Is the GOP intentionally preventing a recovery?

Seems like nearly the entire idiot fringe has given up defending the GOP's self serving efforts to keep unemployment high and more families in desperate situations.

The Democrats don't need any help keeping unemployment high and more families in desperate situations.

Because that's the goal. More and more people dependent on the government.
Like you?
Serious comments on the President's press conference and/or Jim DeMint's comments today are welcome. Idiotgrams from the idiot fringe will continue to be ignored, which is more than they warrant.
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Seems like nearly the entire idiot fringe has given up defending the GOP's self serving efforts to keep unemployment high and more families in desperate situations.

The Democrats don't need any help keeping unemployment high and more families in desperate situations.

Because that's the goal. More and more people dependent on the government.
Like you?
If I am, you should be thanking me for helping your leftist utopia come about.
Serious comments on the President's press conference and/or Jim DeMint's comments today are welcome. Idiotgrams from the idiot fringe will continue to be ignored, which is more than they warrant.
Maybe you should inform on us...if you haven't already.

[email protected]

Make sure you spell our usernames right.

Why would I inform on you? Idiots and liars as well as partisan parrots are protected by the first amendment; even if Congress could make a law to restrict or punish you I would still support your right to write to post what you want - it only serves to weaken the rest of the New Right's arguments. Idiotgrams and name calling do just that.

Libel away.
GOP leaders say they

More evidence the GOP is focused on one thing, securing power in the next election by any means - no matter what the consequences.

The GOP's failure to negotiate in good faith is tantamount to extortion, putting the American people in harms way is reprehensible, irresponsible and Machiavellian.
Serious comments on the President's press conference and/or Jim DeMint's comments today are welcome. Idiotgrams from the idiot fringe will continue to be ignored, which is more than they warrant.
Maybe you should inform on us...if you haven't already.

[email protected]

Make sure you spell our usernames right.

Why would I inform on you? Idiots and liars as well as partisan parrots are protected by the first amendment; even if Congress could make a law to restrict or punish you I would still support your right to write to post what you want - it only serves to weaken the rest of the New Right's arguments. Idiotgrams and name calling do just that.
It's really funny how you pretend that what you do is any different. :lol:

Read my signature. It applies to you.
Libel away.
Libel? You do know that word doesn't mean "anything a leftist does like", right? :lol:
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GOP leaders say they

More evidence the GOP is focused on one thing, securing power in the next election by any means - no matter what the consequences.

The GOP's failure to negotiate in good faith is tantamount to extortion, putting the American people in harms way is reprehensible, irresponsible and Machiavellian.
In other words, do what Obama says at STFU. :cool:

The function of the GOP is not to rubber-stamp the Democratic President's agenda.

Meanwhile, stop pretending the Democrats aren't interested in anything but political power.
Even before President Obama took the oath of office the GOP, and in particular their extreme wing, the New Right, wanted him to fail. In effect they hoped to thwart the will of the people. It's not that the far right is anti Democratic, it's behavior is anti demoratic and that is reprehensible.

The New Right rhetoric is light on reason, heavy on emotion and has the ethos of a reptile. In this thread alone not one successfully challenged our premise: the GOP hopes to stall the recover until the 2012 election.
How is it that the President has no sway over his own party? Why the surprise over Republicans not falling in line, when he can't even bring in his own? Clearly the President is out of touch with the American Public.
How is it that the President has no sway over his own party? Why the surprise over Republicans not falling in line, when he can't even bring in his own? Clearly the President is out of touch with the American Public.

I disagree. Obama represents non partisan American's who want pragmatic solutons to our economic woes, not ideolgoical ones. The typical American has enough on his/her plate and doesn't have the time or inclination to listen to and evaluate partisan rhetoric.

Ideological Democrats and ideological Republicans have very different ideas on how to best fix the economy; the more extreme ones eschew practical solutions whenever they conflict with the truths they hold immutable.

Unfortunately the voters rarely get to hear straight talk from primary sources. Candidates are fed words by PR writers and handlers, propaganda is ubiquitous, news slanted, sometimes with subtly or covertly, other times under the quise of authority, and people 'hear' what they want to hear. Critical thinking and study are as rare as common sense. All of this partisan pols understand and explains the 'reasoning' of the partisan pols who gave us CU v. FEC.
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Democrats don't listen to him, because the party has moved further left of Obama and feel betrayed by him at this point. Saying Obama is in the middle is laughable
The fringe kooks of the already kooky liberal Democrat Parody have moved PAST President Obama, eh?

WTF? Who the devil does he play to NOW?

The President IS in full re-election mode, but he has no particular knack for it.

If he has alienated that ridiculous base, there aren't going to be boat loads of other folks willing to take their places on his behalf.

It remains possible that President Obama either will not seek re-election or that he will seek to be re-nominated but denied the brass ring.


He's a schmuck.
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