Is the US to blame for all of Cuba's ills?

Marriott hotels were propping up the Cuban government? I was very pleased when Obama lifted sanctions and decided to normalize relations.

What list? I don't take orders from you, asshole.

My God, you don't know what governments need money? I hope you're hot, you're not making a living other than on your back.

And exactly, you were a Republican for 35 years, and you can't come up with a single reason why. If you were not lying, it would be the easiest question in the world since you CLAIM YOU WERE ONE FOR 35 YEARS. Hello.

It's the question that you liars who claim you are former Republicans and then you switched to hard core leftists always fall flat on your face on.

I don't know why you lie about being a former Republican. No conservative says wow, a left wing moonbat switched from Republican to Democrat, count me in!

But endless Democrats do it. So I guess it makes sense in your warped head, bitch

That is silly because Eisenhower explained what was good and then wrong about being a republican.
Originally republicans were fiscal conservatives, who did not borrow and spend from the future generations.
But WWII produced such munitions profits, that republicans became corrupt and built the Military Industrial Complex that caused the illegal wars like Vietnam, Desert Storm, Invasion of Iraq, etc., that were based on lies and with the intent of huge private profits.
Those wars were legal even if you disagree with their reasons for our involvement.

You can make the case for Vietnam that is was Constitutional since we were under threat from Russia and the domino theory was correct.

But you can't really argue Iraq I or Iraq II were Constitutional. They were only for the sake of neocon spreading governments that we support around the world, not defense of the United States, which is the only Constitutional reason for a war

Funny how if this isn't a Republican or a Democrat thing the only issue to you is you want a Communist government propped up.
Why shouldn't any American want to defend Cuba's communist government when that government's revolution is bringing prosperity to Cuba's people?

The only reason it took so many years is because of America's evil sanctions being used to hurt the Cuban people.

And now the US has simply lost the ability to continue with it's cruelty due to China coming to their rescue with much needed support and economic aid.

It's no coincidence that America is fomenting trouble in Cuba at this time. America sees a huge loss in influence in it's own sphere of influence, right next door!

Will China harbour its nuclear armed warships in its new Cuban naval base?

Sadly that isn't a joke, is it?
That which is a joke to you is not likely a joke to me.

Obama was most likely intent on saving Cuba from China's expanding influence.

And now there's just no way of trying to say that Trump completely blew it on foreign policy regarding Cuba.

That is, unless some Americans are going to claim that Trump wasn't making critical decisions?

The rest of the world doesn't give a fk now. What is in Cuba, IS!

Partners: China and Cuba | MR Online
Feb 22, 2021 · In the 1960s, the main forms of the Chinese assistance offered to Cuba were preferential trade and interest-free loans. From 1961 to 1965, China gave Cuba an interest-free loan of 60 million U.S. dollars. The two sides signed the China-Cuba Economic Cooperation Agreement, Trade and Payment Agreement, and Technology Cooperation Protocol.

surada: I was a Republican for 35 years, kaz

kaz: Why? What issues did you agree with them on?

surada: {crickets}

Liars are so easily caught. If you weren't lying, that was the easiest question in the world. That's why it's so effective

You are an arrogant fool if you think I am going to recap 35 years for a snot nosed person on the internet.
hahaa State Capitalism is socialism. It’s just another way to brand it that socialist came up with the deflect from the harms of socialism

The Govt owns the means and production. That’s socialism.

Social programs like welfare aren’t socialism…they don’t work the best, but they aren’t socialism

There is no difference between government "owning" the means of production and controlling it.

Yes, redistribution of wealth is a socialist policy. That alone doesn't make a government entirely socialist, but government is raping producers, that directly impacts the means of production and forces them into supporting government social policy
The National Socialist Hitler perfected the modern day socialist approach to controlling corporations.

He said, "Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people?" Hitler understood that bureaucrats can't even run government efficiently, let alone corporations. The only issue is controlling what those corporations do or do not do. Just let the experts be experts and mind your own business, unless you need them for something or need them to stop something. But the old style socialists like Cuba and North Korea still don't get it.

Hitler gave the Industrialists free labor.

Government doesn't create anything. Nothing is "free," it is confiscated from the companies to start with.

I'd have thought as a Republican for 35 years you'd have known that. Guess not

Oh come on, the government created lots of things, like the internet, computers, TVA, Hoover Damn, the St. Lawrence Seaway, the Panama Canal, NASA, etc.
I guess being a Leftist you have no clue that government simply farms out to the private sector to create things.

Legitimate government protects us. Military, police, civil and criminal courts. It's like buying insurance. It protects what we have. But it doesn't make us richer

Funny how if this isn't a Republican or a Democrat thing the only issue to you is you want a Communist government propped up.
Why shouldn't any American want to defend Cuba's communist government when that government's revolution is bringing prosperity to Cuba's people?

The only reason it took so many years is because of America's evil sanctions being used to hurt the Cuban people.

And now the US has simply lost the ability to continue with it's cruelty due to China coming to their rescue with much needed support and economic aid.

It's no coincidence that America is fomenting trouble in Cuba at this time. America sees a huge loss in influence in it's own sphere of influence, right next door!

Will China harbour its nuclear armed warships in its new Cuban naval base?

Sadly that isn't a joke, is it?
That which is a joke to you is not likely a joke to me.

Obama was most likely intent on saving Cuba from China's expanding influence.

And now there's just no way of trying to say that Trump completely blew it on foreign policy regarding Cuba.

That is, unless some Americans are going to claim that Trump wasn't making critical decisions?

The rest of the world doesn't give a fk now. What is in Cuba, IS!

Partners: China and Cuba | MR Online
Feb 22, 2021 · In the 1960s, the main forms of the Chinese assistance offered to Cuba were preferential trade and interest-free loans. From 1961 to 1965, China gave Cuba an interest-free loan of 60 million U.S. dollars. The two sides signed the China-Cuba Economic Cooperation Agreement, Trade and Payment Agreement, and Technology Cooperation Protocol.

surada: I was a Republican for 35 years, kaz

kaz: Why? What issues did you agree with them on?

surada: {crickets}

Liars are so easily caught. If you weren't lying, that was the easiest question in the world. That's why it's so effective

You are an arrogant fool if you think I am going to recap 35 years for a snot nosed person on the internet.

What the fuck?

Why would list some of the reasons you were a Republican for 35 years require recapping 35 years? What the fuck does that even mean?

# of reasons you have come up with that you were a Republican for 35 years.

That's a big, fat ZERO

If it were true, it's an easy as shit question. But it completely stumped you because it was a lie. Democrats always lash out and have a fit when you are caught in a lie
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

You have to snicker at people who moan about the poor people of Cuba while advocating the same shit here in the US.

All I can do is smh

Who supports cutting people off from the things they need?

See Venezuela and how Socialism supplies the people's needs.

Good grief

If we couldn't have just printed, printed, printed, tell me how our needs would have been met after crashing the economy? What happens to GM if we couldn't print billions to give them?

What happens to GM if we couldn't print billions to give them?

The TARP loans to GM were from the US Treasury, not from the Fed.

It's all from the same place. Thin air. Where it came from isn't even the point.
Who supports cutting people off from the things they need?

Dictators. How is Cuba's internet today?

No clue. Likely better if a Internet supplier was able to do business there.

No clue.


Likely better if a Internet supplier was able to do business there.

Likely better if the Cuban dictators hadn't shut it off.

Desantis says we need to help Cuba get internet. I suppose it's not food and essentials but I suppose the people would still appreciate it.
Who supports cutting people off from the things they need?

Dictators. How is Cuba's internet today?

No clue. Likely better if a Internet supplier was able to do business there.

No clue.


Likely better if a Internet supplier was able to do business there.

Likely better if the Cuban dictators hadn't shut it off.
Cuba's leadership has been patient, and the Cuban people have stayed loyal to their revolution, for as long as it took.
Now it's America's spilt milk.

What will America do now?
How can America sell the use of military force to a world that's wide awake on China's peaceful methods?

U.S. Do what we say or we will bomb you.

China. We will happily trade and do business with you.

This is how they undermine the dollar. All without a spilled drop of blood. Strangely we can't even seem to see that.
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

You have to snicker at people who moan about the poor people of Cuba while advocating the same shit here in the US.

All I can do is smh

Who supports cutting people off from the things they need?

See Venezuela and how Socialism supplies the people's needs.

Good grief

If we couldn't have just printed, printed, printed, tell me how our needs would have been met after crashing the economy? What happens to GM if we couldn't print billions to give them?
they file for bankruptcy…like they did even after Obama and Xiden gave them billions…talk about a major f up

No idea who you are talking about.

taxpayers still gave them billions........or what we call Capitalism.
you weren’t talking about the auto bailout?

i am not sure what you are talking about.

Bank, auto, farmers, etc etc etc. If Venezuela could just print, print, print they would be fine also.

We can now but that isn't going to last.
i’m sorry you are gonna have to be more specific…the auto bailouts run by obama and xiden were stupid, and lead to the same result…agreed

what else are you talking about?

Venezuela could have, they had wealth…they have one of the largest oil reserves in the world. So it’s not that that was the issue…it’s the economic system and leftist policies

I have no idea who you are talking about.
you are the one that asked what would have happened had we not given the auto industry all that money.
i answered.

then you made this silly claim about how we are like venezuela…

it’s obvious you have no clue

I stated the only difference. You did nothing to dispute my position.

Your claim we aren't printing money was laughably wrong. You know zero about what is going it, that was nuts. We are printing money like crazy

Of course I never claimed that. It was my complaint.

So then you were saying Venezuela doesn't print money? WTF, that's no less clueless

You play the ignorance card well.
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

You have to snicker at people who moan about the poor people of Cuba while advocating the same shit here in the US.

All I can do is smh

Who supports cutting people off from the things they need?

See Venezuela and how Socialism supplies the people's needs.

Good grief

If we couldn't have just printed, printed, printed, tell me how our needs would have been met after crashing the economy? What happens to GM if we couldn't print billions to give them?
they file for bankruptcy…like they did even after Obama and Xiden gave them billions…talk about a major f up

No idea who you are talking about.

taxpayers still gave them billions........or what we call Capitalism.
you weren’t talking about the auto bailout?

i am not sure what you are talking about.

Bank, auto, farmers, etc etc etc. If Venezuela could just print, print, print they would be fine also.

We can now but that isn't going to last.
i’m sorry you are gonna have to be more specific…the auto bailouts run by obama and xiden were stupid, and lead to the same result…agreed

what else are you talking about?

Venezuela could have, they had wealth…they have one of the largest oil reserves in the world. So it’s not that that was the issue…it’s the economic system and leftist policies

I have no idea who you are talking about.
you are the one that asked what would have happened had we not given the auto industry all that money.
i answered.

then you made this silly claim about how we are like venezuela…

it’s obvious you have no clue

I stated the only difference. You did nothing to dispute my position.

Your claim we aren't printing money was laughably wrong. You know zero about what is going it, that was nuts. We are printing money like crazy

Of course I never claimed that. It was my complaint.

So then you were saying Venezuela doesn't print money? WTF, that's no less clueless

You play the ignorance card well.

Or you could learn to write. If you weren't a moron you'd read your sentence and that it was completely ambiguous.

So you are claiming the US or Venezuela doesn't print money? Stop playing games
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

Actually what Chavez did with Petro Caribe was pretty smart.

Face facts, Socialism destroyed Venezuela... it's a cancer that's never worked....and never will.
A failed economic platform

Individual corruption is what harmed Venezuela, and socialism had nothing at all to do with it.
The US also illegally caused a great deal of harm.
Most of the world is socialist, and all the good parts of the US are, like public transportation, education, social security, disability, ADC, food stamps, unemployment compensation, etc.

Socialism destroyed venezuela and we did nothing illegal to harm them
Your good old buddies in the CIA just tried to overthrow their government for the past ten years...that's all.
If Venezuela could just print, print, print they would be fine also.

They do print, print, print.

View attachment 512734

Hasn't been working out too well for them.........
Hasn't worked out too well for Americans either, other than your good buddies in the 1%.

LOL, the anarchist with wealth envy.

Yet another of your Democrat talking points

Gipper: Why do you keep saying I look like him????

Democrats .............................................. Gipper

where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

Actually what Chavez did with Petro Caribe was pretty smart.

Face facts, Socialism destroyed Venezuela... it's a cancer that's never worked....and never will.
A failed economic platform

We are Venezuela without the ability to just print money and that isn't going to last forever.

What are you talking about? Your party is printing trillions. Why do you think inflation is getting out of control?
How can you post that when war criminal W and dumb Don just blew up the national debt? WTF?????
Yes the US is in part, to blame.
See all this white space here to type in is where you get to splain your point. I was not looking really for a short yes or no.

Okay no problem, but I just did that in another thread on this topic.

Are you aware the US has heavily sanctioned and stopped all trade with Cuba for 60 years? Now put the puzzle together. The world’s preeminent economic and military nation doing this to Cuba for 60 FUCKING YEARS, will have a negative impact.

No? Yes?

What Trade did the US stop with Cuba aside from its own? Communist Cuba had every opportunity to trade with every nation besides the US.

Cuba…… another Communist failure. VIVA CAPITALISMO!
This continues to be the motto of you crazed statists. Then you claim the embargo had no effect on impoverishing Cubans, but communism did…lol…if it had no effect why do it?

Secondly, who do you think they could trade with in 1960s and 1970s, when much of the first world was still recovering economically from WWII. THINK! In the much of those early decades of the embargo the US was the world’s manufacturer. THINK! DON’T EMOTE.

Thirdly, do you not know the US pressured nations not to trade with Cuba?
What has Cuba been doing the last 20 and 40 years? Empirically, what were the validated effects of the US to pressure (“lobby”) other nations not to trade with Cuba? If so, how and why was this successful yet the US couldn’t get many of those same nations not to trade with with Saddam Hussein?
If you don't see the harm the US has done around the world the last 60 years, I can't help you. You have to get past that fourth grade government school indoctrination.
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

Actually what Chavez did with Petro Caribe was pretty smart.

Face facts, Socialism destroyed Venezuela... it's a cancer that's never worked....and never will.
A failed economic platform

We are Venezuela without the ability to just print money and that isn't going to last forever.

What are you talking about? Your party is printing trillions. Why do you think inflation is getting out of control?
How can you post that when war criminal W and dumb Don just blew up the national debt? WTF?????

That's why I didn't vote Republican for six out of seven elections from 1992 to 2016. How many times did you vote Republican then?

Let's focus on W and Trump. I voted for Trump once in 2020. I didn't vote for W either time. You?

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