Is the US to blame for all of Cuba's ills?

where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

Actually what Chavez did with Petro Caribe was pretty smart.

Face facts, Socialism destroyed Venezuela... it's a cancer that's never worked....and never will.
A failed economic platform

We are Venezuela without the ability to just print money and that isn't going to last forever.

What are you talking about? Your party is printing trillions. Why do you think inflation is getting out of control?
How can you post that when war criminal W and dumb Don just blew up the national debt? WTF?????

That's why I didn't vote Republican for six out of seven elections from 1992 to 2016. How many times did you vote Republican then?

Let's focus on W and Trump. I voted for Trump once in 2020. I didn't vote for W either time. You?
Yet you claim the D party is printing trillions. WTF?

Individual corruption is what harmed Venezuela, and socialism had nothing at all to do with it.
The US also illegally caused a great deal of harm.
Most of the world is socialist, and all the good parts of the US are, like public transportation, education, social security, disability, ADC, food stamps, unemployment compensation, etc.
hahaha that's the problem isn't it? people are corrupt, people aren't angels....socialism just allows for it to flow widely, and always ends with the vast majority poor, and eating dogs.

China, USSR, Venezula, Cuba, Vietnam, every nation that has adopted Socialism.

Why do you think people being unemployment and getting UE benefits, and food stamps is a good part of America? I think it's horrible...we need less of it, and more people working.

China, USSR, Venezuela, Cuba were Stalinist, which is state capitalism.
Nothing socialist about them.
You can't have anything collaborative, cooperative, and communal without also being democratic.
Vietnam was not so Stalinist I believe.

Social welfare programs are always going to be temporary needs.
Without them you will have far more desperation and crime.
So they are always good to have as back up.
Without government, we would have far less work, such as no internet.
No private company could have invested what the internet took.
hahaa State Capitalism is socialism. It’s just another way to brand it that socialist came up with the deflect from the harms of socialism

The Govt owns the means and production. That’s socialism.

Social programs like welfare aren’t socialism…they don’t work the best, but they aren’t socialism

There is no difference between government "owning" the means of production and controlling it.

Yes, redistribution of wealth is a socialist policy. That alone doesn't make a government entirely socialist, but government is raping producers, that directly impacts the means of production and forces them into supporting government social policy
The National Socialist Hitler perfected the modern day socialist approach to controlling corporations.

He said, "Why nationalize industry when you can nationalize the people?" Hitler understood that bureaucrats can't even run government efficiently, let alone corporations. The only issue is controlling what those corporations do or do not do. Just let the experts be experts and mind your own business, unless you need them for something or need them to stop something. But the old style socialists like Cuba and North Korea still don't get it.

Hitler was an anti-socialist appointed Chancellor by the wealthy elite, in order to murder all the socialists and communists.
He never controlled any corporation except Junkers, whose CEO refused to support the war.
Military contracts were awarded on a capitalist bidding scheme just like the US now.

When you need to control people you just lie and claim there is some sort of threat, like Saddam having tons of anthrax and weeks away from nuclear weapons.
Hitler was a socialist...he formed his own socialist party, the National Socialist, and killed any threat to his power. He then took control over all private industry, and allowed some to remain, so long as they only worked for the good of the state. That's what Facsism is all about.
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

Actually what Chavez did with Petro Caribe was pretty smart.

Face facts, Socialism destroyed Venezuela... it's a cancer that's never worked....and never will.
A failed economic platform

Individual corruption is what harmed Venezuela, and socialism had nothing at all to do with it.
The US also illegally caused a great deal of harm.
Most of the world is socialist, and all the good parts of the US are, like public transportation, education, social security, disability, ADC, food stamps, unemployment compensation, etc.
hahaha that's the problem isn't it? people are corrupt, people aren't angels....socialism just allows for it to flow widely, and always ends with the vast majority poor, and eating dogs.

China, USSR, Venezula, Cuba, Vietnam, every nation that has adopted Socialism.

Why do you think people being unemployment and getting UE benefits, and food stamps is a good part of America? I think it's horrible...we need less of it, and more people working.

China, USSR, Venezuela, Cuba were Stalinist, which is state capitalism.
Nothing socialist about them.
You can't have anything collaborative, cooperative, and communal without also being democratic.
Vietnam was not so Stalinist I believe.

Social welfare programs are always going to be temporary needs.
Without them you will have far more desperation and crime.
So they are always good to have as back up.
Without government, we would have far less work, such as no internet.
No private company could have invested what the internet took.
hahaa State Capitalism is socialism. It’s just another way to brand it that socialist came up with the deflect from the harms of socialism

The Govt owns the means and production. That’s socialism.

Social programs like welfare aren’t socialism…they don’t work the best, but they aren’t socialism

Socialism is where the people have economic freedom, not imposed government control.
State capitalism is identical to feudalism or any ancient tyrannical monarchy, which clearly is not at all socialist.
Govt owning means of production is NOT at all socialism.
Its only when the people own the means of production that you be assured it is socialism.
(but there are also many other ways to create socialism.)
Govt control or ownership is always the definition of capitalism, because it is not owned by the people and instead is profit motivated for a wealthy elite.
Its who benefits that matters.
And yes, social welfare programs are socialism because they help in hard times, so prevent people from being dictated to under pressure.
hahaha Socialism is not when the people have economic freedom...that is capitalism.

1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

There is no economic freedom in Socialism, the individual has no right to even own anything, it all belongs to the State.
Hitler was a socialist...he formed his own socialist party, the National Socialist, and killed any threat to his power. He then took control over all private industry, and allowed some to remain, so long as they only worked for the good of the state. That's what Facsism is all about.
Hitler and socialism. The connection is as big and wide as the Pacific ocean. Yet leftists pretend
it doesn't exist.

You have to be a dumb oblivious liar to defend what the Left does.
where did Bush do that?

the law at the time said US businesses couldn’t do business with Cuba. Bush didn’t make the law.

Yes Trump put sanctions back on Cuba after they backed the oppressive dictator of Venezuela
And properly so. That is the proper response to a nation that is an oppressive monster to it's own people
and tries to aid another dictator/butcher, Hugo Chavez, in Venezuela spread socialist misery to other nations.

Actually what Chavez did with Petro Caribe was pretty smart.

Face facts, Socialism destroyed Venezuela... it's a cancer that's never worked....and never will.
A failed economic platform

We are Venezuela without the ability to just print money and that isn't going to last forever.

What are you talking about? Your party is printing trillions. Why do you think inflation is getting out of control?
How can you post that when war criminal W and dumb Don just blew up the national debt? WTF?????

That's why I didn't vote Republican for six out of seven elections from 1992 to 2016. How many times did you vote Republican then?

Let's focus on W and Trump. I voted for Trump once in 2020. I didn't vote for W either time. You?
Yet you claim the D party is printing trillions. WTF?

That's all you were trying to say?

How many trillion has the Democrat party spent and how much are they trying to spend?

The Republican party sucks. But they aren't spending on the same scale as Democrats. Do you ever read anything but Communism Today?

Biden is up to six trillion in six months in SURPLUS spending. Not even counting just the regular spending. The Federal government takes in about four trillion a year. That is unprecedented spending.

But hey, you have Democrat propaganda to keep spreading, sorry for getting in the way
The powers there don't care about the sanctions.

For not caring, they sure whine enough about them.

I can't say that I've seen them say much. All the same all these pages and as of yet not a single person can state what anyone benefitted with the sanctions. Not a thing that it improved.

They made you feel good. For some odd reason. People suffered for 60 years but you felt good.

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