Is the US to blame for all of Cuba's ills?

Yes the US is in part, to blame.
See all this white space here to type in is where you get to splain your point. I was not looking really for a short yes or no.

Okay no problem, but I just did that in another thread on this topic.

Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years? Now put the puzzle together. The world’s preeminent economic and military nation doing this to Cuba for 60 FUCKING YEARS, will have a negative impact.

No? Yes?
The U.S. does not stop the rest of the world from trading with Cuba, so that excuse doesn't wash.
Cuba made a calculated decision to side with the former USSR for political power against the US, so why not just take their medicine like they asked for?

They simply chose a failing ideology to side with and subsequent failing economy.
Wrong again. You’re wrong a lot.

When Castro came to power he tried to have a good relationship with the US. The US said fuck off, we love our big corporations and oil companies raping your land and controlling your people. Hence, he had no choice but to seek help from the USSR.

We’ve seen this picture before…Ho Chi Minh tried the same thing with the US, but got the same response.
Assuming you are right, Castro sold his soul to the USSR instead?

Are you saying Cuba could not survive without selling its soul to either?

Yes, all countries have been forced to choose which of the large and powerful nations they want to align with in order to prevent being destroyed by one of them, if they don'[t have a protector.
Cuba was in particular bad shape because Batista had managed to steal the entire national treasury, so was totally broke.
So now the economic and military super powers are China and the US, and both use capitalism to fuel their economies

So essentially socialism can never work without such capitalism


Is preaching socialism then akin to convincing people to join a suicide pact of mass starvation and misery?
The media is doing it's best to place a flaming bag of dog doo on Trump's doorstep when it
comes to Cuba.

As usual it's a fail.

Trump threatened the Marriott in Havana and demanded that it close down as soon as he took office.

Your point? You wanted to keep propping up the Cuban government?

Hey, I haven't seen you since you ran off to write down a list of the issues you agreed with Republicans on that made you a Republican for 35 years. Is the list done yet? How did it go?

Marriott hotels were propping up the Cuban government? I was very pleased when Obama lifted sanctions and decided to normalize relations.

What list? I don't take orders from you, asshole.

My God, you don't know what governments need money? I hope you're hot, you're not making a living other than on your back.

And exactly, you were a Republican for 35 years, and you can't come up with a single reason why. If you were not lying, it would be the easiest question in the world since you CLAIM YOU WERE ONE FOR 35 YEARS. Hello.

It's the question that you liars who claim you are former Republicans and then you switched to hard core leftists always fall flat on your face on.

I don't know why you lie about being a former Republican. No conservative says wow, a left wing moonbat switched from Republican to Democrat, count me in!

But endless Democrats do it. So I guess it makes sense in your warped head, bitch

That is silly because Eisenhower explained what was good and then wrong about being a republican.
Originally republicans were fiscal conservatives, who did not borrow and spend from the future generations.
But WWII produced such munitions profits, that republicans became corrupt and built the Military Industrial Complex that caused the illegal wars like Vietnam, Desert Storm, Invasion of Iraq, etc., that were based on lies and with the intent of huge private profits.
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

You have to snicker at people who moan about the poor people of Cuba while advocating the same shit here in the US.

All I can do is smh

Who supports cutting people off from the things they need?

See Venezuela and how Socialism supplies the people's needs.

Good grief

If we couldn't have just printed, printed, printed, tell me how our needs would have been met after crashing the economy? What happens to GM if we couldn't print billions to give them?
they file for bankruptcy…like they did even after Obama and Xiden gave them billions…talk about a major f up

No idea who you are talking about.

taxpayers still gave them billions........or what we call Capitalism.
you weren’t talking about the auto bailout?

i am not sure what you are talking about.

Bank, auto, farmers, etc etc etc. If Venezuela could just print, print, print they would be fine also.

We can now but that isn't going to last.
i’m sorry you are gonna have to be more specific…the auto bailouts run by obama and xiden were stupid, and lead to the same result…agreed

what else are you talking about?

Venezuela could have, they had wealth…they have one of the largest oil reserves in the world. So it’s not that that was the issue…it’s the economic system and leftist policies
much evil has been done in the name of "socialism"
But only because of capitalism and Orange man

At least that is what children are learning in public schools now.

Where in Capitalism do we find the chapter where the government prints billions at the taxpayers expense to give to private business?
It doesn't.

In case you had not noticed, corporations are in the back pocket of the DNC. They give all their money to BLM and censor conservatives.

And all the big wig elites like Gates and Soros are all rabid Lefties.

Funny that.

Corporations are government creations and even though they are privately owned, government pulls their strings behind the curtain.

That is silly.
Of course all the wealthy are going to PRETEND to be leftist and concerned about people in public.
Otherwise people would justifiably hate them for the evil they actually do.

And it is silly to think government controls corporations when clearly it is the other way around, where the corporations are much wealthier than the government, and easily control government just by funding media campaigns.
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

You have to snicker at people who moan about the poor people of Cuba while advocating the same shit here in the US.

All I can do is smh

Who supports cutting people off from the things they need?

See Venezuela and how Socialism supplies the people's needs.

Good grief

If we couldn't have just printed, printed, printed, tell me how our needs would have been met after crashing the economy? What happens to GM if we couldn't print billions to give them?
they file for bankruptcy…like they did even after Obama and Xiden gave them billions…talk about a major f up

No idea who you are talking about.

taxpayers still gave them billions........or what we call Capitalism.
you weren’t talking about the auto bailout?

i am not sure what you are talking about.

Bank, auto, farmers, etc etc etc. If Venezuela could just print, print, print they would be fine also.

We can now but that isn't going to last.
i’m sorry you are gonna have to be more specific…the auto bailouts run by obama and xiden were stupid, and lead to the same result…agreed

what else are you talking about?

Venezuela could have, they had wealth…they have one of the largest oil reserves in the world. So it’s not that that was the issue…it’s the economic system and leftist policies
True dat!

Gaddafi thumbed his nose at the US and USSR and he lived off oil from Libya and gave his people the highest standard of living in Africa.

But then came the Nobel Peace Prize winning Obama.....................................

Actually, before Obama murdered Gaddafi he tried to play nice and be friends with the US and the West. He did this after seeing what they did to Gaddafi for standing up to them.

So the message is, it matters little what you do. The powers that be will decide your fate for you.
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

Actually what Chavez did with Petro Caribe was pretty smart.

Face facts, Socialism destroyed Venezuela... it's a cancer that's never worked....and never will.
A failed economic platform

Individual corruption is what harmed Venezuela, and socialism had nothing at all to do with it.
The US also illegally caused a great deal of harm.
Most of the world is socialist, and all the good parts of the US are, like public transportation, education, social security, disability, ADC, food stamps, unemployment compensation, etc.
hahaha that's the problem isn't it? people are corrupt, people aren't angels....socialism just allows for it to flow widely, and always ends with the vast majority poor, and eating dogs.

China, USSR, Venezula, Cuba, Vietnam, every nation that has adopted Socialism.

Why do you think people being unemployment and getting UE benefits, and food stamps is a good part of America? I think it's horrible...we need less of it, and more people working.
The media is doing it's best to place a flaming bag of dog doo on Trump's doorstep when it
comes to Cuba.

As usual it's a fail.

Trump threatened the Marriott in Havana and demanded that it close down as soon as he took office.

Your point? You wanted to keep propping up the Cuban government?

Hey, I haven't seen you since you ran off to write down a list of the issues you agreed with Republicans on that made you a Republican for 35 years. Is the list done yet? How did it go?

Marriott hotels were propping up the Cuban government? I was very pleased when Obama lifted sanctions and decided to normalize relations.

What list? I don't take orders from you, asshole.

My God, you don't know what governments need money? I hope you're hot, you're not making a living other than on your back.

And exactly, you were a Republican for 35 years, and you can't come up with a single reason why. If you were not lying, it would be the easiest question in the world since you CLAIM YOU WERE ONE FOR 35 YEARS. Hello.

It's the question that you liars who claim you are former Republicans and then you switched to hard core leftists always fall flat on your face on.

I don't know why you lie about being a former Republican. No conservative says wow, a left wing moonbat switched from Republican to Democrat, count me in!

But endless Democrats do it. So I guess it makes sense in your warped head, bitch

That is silly because Eisenhower explained what was good and then wrong about being a republican.
Originally republicans were fiscal conservatives, who did not borrow and spend from the future generations.
But WWII produced such munitions profits, that republicans became corrupt and built the Military Industrial Complex that caused the illegal wars like Vietnam, Desert Storm, Invasion of Iraq, etc., that were based on lies and with the intent of huge private profits.

That isn't what Eisenhower said. It's your propaganda version of it.

So Republicans ran WWII, huh? Where do you come up with your shit?
The media is doing it's best to place a flaming bag of dog doo on Trump's doorstep when it
comes to Cuba.

As usual it's a fail.

Trump threatened the Marriott in Havana and demanded that it close down as soon as he took office.

Your point? You wanted to keep propping up the Cuban government?

Hey, I haven't seen you since you ran off to write down a list of the issues you agreed with Republicans on that made you a Republican for 35 years. Is the list done yet? How did it go?

It is total illegal extortion for the US government to threaten any private enterprise that is not involve in criminal acts.
The Marriott has the legal right to do business in any country it wants.
Threatening Marriot is a crime.

Whether the government should have that power or not is a different discussion. One that I am open to. But I don't agree with your terms that rules apply one way to Republicans and another to Democrats.

You're making up that they don't.

For all the Federal governments abuses of power, you suddenly object to a power that they actually have.

Typical Democrat. The Constitution is a sledge hammer when you want it and toilet paper when you don't

Not sure what you mean, but if it is about Marriott International having business in Cuba, they are multi national, so have subsidiaries that are NOT subject to US law.
They legally can do what ever they want in Cuba.

This is not a republican vs democrat thing.
The federal government just legally is supposed to be very restricted.
Legally there is not really supposed to be a DEA, BATF, TSA, FDA, CDC, etc., except as advisory.
I am a socialist and want public health care, but by the states, not the federal government.
Florida Democrats: Biden has a "golden opportunity" on Cuba


Now, in Cuba’s historic uprisings, Florida Democrats see what many are calling a “golden opportunity”: a chance for President Joe Biden to help bring democracy to the island and, as a result, attract the Hispanic voters that he hemorrhaged eight months ago.

“This is a ‘Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!’ opportunity,” said state Sen. Annette Taddeo, a Democrat from Miami who represents a district that Trump won. “We need to be the beacon of hope. There are people in Cuba protesting waving the American flag. That has never happened. We need to understand the moment we’re living in.”
much evil has been done in the name of "socialism"
But only because of capitalism and Orange man

At least that is what children are learning in public schools now.

Where in Capitalism do we find the chapter where the government prints billions at the taxpayers expense to give to private business?
It doesn't.

In case you had not noticed, corporations are in the back pocket of the DNC. They give all their money to BLM and censor conservatives.

And all the big wig elites like Gates and Soros are all rabid Lefties.

Funny that.

Corporations are government creations and even though they are privately owned, government pulls their strings behind the curtain.

Trump gave corporate farms, billions.
Yes the US is in part, to blame.
See all this white space here to type in is where you get to splain your point. I was not looking really for a short yes or no.

Okay no problem, but I just did that in another thread on this topic.

Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years? Now put the puzzle together. The world’s preeminent economic and military nation doing this to Cuba for 60 FUCKING YEARS, will have a negative impact.

No? Yes?
The U.S. does not stop the rest of the world from trading with Cuba, so that excuse doesn't wash.
Cuba made a calculated decision to side with the former USSR for political power against the US, so why not just take their medicine like they asked for?

They simply chose a failing ideology to side with and subsequent failing economy.
Wrong again. You’re wrong a lot.

When Castro came to power he tried to have a good relationship with the US. The US said fuck off, we love our big corporations and oil companies raping your land and controlling your people. Hence, he had no choice but to seek help from the USSR.

We’ve seen this picture before…Ho Chi Minh tried the same thing with the US, but got the same response.
Assuming you are right, Castro sold his soul to the USSR instead?

Are you saying Cuba could not survive without selling its soul to either?

Yes, all countries have been forced to choose which of the large and powerful nations they want to align with in order to prevent being destroyed by one of them, if they don'[t have a protector.
Cuba was in particular bad shape because Batista had managed to steal the entire national treasury, so was totally broke.
So now the economic and military super powers are China and the US, and both use capitalism to fuel their economies

So essentially socialism can never work without such capitalism


Is preaching socialism then akin to convincing people to join a suicide pact of mass starvation and misery?

No, all successful countries actually are socialist.
Socialism does not mean ANY government enterprise at all, but merely enough government regulation to prevent abuses of individual rights, like laws against child labor, slavery, mandatory overtime, monopolies, usury, discrimination, etc.

But there also is no doubt that capitalism can be more individually controlled so can be quicker and more innovative, so can out perform group leadership that is slowed by consensus.
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

You have to snicker at people who moan about the poor people of Cuba while advocating the same shit here in the US.

All I can do is smh

Who supports cutting people off from the things they need?

See Venezuela and how Socialism supplies the people's needs.

Good grief

If we couldn't have just printed, printed, printed, tell me how our needs would have been met after crashing the economy? What happens to GM if we couldn't print billions to give them?
they file for bankruptcy…like they did even after Obama and Xiden gave them billions…talk about a major f up

No idea who you are talking about.

taxpayers still gave them billions........or what we call Capitalism.
you weren’t talking about the auto bailout?

i am not sure what you are talking about.

Bank, auto, farmers, etc etc etc. If Venezuela could just print, print, print they would be fine also.

We can now but that isn't going to last.
i’m sorry you are gonna have to be more specific…the auto bailouts run by obama and xiden were stupid, and lead to the same result…agreed

what else are you talking about?

Venezuela could have, they had wealth…they have one of the largest oil reserves in the world. So it’s not that that was the issue…it’s the economic system and leftist policies

I have no idea who you are talking about.
Yes the US is in part, to blame.
See all this white space here to type in is where you get to splain your point. I was not looking really for a short yes or no.

Okay no problem, but I just did that in another thread on this topic.

Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years? Now put the puzzle together. The world’s preeminent economic and military nation doing this to Cuba for 60 FUCKING YEARS, will have a negative impact.

No? Yes?
The U.S. does not stop the rest of the world from trading with Cuba, so that excuse doesn't wash.
Cuba made a calculated decision to side with the former USSR for political power against the US, so why not just take their medicine like they asked for?

They simply chose a failing ideology to side with and subsequent failing economy.
Wrong again. You’re wrong a lot.

When Castro came to power he tried to have a good relationship with the US. The US said fuck off, we love our big corporations and oil companies raping your land and controlling your people. Hence, he had no choice but to seek help from the USSR.

We’ve seen this picture before…Ho Chi Minh tried the same thing with the US, but got the same response.
Assuming you are right, Castro sold his soul to the USSR instead?

Are you saying Cuba could not survive without selling its soul to either?

Yes, all countries have been forced to choose which of the large and powerful nations they want to align with in order to prevent being destroyed by one of them, if they don'[t have a protector.
Cuba was in particular bad shape because Batista had managed to steal the entire national treasury, so was totally broke.
So now the economic and military super powers are China and the US, and both use capitalism to fuel their economies

So essentially socialism can never work without such capitalism


Is preaching socialism then akin to convincing people to join a suicide pact of mass starvation and misery?

No, all successful countries actually are socialist.
Socialism does not mean ANY government enterprise at all, but merely enough government regulation to prevent abuses of individual rights, like laws against child labor, slavery, mandatory overtime, monopolies, usury, discrimination, etc.

But there also is no doubt that capitalism can be more individually controlled so can be quicker and more innovative, so can out perform group leadership that is slowed by consensus.
The charge was made that Cuba had to sell their collective soul to another country to survive. Moreover, without the US they can't survive

So you are saying that premise is pure BS.

So why then has Cuba failed?

Also, who are the success stories of socialism in your opinion?
much evil has been done in the name of "socialism"
But only because of capitalism and Orange man

At least that is what children are learning in public schools now.

Where in Capitalism do we find the chapter where the government prints billions at the taxpayers expense to give to private business?
It doesn't.

In case you had not noticed, corporations are in the back pocket of the DNC. They give all their money to BLM and censor conservatives.

And all the big wig elites like Gates and Soros are all rabid Lefties.

Funny that.

Corporations are government creations and even though they are privately owned, government pulls their strings behind the curtain.

Trump gave corporate farms, billions.

You can look at Federal Farm subsidies by state and county. Most are Republicans like Michelle Bachmann.
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

Actually what Chavez did with Petro Caribe was pretty smart.

Face facts, Socialism destroyed Venezuela... it's a cancer that's never worked....and never will.
A failed economic platform

Individual corruption is what harmed Venezuela, and socialism had nothing at all to do with it.
The US also illegally caused a great deal of harm.
Most of the world is socialist, and all the good parts of the US are, like public transportation, education, social security, disability, ADC, food stamps, unemployment compensation, etc.
hahaha that's the problem isn't it? people are corrupt, people aren't angels....socialism just allows for it to flow widely, and always ends with the vast majority poor, and eating dogs.

China, USSR, Venezula, Cuba, Vietnam, every nation that has adopted Socialism.

Why do you think people being unemployment and getting UE benefits, and food stamps is a good part of America? I think it's horrible...we need less of it, and more people working.

China, USSR, Venezuela, Cuba were Stalinist, which is state capitalism.
Nothing socialist about them.
You can't have anything collaborative, cooperative, and communal without also being democratic.
Vietnam was not so Stalinist I believe.

Social welfare programs are always going to be temporary needs.
Without them you will have far more desperation and crime.
So they are always good to have as back up.
Without government, we would have far less work, such as no internet.
No private company could have invested what the internet took.
The media is doing it's best to place a flaming bag of dog doo on Trump's doorstep when it
comes to Cuba.

As usual it's a fail.

Trump threatened the Marriott in Havana and demanded that it close down as soon as he took office.

Your point? You wanted to keep propping up the Cuban government?

Hey, I haven't seen you since you ran off to write down a list of the issues you agreed with Republicans on that made you a Republican for 35 years. Is the list done yet? How did it go?

Marriott hotels were propping up the Cuban government? I was very pleased when Obama lifted sanctions and decided to normalize relations.

What list? I don't take orders from you, asshole.

My God, you don't know what governments need money? I hope you're hot, you're not making a living other than on your back.

And exactly, you were a Republican for 35 years, and you can't come up with a single reason why. If you were not lying, it would be the easiest question in the world since you CLAIM YOU WERE ONE FOR 35 YEARS. Hello.

It's the question that you liars who claim you are former Republicans and then you switched to hard core leftists always fall flat on your face on.

I don't know why you lie about being a former Republican. No conservative says wow, a left wing moonbat switched from Republican to Democrat, count me in!

But endless Democrats do it. So I guess it makes sense in your warped head, bitch

That is silly because Eisenhower explained what was good and then wrong about being a republican.
Originally republicans were fiscal conservatives, who did not borrow and spend from the future generations.
But WWII produced such munitions profits, that republicans became corrupt and built the Military Industrial Complex that caused the illegal wars like Vietnam, Desert Storm, Invasion of Iraq, etc., that were based on lies and with the intent of huge private profits.

That isn't what Eisenhower said. It's your propaganda version of it.

So Republicans ran WWII, huh? Where do you come up with your shit?

President Dwight D. Eisenhower famously warned U.S. citizens about the "military–industrial complex" in his farewell address. The military–industrial complex ( MIC) describes the relationship between a nation's military and the defense industry that supplies it, seen together as a vested interest which influences public policy.

And no I did not say Republicans ran WWII.
I am saying corporations discovered the pot of gold that military spending can be, and started ensuring there was always a fake enemy in order to stoke the fears of the people into buying weapons we did not need.

The media is doing it's best to place a flaming bag of dog doo on Trump's doorstep when it
comes to Cuba.

As usual it's a fail.

Trump threatened the Marriott in Havana and demanded that it close down as soon as he took office.

Your point? You wanted to keep propping up the Cuban government?

Hey, I haven't seen you since you ran off to write down a list of the issues you agreed with Republicans on that made you a Republican for 35 years. Is the list done yet? How did it go?

It is total illegal extortion for the US government to threaten any private enterprise that is not involve in criminal acts.
The Marriott has the legal right to do business in any country it wants.
Threatening Marriot is a crime.

Whether the government should have that power or not is a different discussion. One that I am open to. But I don't agree with your terms that rules apply one way to Republicans and another to Democrats.

You're making up that they don't.

For all the Federal governments abuses of power, you suddenly object to a power that they actually have.

Typical Democrat. The Constitution is a sledge hammer when you want it and toilet paper when you don't

Not sure what you mean, but if it is about Marriott International having business in Cuba, they are multi national, so have subsidiaries that are NOT subject to US law.
They legally can do what ever they want in Cuba.

This is not a republican vs democrat thing.
The federal government just legally is supposed to be very restricted.
Legally there is not really supposed to be a DEA, BATF, TSA, FDA, CDC, etc., except as advisory.
I am a socialist and want public health care, but by the states, not the federal government.

Funny how if this isn't a Republican or a Democrat thing the only issue to you is you want a Communist government propped up.

The Federal government has no authority to regulate businesses in the United States other than just interstate commerce, yet they do endlessly to your silence. The government restricts companies in energy, finance, pharmaceuticals and medicine and other international business to your silence. The government regulates business practices, from you, nothing.

But when it comes to propping up financially a communist government, suddenly you speak.

Every time a standard like this comes out of the walls from a leftist, it's 100% self serving to your ideology.

When you want to discussed this seriously, you will do so without the two sets of rules
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

Actually what Chavez did with Petro Caribe was pretty smart.

Face facts, Socialism destroyed Venezuela... it's a cancer that's never worked....and never will.
A failed economic platform

Individual corruption is what harmed Venezuela, and socialism had nothing at all to do with it.
The US also illegally caused a great deal of harm.
Most of the world is socialist, and all the good parts of the US are, like public transportation, education, social security, disability, ADC, food stamps, unemployment compensation, etc.
hahaha that's the problem isn't it? people are corrupt, people aren't angels....socialism just allows for it to flow widely, and always ends with the vast majority poor, and eating dogs.

China, USSR, Venezula, Cuba, Vietnam, every nation that has adopted Socialism.

Why do you think people being unemployment and getting UE benefits, and food stamps is a good part of America? I think it's horrible...we need less of it, and more people working.

China, USSR, Venezuela, Cuba were Stalinist, which is state capitalism.
Nothing socialist about them.
You can't have anything collaborative, cooperative, and communal without also being democratic.
Vietnam was not so Stalinist I believe.

Social welfare programs are always going to be temporary needs.
Without them you will have far more desperation and crime.
So they are always good to have as back up.
Without government, we would have far less work, such as no internet.
No private company could have invested what the internet took.

"China, USSR, Venezuela, Cuba were Stalinist, which is state capitalism."

Yeah, China, USSR, Venezuela Cuba, Stalin all would die for free markets! They didn't control the economy! They'd rather die! Stalin in fact sat on his balcony just chanting free markets! Free Markets!

What a moron
Obama's efforts on Cuba were by far in the interest of maintaining America's acceptance in Cuba by co-operation with Cuba's communist government. The future wellbeing of Cuba's people would have been of very small importance.

Obama must have foreseen the current situation approaching in which China and Russia would be warmly invited into Cuba as peaceful trading partners.

And so, regardless of Obama's efforts, the situation for the US has become a hopeless loss of any possibility to be an influence in Cuba now.

Hence, the US fomented demonstrations against Cuba's government, by a small number of Cuba's people.

It's too late for that. It won't work!
China and Russia are taking care to look after Cuba's interests as it grows to prosperity as a free trade partner in the world.
The media is doing it's best to place a flaming bag of dog doo on Trump's doorstep when it
comes to Cuba.

As usual it's a fail.

Trump threatened the Marriott in Havana and demanded that it close down as soon as he took office.

Your point? You wanted to keep propping up the Cuban government?

Hey, I haven't seen you since you ran off to write down a list of the issues you agreed with Republicans on that made you a Republican for 35 years. Is the list done yet? How did it go?

Marriott hotels were propping up the Cuban government? I was very pleased when Obama lifted sanctions and decided to normalize relations.

What list? I don't take orders from you, asshole.

My God, you don't know what governments need money? I hope you're hot, you're not making a living other than on your back.

And exactly, you were a Republican for 35 years, and you can't come up with a single reason why. If you were not lying, it would be the easiest question in the world since you CLAIM YOU WERE ONE FOR 35 YEARS. Hello.

It's the question that you liars who claim you are former Republicans and then you switched to hard core leftists always fall flat on your face on.

I don't know why you lie about being a former Republican. No conservative says wow, a left wing moonbat switched from Republican to Democrat, count me in!

But endless Democrats do it. So I guess it makes sense in your warped head, bitch

That is silly because Eisenhower explained what was good and then wrong about being a republican.
Originally republicans were fiscal conservatives, who did not borrow and spend from the future generations.
But WWII produced such munitions profits, that republicans became corrupt and built the Military Industrial Complex that caused the illegal wars like Vietnam, Desert Storm, Invasion of Iraq, etc., that were based on lies and with the intent of huge private profits.

That isn't what Eisenhower said. It's your propaganda version of it.

So Republicans ran WWII, huh? Where do you come up with your shit?

President Dwight D. Eisenhower famously warned U.S. citizens about the "military–industrial complex" in his farewell address. The military–industrial complex ( MIC) describes the relationship between a nation's military and the defense industry that supplies it, seen together as a vested interest which influences public policy.

And no I did not say Republicans ran WWII.
I am saying corporations discovered the pot of gold that military spending can be, and started ensuring there was always a fake enemy in order to stoke the fears of the people into buying weapons we did not need.


I'm familiar with the speech. It was your tying it to the Republican party and WWII that was run by DEMOCRATS that is bull shit.

Democrats still today are every bit the war mongers Republicans are. You just want to be the ones behind the steering wheel.

You personally prove how totally insincere you are on this. Trump was the least militaristic President by far since Carter, and you hated him. It made no difference to you. You just hated him for what he said

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