Is the Pope A Communist Or Good Christian?...

Is This Pope A Communist Or Good Christian

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My problem has nothing to do with that.
Its the fact that the pope walks around with more self righteous attitude than Jesus Christ did. Jesus was humble, the pope is not.
we wont even get into the financial end of the Catholic church or their worshiping false idols.

Some are calling him an average 'Limousine Liberal.' The Catholic Church has accumulated untold vast wealth. It might very well be the wealthiest entity on earth. The Pope could order that vast wealth to be given to the poor masses. Yet he hasn't, and won't. It's the mentality of your average $Millionaire Limousine Liberal.

Communism/Socialism is appealing to them because they won't have to live its brutal realities. They won't have to stand in line for hours for a loaf of bread. They're rich after all. It's only the little people who'll be doing that. Just ask the People of Venezuela how well Communism's working out for them. Communism/Socialism does look good on paper somewhat. But in practice, it just doesn't work.

Been working for the Hutterites for five hundred years, Dense-boy. So well in fact that their neighbors can't even compete in terms of results.

Not working out too well for the People of Venezuela. Where's ole Sean Penn? He gonna donate his vast wealth to the poor standing in bread lines over there? Limousine Liberals can afford to live the Communism/Socialism fantasy. They know they won't have to live its brutal misery.

Like i said, the Pope and the Catholic Church can give up its vast wealth anytime it chooses. Is that gonna happen? I wouldn't bet on it.

This Pope largely does & has done so throughout his life. Recommend you do some research before stating something ridiculous...

The Catholic Church will not be giving up its vast fortune anytime soon. Bet on that.

The Catholic Church is on the frontlines of helping the poor throughout the world. It uses is so-called vast fortune along with its global reach to accomplish this goal. It has done so for 2000 years. Again, seek the truth before spouting something ridiculous....

Pope Francis visits the poor at Catholic Charities in Washington

A Church for the Poor
I have waded through 14 pages of this stupid topic & it is clear to me that most on here have no concept of Pope Francis. Bottom line is this, the Pope is a follower of Christ, plain & simple. He sets the example by living as Christ did. Anyone on here who thinks this Pope or Christ is representative of their political affiliation is a complete & utter moron. The Church is above politics and seeks to adhere to the betterment of mankind as a whole. Political parties are only interested in maintaining power. They espouse slogans which the masses consume, but at their heart, that is what they are about.
I have waded through 14 pages of this stupid topic & it is clear to me that most on here have no concept of Pope Francis. Bottom line is this, the Pope is a follower of Christ, plain & simple. He sets the example by living as Christ did. Anyone on here who thinks this Pope or Christ is representative of their political affiliation is a complete & utter moron. The Church is above politics and seeks to adhere to the betterment of mankind as a whole. Political parties are only interested in maintaining power. They espouse slogans which the masses consume, but at their heart, that is what they are about.

Good points. But i think he's also riding the wave of being treated like a rock star by the Left, who usually despise people of faith. He's enjoying it. It's probably a calculated move to get people back into the churches in Western Europe especially. The Left has just about destroyed Christianity and the Church there.

I think the Church threw em a bone with this Pope. Because at the end of the day, it's still about the money. The Catholic Church has been one of the most lucrative Big Businesses on earth for centuries. But it's recently fallen on hard times with the rise of the Communists/Socialists. Probably best to throw em a bone and start filling the Churches. Gotta get that cash rollin in again.
I have waded through 14 pages of this stupid topic & it is clear to me that most on here have no concept of Pope Francis. Bottom line is this, the Pope is a follower of Christ, plain & simple. He sets the example by living as Christ did. Anyone on here who thinks this Pope or Christ is representative of their political affiliation is a complete & utter moron. The Church is above politics and seeks to adhere to the betterment of mankind as a whole. Political parties are only interested in maintaining power. They espouse slogans which the masses consume, but at their heart, that is what they are about.

Good points. But i think he's also riding the wave of being treated like a rock star by the Left, who usually despise people of faith. He's enjoying it. It's probably a calculated move to get people back into the churches in Western Europe especially. The Left has just about destroyed Christianity and the Church there.

I think the Church threw em a bone with this Pope. Because at the end of the day, it's still about the money. The Catholic Church has been one of the most lucrative Big Businesses on earth for centuries. But it's recently fallen on hard times with the rise of the Communists/Socialists. Probably best to throw em a bone and start filling the Churches. Gotta get that cash rollin in again.

The Church like any other institution requires funding to carry on its missions. But its disingenuous to compare it to a global conglomerate whose sole purpose in life is to make money for its stockholders. In the case of the Church, its stockholders is humanity itself.....
I have waded through 14 pages of this stupid topic & it is clear to me that most on here have no concept of Pope Francis. Bottom line is this, the Pope is a follower of Christ, plain & simple. He sets the example by living as Christ did. Anyone on here who thinks this Pope or Christ is representative of their political affiliation is a complete & utter moron. The Church is above politics and seeks to adhere to the betterment of mankind as a whole. Political parties are only interested in maintaining power. They espouse slogans which the masses consume, but at their heart, that is what they are about.

Good points. But i think he's also riding the wave of being treated like a rock star by the Left, who usually despise people of faith. He's enjoying it. It's probably a calculated move to get people back into the churches in Western Europe especially. The Left has just about destroyed Christianity and the Church there.

I think the Church threw em a bone with this Pope. Because at the end of the day, it's still about the money. The Catholic Church has been one of the most lucrative Big Businesses on earth for centuries. But it's recently fallen on hard times with the rise of the Communists/Socialists. Probably best to throw em a bone and start filling the Churches. Gotta get that cash rollin in again.

The Church like any other institution requires funding to carry on its missions. But its disingenuous to compare it to a global conglomerate whose sole purpose in life is to make money for its stockholders. In the case of the Church, its stockholders is humanity itself.....
Your overly generous views of the Church are noted.

I do however like this Pope, he's almost a Christian...
I have waded through 14 pages of this stupid topic & it is clear to me that most on here have no concept of Pope Francis. Bottom line is this, the Pope is a follower of Christ, plain & simple. He sets the example by living as Christ did. Anyone on here who thinks this Pope or Christ is representative of their political affiliation is a complete & utter moron. The Church is above politics and seeks to adhere to the betterment of mankind as a whole. Political parties are only interested in maintaining power. They espouse slogans which the masses consume, but at their heart, that is what they are about.

Good points. But i think he's also riding the wave of being treated like a rock star by the Left, who usually despise people of faith. He's enjoying it. It's probably a calculated move to get people back into the churches in Western Europe especially. The Left has just about destroyed Christianity and the Church there.

I think the Church threw em a bone with this Pope. Because at the end of the day, it's still about the money. The Catholic Church has been one of the most lucrative Big Businesses on earth for centuries. But it's recently fallen on hard times with the rise of the Communists/Socialists. Probably best to throw em a bone and start filling the Churches. Gotta get that cash rollin in again.

The Church like any other institution requires funding to carry on its missions. But its disingenuous to compare it to a global conglomerate whose sole purpose in life is to make money for its stockholders. In the case of the Church, its stockholders is humanity itself.....

Well, i can't convince you of anything. All i can say is, do some research on the history of the Catholic Church. It may be the first global conglomerate ever created in history. The Catholic Church is, and always has been Big Business.

But it's experiencing hard times now. The Churches are empty, especially in Western Europe. Probably a brilliant calculated move in throwing the Communists/Socialists a bone. They adore this Pope. And that's good for business.
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

You feel threatened by anyone who suggests that we could do better caring for the sick and the poor. So you go to this hyper partisan retard extreme "communism" -- just plain idiotic.
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

You feel threatened by anyone who suggests that we could do better caring for the sick and the poor. So you go to this hyper partisan retard extreme "communism" -- just plain idiotic.

Hey, it's what's being talked about all over country. It's something worth discussing.
I have waded through 14 pages of this stupid topic & it is clear to me that most on here have no concept of Pope Francis. Bottom line is this, the Pope is a follower of Christ, plain & simple. He sets the example by living as Christ did. Anyone on here who thinks this Pope or Christ is representative of their political affiliation is a complete & utter moron. The Church is above politics and seeks to adhere to the betterment of mankind as a whole. Political parties are only interested in maintaining power. They espouse slogans which the masses consume, but at their heart, that is what they are about.

Good points. But i think he's also riding the wave of being treated like a rock star by the Left, who usually despise people of faith. He's enjoying it. It's probably a calculated move to get people back into the churches in Western Europe especially. The Left has just about destroyed Christianity and the Church there.

I think the Church threw em a bone with this Pope. Because at the end of the day, it's still about the money. The Catholic Church has been one of the most lucrative Big Businesses on earth for centuries. But it's recently fallen on hard times with the rise of the Communists/Socialists. Probably best to throw em a bone and start filling the Churches. Gotta get that cash rollin in again.

Is it possible your butthurt conspiracy theories blind you to the possibility that maybe the man is simply -- this might be a big word --- principled? That he actually identifies with the common classes and might choose to side with them against institutional greed?

I mean how the hell would you know what he's "enjoying"? What kind of projection is that?

Is it possible that not everything on earth is driven by simplistic US political party dichotomy of an endless game of cops and robbers? Is it even possible that the façile bullshit political memes and slogans from endless façile bullshit election campaigns that you're trying to fit onto every dynamic of the entire world are made of --- façile bullshit?

Ya think??
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Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

You feel threatened by anyone who suggests that we could do better caring for the sick and the poor. So you go to this hyper partisan retard extreme "communism" -- just plain idiotic.

Hey, it's what's being talked about all over country. It's something worth discussing.

Then maybe you should fix your bullshit poll.
I have waded through 14 pages of this stupid topic & it is clear to me that most on here have no concept of Pope Francis. Bottom line is this, the Pope is a follower of Christ, plain & simple. He sets the example by living as Christ did. Anyone on here who thinks this Pope or Christ is representative of their political affiliation is a complete & utter moron. The Church is above politics and seeks to adhere to the betterment of mankind as a whole. Political parties are only interested in maintaining power. They espouse slogans which the masses consume, but at their heart, that is what they are about.

Good points. But i think he's also riding the wave of being treated like a rock star by the Left, who usually despise people of faith. He's enjoying it. It's probably a calculated move to get people back into the churches in Western Europe especially. The Left has just about destroyed Christianity and the Church there.

I think the Church threw em a bone with this Pope. Because at the end of the day, it's still about the money. The Catholic Church has been one of the most lucrative Big Businesses on earth for centuries. But it's recently fallen on hard times with the rise of the Communists/Socialists. Probably best to throw em a bone and start filling the Churches. Gotta get that cash rollin in again.

Is it possible your butthurt conspiracy theories blind you to the possibility that maybe the man is simply -- this might be a big word --- principled? That he actually identifies with the common classes and might choose to side with them against institutional greed? I mean how the hell would you know what he's "enjoying"?

Is it possible that not everything on earth is driven by simplistic US political party dichotomy of an endless game of cops and robbers?

Ya think??

He could be. Who knows? But i do know the Churches are empty, especially in Western Europe. Throwing the Communists/Socialists a bone with this Pope, makes good business sense. Communists/Socialists in Western Europe have just about destroyed Christianity and the Catholic Church there.

It's the ole 'If you can't beat em, join em' adage. The reality is, the Church needs customers. And it'll have to appease some Communists/Socialists to rebuild its customer-base. It's actually a brilliant business decision. More people in the Churches = More $$. It is what it is.
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

You feel threatened by anyone who suggests that we could do better caring for the sick and the poor. So you go to this hyper partisan retard extreme "communism" -- just plain idiotic.

Hey, it's what's being talked about all over country. It's something worth discussing.

Then maybe you should fix your bullshit poll.

It's what people are discussing. And no one forced you to participate.
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

You feel threatened by anyone who suggests that we could do better caring for the sick and the poor. So you go to this hyper partisan retard extreme "communism" -- just plain idiotic.

Hey, it's what's being talked about all over country. It's something worth discussing.

Then maybe you should fix your bullshit poll.

It's what people are discussing. And no one forced you to participate.

And your bullshit loaded-question poll is designed to derail that discussion, so you've already contradicted yourself. On one hand you maintain it's "something worth discussing" (which it is), while with the other hand you're stabbing that discourse in the back.

The sad part is you think it's not transparent. That belies a serious self-delusion.
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

You feel threatened by anyone who suggests that we could do better caring for the sick and the poor. So you go to this hyper partisan retard extreme "communism" -- just plain idiotic.

Hey, it's what's being talked about all over country. It's something worth discussing.

Then maybe you should fix your bullshit poll.

It's what people are discussing. And no one forced you to participate.

And your bullshit loaded-question poll is designed to derail that discussion, so you've already contradicted yourself. On one hand you maintain it's "something worth discussing" (which it is), while with the other hand you're stabbing that discourse in the back.

The sad part is you think it's not transparent. That belies a serious self-delusion.

Yet you're still here participating in the discussion. Or whining incessantly. Whatever.
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

You feel threatened by anyone who suggests that we could do better caring for the sick and the poor. So you go to this hyper partisan retard extreme "communism" -- just plain idiotic.

Hey, it's what's being talked about all over country. It's something worth discussing.

Then maybe you should fix your bullshit poll.

It's what people are discussing. And no one forced you to participate.

I have never claimed to be "forced to participate" in any thread, so fuck you.

I pointed out -- -from the beginning -- that your premise is bullshit. Which it still is, and no amount of wanky-wanky self-delusional :lalala: will make that go away. So don't try to hand me more dishonest bullshit -- fix what you already have. This is YOUR issue, not mine.

Deal with it.
Keep in mind, the Catholic Churches in Western Europe and the U.S. are empty. Especially in Western Europe. Meanwhile the Mosques continue to fill up. The Communists/Socialists just about wiped out Christianity and the Catholic Church there. It's like Coke vs. Pepsi or McDonalds vs. Burger King. The Christian Church is being pummeled by Islam. The Mosques are filled to capacity.

The Catholic Church needs to rebuild its customer-base. So throwing the Communists/Socialists a bone with this Pope, might do the trick. It has to get the bodies back in the Churches. Gotta get that money rollin in again. If it takes selling out to the Communists/Socialists, so be it. Business is business.


Hey, if selling out to you Communists/Socialists will get the bodies back in the Churches, than so be it. The Catholic Church customer-base is at an all time low. You guys destroyed it and the Muslims are kicking its ass.

The reality is that Churches in Western Europe especially, are empty. Meanwhile, the Mosques are filled to capacity. The Church has to reorganize. It's what any failing Big Business would do. So appeasing you guys with a Communist/Socialist-friendly Pope, is likely a brilliant calculated business decision on the part of the Church.
I have waded through 14 pages of this stupid topic & it is clear to me that most on here have no concept of Pope Francis. Bottom line is this, the Pope is a follower of Christ, plain & simple. He sets the example by living as Christ did. Anyone on here who thinks this Pope or Christ is representative of their political affiliation is a complete & utter moron. The Church is above politics and seeks to adhere to the betterment of mankind as a whole. Political parties are only interested in maintaining power. They espouse slogans which the masses consume, but at their heart, that is what they are about.

Good points. But i think he's also riding the wave of being treated like a rock star by the Left, who usually despise people of faith. He's enjoying it. It's probably a calculated move to get people back into the churches in Western Europe especially. The Left has just about destroyed Christianity and the Church there.

I think the Church threw em a bone with this Pope. Because at the end of the day, it's still about the money. The Catholic Church has been one of the most lucrative Big Businesses on earth for centuries. But it's recently fallen on hard times with the rise of the Communists/Socialists. Probably best to throw em a bone and start filling the Churches. Gotta get that cash rollin in again.

The Church like any other institution requires funding to carry on its missions. But its disingenuous to compare it to a global conglomerate whose sole purpose in life is to make money for its stockholders. In the case of the Church, its stockholders is humanity itself.....

Well, i can't convince you of anything. All i can say is, do some research on the history of the Catholic Church. It may be the first global conglomerate ever created in history. The Catholic Church is, and always has been Big Business.

But it's experiencing hard times now. The Churches are empty, especially in Western Europe. Probably a brilliant calculated move in throwing the Communists/Socialists a bone. They adore this Pope. And that's good for business.

No, the Roman Empire holds that distinction by far. But it is a global religion adhered to by over a billion people, so yeah, it's going to be Big Business as you say. I would not say it's experiencing hard times. It's huge in South America & like I said, has over a billion followers. Not exactly downsizing. Western Europe is due to intense liberal secularization. I don't consider Francis to be a communist or socialist unlike the other morons on here on both sides. He's a moralist who lives by conviction.

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