Is the Pope A Communist Or Good Christian?...

Is This Pope A Communist Or Good Christian

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critical of unrestrained capitalism. i don't think that moves to the same category of 'hate' or even 'anti'
communism has been around as long as civilization - probably before. there's nothing anti-religion about it.
it has been used by people that are anti-religion though.

Well, the founders of Communism/Socialism had some pretty dim views of religion. You can research them and see how they felt about it.
again, there are no 'founders' of communism. it is perhaps the oldest form of economy.

No, there are actual founders of what we know today as Communism/Socialism.
Name them

Not up for giving a history lesson today. But the information's out there. The founders of what we know today as Communism/Socialism are well known.

So well known.....that you cannot name them. Perfect.
As long as he keeps covering for the pedophiles hiding behind his cloak of God, he is a piece of scum.
Well, the founders of Communism/Socialism had some pretty dim views of religion. You can research them and see how they felt about it.
again, there are no 'founders' of communism. it is perhaps the oldest form of economy.

No, there are actual founders of what we know today as Communism/Socialism.
Name them

Not up for giving a history lesson today. But the information's out there. The founders of what we know today as Communism/Socialism are well known.

So well known.....that you cannot name them. Perfect.

Ya just don't get more well known than that. :eusa_whistle:
He's deceived and brainwashed - but that is not exclusive to Catholics....
As long as he keeps covering for the pedophiles hiding behind his cloak of God, he is a piece of scum.

:eusa_clap: Excellent. Now it's a thread about:

  • Religion
  • An institution
  • A social structure
  • A US political party
  • Pedophila

God bless you and ADD always!!! :) :) :)

Next? :popcorn:
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

He is a socialist….the last step before true communism….
What the fuck kind of mindless question is this? These are in no way opposites.

Is an apple a fruit, or does it grow on trees?


Everyone's a critic i guess. No one's forcing you to participate. Bye.
do you find the two antithetical? can you show us any scripture that would support the idea that a communist cannot be a good christian?

Yeah, the part where they murdered 100 million people in the name of reaching a true communist society…..that little part might be an issue……..
What the fuck kind of mindless question is this? These are in no way opposites.

Is an apple a fruit, or does it grow on trees?


Everyone's a critic i guess. No one's forcing you to participate. Bye.
do you find the two antithetical? can you show us any scripture that would support the idea that a communist cannot be a good christian?

Yeah, the part where they murdered 100 million people in the name of reaching a true communist society…..that little part might be an issue……..

That number is in the Holy Babble?

He's a weirdo who coddles dictators and young boys....
Do you have proof that Pope Francis is a gay pedophile? Or have the LGBT moles at the Vatican not had enough time to set up this Pope for recusing himself because prominent underlings haven't been lured into gay bath houses and photographed yet...then those photos used to blackmail the entire Vatican into LGBT demands?

I wonder if the message was sent this year "don't you dare talk against gay marriage when you address Congress because if you do we'll expose more bishops, cardinals and deacons.."
What is getting the far right's panties in a wad is when the Pope follows the Bible's direction regarding helping the weak and the poor, greed and destroying God's Earth.
There are a ton of Bible verses about helping the disadvantaged and the sin of greed. The Bible clearly states that God will destroy those who destroy God's Earth.
Because the Pope is following God's direction on these issues, the far right calls him a communist/socialist.
Doesn't any far right folks ever read the Bible, ever?
On the other hand, the Pope has made hard comments about abortion and gay marriages that follow the right's philosophy.
Why is it I don't see the left whining about those stances.
The right just hates the Pope because he quotes the Bible and it goes directly at their in-Christian ideology and they are the Party of God?
My problem has nothing to do with that.
Its the fact that the pope walks around with more self righteous attitude than Jesus Christ did. Jesus was humble, the pope is not.
we wont even get into the financial end of the Catholic church or their worshiping false idols.

Some are calling him an average 'Limousine Liberal.' The Catholic Church has accumulated untold vast wealth. It might very well be the wealthiest entity on earth. The Pope could order that vast wealth to be given to the poor masses. Yet he hasn't, and won't. It's the mentality of your average $Millionaire Limousine Liberal.

Communism/Socialism is appealing to them because they won't have to live its brutal realities. They won't have to stand in line for hours for a loaf of bread. They're rich after all. It's only the little people who'll be doing that. Just ask the People of Venezuela how well Communism's working out for them. Communism/Socialism does look good on paper somewhat. But in practice, it just doesn't work.

Been working for the Hutterites for five hundred years, Dense-boy. So well in fact that their neighbors can't even compete in terms of results.

Not working out too well for the People of Venezuela. Where's ole Sean Penn? He gonna donate his vast wealth to the poor standing in bread lines over there? Limousine Liberals can afford to live the Communism/Socialism fantasy. They know they won't have to live its brutal misery.

Like i said, the Pope and the Catholic Church can give up its vast wealth anytime it chooses. Is that gonna happen? I wouldn't bet on it.
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

He is a socialist….the last step before true communism….

Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." - Mark 10:21

The Rich Young Man
21Looking at him, Jesus felt a love for him and said to him, "One thing you lack: go and sell all you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me." 22But at these words he was saddened, and he went away grieving, for he was one who owned much property. 23And Jesus, looking around, said to His disciples, "How hard it will be for those who are wealthy to enter the kingdom of God!"…
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

He is a socialist….the last step before true communism….

Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." - Mark 10:21

Yes, but is the Pope and the Catholic Church ever gonna do that? The Vatican may be the wealthiest entity on earth.
Well, with all the controversy surrounding this Pope, it's time for you to sound off and vote. Is he a Communist or is he a Good Christian? You make the call.

He is a socialist….the last step before true communism….

Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said. "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." - Mark 10:21

Yes, but is the Pope and the Catholic Church ever gonna do that? The Vatican may be the wealthiest entity on earth.
Why do you think I call this Pope "almost a Christian"...
Like i said, the Pope and the Catholic Church can give up its vast wealth anytime it chooses. Is that gonna happen? I wouldn't bet on it.

You keep saying that. The Catholic Church spends billions of dollars a year on running hospitals, schools, and feeding people all over the world. They are one of the biggest charities in the United States.
Yes, but is the Pope and the Catholic Church ever gonna do that? The Vatican may be the wealthiest entity on earth.
Pope Francis moved out of the papal palace and moved into a relatively small apartment, given his station. He evidently practices what he preaches and has chosen to live more like the saint whose name he took, hence arriving in a Fiat..

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