Is the Republican Base addicted to being terrorized?



Look at the way their leadership has terrorized the GOP base during the last 20 years.

Remember when they said Obama was going to release al Qaeda into your back yard?

Just the most recent alone.

Obama will declare martial law.

Obama is releasing Ebola into the country as get back for slavery.

Refugee children are full of disease.

If you tax the wealthy they won't create jobs.

Mushroom cloud.

Isis is coming to get you.

Come on. The list is endless. And how many of those so called predictions came true? It doesn't matter. It's not important whether they are lies. The GOP gets a thrill being terrorized. Instead of thinking "we've tricked", they are thinking, "we dodged a bullet".
The GOP is an emotionally charged ideology. It does not operate on factual information and critical thinking.
Look at the way their leadership has terrorized the GOP base during the last 20 years.

Remember when they said Obama was going to release al Qaeda into your back yard?

Just the most recent alone.

Obama will declare martial law.

Obama is releasing Ebola into the country as get back for slavery.

Refugee children are full of disease.

If you tax the wealthy they won't create jobs.

Mushroom cloud.

Isis is coming to get you.

Come on. The list is endless. And how many of those so called predictions came true? It doesn't matter. It's not important whether they are lies. The GOP gets a thrill being terrorized. Instead of thinking "we've tricked", they are thinking, "we dodged a bullet".
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
Look at the way their leadership has terrorized the GOP base during the last 20 years.

Remember when they said Obama was going to release al Qaeda into your back yard?

Just the most recent alone.

Obama will declare martial law.

Obama is releasing Ebola into the country as get back for slavery.

Refugee children are full of disease.

If you tax the wealthy they won't create jobs.

Mushroom cloud.

Isis is coming to get you.

Come on. The list is endless. And how many of those so called predictions came true? It doesn't matter. It's not important whether they are lies. The GOP gets a thrill being terrorized. Instead of thinking "we've tricked", they are thinking, "we dodged a bullet".

Some believe emotional states can be addictive. As with people who're angry a lot are literally addicted to the neurochemicals which produce feelings of anger. So I wouldn't be surprised if some extreme ends of the political spectrum are populated by people literally unable to break free from those positions and perhaps unknowingly frequent people who'll feed their addictions.
The GOP is an emotionally charged ideology. It does not operate on factual information and critical thinking.

Unlike Marxist thinking (the central theme of Democrat ideology) which believes in murdering more than 100 million individuals since its practical inception (Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, et al). Dems believe in death panels, pro-death infanticide (abortion), job destruction, and a number of other ideals based on "critical thinking." Thanks but no thanks.
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.
The GOP is an emotionally charged ideology. It does not operate on factual information and critical thinking.

Unlike Marxist thinking (the central theme of Democrat ideology) which believes in murdering more than 100 million individuals since its practical inception (Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, et al). Dems believe in death panels, pro-death infanticide (abortion), job destruction, and a number of other ideals based on "critical thinking." Thanks but no thanks.
you make the OP's point for him...good job
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Talk about "fear mongering." Have you heard the latest? Libs are trying to scare everyone into believing that the world is melting.
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Take away welfare and the Dems would be dead

They need welfare to keep their "base" securely on the plantation.
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Talk about "fear mongering." Have you heard the latest? Libs are trying to scare everyone into believing that the world is melting.
thats not even the right definition
The GOP is an emotionally charged ideology. It does not operate on factual information and critical thinking.

Unlike Marxist thinking (the central theme of Democrat ideology) which believes in murdering more than 100 million individuals since its practical inception (Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, et al). Dems believe in death panels, pro-death infanticide (abortion), job destruction, and a number of other ideals based on "critical thinking." Thanks but no thanks.
Lol thank you for proving my point.
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Take away welfare and the Dems would be dead


Red States are welfare states. Everyone knows it. When Republicans get welfare, they don't think of it as welfare because they feel entitled.
:lmao: Another whacked out thread by rdean. Hypocrite thy name is liberal.

From your left wing enviro whackos.

Quote by emeritus professor Daniel Botkin:"The only way to get our society to truly change is to frighten people with the possibility of a catastrophe."

Quote by Stephen Schneider, Stanford Univ., environmentalist:"That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage.

So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have."

Quote by Sir John Houghton, pompous lead editor of first three IPCC reports: “If we want a good environmental policy in the future we’ll have to have a disaster.

Quote by Paul Watson, a founder of Greenpeace:"It doesn't matter what is true, it only matters what people believe is true."

Quote by Jim Sibbison, former public relations official for the Environmental Protection Agency: "We routinely wrote scare stories...Our press reports were more or less true...We were out to whip the public into a frenzy about the environment."

The Australian Climate Sceptics Blog Scary Quotes from Alarmists explain the Plan.
The GOP is an emotionally charged ideology. It does not operate on factual information and critical thinking.

Unlike Marxist thinking (the central theme of Democrat ideology) which believes in murdering more than 100 million individuals since its practical inception (Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, et al). Dems believe in death panels, pro-death infanticide (abortion), job destruction, and a number of other ideals based on "critical thinking." Thanks but no thanks.
Lol thank you for proving my point.

I know right? Look at what he wrote:

Unlike Marxist thinking (the central theme of Democrat ideology) which believes in murdering more than 100 million individuals since its practical inception (Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, et al). Dems believe in death panels, pro-death infanticide (abortion), job destruction, and a number of other ideals based on "critical thinking."

And it was Bush and the Republicans who helped moved millions of jobs to China from 2001 to 2008 and more than 40,000 factories were closed. And the cherry is that he makes fun of "critical thinking"?
Do Obama Fluffers even need kneepads anymore? 6 years of it, they should be calloused by now
this from a guy who sucks more Reagan dick than Nancy did for all 40 whatever years they where married.
take away the fear and conspiracy and the GOP would be dead.

Take away welfare and the Dems would be dead


Red States are welfare states. Everyone knows it. When Republicans get welfare, they don't think of it as welfare because they feel entitled.

Dummy, I showed conclusively last night that welfare in "red states" goes primarily to "blue counties"


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