Is There a Cure for Spinal Frailty in Republicans?


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
Great article below addressing the Pussy Republicans who infest the halls of Congress; who are too cowardly to take on the Bolshevik-Democrats who are destroying this Great Country, and who behave as if they are actively trying to turn America into another Venezeula--where Socialism has them eating their own dogs.

We know the Democrats are the enemy of the America which has been the greatest and most successful experiment in Human History. But, the Pussy Republicans are no help in the fight against them. See:

Articles: Is There a Cure for Spinal Frailty in Republicans?

  • When Democrats have the majority, they rule; when Republicans have it, they hold office.
  • You can govern or you can spend. Wow – ponder that!
  • Liberals lust after power to impose their coercive utopia upon the masses and to indulge their favored identity groups.
  • Republicans would like to have power; they're just not sure why, or what to do with it.
  • Democrats play offense; Republicans play defense...and have a miserable record in the red zone.
  • Liberals accuse conservatives of preaching gloom and doom; the latter are too polite to cite the former's penchant for flim and flam.
  • Conservatives have been accused of voodoo economics since the days of Reagan, while liberals have promoted boo-hoo economics since forever.

We need more Jim Jordans; more Trey Gowdys; fewer Paul Ryans; fewer Mitch McConnells; fewer cowards who are so scared the New York Media will notice and scorn them and hurt their fund-raising....that they won't do the job the people sent them to do.

Drain the damn Swamp.

PRIMARY the Cowards.

Great article below addressing the Pussy Republicans who infest the halls of Congress; who are too cowardly to take on the Bolshevik-Democrats who are destroying this Great Country, and who behave as if they are actively trying to turn America into another Venezeula--where Socialism has them eating their own dogs.

We know the Democrats are the enemy of the America which has been the greatest and most successful experiment in Human History. But, the Pussy Republicans are no help in the fight against them. See:

Articles: Is There a Cure for Spinal Frailty in Republicans?

  • When Democrats have the majority, they rule; when Republicans have it, they hold office.
  • You can govern or you can spend. Wow – ponder that!
  • Liberals lust after power to impose their coercive utopia upon the masses and to indulge their favored identity groups.
  • Republicans would like to have power; they're just not sure why, or what to do with it.
  • Democrats play offense; Republicans play defense...and have a miserable record in the red zone.
  • Liberals accuse conservatives of preaching gloom and doom; the latter are too polite to cite the former's penchant for flim and flam.
  • Conservatives have been accused of voodoo economics since the days of Reagan, while liberals have promoted boo-hoo economics since forever.

We need more Jim Jordans; more Trey Gowdys; fewer Paul Ryans; fewer Mitch McConnells; fewer cowards who so scared the New York Media will notice and scorn them and hurt their fund-raising....that they won't do the job the people sent them to do. Drain the damn Swamp.

Yes there is. It's called red pilling the base. If you can show the base what the inevitable conclusion is; by the furtherance of current RINO policies... The base will vote out RINOs, and replace them with people who actually see the big/long term picture and will then offer up solutions that actually benefit the base, rather than deceive them while furthering leftist ideology.
Is There a Cure for Spinal Frailty in Republicans?
Yeah, stop voting for duplicitous, unprincipled assholes just because they have an "R" behind their names.
Is There a Cure for Spinal Frailty in Republicans?
Yeah, stop voting for duplicitous, unprincipled assholes just because they have an "R" behind their names.

Sounds good, do you think Democrats would be willing to vote around 80% of their congressmen out of office as well.?
Waters keeps getting elected.............Nut bag..........goes to funeral to give Eulogy......rants and raves like a freaking lunatic............

Is There a Cure for Spinal Frailty in Republicans?
Yeah, stop voting for duplicitous, unprincipled assholes just because they have an "R" behind their names.

Sounds good, do you think Democrats would be willing to vote around 80% of their congressmen out of office as well.?

Not really since the proportion of the electorate that consists of lemmings-D is approximately equal to the proportion that consists of lemmings-R so unless there is mass outbreak of common sense, self respect and personal responsibility among the duopoly rank and file nothing will change with respect to the career miscreants that get sent to Washington to exploit the citizenry and then lie to them about it.

On the bright side, there has been a marked increase in the number of voters that self identify as "Independent" which indicates an awakening of sorts, unfortunately most of those "independents" still vote for either Republicans or Democrats that are RUNNING for office instead of non-partisan candidates that are STANDING for office.

"However political parties may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." -- George Washington, Farewell Address
Is There a Cure for Spinal Frailty in Republicans?
Yeah, stop voting for duplicitous, unprincipled assholes just because they have an "R" behind their names.

Yeah, stop the fucking straight ticket voting to. Republicans are so bad about this because the guy on the radio said a liberal republican is not as bad as a liberal democrat.

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