Is the reaction to 1/6 the biggest fake-outrage pearl clutch in human history?

Is 1/6 the biggest pearl clutch in human history?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 85.7%
  • Yes

    Votes: 3 14.3%

  • Total voters
You're missing the point. He stirred up a crowd that destroyed property and got someone killed. Any rational prosecutor would charge the leader of such an event.
Based on what?

I want to know what language I must avoid if I am giving a speech to a crowd, if I am to avoid prosecution.

I think are the one missing the point.
He might not be convicted. That would be up to a jury.
Apparently, no prosecutor is confident enough to even put it to a grand jury, nor should they be. There is NOTHING there. You can't point to anything either, and won't even try.

Do you just want him prosecuted because you hate him?

But he should be held accountable for the part he played in that shit show. Denying that he played any part in it is just delusional.
What part did he play?

You're mad and you hate him. I get it.

Do you really want to take a huge shit on the Constitution because you hate him?
He's letting the hate flow....It's tragic to watch an alleged libertarian buy into the moonbat media gaslighting and go all to pieces like this.
dblack is bogus libertarian.
I don't believe that.

I just think he hates Trump more than he loves liberty, so when it comes to Trump, all consequences be damned, anything goes, git that son-of-a-bitch.
That makes him the fake glibertarian that he is....Selling out the intellect to the emotions.
I confess that I do the same. Nobody's perfect.

The blinding bit of irony here is that I hate Authoritarians so much that the right to life be damned. Kill those fuckers!
He just came out for arresting a man that he admits hasn't committed a crime. That's a Stalinist, not a libertarian. If he such a libertarian, he should hate Biden 1000 times more than Trump.

Calling Mr. Irony, Calling Mr. Irony

Lock her up, Lock her up, Lock her up.
He just came out for arresting a man that he admits hasn't committed a crime. That's a Stalinist, not a libertarian. If he such a libertarian, he should hate Biden 1000 times more than Trump.

Calling Mr. Irony, Calling Mr. Irony

Lock her up, Lock her up, Lock her up.
He admitted he hasn't committed a crime, douchebag. Everyone who said lock Hillary up can name specific crimes she committed.
I'm saying he should be prosecuted period.
Based on what specific language from his speech?
I merely posed the BLM example in a vain attempt to get Trumpsters to see it from a different perspective. But that's not something people really like to do these days.
I believe that no matter whose mouth those words come from, the are not even close to encouraging "imminent lawless actions." But, if you have parts of the speech that you believe meet the criteria for incitement, I will take a look and discuss it with you.

I haven't got time to chase you around the denial bush. If you don't see it - if you can't admit that Republicans would be freaking out if exactly the same words, and exactly the same results, came from a BLM rally, then there's not much else to talk about. You're not being honest with yourself, much less me.

The Democrats DID do the reverse, you fucking Democrat moron. They did it all last summer. Democrats continued to defend and rationalize it AFTER it happened.

That's exactly my point. You're doing the same fucking thing. This two-party shit has turned you all into soulless jackals.

I literally don't know what you just said. Explain what that means.

Democrats supported leftist looting, burning and rioting in cities across the country.

Republicans supported demonstrating outside the Capital but not the people who went inside even though unlike the Democrats there was no looting or fires set.

So what does "you're doing the same fucking thing" mean exactly? How am I doing the "same fucking thing?"
incited a riot that destroyed public property and got people killed.

Got people killed?

Tell me more!!!

Ashli Babbit isn't people?

You meant got "a person" killed, not "people"?
LOL! You got me. Guess it's all good then.

That's your reply? Seriously? It doesn't matter if one person is killed or multiple people?

You people really are making complete glassy-eyed idiots out of yourselves.

Yeah, Democrats are grandstanding about 1/6. The OP is totally right. But your denial circle jerk is even worse. Trump was right, he could shoot someone on street, in cold blood, and you idiots would defend him. What's that say about you? How far will go for him?
The "riot" began when Trump was only a few minutes into his speech....Considering that the stage is 1/2 hour, at a brisk walk, away from the Capitol building, how do you figure that he incited anything?
I just want somebody to show me what specific words from his speech constitute an encouragement of "imminent lawless actions."

This is not about Trump at all for me. I am WAY more concerned that people will bend over backwards to take a massive corn-filled shit on the 1st Amendment just so they can sate their lust to get Trump for something....anything.

The phrase "chopping off your nose to spite your face" comes to mind.

Democrats told dblack to believe that Trump incited them and as a good Democrat he believes what he is told to believe by the Democrats.

Which is why the Democrats on the board, even the biggest nut jobs, like dblack. The one thing I agree with Faun on is that dblack is a Democrat. Like literally, that's the only thing we agree on
I literally don't know what you just said. Explain what that means.

Democrats supported leftist looting, burning and rioting in cities across the country.

Republicans supported demonstrating outside the Capital but not the people who went inside even though unlike the Democrats there was no looting or fires set.
Really? You're going to go down that rat hole?

Democrats supported looting, no more than they supported neo-nazi's chanting "Jews will not replace us." You confuse protecting rights, with supporting illegal acts.

As for the republicans and January 6th, are you trying to claim republicans wanted them to stay outside?
I think we need to make a set of huge, appropriately fake pearls the size of truck tires and have them on tour in every city/town in America so all can get a chance to clutch them.

You're obviously right about the faux outrage, but the biggest ever? It's just a day at the office for the Democrat party.

When my kids were babies and cried because they wanted their way, I would tell them that's a good cry, but their tears are dry, takes away from the effect.

Democrats scream hysterically every time they want their way as if the world is ending, but it's a constant farce

That's funny because aren't republicans the ones who have been crying and whining all year? First they they whined and cried about stay at home restrictions right as the pandemic broke, then they whined and cried about wearing masks in private businesses, then they whined and cried about getting a shot because that would cause an ouchy, then they whined and cried when their guy failed to win reelection so they climbed over the wall at the state capitol and broke in because they were so upset, now theyre screaming hysterically about the vaccine. It's non pearl clutching.

Your TDS just burns on and on
I literally don't know what you just said. Explain what that means.

Democrats supported leftist looting, burning and rioting in cities across the country.

Republicans supported demonstrating outside the Capital but not the people who went inside even though unlike the Democrats there was no looting or fires set.
Really? You're going to go down that rat hole?

Democrats supported looting, no more than they supported neo-nazi's chanting "Jews will not replace us." You confuse protecting rights, with supporting illegal acts.

As for the republicans and January 6th, are you trying to claim republicans wanted them to stay outside?

Yes, Democrats supported looting. When you went into your Democrat Nazi anti-Semite schtick I stopped reading, Adolph
So what does "you're doing the same fucking thing" mean exactly? How am I doing the "same fucking thing?"

"They did it all last summer. Democrats continued to defend and rationalize it AFTER it happened."

The people who goaded on the BLM riots, especially the elected officials who approved with a wink and a nod, should have been, should be, held accountable.

So should Trump. But, I know, it's different when your guy does it.

Hypocrisy is kinda like B.O. - it's not always easy to smell your own.
Yes, Democrats supported looting. When you went into your Democrat Nazi anti-Semite schtick I stopped reading, Adolph
Can you cite a democrat calling for people to go out and loot?

So when Trump didn't say to go into the Capital, you know what he meant ...

... but Democrats didn't use the words to loot, they just ignored the looting and defended the looters, but they didn't explicitly SAY to loot, so it doesn't count.

Typical Democrat double standard
So what does "you're doing the same fucking thing" mean exactly? How am I doing the "same fucking thing?"

"They did it all last summer. Democrats continued to defend and rationalize it AFTER it happened."

The people who goaded on the BLM riots, especially the elected officials who approved with a wink and a nod, should have been, should be, held accountable.

So should Trump. But, I know, it's different when your guy does it.

Hypocrisy is kinda like B.O. - it's not always easy to smell your own.
If the looting last summer happened once then you could make the argument that it was the same. But it went on and on and Democrats defended them which incited more and more looting, rioting and fires.

There was one January 6. Trump did not say to go into the capital building and they didn't loot or set fires like the leftists. And neither Trump nor his supporters actually did defend the people who went inside the building.

Only a true Democrat partisan hack, you know, you, could call those the same.

You have no problem today getting Trump supporters to say the people who went into the capital building should have been prosecuted. Try getting Democrats even today to condemn last summer's leftists
If the looting last summer happened once then you could make the argument that it was the same. But it went on and on and Democrats defended them which incited more and more looting, rioting and fires.
You must have noticed the protests occurred in 60 different countries, and on all seven continents around the world.
So what does "you're doing the same fucking thing" mean exactly? How am I doing the "same fucking thing?"

"They did it all last summer. Democrats continued to defend and rationalize it AFTER it happened."

The people who goaded on the BLM riots, especially the elected officials who approved with a wink and a nod, should have been, should be, held accountable.

So should Trump. But, I know, it's different when your guy does it.

Hypocrisy is kinda like B.O. - it's not always easy to smell your own.
I will let all of the others walk, with no charges, if you can point out the exact words from Trump's speech you would proffer to a jury in his incitement trial.
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You have no problem today getting Trump supporters to say the people who went into the capital building should have been prosecuted. Try getting Democrats even today to condemn last summer's leftists
Some of those arrested for January 6th have pleaded that they did so because Trump told them to.

Maybe their antennas weren't on straight, but that's the way they heard it.

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