the rest of us this country? and then you have, Dirty harry Reid, Pelosi, Wasserman, Hillary and omg, I'd be here all day listing all the nasty people you people from the Democrat party Worships
Projecting? Don't be stupid Steph, you know better.
The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?

Yes. They deserve one another

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!1 mean ol people are questioning why things designed for desperate times have to be kept at the same levels when left-wing nutjobs are insisting things are so much better now!!

Yawn....obl dead gm alive....economy growing....gas around 2 a gallon. I can see why ur pissed


can you believe this loser has the audacity to use that "bin laden is dead, GM is alive" talking point?
what loser thinks we are at less danger from islamic fanaticism than we were???
How did you get to that conclusion? Saying Bin Laden is dead isn't saying the nonsense you spewed.

A swing and a miss.
Poverty reached a FIFTY-YEAR HIGH on Progressive's watch.
but it's cool, because "they care"
From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China. Republicans cut education. Without jobs here and without an education, what jobs are available?

Education funding is mostly a local thing. Jobs were not moved--jobs left by the decisions of companies and CEO's. We Republicans have been warning you on the left of this for the last couple of decades, but you didn't listen. You supported overpowering unions, more expensive government regulation, more environmental regulations, more taxation and when the jobs moved, you blame Republicans.
projecting again

have you been in a cave for the last seven year and NOT SEEN that thug President you all put on the rest of us this country? and then you have, Dirty harry Reid, Pelosi, Wasserman, Hillary and omg, I'd be here all day listing all the nasty people you people from the Democrat party Worships
I've seen the country improve from what Republicans handed Obama. I can list examples. Can you?

You can list all you want, but that doesn't mean DumBama had anything to do with them.

If you're going to credit somebody with something, show the actions and results. Don't just say that because he happened to be there, it was his doing.
The GOP trying to push through legislation that would cut funding for daycare. They want to cut food stamps for veterans and children. No jobs programs. Cut healthcare.

The list of meanness is endless. Does the GOP base mirror the policies that come from their leaders?

How would Republicans cut food stamps for veterans and children? When they go to the office, is the worker supposed to ask what they are going to use food stamps for?

We have a jobs program: private enterprise creates jobs, and Democrats let in foreigners to take those jobs. How's that working out for you?

What meanness is is voting out Kate's law that defunded sanctuary cities while at the same time, imposed a minimum prison sentence of five years for foreign violent felons that returned to this country after getting deported.

Mean is not caring if foreigners come here to murder our people just to get votes come election time. It's not only mean, but selfish.
Poverty reached a FIFTY-YEAR HIGH on Progressive's watch.
but it's cool, because "they care"
From 2001 to 2008, millions of jobs were moved to China. Republicans cut education. Without jobs here and without an education, what jobs are available?

what year is it leftard?

did jobs stop going to china in 2009 to the present??
You have a congress trying desperately to block everything this president does fulltard. Or didn't you know that?

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