Is the U.S. President Mentally Incompetent?

His egomaniacal delusions long sustained his capacity to deal with his distorted version of reality.

Examples: The Loser has now retreated into a state where that tenuous connection appears to have been severed. He is clearly a very insecure person, far too fragile to ever admit defeat, and he was beaten by a man whom he failed to smear by contriving a fake scandal, and at whom he then struck out viciously, demeaning him to the point that, losing to him became an even greater affront than if he had shown respect and human decency toward him. If HE can beat me... Arrrrggghhhh!

"I am TRUMP! I tag big buildings around the world! How could senile, sleepy ol' Joe beat ME???


He hides from a pandemic ravaging the land. He hides from a massive cyber-attack on the nation. He fixates on his tweety thing, feverishly lashing out, lashing out, lashing out.

... “His fragile ego has never been tested to this extent,” Michael Cohen, his former personal attorney, told me. “As each day ends, Trump knows he’s one day closer to legal and financial troubles. Accordingly, we will all see his behavior deteriorate until it progresses into a full mental breakdown.”

In the estimation of Bandy Lee, the forensic psychiatrist from Yale who’s spent the last four years trying to warn the world about Trump, it’s not something that could happen. It’s something that is happening, that’s been happening. “We’re at a stage now where his detachment from reality is pretty much complete and his symptoms are as severe as can be,” she said. She likened Trump to “a car without functioning brakes.” It can look for a long time like it’s fine, and keep going, faster and faster, even outracing other cars. “But at the bottom of the hill,” Lee said, “it always crashes.”

View attachment 430994
View attachment 430991
Ahh, but the strawberries! That's... that's where I had them!
They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with...
geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist,

and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action!"

View attachment 430996

Duty calls.

Which one? :dunno:
Your TDS / Trump OCD is soooooooooooooooooooooo bad, and getting worse.
Actually, the inane ravings of Trump bum kissers aside, the American People have banished Trumpery in their first opportunity to do so, and in a free, safe, and secure democratic election - as certified by Republicans and Democrats alike, all the way up to the Supreme Court and its Trump appointees. Most folks anticipate January 20 with a sense of relief, optimism, and hope.

Hang in there, Bunky. Things are looking up!

View attachment 431095
"Oh, poo poo!
The American People
are lowering the boom!"

I see why you are so frustrated princess.

Trump saved us from one dreaded, lethal, hated virus; your beloved beat off material, The Hag:


And for 4+ years you have had to resort to sodomizing countless Trumpy Bear dolls without lube in an effort to get even.

Sad really.
His egomaniacal delusions long sustained his capacity to deal with his distorted version of reality.

Examples: The Loser has now retreated into a state where that tenuous connection appears to have been severed. He is clearly a very insecure person, far too fragile to ever admit defeat, and he was beaten by a man whom he failed to smear by contriving a fake scandal, and at whom he then struck out viciously, demeaning him to the point that, losing to him became an even greater affront than if he had shown respect and human decency toward him. If HE can beat me... Arrrrggghhhh!

"I am TRUMP! I tag big buildings around the world! How could senile, sleepy ol' Joe beat ME???


He hides from a pandemic ravaging the land. He hides from a massive cyber-attack on the nation. He fixates on his tweety thing, feverishly lashing out, lashing out, lashing out.

... “His fragile ego has never been tested to this extent,” Michael Cohen, his former personal attorney, told me. “As each day ends, Trump knows he’s one day closer to legal and financial troubles. Accordingly, we will all see his behavior deteriorate until it progresses into a full mental breakdown.”

In the estimation of Bandy Lee, the forensic psychiatrist from Yale who’s spent the last four years trying to warn the world about Trump, it’s not something that could happen. It’s something that is happening, that’s been happening. “We’re at a stage now where his detachment from reality is pretty much complete and his symptoms are as severe as can be,” she said. She likened Trump to “a car without functioning brakes.” It can look for a long time like it’s fine, and keep going, faster and faster, even outracing other cars. “But at the bottom of the hill,” Lee said, “it always crashes.”

View attachment 430994
View attachment 430991
Ahh, but the strawberries! That's... that's where I had them!
They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with...
geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist,

and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action!"

View attachment 430996

Duty calls.

The answer to your question is yes.
Foolishly, I never believed we would come this close to losing our American democracy, but we did, while our elected cowards idly stood by, and some of them actually aided the idiot, for their own personal gain.

I'll never make that mistake again.
Authoritarianism seems to have an irresistible allure for some folks, and that is always a threat to democracy. When combined with a cultish devotion, an emotional dependency that dispels coherent thought, rational discourse is not possible.
His egomaniacal delusions long sustained his capacity to deal with his distorted version of reality.

Examples: The Loser has now retreated into a state where that tenuous connection appears to have been severed. He is clearly a very insecure person, far too fragile to ever admit defeat, and he was beaten by a man whom he failed to smear by contriving a fake scandal, and at whom he then struck out viciously, demeaning him to the point that, losing to him became an even greater affront than if he had shown respect and human decency toward him. If HE can beat me... Arrrrggghhhh!

"I am TRUMP! I tag big buildings around the world! How could senile, sleepy ol' Joe beat ME???


He hides from a pandemic ravaging the land. He hides from a massive cyber-attack on the nation. He fixates on his tweety thing, feverishly lashing out, lashing out, lashing out.

... “His fragile ego has never been tested to this extent,” Michael Cohen, his former personal attorney, told me. “As each day ends, Trump knows he’s one day closer to legal and financial troubles. Accordingly, we will all see his behavior deteriorate until it progresses into a full mental breakdown.”

In the estimation of Bandy Lee, the forensic psychiatrist from Yale who’s spent the last four years trying to warn the world about Trump, it’s not something that could happen. It’s something that is happening, that’s been happening. “We’re at a stage now where his detachment from reality is pretty much complete and his symptoms are as severe as can be,” she said. She likened Trump to “a car without functioning brakes.” It can look for a long time like it’s fine, and keep going, faster and faster, even outracing other cars. “But at the bottom of the hill,” Lee said, “it always crashes.”

View attachment 430994
View attachment 430991
Ahh, but the strawberries! That's... that's where I had them!
They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with...
geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist,

and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action!"

View attachment 430996

Duty calls.

Mental health professionals have written several articles quietly pointing out the impeached president trump's common symptoms of age-related mental deterioration.

Naturally, the untrained RWNJs contradict these experts, as always.


now, tell us what those same experts say about senile Biden. Try to be honest about it if you can.

Joe Biden speaks in complete sentences, and has no difficulty determining what's real. Donald Trump can't complete a thought. The rambling transcripts of his interviews aren't even English. Asked by FOX News what he intended to do in his second term, Trump rambled into talking about how he didn't know anyone when he moved to Washington, and all the people he's met there.

If you watch Trump's media appearances from 20 years ago, he spoke in complete sentences, as a well educated wealthy individual would. He stayed on topic and didn't ramble, and answered questions directly. Today, Trump's use of language has been dumbed down, and he can't stay on topic or speak in complete sentences.

But what's really telling in terms of his mental competence is his focus on conspiracy theories, while ignoring REAL attacks. The election fraud is his total focus, while the Russian hack of government agencies is ignored. The Pandemic is ignored, while Trump tries to prosecute Obama and Biden.

Trump's inability to focus on more than one thing at a time is also an indicator of his diminished mental capacity. Trump has never been the sharpest knife in the drawer. I strongly suspect he has dyslexia or some other reading deficit, which is why he doesn't read. His father had to make a huge "donation" to Wharton to get Dumb Donald in.

Trump's father died of Alzheimers. It's no surprise that he's following in his father's footsteps.
And for 4+ years you have had to resort to sodomizing countless Trumpy Bear dolls without lube in an effort to get even.
Don't project. You're obviously going to pretend that you're a Trumpy Bear doll for the quadrennium, as your master delights in doing whatever he wants to you.


Screen Shot 2020-12-19 at 10.18.14 AM.png
now, tell us what those same experts say about senile Biden. Try to be honest about it if you can.
Your desperate attempt at diversion is noted.

All future presidents should also be subject to removal if unable to fulfill their duties of office for any reason.
His egomaniacal delusions long sustained his capacity to deal with his distorted version of reality.

Examples: The Loser has now retreated into a state where that tenuous connection appears to have been severed. He is clearly a very insecure person, far too fragile to ever admit defeat, and he was beaten by a man whom he failed to smear by contriving a fake scandal, and at whom he then struck out viciously, demeaning him to the point that, losing to him became an even greater affront than if he had shown respect and human decency toward him. If HE can beat me... Arrrrggghhhh!

"I am TRUMP! I tag big buildings around the world! How could senile, sleepy ol' Joe beat ME???


He hides from a pandemic ravaging the land. He hides from a massive cyber-attack on the nation. He fixates on his tweety thing, feverishly lashing out, lashing out, lashing out.

... “His fragile ego has never been tested to this extent,” Michael Cohen, his former personal attorney, told me. “As each day ends, Trump knows he’s one day closer to legal and financial troubles. Accordingly, we will all see his behavior deteriorate until it progresses into a full mental breakdown.”

In the estimation of Bandy Lee, the forensic psychiatrist from Yale who’s spent the last four years trying to warn the world about Trump, it’s not something that could happen. It’s something that is happening, that’s been happening. “We’re at a stage now where his detachment from reality is pretty much complete and his symptoms are as severe as can be,” she said. She likened Trump to “a car without functioning brakes.” It can look for a long time like it’s fine, and keep going, faster and faster, even outracing other cars. “But at the bottom of the hill,” Lee said, “it always crashes.”

View attachment 430994
View attachment 430991
Ahh, but the strawberries! That's... that's where I had them!
They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with...
geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist,

and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action!"

View attachment 430996

Duty calls.

Joe biden isn't President yet, but yes....he is mentally incompetent and has never been fit for public office. His deals with communist China also show he is corrupt and dumb.....
His egomaniacal delusions long sustained his capacity to deal with his distorted version of reality.
Ha ha ha...
The American People have issued the eviction notice. He must vacate the public housing they provided for him. He proved to be a very bad tenant.

View attachment 431050
"Aw, phooey!"

No, actually, they didn't........the American people had their election stolen from them...
Joe biden isn't President yet, but yes....he is mentally incompetent and has never been fit for public office. His deals with communist China also show he is corrupt and dumb.....
You can lash out at the mundane victor that defeated your exalted loser by over 7 million votes, but put America first for a moment.

The nation being under a massive cyberattack by its enemies, and suffering from the ravages of a soaring pandemic, demands more from a leader than hiding from public view and incessantly sniveling about his personal defeat, lashing out at everyone who accepts the reality.
His egomaniacal delusions long sustained his capacity to deal with his distorted version of reality.

Examples: The Loser has now retreated into a state where that tenuous connection appears to have been severed. He is clearly a very insecure person, far too fragile to ever admit defeat, and he was beaten by a man whom he failed to smear by contriving a fake scandal, and at whom he then struck out viciously, demeaning him to the point that, losing to him became an even greater affront than if he had shown respect and human decency toward him. If HE can beat me... Arrrrggghhhh!

"I am TRUMP! I tag big buildings around the world! How could senile, sleepy ol' Joe beat ME???


He hides from a pandemic ravaging the land. He hides from a massive cyber-attack on the nation. He fixates on his tweety thing, feverishly lashing out, lashing out, lashing out.

... “His fragile ego has never been tested to this extent,” Michael Cohen, his former personal attorney, told me. “As each day ends, Trump knows he’s one day closer to legal and financial troubles. Accordingly, we will all see his behavior deteriorate until it progresses into a full mental breakdown.”

In the estimation of Bandy Lee, the forensic psychiatrist from Yale who’s spent the last four years trying to warn the world about Trump, it’s not something that could happen. It’s something that is happening, that’s been happening. “We’re at a stage now where his detachment from reality is pretty much complete and his symptoms are as severe as can be,” she said. She likened Trump to “a car without functioning brakes.” It can look for a long time like it’s fine, and keep going, faster and faster, even outracing other cars. “But at the bottom of the hill,” Lee said, “it always crashes.”

View attachment 430994
View attachment 430991
Ahh, but the strawberries! That's... that's where I had them!
They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with...
geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist,

and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action!"

View attachment 430996

Duty calls.

Mental health professionals have written several articles quietly pointing out the impeached president trump's common symptoms of age-related mental deterioration.

Naturally, the untrained RWNJs contradict these experts, as always.


Gee they did it all from the distance too, why bother with the office and sofa method? they can just look at someone from miles away, make their diagnosis and be on their way. :cuckoo:

My Father was a PHD Mental Health professional for nearly 50 years, ran an office for a while and taught at the Community College, based on mental health issues. He never would make such idiotic long distance mental health evaluations of anyone, he knew as others in his profession in the city he worked in, that diagnosis results can be tricky since there are many people who have serious narcissistic view of themselves who can still succeed in life.
Joe biden isn't President yet, but yes....he is mentally incompetent and has never been fit for public office. His deals with communist China also show he is corrupt and dumb.....
You can lash out at the mundane victor that defeated your exalted loser by over 7 million votes, but put America first for a moment.

The nation being under a massive cyberattack by its enemies, and suffering from the ravages of a soaring pandemic, demands more from a leader than hiding from public view and incessantly sniveling about his personal defeat, lashing out at everyone who accepts the reality.

The democrats are working with the countries attacking this country you doofus.....and biden and his family are neck deep in with the Chinese.

The one hiding is joe biden. Anytime someone tries to ask a real question, his nanny/wife/fake Dr. pulls him away....

They stole the election, everyone knows this from all of the evidence presented, and that video from Georgia sealed the deal, you dumb ass.
His egomaniacal delusions long sustained his capacity to deal with his distorted version of reality.
Ha ha ha...
The American People have issued the eviction notice. He must vacate the public housing they provided for him. He proved to be a very bad tenant.

View attachment 431050
"Aw, phooey!"

No, actually, they didn't........the American people had their election stolen from them...
Millions more voted for Biden plus he also won the electoral vote.
His egomaniacal delusions long sustained his capacity to deal with his distorted version of reality.

Examples: The Loser has now retreated into a state where that tenuous connection appears to have been severed. He is clearly a very insecure person, far too fragile to ever admit defeat, and he was beaten by a man whom he failed to smear by contriving a fake scandal, and at whom he then struck out viciously, demeaning him to the point that, losing to him became an even greater affront than if he had shown respect and human decency toward him. If HE can beat me... Arrrrggghhhh!

"I am TRUMP! I tag big buildings around the world! How could senile, sleepy ol' Joe beat ME???


He hides from a pandemic ravaging the land. He hides from a massive cyber-attack on the nation. He fixates on his tweety thing, feverishly lashing out, lashing out, lashing out.

... “His fragile ego has never been tested to this extent,” Michael Cohen, his former personal attorney, told me. “As each day ends, Trump knows he’s one day closer to legal and financial troubles. Accordingly, we will all see his behavior deteriorate until it progresses into a full mental breakdown.”

In the estimation of Bandy Lee, the forensic psychiatrist from Yale who’s spent the last four years trying to warn the world about Trump, it’s not something that could happen. It’s something that is happening, that’s been happening. “We’re at a stage now where his detachment from reality is pretty much complete and his symptoms are as severe as can be,” she said. She likened Trump to “a car without functioning brakes.” It can look for a long time like it’s fine, and keep going, faster and faster, even outracing other cars. “But at the bottom of the hill,” Lee said, “it always crashes.”

View attachment 430994
View attachment 430991
Ahh, but the strawberries! That's... that's where I had them!
They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with...
geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist,

and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action!"

View attachment 430996

Duty calls.

You posted that because Biden promised to let you rub his hairy legs, right?
His egomaniacal delusions long sustained his capacity to deal with his distorted version of reality.

Examples: The Loser has now retreated into a state where that tenuous connection appears to have been severed. He is clearly a very insecure person, far too fragile to ever admit defeat, and he was beaten by a man whom he failed to smear by contriving a fake scandal, and at whom he then struck out viciously, demeaning him to the point that, losing to him became an even greater affront than if he had shown respect and human decency toward him. If HE can beat me... Arrrrggghhhh!

"I am TRUMP! I tag big buildings around the world! How could senile, sleepy ol' Joe beat ME???


He hides from a pandemic ravaging the land. He hides from a massive cyber-attack on the nation. He fixates on his tweety thing, feverishly lashing out, lashing out, lashing out.

... “His fragile ego has never been tested to this extent,” Michael Cohen, his former personal attorney, told me. “As each day ends, Trump knows he’s one day closer to legal and financial troubles. Accordingly, we will all see his behavior deteriorate until it progresses into a full mental breakdown.”

In the estimation of Bandy Lee, the forensic psychiatrist from Yale who’s spent the last four years trying to warn the world about Trump, it’s not something that could happen. It’s something that is happening, that’s been happening. “We’re at a stage now where his detachment from reality is pretty much complete and his symptoms are as severe as can be,” she said. She likened Trump to “a car without functioning brakes.” It can look for a long time like it’s fine, and keep going, faster and faster, even outracing other cars. “But at the bottom of the hill,” Lee said, “it always crashes.”

View attachment 430994
View attachment 430991
Ahh, but the strawberries! That's... that's where I had them!
They laughed at me and made jokes but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt and with...
geometric logic... that a duplicate key to the wardroom icebox DID exist,

and I'd have produced that key if they hadn't of pulled the Caine out of action!"

View attachment 430996

Duty calls.

Mentally incompetent? Well, let's compare Trump's accomplishments vs Biden's:
a. Peace Accord between the UAE and Israel.
b. Peace Accord between Bahrain and Israel.
c. Peace Accord between Sudan and Israel.
d. Peace treaty between Kosovo and Serbia.
e. Previous presidents claimed they would move U.S. Embassy in Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem, but didn't...he did it.
f. Operation Warp Speed, creating a public-private partnership to facilitate and accelerate the development, manufacturing and distribution of therapeutics, diagnostics, vaccines and medicines, with its first example being COVID-19 vaccines.
g. Opportunity Zones for the inner-city areas across the nation to deliver fast-acting and long-lasting investments and structuring rewards to aid those areas.
h. Force NATO members to pay the fair share they initially swore they would do, to release the financial burden on the United States.
i. End unfair international trade deals that favored the foreign nations.
j. Reduced the overall federal income tax to improve income for the middle-class.
k. Reduced federal regulations to enhance business investment and bring businesses back to the United States.
l. Strengthened our military as its equipment and planes were in poor shape.
j. Reduced minority unemployment to the lowest levels in decades (unfortunately, the COVID-19 virus set us back), but that fault can be placed on China and the Democrat politicians for shutting everything down.
k. Signed the Right-to-try legislation for terminally-ill patients seeking experimental cures.
l. Ended NAFTA, which took jobs out of the United States and created the USMCA.
m. Strengthened border control to reduce illegal child-sex-traffickers, illegal human-trafficking, illegal drugs being smuggled, illegal drug-cartel members flowing through, wanted criminals from coming in, et cetera.
n. Created the Space Force, to counter China's space-program and growing threat.
a. The Protect Our Children Act.
b. The Violence Against Women Act.
c. The Biden Foundation....this could be considered a negative, as the foundation received millions in donations, yet the money went to staff salaries and none to actual research. Add to this, China has given millions to this foundation, and again, none went to research.

The problem is that they (with the leaders in the bubblecultist leading the way) believe that mentally capable people wouldn't want those things.
He was spectacular at doing things progressives are against.

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