Is the Pope A Communist Or Good Christian?...

Is This Pope A Communist Or Good Christian

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Hey, if selling out to you Communists/Socialists will get the bodies back in the Churches, than so be it. The Catholic Church customer-base is at an all time low. You guys destroyed it and the Muslims are kicking its ass.

The reality is that Churches in Western Europe especially, are empty. Meanwhile, the Mosques are filled to capacity. The Church has to reorganize. It's what any failing Big Business would do. So appeasing you guys with a Communist/Socialist-friendly Pope, is likely a brilliant calculated business decision on the part of the Church.

the mosques are full for one reason alone. Muslims pop out 4 or 5 kids per family to get the welfare.
I have waded through 14 pages of this stupid topic & it is clear to me that most on here have no concept of Pope Francis. Bottom line is this, the Pope is a follower of Christ, plain & simple. He sets the example by living as Christ did. Anyone on here who thinks this Pope or Christ is representative of their political affiliation is a complete & utter moron. The Church is above politics and seeks to adhere to the betterment of mankind as a whole. Political parties are only interested in maintaining power. They espouse slogans which the masses consume, but at their heart, that is what they are about.

Good points. But i think he's also riding the wave of being treated like a rock star by the Left, who usually despise people of faith. He's enjoying it. It's probably a calculated move to get people back into the churches in Western Europe especially. The Left has just about destroyed Christianity and the Church there.

I think the Church threw em a bone with this Pope. Because at the end of the day, it's still about the money. The Catholic Church has been one of the most lucrative Big Businesses on earth for centuries. But it's recently fallen on hard times with the rise of the Communists/Socialists. Probably best to throw em a bone and start filling the Churches. Gotta get that cash rollin in again.

The Church like any other institution requires funding to carry on its missions. But its disingenuous to compare it to a global conglomerate whose sole purpose in life is to make money for its stockholders. In the case of the Church, its stockholders is humanity itself.....

Well, i can't convince you of anything. All i can say is, do some research on the history of the Catholic Church. It may be the first global conglomerate ever created in history. The Catholic Church is, and always has been Big Business.

But it's experiencing hard times now. The Churches are empty, especially in Western Europe. Probably a brilliant calculated move in throwing the Communists/Socialists a bone. They adore this Pope. And that's good for business.

No, the Roman Empire holds that distinction by far. But it is a global religion adhered to by over a billion people, so yeah, it's going to be Big Business as you say. I would not say it's experiencing hard times. It's huge in South America & like I said, has over a billion followers. Not exactly downsizing. Western Europe is due to intense liberal secularization. I don't consider Francis to be a communist or socialist unlike the other morons on here on both sides. He's a moralist who lives by conviction.

Good points. The Catholic Church has always been a Business. Even today, it's one of the wealthiest entities on the planet. But i disagree on your assertion that it's doing so well today. The Communists/Socialists in Western Europe especially, worked very hard to destroy Christianity and the Church. And they've been pretty successful. Churches all across Western Europe sit empty these days. Meanwhile the Mosques are filled to capacity.

The Catholic Church is reeling. It needs to rebuild its customer-base. I think reaching out and appeasing the Communists/Socialists might be a brilliant attempt at doing that. Because the bottom line is, you need the bodies in the Churches. No bodies, no cash flow. It's like Coke vs. Pepsi or McDonalds vs. Burger King. The Church is seeing the Muslims kicking its ass. The money is pouring into the Mosques. It has to get back in the game. We'll see if it works i guess. Stay tuned.

Hey, if selling out to you Communists/Socialists will get the bodies back in the Churches, than so be it. The Catholic Church customer-base is at an all time low. You guys destroyed it and the Muslims are kicking its ass.

The reality is that Churches in Western Europe especially, are empty. Meanwhile, the Mosques are filled to capacity. The Church has to reorganize. It's what any failing Big Business would do. So appeasing you guys with a Communist/Socialist-friendly Pope, is likely a brilliant calculated business decision on the part of the Church.

the mosques are full for one reason alone. Muslims pop out 4 or 5 kids per family to get the welfare.

Not sure about that. But Western Europe's Left has worked very hard to destroy Christianity and the Church. And it's been pretty successful. The Churches sit empty for the most part. And that's created a great opportunity for Islam. It's moved in and filled the vacuum. Islam is now thriving in Western Europe.

So the Church knows the competition is winning. Now how do you rebuild your customer-base? Well, reaching out and appeasing the Communists/Socialists might be a brilliant strategy. Because at the end of the day, you need the bodies in the Churches. The bodies = Cash Flow. This is probably a very wise business decision on the Church's part.
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Can't a communist be a good Christian too?
Communists are atheists.

The Pope is a socialist. And it is interesting he didn't mention Jesus even once in his speech to Congress, but mentioned Thomas Merton five times and Dorothy Day four times.

Kind of funny when a Christian honcho doesn't mention Christ to a roomful of powerful people.

He's a dyed-in-the-wool socialist. No doubt about it.
Communists are atheists.

Communism has nothing to do with religion. The ones I posted early in this thread are definitely not atheists.

The Pope is a socialist. And it is interesting he didn't mention Jesus even once in his speech to Congress, but mentioned Thomas Merton five times and Dorothy Day four times.

Don't know who those people are but perhaps they're relevant?

How would Jesus be relevant to the US Congress?
Not sure about that. But Western Europe's Left has worked very hard to destroy Christianity and the Church. And it's been pretty successful. The Churches sit empty for the most part. And that's created a great opportunity for Islam. It's moved in and filled the vacuum. Islam is now thriving in Western Europe.


And "there's a Muslim behind every bush". SMH... what a childlike view of the world.
Communists are atheists.

Communism has nothing to do with religion. The ones I posted early in this thread are definitely not atheists.
Like you communists are lying scumbags who hate religion because God is greater then little brained people like yourself commie

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Ah, the altar boy from the Church of Hair Up His Ass speaks.

From earlier:

[kom-yuh-niz-uh m]

a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.​

-- nothing about religion in there. It's not related.
Communists are atheists.

Communism has nothing to do with religion. The ones I posted early in this thread are definitely not atheists.
Like you communists are lying scumbags who hate religion because God is greater then little brained people like yourself commie

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Ah, the altar boy from the Church of Hair Up His Ass speaks.

From earlier:

[kom-yuh-niz-uh m]

a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.​

-- nothing about religion in there. It's not related.
I am not catholic dip shit.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Communists are atheists.

Communism has nothing to do with religion. The ones I posted early in this thread are definitely not atheists.
Like you communists are lying scumbags who hate religion because God is greater then little brained people like yourself commie

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Ah, the altar boy from the Church of Hair Up His Ass speaks.

From earlier:

[kom-yuh-niz-uh m]

a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.​

-- nothing about religion in there. It's not related.
I am not catholic dip shit.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You're not even sentient. I didn't say you were Catholic -- which gets an uppercase as a proper name btw.
You started babbling about "God" and "communism" so I set you straight. They're not related.
Not sure about that. But Western Europe's Left has worked very hard to destroy Christianity and the Church. And it's been pretty successful. The Churches sit empty for the most part. And that's created a great opportunity for Islam. It's moved in and filled the vacuum. Islam is now thriving in Western Europe.


And "there's a Muslim behind every bush". SMH... what a childlike view of the world.

Just stating the reality. Islam is filling the vacuum created by the Left in Western Europe. The Church is on life support over there. Not many showing up these days. Meanwhile the Mosques are filled to capacity. Is that good or bad? Well, it's very bad for the Church. No bodies = No money.
Communists are atheists.

Communism has nothing to do with religion. The ones I posted early in this thread are definitely not atheists.
Like you communists are lying scumbags who hate religion because God is greater then little brained people like yourself commie

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Ah, the altar boy from the Church of Hair Up His Ass speaks.

From earlier:

[kom-yuh-niz-uh m]

a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.​

-- nothing about religion in there. It's not related.
I am not catholic dip shit.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You're not even sentient. I didn't say you were Catholic -- which gets an uppercase as a proper name btw.
You started babbling about "God" and "communism" so I set you straight. They're not related.

Well, you are right about that. God and communism are not related. God and Communism are the antithesis of one another. Communists serve Satan - whether they do it in ignorance or are part of the inner circle who knows the truth matters not - they are still servants of Satan. Marx was a high priest in Satanism - see Marx & Satan by Richard Wurmbrand for the full story about it.

God's Word teaches us that if a man does not work? He won't eat. That is New Testament teaching. Let every man build his own house, plant his own vineyard............ Jesus Christ never taught wealth redistribution - that is a communist teaching. Speaking of the definition of communism - Commune? You know where the Communists came up with that idea? From the Book of Acts - only with a twist - they wanted to force people to share their wealth - and take it for themselves so they could live like Kings and force the people to worship THEM as God. It is utterly satanic at its roots.

You see, the Apostle Paul had one coat. He never lived like Pope Francis, Barack Obama, Kim Jong Il, Mao, Marx or Stalin. He lived a very impoverished life and gave his all for Jesus Christ and the church. His life is the antithesis of the lives of Communists who are power hungry, greedy, God hating children of Satan.

So when you say that Communism came from Christianity? You've been taught a huge lie and you needed to be straightened out. I'm glad I could be the one to do it. I praise Jesus for the opportunity!

Let me be clear - the Bible tells us that the early church in the book of Acts shared all things in common by choice - they offered to give a piece of land, their money, their goods to their brethren. There was a great need at that time as the church was under severe persecution. They were never forced to do it. EVER. No one made a law taking it from them. The Apostles were not taking the wealth for themselves as the Communist leaders always do. There is no common ground for Communism with Christianity. And there is no common ground between this Communist Pope and the Body of Christ. His false teachings have nothing to do with us.
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Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

You feel threatened by anyone who suggests that we could do better caring for the sick and the poor. So you go to this hyper partisan retard extreme "communism" -- just plain idiotic.

Hey, it's what's being talked about all over country. It's something worth discussing.

Then maybe you should fix your bullshit poll.

It's what people are discussing. And no one forced you to participate.

I think what he wants to do is shut down the discussion. So much for tolerance, eh? If someone continues to go on and on with their cursing and complaints - and it becomes a distraction? The ignore feature on USMB is an option. I find nothing wrong with using it if people want to read without the childish interruptions.
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

You feel threatened by anyone who suggests that we could do better caring for the sick and the poor. So you go to this hyper partisan retard extreme "communism" -- just plain idiotic.

Hey, it's what's being talked about all over country. It's something worth discussing.

Then maybe you should fix your bullshit poll.

It's what people are discussing. And no one forced you to participate.

I think what he wants to do is shut down the discussion. So much for tolerance, eh? If someone continues to go on and on with their cursing and complaints - and it becomes a distraction? The ignore feature on USMB is an option. I find nothing wrong with using it if people want to read without the childish interruptions.

I have a few weird stalker-types on this Board. They stalk all my threads and hang on my every word. I guess i push their buttons. But it's not intentional. Anyway, thanks for the kind words. Keep the posts coming. :)
I will and I want to tell you your poll question was right on target. If you ever get the chance to read Marx & Satan by Richard Wurmbrand you'll find out just how right on your poll question was!

You see, Richard Wurmbrand was a servant of the LORD who was imprisoned by the Communists for approximately 17 years. Both he and his wife were imprisoned by the Communists and the Communist prison guards made it clear to them that they knew God was real - they just hated him and declared themselves God's enemy!

They would purposely torture the Christians repeatedly saying we do not want you to die and go to your God. We want to force you to deny your God so that you will end up in hell. You have to read that book. You'll be amazed at the real history of Karl Marx!

Wurmbrand said there is no such thing as a Christian Communist. There is no such thing as a Christian Marxist. He said if you are a Marxist you are a servant of Satan whether you know it or not. Ignorance does not change the fact.

Again - the question in your poll?

Communism has nothing to do with religion. The ones I posted early in this thread are definitely not atheists.
Like you communists are lying scumbags who hate religion because God is greater then little brained people like yourself commie

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Ah, the altar boy from the Church of Hair Up His Ass speaks.

From earlier:

[kom-yuh-niz-uh m]

a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.​

-- nothing about religion in there. It's not related.
I am not catholic dip shit.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You're not even sentient. I didn't say you were Catholic -- which gets an uppercase as a proper name btw.
You started babbling about "God" and "communism" so I set you straight. They're not related.

Well, you are right about that. God and communism are not related. God and Communism are the antithesis of one another. Communists serve Satan - whether they do it in ignorance or are part of the inner circle who knows the truth matters not - they are still servants of Satan.

I didn't say "God and communism are not related" -- I said religion and communism are not. As evidenced in the definition above, communism is a socioeconomic structure -- just as various forms of socialism or capitalism or serfdom are. Religion simply plays no part in that. It isn't necessary to be a Lutheran to practice slavery; it isn't necessary to be a Buddhist to practice socialism; it isn't necessary to be an atheist to practice capitalism. Just as it isn't necessary to be a Sagittarian to be a baseball player or to be a stamp collector to practice playing the freaking cello. THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH EACH OTHER.

"Satan" is your own Christian invention. "He" does not exist, certainly not for an atheist like Marx, whether Karl or Groucho.

Feel free to show how any approach to religion at all, including the absence thereof --- is any part of a socioeconomic structure. Do it.

And check my entry back in post 13 of this thread. Those communists are certainly not "Satanists", nor are they Catholic, and perhaps I should add that they're not cannibals, pedophiles, lepers, savages, Philistines, Cathars, illegals, "spics", "wops", "*******" "kikes", "micks", "bohunks", witches, demons, Yankees fans, or any other mindlessly stupid labels you want to hang on people as a 'divide and conquer' strategy. But they are Christians, acting out the Book of Acts through communism. Deal with it.

Marx was a high priest in Satanism - see Marx & Satan by Richard Wurmbrand for the full story about it.

You're a high priestess in wackadoodleism. QED.

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