Is the Pope A Communist Or Good Christian?...

Is This Pope A Communist Or Good Christian

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Anyone who believes the pope is a communist needs to be sent to reeducation centers.

He seems to want to define this nebulous "communism" thing (the one with founders so famous that their names apparently cannot be written) in a governmental sense --- brings up Venezuela and such. But the Pope isn't a head of a government anyway.
Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. Encircled by a 2-mile border with Italy, Vatican City is an independent city-state that covers just over 100 acres, making it one-eighth the size of New York's Central Park. Vatican City is governed as an absolute monarchy with the pope at its head.
Anyone who believes the pope is a communist needs to be sent to reeducation centers.

He seems to want to define this nebulous "communism" thing in a governmental sense --- brings up Venezuela and such. But the Pope isn't a head of a government anyway.
Venezuela isn't even communist lol.

That too. This thing's a train wreck since before it left the station.
Anyone who believes the pope is a communist needs to be sent to reeducation centers.

He seems to want to define this nebulous "communism" thing (the one with founders so famous that their names apparently cannot be written) in a governmental sense --- brings up Venezuela and such. But the Pope isn't a head of a government anyway.
Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. Encircled by a 2-mile border with Italy, Vatican City is an independent city-state that covers just over 100 acres, making it one-eighth the size of New York's Central Park. Vatican City is governed as an absolute monarchy with the pope at its head.

Diga me, what kind of "government" does Central Park -- 800 percent bigger -- have?
All the above means is that it's autonomous. That's it.
What is getting the far right's panties in a wad is when the Pope follows the Bible's direction regarding helping the weak and the poor, greed and destroying God's Earth.
There are a ton of Bible verses about helping the disadvantaged and the sin of greed. The Bible clearly states that God will destroy those who destroy God's Earth.
Because the Pope is following God's direction on these issues, the far right calls him a communist/socialist.
Doesn't any far right folks ever read the Bible, ever?
On the other hand, the Pope has made hard comments about abortion and gay marriages that follow the right's philosophy.
Why is it I don't see the left whining about those stances.
The right just hates the Pope because he quotes the Bible and it goes directly at their in-Christian ideology and they are the Party of God?
My problem has nothing to do with that.
Its the fact that the pope walks around with more self righteous attitude than Jesus Christ did. Jesus was humble, the pope is not.
we wont even get into the financial end of the Catholic church or their worshiping false idols.

Some are calling him an average 'Limousine Liberal.' The Catholic Church has accumulated untold vast wealth. It might very well be the wealthiest entity on earth. The Pope could order that vast wealth to be given to the poor masses. Yet he hasn't, and won't. It's the mentality of your average $Millionaire Limousine Liberal.

Communism/Socialism is appealing to them because they won't have to live its brutal realities. They won't have to stand in line for hours for a loaf of bread. They're rich after all. It's only the little people who'll be doing that. Just ask the People of Venezuela how well Communism's working out for them. Communism/Socialism does look good on paper somewhat. But in practice, it just doesn't work.

Been working for the Hutterites for five hundred years, Dense-boy. So well in fact that their neighbors can't even compete in terms of results.

Not working out too well for the People of Venezuela. Where's ole Sean Penn? He gonna donate his vast wealth to the poor standing in bread lines over there? Limousine Liberals can afford to live the Communism/Socialism fantasy. They know they won't have to live its brutal misery.

Like i said, the Pope and the Catholic Church can give up its vast wealth anytime it chooses. Is that gonna happen? I wouldn't bet on it.

This Pope largely does & has done so throughout his life. Recommend you do some research before stating something ridiculous...
Got your communists right here, pal.


These people live on a commune (they call it a 'colony') of between 75 and 150 population, at which point they split off to a daughter colony. They live on completely commonly-owned land each in a commonly-owned house, taking their meals in a common room, all working for the colony collectively. They eat, sleep and breathe Jesus. No one has any personal possessions save the clothes on their back. And I'm not relating this abstractly, I know these people personally. They're communists, and they're Christians, and they're serious about both. And they've been doing this the same way for five hundred years. So go get yourself some smattering of an education before you go back on the internets and embarrass yourself with desperation revisionist histories. K?

Lol, not communism. Keep trying.
Got your communists right here, pal.


These people live on a commune (they call it a 'colony') of between 75 and 150 population, at which point they split off to a daughter colony. They live on completely commonly-owned land each in a commonly-owned house, taking their meals in a common room, all working for the colony collectively. They eat, sleep and breathe Jesus. No one has any personal possessions save the clothes on their back. And I'm not relating this abstractly, I know these people personally. They're communists, and they're Christians, and they're serious about both. And they've been doing this the same way for five hundred years. So go get yourself some smattering of an education before you go back on the internets and embarrass yourself with desperation revisionist histories. K?

Lol, not communism. Keep trying.

Uh... yeah it is. All work is for the collective. All material is owned by the collective. All business is conducted by the collective, none by individuals. No personal possessions. No wages.

Even meals are taken collectively. And they're not that good btw....
Anyone who believes the pope is a communist needs to be sent to reeducation centers.

He seems to want to define this nebulous "communism" thing (the one with founders so famous that their names apparently cannot be written) in a governmental sense --- brings up Venezuela and such. But the Pope isn't a head of a government anyway.
Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. Encircled by a 2-mile border with Italy, Vatican City is an independent city-state that covers just over 100 acres, making it one-eighth the size of New York's Central Park. Vatican City is governed as an absolute monarchy with the pope at its head.

Diga me, what kind of "government" does Central Park -- 800 percent bigger -- have?
All the above means is that it's autonomous. That's it.
nobody said Central Park has a government, that is your attempt at hiding the fact that you were wrong about the pope not being the head of a government.
you don't like being proven wrong do you... even when you are wrong.
Got your communists right here, pal.


These people live on a commune (they call it a 'colony') of between 75 and 150 population, at which point they split off to a daughter colony. They live on completely commonly-owned land each in a commonly-owned house, taking their meals in a common room, all working for the colony collectively. They eat, sleep and breathe Jesus. No one has any personal possessions save the clothes on their back. And I'm not relating this abstractly, I know these people personally. They're communists, and they're Christians, and they're serious about both. And they've been doing this the same way for five hundred years. So go get yourself some smattering of an education before you go back on the internets and embarrass yourself with desperation revisionist histories. K?

Lol, not communism. Keep trying.

Uh... yeah it is. All work is for the collective. All material is owned by the collective. All business is conducted by the collective, none by individuals. No personal possessions. No wages.

Even meals are taken collectively. And they're not that good btw.... its not. There is no state involved. Why cant you discern the two?
Anyone who believes the pope is a communist needs to be sent to reeducation centers.

He seems to want to define this nebulous "communism" thing (the one with founders so famous that their names apparently cannot be written) in a governmental sense --- brings up Venezuela and such. But the Pope isn't a head of a government anyway.
Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. Encircled by a 2-mile border with Italy, Vatican City is an independent city-state that covers just over 100 acres, making it one-eighth the size of New York's Central Park. Vatican City is governed as an absolute monarchy with the pope at its head.

Diga me, what kind of "government" does Central Park -- 800 percent bigger -- have?
All the above means is that it's autonomous. That's it.
nobody said Central Park has a government, that is your attempt at hiding the fact that you were wrong about the pope not being the head of a government.
you don't like being proven wrong do you... even when you are wrong.

Vatican City is a government & a recognized political entity. It has observer status at the UN & the Pope is recognized around the world as a Head of State. This isn't even debatable....
Anyone who believes the pope is a communist needs to be sent to reeducation centers.

Spoken like a good apparatchik!! There is no dissent in the communist state!! Everyone agrees!!! ALWAYS!! Just take a look at these loyal and happy party members, working for the common good!


Let us all join in song!!

Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

Good christian. Some of our politicians however seem to only be good Christians when it comes to hating. Same for most republicans I guess. Pope says being gay is wrong and they love it. When he says we have too much inequality, he's a communist. The Pope speaks for God. You aren't a Christian if you put politics ahead of the Pope.
Anyone who believes the pope is a communist needs to be sent to reeducation centers.

He seems to want to define this nebulous "communism" thing (the one with founders so famous that their names apparently cannot be written) in a governmental sense --- brings up Venezuela and such. But the Pope isn't a head of a government anyway.
Vatican City is the smallest country in the world. Encircled by a 2-mile border with Italy, Vatican City is an independent city-state that covers just over 100 acres, making it one-eighth the size of New York's Central Park. Vatican City is governed as an absolute monarchy with the pope at its head.

Diga me, what kind of "government" does Central Park -- 800 percent bigger -- have?
All the above means is that it's autonomous. That's it.
nobody said Central Park has a government, that is your attempt at hiding the fact that you were wrong about the pope not being the head of a government.
you don't like being proven wrong do you... even when you are wrong.

You're actually going to try to move this thread to a discussion on how the Pope runs the Vatican?

Good luck with that, Sparky. And you're not even the OP. But by all means, wax your carrot prolific for us on the subtle vagaries of how the Vatican government deals with its teeming masses. DO tell us about the Vatican middle, upper and lower classes. By all means enlighten us on its relationships with labor unions, its army and navy, its natural resources, its commerce and shit. Is the VC run under a "communist" system? Socialist? Capitalist? What are its corporate taxes and regulations like?

Got your communists right here, pal.


These people live on a commune (they call it a 'colony') of between 75 and 150 population, at which point they split off to a daughter colony. They live on completely commonly-owned land each in a commonly-owned house, taking their meals in a common room, all working for the colony collectively. They eat, sleep and breathe Jesus. No one has any personal possessions save the clothes on their back. And I'm not relating this abstractly, I know these people personally. They're communists, and they're Christians, and they're serious about both. And they've been doing this the same way for five hundred years. So go get yourself some smattering of an education before you go back on the internets and embarrass yourself with desperation revisionist histories. K?

Lol, not communism. Keep trying.

Uh... yeah it is. All work is for the collective. All material is owned by the collective. All business is conducted by the collective, none by individuals. No personal possessions. No wages. No classes.

Even meals are taken collectively. And they're not that good btw.... its not. There is no state involved. Why cant you discern the two?

No state is necessary. That would involve a government. This group is autonomous. It's entirely self-sufficient and has no need of a government. Though they may be physically within the geographic confines of a government, they don't participate in anything military at all, ever (matter of fact they've been driven out of several countries for their absolute pacifism and refusal to wear any kind of uniform, including this country --- during World War One some of them were tortured and murdered by the Army at Leavenworth for exactly that pacifism and refusal to participate, whereupon the entire population pulled up stakes and went to Canada; the ones you see here are the descendants of those who returned under agreement with the USG that that would not happen again.

In fact they don't participate in the school system either; by another agreement they house and employ what they call an "English teacher" -- English meaning a person from our world, the English-speaking -- to teach the kids the absolute basics of English, math, etc. But that schooling happens entirely onsite -- the teacher literally lives there (I was offered this job at one colony -- it was extremely tempting, though the fact that I'd have to live there was definitely not the reason I declined it).

Matter of fact when we got to that colony -- in northwest Montana up a 30-mile unmarked dirt road -- our main truck was in need of repair. They completely fixed it, right there in their machine shop. That's part of what I mean by entirely self-sufficient.

But within that self-sufficiency, the entire system, the entire social structure, the entire economy, that entire philosophy is pure communism.

And they got it from the Bible.
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Got your communists right here, pal.


These people live on a commune (they call it a 'colony') of between 75 and 150 population, at which point they split off to a daughter colony. They live on completely commonly-owned land each in a commonly-owned house, taking their meals in a common room, all working for the colony collectively. They eat, sleep and breathe Jesus. No one has any personal possessions save the clothes on their back. And I'm not relating this abstractly, I know these people personally. They're communists, and they're Christians, and they're serious about both. And they've been doing this the same way for five hundred years. So go get yourself some smattering of an education before you go back on the internets and embarrass yourself with desperation revisionist histories. K?

Lol, not communism. Keep trying.

Uh... yeah it is. All work is for the collective. All material is owned by the collective. All business is conducted by the collective, none by individuals. No personal possessions. No wages. No classes.

Even meals are taken collectively. And they're not that good btw.... its not. There is no state involved. Why cant you discern the two?

No state is necessary. That would involve a government. This group is autonomous. It's entirely self-sufficient and has no need of a government. Though they may be physically within the geographic confines of a government, they don't participate in anything military at all, ever (matter of fact they've been driven out of several countries for their absolute pacifism and refusal to wear any kind of uniform, including this country --- during World War One some of them were tortured and murdered by the Army at Leavenworth for exactly that pacifism and refusal to participate, whereupon the entire population pulled up stakes and went to Canada; the ones you see here are the descendants of those who returned under agreement with the USG that that would not happen again.

In fact they don't participate in the school system either; by another agreement they house and employ what they call an "English teacher" -- English meaning a person from our world, the English-speaking -- to teach the kids the absolute basics of English, math, etc. But that schooling happens entirely onsite -- the teacher literally lives there (I was offered this job at one colony -- it was extremely tempting, though the fact that I'd have to live there was definitely not the reason I declined it).

Matter of fact when we got to that colony -- in northwest Montana up a 30-mile unmarked dirt road -- our main truck was in need of repair. They completely fixed it, right there in their machine shop. That's part of what I mean by entirely self-sufficient.

But within that self-sufficiency, the entire system, the entire social structure, the entire economy, that entire philosophy is pure communism.

And they got it from the Bible.

Thanks for the in-depth and for shedding light on this group, Pogo. I think it's very noble of what this group is doing. I still disagree with you on labeling it as communism though. Approximately 100 million have been murdered, killed, starved, under communism. There is one thing that stands out here. This group worships God. A typical communist state doesn't obey the laws of God. There is no moral fiber that holds/has ever held it together.
Thanks for the in-depth and for shedding light on this group, Pogo. I think it's very noble of what this group is doing. I still disagree with you on labeling it as communism though.

[kom-yuh-niz-uh m]

a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.
-- Well, that's exactly, in every way, what they're doing. How does it not fit?

Approximately 100 million have been murdered, killed, starved, under communism.

No one's ever been killed "under" Hutterite communism, not even in a "legitimate" war. Ever. And by that I mean literally Zero.

Now, you can go find populations decimated by despots, totalitarian dictators or incompetent administrators (or any combo thereof) who also claim to be communists, but they might also claim to be music lovers or stamp collectors. Doesn't make for a causation.

There is one thing that stands out here. This group worships God. A typical communist state doesn't obey the laws of God. There is no moral fiber that holds/has ever held it together.

They have nothing to do with each other. You don't need a religion to practice a community of goods, and you don't need a community of goods to practice a religion. They're entirely unrelated. That's why I pointed out in my first post here that these are apples and oranges. Unrelated.

Actually of the two (religion and community of goods) I'd say they place a lot more emphasis, for what it's worth, on the latter. It permeates everything they do. Religion is an occasional aspect, and they don't proselytize or wear it on their sleeve. So if there's a single element, or one of the two, holding it together, it would be the communal lifestyle.

I can wax prolific on the Hutterites. I took it all in so vividly because their lifestyle immediately challenged all the paradigms we've all been led to believe. Especially in that Red Scare political bullshit of the '50s.
That wasn't communism -- that was politics. And political euphemisms, I need to tell no one on this board, are among the most bullshitious ever invented.
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What is getting the far right's panties in a wad is when the Pope follows the Bible's direction regarding helping the weak and the poor, greed and destroying God's Earth.
There are a ton of Bible verses about helping the disadvantaged and the sin of greed. The Bible clearly states that God will destroy those who destroy God's Earth.
Because the Pope is following God's direction on these issues, the far right calls him a communist/socialist.
Doesn't any far right folks ever read the Bible, ever?
On the other hand, the Pope has made hard comments about abortion and gay marriages that follow the right's philosophy.
Why is it I don't see the left whining about those stances.
The right just hates the Pope because he quotes the Bible and it goes directly at their in-Christian ideology and they are the Party of God?
My problem has nothing to do with that.
Its the fact that the pope walks around with more self righteous attitude than Jesus Christ did. Jesus was humble, the pope is not.
we wont even get into the financial end of the Catholic church or their worshiping false idols.

Some are calling him an average 'Limousine Liberal.' The Catholic Church has accumulated untold vast wealth. It might very well be the wealthiest entity on earth. The Pope could order that vast wealth to be given to the poor masses. Yet he hasn't, and won't. It's the mentality of your average $Millionaire Limousine Liberal.

Communism/Socialism is appealing to them because they won't have to live its brutal realities. They won't have to stand in line for hours for a loaf of bread. They're rich after all. It's only the little people who'll be doing that. Just ask the People of Venezuela how well Communism's working out for them. Communism/Socialism does look good on paper somewhat. But in practice, it just doesn't work.

Been working for the Hutterites for five hundred years, Dense-boy. So well in fact that their neighbors can't even compete in terms of results.

Not working out too well for the People of Venezuela. Where's ole Sean Penn? He gonna donate his vast wealth to the poor standing in bread lines over there? Limousine Liberals can afford to live the Communism/Socialism fantasy. They know they won't have to live its brutal misery.

Like i said, the Pope and the Catholic Church can give up its vast wealth anytime it chooses. Is that gonna happen? I wouldn't bet on it.

This Pope largely does & has done so throughout his life. Recommend you do some research before stating something ridiculous...

The Catholic Church will not be giving up its vast fortune anytime soon. Bet on that.

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