Is the Pope A Communist Or Good Christian?...

Is This Pope A Communist Or Good Christian

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The testimonies from his victims I've heard about say that he is a Satanist and has participated in blood sacrifice, child rape, 2 of his victims have already come forward about him and the Jesuit General and there were 48 victims who also have given information to the courts about him as they are seeking justice and received none due to the power of the Vatican who continues to protect him and Adolfo Pashon - his Jesuit General and accomplice.

I doubt it.

I suspect he is nothing more or less than a South American Marxist.
What the fuck kind of mindless question is this? These are in no way opposites.

Is an apple a fruit, or does it grow on trees?


Brilliant as always, huffer. "Religion is the opiate of the masses" is entirely consistent with the message of Christ.

Boy Pogo, huffing that East-Off makes you so smart... :rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41::rolleyes-41:
It's not unusual for pagans, people in the occult or friendly with those who are to become very hateful and passionate in their defense of Communism. After all, Communism is the number one enemy of Christians and those in the occult despise Christians. Especially when they realize they are losing and the tide is turning against them. We are coming into a different season here. People are going to start showing their true colors. We're already seeing the beginnings of it.
The testimonies from his victims I've heard about say that he is a Satanist and has participated in blood sacrifice, child rape, 2 of his victims have already come forward about him and the Jesuit General and there were 48 victims who also have given information to the courts about him as they are seeking justice and received none due to the power of the Vatican who continues to protect him and Adolfo Pashon - his Jesuit General and accomplice.

I doubt it.

I suspect he is nothing more or less than a South American Marxist.

Time will tell.
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

He is certainly no Christian. He might be Wiccan, though. Either way, he is a Communist first.

I agree. Uncensored has very good discernment. I do think it is wise to pray over people who may be unaware of what is out there and ask the LORD to protect them and that would include protecting the Admin, moderators who are here looking out for us every day. We need to be covering them in prayer and asking the LORD to protect them from all harm each day. We are headed into perilous times, difficult days - prayer should always be the first line of defense.
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

He is certainly no Christian. He might be Wiccan, though. Either way, he is a Communist first.
The testimonies from his victims I've heard about say that he is a Satanist and has participated in blood sacrifice, child rape, 2 of his victims have already come forward about him and the Jesuit General and there were 48 victims who also have given information to the courts about him as they are seeking justice and received none due to the power of the Vatican who continues to protect him and Adolfo Pashon - his Jesuit General and accomplice.

Wow, i wasn't aware of these accusations.


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