Is the Pope A Communist Or Good Christian?...

Is This Pope A Communist Or Good Christian

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And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily, with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favor with all people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. (Acts 2:44-47)

And the multitude of them that were believed were of one heart and of one soul; neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; and great grace was upon them all. Neither was there any among them that lacked; for as many as were possessors of land or houses sold them, and brought the piece of the things that were sold, And laid them at the apostles feet; and distribution was made unto every man according as he had needed. (Acts 4:32-35)​

Can't believe I actually have to quote the Babble for the Illiterati.

And what's your point again? You're losin people now.

:banghead: DOOD.

I've cited multiple examples of Christian communism here. That demonstrates that they are not mutually exclusive. What the fuck is your cognitive dysfunction?

What you have here is a troll thread based on your own ignorance, trying to rewrite millennia of human history on a message board.
The Vatican has accumulated untold vast wealth. It could always give it all away to those in need?
Name them

Not up for giving a history lesson today. But the information's out there. The founders of what we know today as Communism/Socialism are well known.
then name them. i'm not asking for a history lesson, just that you name them. would have taken less keystrokes than your last post, i bet.

Nah, i'll pass.
because you know that no matter who you name communism predates them by a long shot - meaning they cannot be the founders.

Yes, similar practices do predate them. That is true. But there are acknowledged founders of what know today as Communism/Socialism.
not similar. communism. communism predates them. so what added aspect do you feel those 'founders' included that you find necessary for communism?
And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily, with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favor with all people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. (Acts 2:44-47)

And the multitude of them that were believed were of one heart and of one soul; neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; and great grace was upon them all. Neither was there any among them that lacked; for as many as were possessors of land or houses sold them, and brought the piece of the things that were sold, And laid them at the apostles feet; and distribution was made unto every man according as he had needed. (Acts 4:32-35)​

Can't believe I actually have to quote the Babble for the Illiterati.

And what's your point again? You're losin people now.

:banghead: DOOD.

I've cited multiple examples of Christian communism here. That demonstrates that they are not mutually exclusive. What the fuck is your cognitive dysfunction?

Ok so in your estimation, the Pope is both a Communist and Good Christian, no? Why didn't you just say that and move on? The loony hysterics weren't necessary. We got ya now. You're on record. Thanks for participating.
The Vatican has accumulated untold vast wealth. It could always give it all away to those in need?

Again for the terminally obtuse --- the Vatican is an institution. Not a religion.

See that group of Hutterites I posted earlier? They don't have jack shit to do with the Vatican. And yet they're practicing Christians.

How is that possible? What a mindfuck huh?

I arrived here thinking you have no clue what communism means. Now I see you've got no idea what Christianism means either.
The Vatican has accumulated untold vast wealth. It could always give it all away to those in need?

Again for the terminally obtuse --- the Vatican is an institution. Not a religion.

See that group of Hutterites I posted earlier? They don't have jack shit to do with the Vatican. And yet they're practicing Christians.

How is that possible? What a mindfuck huh?

I arrived here thinking you have no clue what communism means. Now I see you don't know what Christianism means either.

The Pope could give it all away tomorrow. Will he?
Not up for giving a history lesson today. But the information's out there. The founders of what we know today as Communism/Socialism are well known.
then name them. i'm not asking for a history lesson, just that you name them. would have taken less keystrokes than your last post, i bet.

Nah, i'll pass.
because you know that no matter who you name communism predates them by a long shot - meaning they cannot be the founders.

Yes, similar practices do predate them. That is true. But there are acknowledged founders of what know today as Communism/Socialism.
not similar. communism. communism predates them. so what added aspect do you feel those 'founders' included that you find necessary for communism?

We got ya. So what's your take on the Pope?
And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily, with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favor with all people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. (Acts 2:44-47)

And the multitude of them that were believed were of one heart and of one soul; neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; and great grace was upon them all. Neither was there any among them that lacked; for as many as were possessors of land or houses sold them, and brought the piece of the things that were sold, And laid them at the apostles feet; and distribution was made unto every man according as he had needed. (Acts 4:32-35)​

Can't believe I actually have to quote the Babble for the Illiterati.

And what's your point again? You're losin people now.

:banghead: DOOD.

I've cited multiple examples of Christian communism here. That demonstrates that they are not mutually exclusive. What the fuck is your cognitive dysfunction?

Ok so in your estimation, the Pope is both a Communist and Good Christian, no? Why didn't you just say that and move on? The loony hysterics weren't necessary. We got ya now. You're on record. Thanks for participating.

I would have no way to know. I pointed out, FROM MY FIRST POST HERE, that communism and Christianism are not mutually exclusive. Which is the basis, in its blind pig ignorance, of your fake "poll". And THAT means your "poll", and your entire thread, is bullshit.

It's as "valid" a question as "have you stopped beating your wife?".
And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily, with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favor with all people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved. (Acts 2:44-47)

And the multitude of them that were believed were of one heart and of one soul; neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common. And with great power gave the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus; and great grace was upon them all. Neither was there any among them that lacked; for as many as were possessors of land or houses sold them, and brought the piece of the things that were sold, And laid them at the apostles feet; and distribution was made unto every man according as he had needed. (Acts 4:32-35)​

Can't believe I actually have to quote the Babble for the Illiterati.

And what's your point again? You're losin people now.

:banghead: DOOD.

I've cited multiple examples of Christian communism here. That demonstrates that they are not mutually exclusive. What the fuck is your cognitive dysfunction?

Ok so in your estimation, the Pope is both a Communist and Good Christian, no? Why didn't you just say that and move on? The loony hysterics weren't necessary. We got ya now. You're on record. Thanks for participating.

I would have no way to know. I pointed out, FROM MY FIRST POST HERE, that communism and Christianism are not mutually exclusive. Which is the basis, in its blind pig ignorance, of your fake "poll".

We got ya, You feel the Pope is both a Communist and Good Christian. Fair enough.
then name them. i'm not asking for a history lesson, just that you name them. would have taken less keystrokes than your last post, i bet.

Nah, i'll pass.
because you know that no matter who you name communism predates them by a long shot - meaning they cannot be the founders.

Yes, similar practices do predate them. That is true. But there are acknowledged founders of what know today as Communism/Socialism.
not similar. communism. communism predates them. so what added aspect do you feel those 'founders' included that you find necessary for communism?

We got ya. So what's your take on the Pope?
not sure about the communism part of the question but the pope is not a good Christian.
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

I'm not entirely sure the two are mutually exclusive. Or that it has to be one or the other. He could be a Socialist and a good Christian. Or a anarcho capitalist and a good Christian.

Christ was all about taking care of the poor. The Pope seems to have similar priorities when it comes to the poor. I'd say he's a decent Christian. But really, that's between him and God.
Everyone's a critic i guess. No one's forcing you to participate. Bye.
do you find the two antithetical? can you show us any scripture that would support the idea that a communist cannot be a good christian?

Nope. But Communism was founded on some pretty serious Anti-Religion beliefs.
communism has been around as long as civilization - probably before. there's nothing anti-religion about it.
it has been used by people that are anti-religion though.

Well, the founders of Communism/Socialism had some pretty dim views of religion. You can research them and see how they felt about it.
again, there are no 'founders' of communism. it is perhaps the oldest form of economy.

The worse kind of economy that has been exposed over and over for the fraud that is and the hardships that it endows upon its citizens.
then name them. i'm not asking for a history lesson, just that you name them. would have taken less keystrokes than your last post, i bet.

Nah, i'll pass.
because you know that no matter who you name communism predates them by a long shot - meaning they cannot be the founders.

Yes, similar practices do predate them. That is true. But there are acknowledged founders of what know today as Communism/Socialism.
not similar. communism. communism predates them. so what added aspect do you feel those 'founders' included that you find necessary for communism?

We got ya. So what's your take on the Pope?
i don't think he's a communist. i do think he's a good christian.

but i'm still wondering what characteristics you were intending to distinguish
I find him to be worthless.
i'm sure that will keep him up at night.

I'm sure that I don't care and that his babbling and prattling is just sophistry and placating his own twisted and perverted views. He ranks down there with the other catholic priests who had a wink wink relationship with hitler as they looked the other way when the trains went on by to dachau and the other concentration camps.
The Pope is a communist sympathizer. He may very well still be a Christian, but his mixing of religion and politics is very unseemly.

Will the IRS now revoke the tax exempt status of the Catholic Church? Hardly, because the Pope supports Obama's agenda.
The Pope is a communist sympathizer. He may very well still be a Christian, but his mixing of religion and politics is very unseemly.

Will the IRS now revoke the tax exempt status of the Catholic Church? Hardly, because the Pope supports Obama's agenda.

do you find the two antithetical? can you show us any scripture that would support the idea that a communist cannot be a good christian?

Nope. But Communism was founded on some pretty serious Anti-Religion beliefs.
communism has been around as long as civilization - probably before. there's nothing anti-religion about it.
it has been used by people that are anti-religion though.

Well, the founders of Communism/Socialism had some pretty dim views of religion. You can research them and see how they felt about it.
again, there are no 'founders' of communism. it is perhaps the oldest form of economy.

The worse kind of economy that has been exposed over and over for the fraud that is and the hardships that it endows upon its citizens.
depends on the population size.
The Pope's views on poverty and the environment are no further left than most democrats. If you label the Pope a communist you have to include the democrat party and Barry Hussein.

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