Is There A God?

So god told Adam not to bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him. So Adam did the girl and was tossed. What's that story really about?

And how old is the world according to you?

The story is an autobiographical account of Moses and his expulsion from Egypt turned into a fairy tale to educate children about the dangers of losing your mind in a time where religious deceivers were considered the stars and holy men of the ancient world.. The talking serpent represents the Pharaoh who stood in the place of God over men and happened to wear a serpent on his head. Adam represents Moses who was forbidden to enter the "promised land". The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is deception, eating of it causes the loss of the rational mind, the soul. One cannot reach out, take and eat of the fruit of the tree of life, conform to the instruction of the Law and attain peace, without the ability to think honestly and rationally.

A person cannot enter or remain in paradise, see clearly, think rationally, attain peace or enlightenment when the mind, the seat of perception, has been defiled and contaminated by falsehood.

Standing guard over the purity of one's own mind is a matter of life and death. In paradise there are many trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat, just don't fall for the bullshit of a liar, otherwise you will die, lose your mind, in the very day that you swallow it.

That's what the story is about even though there is much more hidden in secret places...

The earth is about 4.543 billion years old.

How old do you think it is?
You got the age of the earth right. Jus' checkin'. :D

It's amazing how no one here, even people who profess to be catholics, don't think that any of the stories in the bible are true. So when they quote Jesus, is that true, or just made up like the rest of it? Is Jesus a fictitious character there to make a point only, and who did not actually exist?

Of course there was never a Jesus whose mother never had intercourse. No one ever cured any physical illness with a word, no one ever walked out of a tomb after being beaten to the point of death and then crucified.

That being said the virgin birth had nothing to do with his mother, the illnesses cured, demonic possession, paralysis, lunacy, blindness, etc., were maladies of the mind which can only be cured with words. There are two resurrections. The first from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil. Biological death has no power over he who takes part in the first resurrection.

So yes, none of it is literally true. One must decipher the metaphors and analogies, think deeply, to know what the real Jesus, not the supernatural mangod character, was actually saying and literally doing.
You just said "none of it is literally true". So Jesus never happened. Just like Adam and Eve never happened...

I should have been more clear and specified that none of what is literally true are the miracles or demonstrations of supernatural power over reality. They conceal a hidden story, the miracles only allude to the power of God over the mind of man manifested in a far more subtle way that many do not even notice who are blinded by story conjured by the unrestrained imagination..

"So he drove the man out and to the east of Eden he place the Cherubim and a flaming and flashing sword, that turns in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life"....
So you're a pick & choose kind of guy. The stuff that makes no sense you ignored, and then fabricate yourself something magical out of the rest. Lame.
The story is an autobiographical account of Moses and his expulsion from Egypt turned into a fairy tale to educate children about the dangers of losing your mind in a time where religious deceivers were considered the stars and holy men of the ancient world.. The talking serpent represents the Pharaoh who stood in the place of God over men and happened to wear a serpent on his head. Adam represents Moses who was forbidden to enter the "promised land". The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is deception, eating of it causes the loss of the rational mind, the soul. One cannot reach out, take and eat of the fruit of the tree of life, conform to the instruction of the Law and attain peace, without the ability to think honestly and rationally.

A person cannot enter or remain in paradise, see clearly, think rationally, attain peace or enlightenment when the mind, the seat of perception, has been defiled and contaminated by falsehood.

Standing guard over the purity of one's own mind is a matter of life and death. In paradise there are many trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat, just don't fall for the bullshit of a liar, otherwise you will die, lose your mind, in the very day that you swallow it.

That's what the story is about even though there is much more hidden in secret places...

The earth is about 4.543 billion years old.

How old do you think it is?
You got the age of the earth right. Jus' checkin'. :D

It's amazing how no one here, even people who profess to be catholics, don't think that any of the stories in the bible are true. So when they quote Jesus, is that true, or just made up like the rest of it? Is Jesus a fictitious character there to make a point only, and who did not actually exist?

Of course there was never a Jesus whose mother never had intercourse. No one ever cured any physical illness with a word, no one ever walked out of a tomb after being beaten to the point of death and then crucified.

That being said the virgin birth had nothing to do with his mother, the illnesses cured, demonic possession, paralysis, lunacy, blindness, etc., were maladies of the mind which can only be cured with words. There are two resurrections. The first from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil. Biological death has no power over he who takes part in the first resurrection.

So yes, none of it is literally true. One must decipher the metaphors and analogies, think deeply, to know what the real Jesus, not the supernatural mangod character, was actually saying and literally doing.
You just said "none of it is literally true". So Jesus never happened. Just like Adam and Eve never happened...

I should have been more clear and specified that none of what is literally true are the miracles or demonstrations of supernatural power over reality. They conceal a hidden story, the miracles only allude to the power of God over the mind of man manifested in a far more subtle way that many do not even notice who are blinded by story conjured by the unrestrained imagination..

"So he drove the man out and to the east of Eden he place the Cherubim and a flaming and flashing sword, that turns in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life"....
So you're a pick & choose kind of guy. The stuff that makes no sense you ignored, and then fabricate yourself something magical out of the rest. Lame.

I never said that stuff does not make sense. I have not ignored anything. And what do you think suggested magical about anything I said?

Seems like you are the one who is confused. If there is something that makes no sense to you, just ask.

Acting like I am the cause or somehow share in your confusion is what is lame..
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Most people think of "god" as a being who resembles them, hangs out in a place called "heaven" and passes harsh judgements on us. "He loves us", they say. "But, He is not going to love us if we don't obey him and do as he says. He will send us to hell if we disobey him and don't keep his commandments."

Now, that's all a bit confusing to me. How can he love us and then punish us in hell for all eternity if we don't obey his laws? Always heard that love is unconditional; why is gods love conditional?

For some reason I am suppose to bow to and worship some guy who has never physically revealed himself to me. I am suppose to do it on "faith" (whatever that is).

Now, don't get me wrong, I do believe there is a higher power - a force so strong it can create and destroy everything. And I believe that higher power to be intelligent. What I cannot believe any longer, after decades of doing so, is this higher power is jealous and petty and will put me in hell for also being jealous and petty. I don't believe this higher power will call for the murdering of people, yet put me in hell for murdering without his consent. If my purpose in being on this big blue marble is to aspire to be like him, then it is my responsibility to be jealous, petty and a murderer. If this truly is the way he is, then I don't want to be like him.

There are many, many different religions on this planet. Many are indigenous to particular regions or eras of the world. For instance: You have Judaics here, Muslims there, Buddhists over there and Christians all over the place. ALL of these religions began in different locales or in close proximity to each other at different times in history. Each became government sponsored according to what manner the government chose to use them. The United States was once considered a Christian country. So was much of Europe. Israel is considered to be a Jewish state. Thailand recognizes Buddhism as its traditional religion. Islam (the Muslim religion) is practiced throughout the middle east. There are way more than four religions - I am only using four as examples to save time and space.

Nearly all religions have three things in common: 1. They believe in a god. 2. Only their religions is right. 3. Fear.
Those are the three main things they all have in common. While some are non-violent, many will kill you or condemn you to hell for believing differently from them. Even sects within each religion will condemn or kill each other for not believing as they do, even though those sects claim to worship the same god (i.e. Catholics and Protestants; Secular and ultra-orthodox Jews).

I believe that #3, Fear, is the main motivator when it comes to peoples beliefs in their religions. People are terrified of the unknown. Death is an unknown. We don't know where we are going when we die, but we don't want to end. Death is permanent and scary as hell - unless you believe in hell, then you can avoid it. All you have to do is believe and do a few rituals, follow some commandments and, POOF, you will live forever in a wonderful mansion with or without (depending on your religion) 72 virgins.

No, I am not an atheist. Atheism is a religion as wicked as all of the rest. It is based in hatred and condemnation of those who are not atheists. Just like every other religion, atheism, seeks to dictate how others should think, believe and live. Many atheists would behead you, burn you at the stake, or hang you from a cross, just as quickly as any other religion has done in the past.

So, what religion am I? Just like being a Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, a Anarchist, a Voluntaryist...I am none. Or am of none. I do not subscribe to any religious dogma any more than I subscribe to any political dogma. I believe there is a force of energy that is so great it can create things from nothing, including the human life form. I don't believe that energy wants me to murder, be jealous, or be petty. I believe that I was created in that energies imagine, because I too am energy and energy never dies. Energy does not know heaven, nor does it know hell. Energy is immune to such stupidity.

In a nutshell, religions are about an advocate that something serious would happen in one's afterlife. Since no humans can confirm either a yes or a no, it thus relies on one's faith to believe whether it is a yes or a no. You have a religion if it is a yes in your belief.

That said, what matters to humans is thus an advocated salvation. If it's not about a salvation, all the gods don't concern you and you don't need a religion at all. It is the advocate of a suffering in afterlife with a salvation from that situation is all that matters and for you to put your faith for a yes, and the same faith for a no. You can thus neglect all the gods don't provide with a salvation as those gods don't concern you or your life.

Here's what Christianity is,

God's plan, as He gradually reveals to humans, is to build an eternity we call Heaven for His creatures such as the angels and humans living with Him forever. However God hates something which we call sin. God is said to be completely sin incompatible. Law is thus set up to address what a sin is, so that if any entities with freewill chooses to break the Law in a specified period of time then he's disqualified to enter the final Heaven. That's why there's a Final Judgment to legitimately and openly bring those qualified to Heaven. That's when the New Heaven and New earth starts to run.

However under the influence of Satan, the first lineage of humans sinned when put in Eden (a place inside God's realm). Since then humans are driven out of God's realm, living in the current planet earth where Satan is literally said to be the god of this world. When humans are no longer inside God's realm, with Satan's influence being much stronger, no human can thus enter the final heaven by abiding the Law. This point is proven (by God) so it came the story of Noah. God's purpose for humans (to live the eternal Heaven) was defeated. Humans as a whole will fail the final judgment of God's Law. Thus the existence of earth serves no purpose but a pool of sins which God hates. It's thus time to destroy this pool of sins once and for all (by water).

Satan thus triumphs as he has destroyed God's plan of bringing humans to Heaven. But it's not yet. God has Jesus Christ the savior. Through the blood of Jesus Christ God can now grant a series of covenants as a mean of salvation to humans. A covenant simply says, "since you humans can't abide by God's Law in full, you only need to abide by a set-aside set of rules (such as Mosaic Law) to a said standard, such that you will be saved by God's Grace through Jesus Christ. Each and every covenant serves the main purpose of identifying and thus separating the righteous from the wicked. The righteous thus will be brought to Heaven legitimately under open witnessing (of angels and saints).

Satan (and his angels) on the other hand will stress his influence, humans will thus sin further to an extent that an older covenant may fail in identifying the righteous (the harvest). Then it is time for God to upgrade His covenant to a newer one by granting more Grace, such that His Elect (the righteous) will become savable.

Romans 5:20-21 (NIV2011)
20 The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more,
21 so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The New Covenant brought in directly by Jesus Himself became the final covenant because it has the maximum Grace granted. Under this covenant, our salvation is measured by our faith alone. Faith in Christ becomes the only rule (unlike Mosaic Law) applied for us to be saved. You believe with Faith in a correct fashion then you will be saved (brought to the final Heaven) legitimately and openly.

Whether one can fulfill what a covenant said will be judged by Jesus Christ Himself, because all the Grace is granted under His name. His blood gives Him the right to grant the Grace to anyone He wishes though He will judge fairly and He will judge what is deep inside your heart. The angels and saints will also be the witnesses to see if you have fulfilled the covenant. As for the New Covenant, Jesus will judge if your faith qualifies you to enter the final Heaven.

If you are considered (by Jesus Christ) to fail the covenant, then you will be judged by the Law which will sentence you to death (the second death) with whatever consequences it brings.
The matter/energy which we are made of was created when space and time were created. We are literally star dust. We came from dust and we will return to dust.

"...The law implies that mass can neither be created nor destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space, or the entities associated with it may be changed in form,..."
"...The law implies that mass can neither be created nor destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space, or the entities associated with it may be changed in form,..."

... or the entities associated with it may be changed in form

so at the moment of singularity the transitional mass entities (do) change, the Bang being a cyclical event is to say new matter is created from the old .... an entirely new universe is the result.

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You got the age of the earth right. Jus' checkin'. :D

It's amazing how no one here, even people who profess to be catholics, don't think that any of the stories in the bible are true. So when they quote Jesus, is that true, or just made up like the rest of it? Is Jesus a fictitious character there to make a point only, and who did not actually exist?

Of course there was never a Jesus whose mother never had intercourse. No one ever cured any physical illness with a word, no one ever walked out of a tomb after being beaten to the point of death and then crucified.

That being said the virgin birth had nothing to do with his mother, the illnesses cured, demonic possession, paralysis, lunacy, blindness, etc., were maladies of the mind which can only be cured with words. There are two resurrections. The first from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil. Biological death has no power over he who takes part in the first resurrection.

So yes, none of it is literally true. One must decipher the metaphors and analogies, think deeply, to know what the real Jesus, not the supernatural mangod character, was actually saying and literally doing.
You just said "none of it is literally true". So Jesus never happened. Just like Adam and Eve never happened...

I should have been more clear and specified that none of what is literally true are the miracles or demonstrations of supernatural power over reality. They conceal a hidden story, the miracles only allude to the power of God over the mind of man manifested in a far more subtle way that many do not even notice who are blinded by story conjured by the unrestrained imagination..

"So he drove the man out and to the east of Eden he place the Cherubim and a flaming and flashing sword, that turns in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life"....
So you're a pick & choose kind of guy. The stuff that makes no sense you ignored, and then fabricate yourself something magical out of the rest. Lame.

I never said that stuff does not make sense. I have not ignored anything. And what do you think suggested magical about anything I said?

Seems like you are the one who is confused. If there is something that makes no sense to you, just ask.

Acting like I am the cause or somehow share in your confusion is what is lame..
The only things that are true are what you want to be true. Might as well not believe any of it, imho.
Most people think of "god" as a being who resembles them, hangs out in a place called "heaven" and passes harsh judgements on us. "He loves us", they say. "But, He is not going to love us if we don't obey him and do as he says. He will send us to hell if we disobey him and don't keep his commandments."

Now, that's all a bit confusing to me. How can he love us and then punish us in hell for all eternity if we don't obey his laws? Always heard that love is unconditional; why is gods love conditional?

For some reason I am suppose to bow to and worship some guy who has never physically revealed himself to me. I am suppose to do it on "faith" (whatever that is).

Now, don't get me wrong, I do believe there is a higher power - a force so strong it can create and destroy everything. And I believe that higher power to be intelligent. What I cannot believe any longer, after decades of doing so, is this higher power is jealous and petty and will put me in hell for also being jealous and petty. I don't believe this higher power will call for the murdering of people, yet put me in hell for murdering without his consent. If my purpose in being on this big blue marble is to aspire to be like him, then it is my responsibility to be jealous, petty and a murderer. If this truly is the way he is, then I don't want to be like him.

There are many, many different religions on this planet. Many are indigenous to particular regions or eras of the world. For instance: You have Judaics here, Muslims there, Buddhists over there and Christians all over the place. ALL of these religions began in different locales or in close proximity to each other at different times in history. Each became government sponsored according to what manner the government chose to use them. The United States was once considered a Christian country. So was much of Europe. Israel is considered to be a Jewish state. Thailand recognizes Buddhism as its traditional religion. Islam (the Muslim religion) is practiced throughout the middle east. There are way more than four religions - I am only using four as examples to save time and space.

Nearly all religions have three things in common: 1. They believe in a god. 2. Only their religions is right. 3. Fear.
Those are the three main things they all have in common. While some are non-violent, many will kill you or condemn you to hell for believing differently from them. Even sects within each religion will condemn or kill each other for not believing as they do, even though those sects claim to worship the same god (i.e. Catholics and Protestants; Secular and ultra-orthodox Jews).

I believe that #3, Fear, is the main motivator when it comes to peoples beliefs in their religions. People are terrified of the unknown. Death is an unknown. We don't know where we are going when we die, but we don't want to end. Death is permanent and scary as hell - unless you believe in hell, then you can avoid it. All you have to do is believe and do a few rituals, follow some commandments and, POOF, you will live forever in a wonderful mansion with or without (depending on your religion) 72 virgins.

No, I am not an atheist. Atheism is a religion as wicked as all of the rest. It is based in hatred and condemnation of those who are not atheists. Just like every other religion, atheism, seeks to dictate how others should think, believe and live. Many atheists would behead you, burn you at the stake, or hang you from a cross, just as quickly as any other religion has done in the past.

So, what religion am I? Just like being a Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, a Anarchist, a Voluntaryist...I am none. Or am of none. I do not subscribe to any religious dogma any more than I subscribe to any political dogma. I believe there is a force of energy that is so great it can create things from nothing, including the human life form. I don't believe that energy wants me to murder, be jealous, or be petty. I believe that I was created in that energies imagine, because I too am energy and energy never dies. Energy does not know heaven, nor does it know hell. Energy is immune to such stupidity.
Let me ask you one question.
What is the motive of fabricating a faith where the only requirement is to believe Jesus Christ is your redeemer?
Most people think of "god" as a being who resembles them, hangs out in a place called "heaven" and passes harsh judgements on us. "He loves us", they say. "But, He is not going to love us if we don't obey him and do as he says. He will send us to hell if we disobey him and don't keep his commandments."

Now, that's all a bit confusing to me. How can he love us and then punish us in hell for all eternity if we don't obey his laws? Always heard that love is unconditional; why is gods love conditional?

For some reason I am suppose to bow to and worship some guy who has never physically revealed himself to me. I am suppose to do it on "faith" (whatever that is).

Now, don't get me wrong, I do believe there is a higher power - a force so strong it can create and destroy everything. And I believe that higher power to be intelligent. What I cannot believe any longer, after decades of doing so, is this higher power is jealous and petty and will put me in hell for also being jealous and petty. I don't believe this higher power will call for the murdering of people, yet put me in hell for murdering without his consent. If my purpose in being on this big blue marble is to aspire to be like him, then it is my responsibility to be jealous, petty and a murderer. If this truly is the way he is, then I don't want to be like him.

There are many, many different religions on this planet. Many are indigenous to particular regions or eras of the world. For instance: You have Judaics here, Muslims there, Buddhists over there and Christians all over the place. ALL of these religions began in different locales or in close proximity to each other at different times in history. Each became government sponsored according to what manner the government chose to use them. The United States was once considered a Christian country. So was much of Europe. Israel is considered to be a Jewish state. Thailand recognizes Buddhism as its traditional religion. Islam (the Muslim religion) is practiced throughout the middle east. There are way more than four religions - I am only using four as examples to save time and space.

Nearly all religions have three things in common: 1. They believe in a god. 2. Only their religions is right. 3. Fear.
Those are the three main things they all have in common. While some are non-violent, many will kill you or condemn you to hell for believing differently from them. Even sects within each religion will condemn or kill each other for not believing as they do, even though those sects claim to worship the same god (i.e. Catholics and Protestants; Secular and ultra-orthodox Jews).

I believe that #3, Fear, is the main motivator when it comes to peoples beliefs in their religions. People are terrified of the unknown. Death is an unknown. We don't know where we are going when we die, but we don't want to end. Death is permanent and scary as hell - unless you believe in hell, then you can avoid it. All you have to do is believe and do a few rituals, follow some commandments and, POOF, you will live forever in a wonderful mansion with or without (depending on your religion) 72 virgins.

No, I am not an atheist. Atheism is a religion as wicked as all of the rest. It is based in hatred and condemnation of those who are not atheists. Just like every other religion, atheism, seeks to dictate how others should think, believe and live. Many atheists would behead you, burn you at the stake, or hang you from a cross, just as quickly as any other religion has done in the past.

So, what religion am I? Just like being a Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, a Anarchist, a Voluntaryist...I am none. Or am of none. I do not subscribe to any religious dogma any more than I subscribe to any political dogma. I believe there is a force of energy that is so great it can create things from nothing, including the human life form. I don't believe that energy wants me to murder, be jealous, or be petty. I believe that I was created in that energies imagine, because I too am energy and energy never dies. Energy does not know heaven, nor does it know hell. Energy is immune to such stupidity.

In a nutshell, religions are about an advocate that something serious would happen in one's afterlife. Since no humans can confirm either a yes or a no, it thus relies on one's faith to believe whether it is a yes or a no. You have a religion if it is a yes in your belief.

That said, what matters to humans is thus an advocated salvation. If it's not about a salvation, all the gods don't concern you and you don't need a religion at all. It is the advocate of a suffering in afterlife with a salvation from that situation is all that matters and for you to put your faith for a yes, and the same faith for a no. You can thus neglect all the gods don't provide with a salvation as those gods don't concern you or your life.

Here's what Christianity is,

God's plan, as He gradually reveals to humans, is to build an eternity we call Heaven for His creatures such as the angels and humans living with Him forever. However God hates something which we call sin. God is said to be completely sin incompatible. Law is thus set up to address what a sin is, so that if any entities with freewill chooses to break the Law in a specified period of time then he's disqualified to enter the final Heaven. That's why there's a Final Judgment to legitimately and openly bring those qualified to Heaven. That's when the New Heaven and New earth starts to run.

However under the influence of Satan, the first lineage of humans sinned when put in Eden (a place inside God's realm). Since then humans are driven out of God's realm, living in the current planet earth where Satan is literally said to be the god of this world. When humans are no longer inside God's realm, with Satan's influence being much stronger, no human can thus enter the final heaven by abiding the Law. This point is proven (by God) so it came the story of Noah. God's purpose for humans (to live the eternal Heaven) was defeated. Humans as a whole will fail the final judgment of God's Law. Thus the existence of earth serves no purpose but a pool of sins which God hates. It's thus time to destroy this pool of sins once and for all (by water).

Satan thus triumphs as he has destroyed God's plan of bringing humans to Heaven. But it's not yet. God has Jesus Christ the savior. Through the blood of Jesus Christ God can now grant a series of covenants as a mean of salvation to humans. A covenant simply says, "since you humans can't abide by God's Law in full, you only need to abide by a set-aside set of rules (such as Mosaic Law) to a said standard, such that you will be saved by God's Grace through Jesus Christ. Each and every covenant serves the main purpose of identifying and thus separating the righteous from the wicked. The righteous thus will be brought to Heaven legitimately under open witnessing (of angels and saints).

Satan (and his angels) on the other hand will stress his influence, humans will thus sin further to an extent that an older covenant may fail in identifying the righteous (the harvest). Then it is time for God to upgrade His covenant to a newer one by granting more Grace, such that His Elect (the righteous) will become savable.

Romans 5:20-21 (NIV2011)
20 The law was brought in so that the trespass might increase. But where sin increased, grace increased all the more,
21 so that, just as sin reigned in death, so also grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

The New Covenant brought in directly by Jesus Himself became the final covenant because it has the maximum Grace granted. Under this covenant, our salvation is measured by our faith alone. Faith in Christ becomes the only rule (unlike Mosaic Law) applied for us to be saved. You believe with Faith in a correct fashion then you will be saved (brought to the final Heaven) legitimately and openly.

Whether one can fulfill what a covenant said will be judged by Jesus Christ Himself, because all the Grace is granted under His name. His blood gives Him the right to grant the Grace to anyone He wishes though He will judge fairly and He will judge what is deep inside your heart. The angels and saints will also be the witnesses to see if you have fulfilled the covenant. As for the New Covenant, Jesus will judge if your faith qualifies you to enter the final Heaven.

If you are considered (by Jesus Christ) to fail the covenant, then you will be judged by the Law which will sentence you to death (the second death) with whatever consequences it brings.

When a person says, "in a nutshell", they are supposed to be brief.
Most people think of "god" as a being who resembles them, hangs out in a place called "heaven" and passes harsh judgements on us. "He loves us", they say. "But, He is not going to love us if we don't obey him and do as he says. He will send us to hell if we disobey him and don't keep his commandments."

Now, that's all a bit confusing to me. How can he love us and then punish us in hell for all eternity if we don't obey his laws? Always heard that love is unconditional; why is gods love conditional?

For some reason I am suppose to bow to and worship some guy who has never physically revealed himself to me. I am suppose to do it on "faith" (whatever that is).

Now, don't get me wrong, I do believe there is a higher power - a force so strong it can create and destroy everything. And I believe that higher power to be intelligent. What I cannot believe any longer, after decades of doing so, is this higher power is jealous and petty and will put me in hell for also being jealous and petty. I don't believe this higher power will call for the murdering of people, yet put me in hell for murdering without his consent. If my purpose in being on this big blue marble is to aspire to be like him, then it is my responsibility to be jealous, petty and a murderer. If this truly is the way he is, then I don't want to be like him.

There are many, many different religions on this planet. Many are indigenous to particular regions or eras of the world. For instance: You have Judaics here, Muslims there, Buddhists over there and Christians all over the place. ALL of these religions began in different locales or in close proximity to each other at different times in history. Each became government sponsored according to what manner the government chose to use them. The United States was once considered a Christian country. So was much of Europe. Israel is considered to be a Jewish state. Thailand recognizes Buddhism as its traditional religion. Islam (the Muslim religion) is practiced throughout the middle east. There are way more than four religions - I am only using four as examples to save time and space.

Nearly all religions have three things in common: 1. They believe in a god. 2. Only their religions is right. 3. Fear.
Those are the three main things they all have in common. While some are non-violent, many will kill you or condemn you to hell for believing differently from them. Even sects within each religion will condemn or kill each other for not believing as they do, even though those sects claim to worship the same god (i.e. Catholics and Protestants; Secular and ultra-orthodox Jews).

I believe that #3, Fear, is the main motivator when it comes to peoples beliefs in their religions. People are terrified of the unknown. Death is an unknown. We don't know where we are going when we die, but we don't want to end. Death is permanent and scary as hell - unless you believe in hell, then you can avoid it. All you have to do is believe and do a few rituals, follow some commandments and, POOF, you will live forever in a wonderful mansion with or without (depending on your religion) 72 virgins.

No, I am not an atheist. Atheism is a religion as wicked as all of the rest. It is based in hatred and condemnation of those who are not atheists. Just like every other religion, atheism, seeks to dictate how others should think, believe and live. Many atheists would behead you, burn you at the stake, or hang you from a cross, just as quickly as any other religion has done in the past.

So, what religion am I? Just like being a Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, a Anarchist, a Voluntaryist...I am none. Or am of none. I do not subscribe to any religious dogma any more than I subscribe to any political dogma. I believe there is a force of energy that is so great it can create things from nothing, including the human life form. I don't believe that energy wants me to murder, be jealous, or be petty. I believe that I was created in that energies imagine, because I too am energy and energy never dies. Energy does not know heaven, nor does it know hell. Energy is immune to such stupidity.
Let me ask you one question.
What is the motive of fabricating a faith where the only requirement is to believe Jesus Christ is your redeemer?
Control and money.
Most people think of "god" as a being who resembles them, hangs out in a place called "heaven" and passes harsh judgements on us. "He loves us", they say. "But, He is not going to love us if we don't obey him and do as he says. He will send us to hell if we disobey him and don't keep his commandments."

Now, that's all a bit confusing to me. How can he love us and then punish us in hell for all eternity if we don't obey his laws? Always heard that love is unconditional; why is gods love conditional?

For some reason I am suppose to bow to and worship some guy who has never physically revealed himself to me. I am suppose to do it on "faith" (whatever that is).

Now, don't get me wrong, I do believe there is a higher power - a force so strong it can create and destroy everything. And I believe that higher power to be intelligent. What I cannot believe any longer, after decades of doing so, is this higher power is jealous and petty and will put me in hell for also being jealous and petty. I don't believe this higher power will call for the murdering of people, yet put me in hell for murdering without his consent. If my purpose in being on this big blue marble is to aspire to be like him, then it is my responsibility to be jealous, petty and a murderer. If this truly is the way he is, then I don't want to be like him.

There are many, many different religions on this planet. Many are indigenous to particular regions or eras of the world. For instance: You have Judaics here, Muslims there, Buddhists over there and Christians all over the place. ALL of these religions began in different locales or in close proximity to each other at different times in history. Each became government sponsored according to what manner the government chose to use them. The United States was once considered a Christian country. So was much of Europe. Israel is considered to be a Jewish state. Thailand recognizes Buddhism as its traditional religion. Islam (the Muslim religion) is practiced throughout the middle east. There are way more than four religions - I am only using four as examples to save time and space.

Nearly all religions have three things in common: 1. They believe in a god. 2. Only their religions is right. 3. Fear.
Those are the three main things they all have in common. While some are non-violent, many will kill you or condemn you to hell for believing differently from them. Even sects within each religion will condemn or kill each other for not believing as they do, even though those sects claim to worship the same god (i.e. Catholics and Protestants; Secular and ultra-orthodox Jews).

I believe that #3, Fear, is the main motivator when it comes to peoples beliefs in their religions. People are terrified of the unknown. Death is an unknown. We don't know where we are going when we die, but we don't want to end. Death is permanent and scary as hell - unless you believe in hell, then you can avoid it. All you have to do is believe and do a few rituals, follow some commandments and, POOF, you will live forever in a wonderful mansion with or without (depending on your religion) 72 virgins.

No, I am not an atheist. Atheism is a religion as wicked as all of the rest. It is based in hatred and condemnation of those who are not atheists. Just like every other religion, atheism, seeks to dictate how others should think, believe and live. Many atheists would behead you, burn you at the stake, or hang you from a cross, just as quickly as any other religion has done in the past.

So, what religion am I? Just like being a Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, a Anarchist, a Voluntaryist...I am none. Or am of none. I do not subscribe to any religious dogma any more than I subscribe to any political dogma. I believe there is a force of energy that is so great it can create things from nothing, including the human life form. I don't believe that energy wants me to murder, be jealous, or be petty. I believe that I was created in that energies imagine, because I too am energy and energy never dies. Energy does not know heaven, nor does it know hell. Energy is immune to such stupidity.
Let me ask you one question.
What is the motive of fabricating a faith where the only requirement is to believe Jesus Christ is your redeemer?
Control and money.
Christianity has zero requirements for having to follow orders from people nor give a penny.

So you validate there is no motive other than love.
Btw, Mary could have been having anal sex and still be a virgin, like in Islam, and some of the cum could have dribbled into her vagina. So technically, a virgin birth is possible.
The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion.
Are you denying that it's technically possible?
You might want to rethink your strategy. How exactly do you believe that conversation will go with Jesus when He asks you about it?
He'll agree with me that technically, it's possible. That Muslims do anal sex to preserve the female's virginity makes me think that the story of the virgin birth is based on commonplace events from that time.
It's your mistake to make.
The matter/energy which we are made of was created when space and time were created. We are literally star dust. We came from dust and we will return to dust.

"...The law implies that mass can neither be created nor destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space, or the entities associated with it may be changed in form,..."
"...The law implies that mass can neither be created nor destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space, or the entities associated with it may be changed in form,..."

... or the entities associated with it may be changed in form

so at the moment of singularity the transitional mass entities (do) change, the Bang being a cyclical event is not to say new matter is created from the old .... an entirely new universe is the result.

lol, no. Not according to our current models. The cosmic evolutionary phase of Creation was very chaotic - the development of space, time, matter and energy from nothing - and occurred quickly. It was during this phase that hydrogen and helium were formed from sub-atomic particles.

So... you see... that form thingee that you are misunderstanding... is still within the box we call the universe and still follows the laws of nature which came into existence when space and time were created. In fact, according to Leon Lederman it happened in 1 billionth of 1 trillionth of a second.

"In the very beginning, there was a void, a curious form of vacuum, a nothingness containing no space, no time, no matter, no light, no sound. Yet the laws of in and this curious vacuum held potential. A story logically begins at the beginning, but this story is about the universe and unfortunately there are no data for the very beginnings--none, zero. We don't know anything about the universe until it reaches the mature age of a billion of a trillionth of a second. That is, some very short time after creation in the big bang. When you read or hear anything about the birth of the universe, someone is making it up--we are in the realm of philosophy. Only God knows what happened at the very beginning."

Do you know why the equations break down at the singularity? Do you know what they yield?
Last edited:
Most people think of "god" as a being who resembles them, hangs out in a place called "heaven" and passes harsh judgements on us. "He loves us", they say. "But, He is not going to love us if we don't obey him and do as he says. He will send us to hell if we disobey him and don't keep his commandments."

Now, that's all a bit confusing to me. How can he love us and then punish us in hell for all eternity if we don't obey his laws? Always heard that love is unconditional; why is gods love conditional?

For some reason I am suppose to bow to and worship some guy who has never physically revealed himself to me. I am suppose to do it on "faith" (whatever that is).

Now, don't get me wrong, I do believe there is a higher power - a force so strong it can create and destroy everything. And I believe that higher power to be intelligent. What I cannot believe any longer, after decades of doing so, is this higher power is jealous and petty and will put me in hell for also being jealous and petty. I don't believe this higher power will call for the murdering of people, yet put me in hell for murdering without his consent. If my purpose in being on this big blue marble is to aspire to be like him, then it is my responsibility to be jealous, petty and a murderer. If this truly is the way he is, then I don't want to be like him.

There are many, many different religions on this planet. Many are indigenous to particular regions or eras of the world. For instance: You have Judaics here, Muslims there, Buddhists over there and Christians all over the place. ALL of these religions began in different locales or in close proximity to each other at different times in history. Each became government sponsored according to what manner the government chose to use them. The United States was once considered a Christian country. So was much of Europe. Israel is considered to be a Jewish state. Thailand recognizes Buddhism as its traditional religion. Islam (the Muslim religion) is practiced throughout the middle east. There are way more than four religions - I am only using four as examples to save time and space.

Nearly all religions have three things in common: 1. They believe in a god. 2. Only their religions is right. 3. Fear.
Those are the three main things they all have in common. While some are non-violent, many will kill you or condemn you to hell for believing differently from them. Even sects within each religion will condemn or kill each other for not believing as they do, even though those sects claim to worship the same god (i.e. Catholics and Protestants; Secular and ultra-orthodox Jews).

I believe that #3, Fear, is the main motivator when it comes to peoples beliefs in their religions. People are terrified of the unknown. Death is an unknown. We don't know where we are going when we die, but we don't want to end. Death is permanent and scary as hell - unless you believe in hell, then you can avoid it. All you have to do is believe and do a few rituals, follow some commandments and, POOF, you will live forever in a wonderful mansion with or without (depending on your religion) 72 virgins.

No, I am not an atheist. Atheism is a religion as wicked as all of the rest. It is based in hatred and condemnation of those who are not atheists. Just like every other religion, atheism, seeks to dictate how others should think, believe and live. Many atheists would behead you, burn you at the stake, or hang you from a cross, just as quickly as any other religion has done in the past.

So, what religion am I? Just like being a Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, a Anarchist, a Voluntaryist...I am none. Or am of none. I do not subscribe to any religious dogma any more than I subscribe to any political dogma. I believe there is a force of energy that is so great it can create things from nothing, including the human life form. I don't believe that energy wants me to murder, be jealous, or be petty. I believe that I was created in that energies imagine, because I too am energy and energy never dies. Energy does not know heaven, nor does it know hell. Energy is immune to such stupidity.
Let me ask you one question.
What is the motive of fabricating a faith where the only requirement is to believe Jesus Christ is your redeemer?
Control and money.
Christianity has zero requirements for having to follow orders from people nor give a penny.

So you validate there is no motive other than love.
You have to follow the 10 commandment and churches expect money from you.
Btw, Mary could have been having anal sex and still be a virgin, like in Islam, and some of the cum could have dribbled into her vagina. So technically, a virgin birth is possible.
The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion.
Are you denying that it's technically possible?
You might want to rethink your strategy. How exactly do you believe that conversation will go with Jesus when He asks you about it?
He'll agree with me that technically, it's possible. That Muslims do anal sex to preserve the female's virginity makes me think that the story of the virgin birth is based on commonplace events from that time.
It's your mistake to make.
Actually, god made anal sex when he put the laws of nature in motion at the Big Bang. Isn't that part of your theory?
Most people think of "god" as a being who resembles them, hangs out in a place called "heaven" and passes harsh judgements on us. "He loves us", they say. "But, He is not going to love us if we don't obey him and do as he says. He will send us to hell if we disobey him and don't keep his commandments."

Now, that's all a bit confusing to me. How can he love us and then punish us in hell for all eternity if we don't obey his laws? Always heard that love is unconditional; why is gods love conditional?

For some reason I am suppose to bow to and worship some guy who has never physically revealed himself to me. I am suppose to do it on "faith" (whatever that is).

Now, don't get me wrong, I do believe there is a higher power - a force so strong it can create and destroy everything. And I believe that higher power to be intelligent. What I cannot believe any longer, after decades of doing so, is this higher power is jealous and petty and will put me in hell for also being jealous and petty. I don't believe this higher power will call for the murdering of people, yet put me in hell for murdering without his consent. If my purpose in being on this big blue marble is to aspire to be like him, then it is my responsibility to be jealous, petty and a murderer. If this truly is the way he is, then I don't want to be like him.

There are many, many different religions on this planet. Many are indigenous to particular regions or eras of the world. For instance: You have Judaics here, Muslims there, Buddhists over there and Christians all over the place. ALL of these religions began in different locales or in close proximity to each other at different times in history. Each became government sponsored according to what manner the government chose to use them. The United States was once considered a Christian country. So was much of Europe. Israel is considered to be a Jewish state. Thailand recognizes Buddhism as its traditional religion. Islam (the Muslim religion) is practiced throughout the middle east. There are way more than four religions - I am only using four as examples to save time and space.

Nearly all religions have three things in common: 1. They believe in a god. 2. Only their religions is right. 3. Fear.
Those are the three main things they all have in common. While some are non-violent, many will kill you or condemn you to hell for believing differently from them. Even sects within each religion will condemn or kill each other for not believing as they do, even though those sects claim to worship the same god (i.e. Catholics and Protestants; Secular and ultra-orthodox Jews).

I believe that #3, Fear, is the main motivator when it comes to peoples beliefs in their religions. People are terrified of the unknown. Death is an unknown. We don't know where we are going when we die, but we don't want to end. Death is permanent and scary as hell - unless you believe in hell, then you can avoid it. All you have to do is believe and do a few rituals, follow some commandments and, POOF, you will live forever in a wonderful mansion with or without (depending on your religion) 72 virgins.

No, I am not an atheist. Atheism is a religion as wicked as all of the rest. It is based in hatred and condemnation of those who are not atheists. Just like every other religion, atheism, seeks to dictate how others should think, believe and live. Many atheists would behead you, burn you at the stake, or hang you from a cross, just as quickly as any other religion has done in the past.

So, what religion am I? Just like being a Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, a Anarchist, a Voluntaryist...I am none. Or am of none. I do not subscribe to any religious dogma any more than I subscribe to any political dogma. I believe there is a force of energy that is so great it can create things from nothing, including the human life form. I don't believe that energy wants me to murder, be jealous, or be petty. I believe that I was created in that energies imagine, because I too am energy and energy never dies. Energy does not know heaven, nor does it know hell. Energy is immune to such stupidity.
Let me ask you one question.
What is the motive of fabricating a faith where the only requirement is to believe Jesus Christ is your redeemer?
Control and money.
Christianity has zero requirements for having to follow orders from people nor give a penny.

So you validate there is no motive other than love.
You have to follow the 10 commandment and churches expect money from you.
There is nothing in the Bible that requires I pay any money to be a Christian.
Which of the 10 Commandments requires me to lose something and disturbs you?

1 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.
OK, zero cost.

2 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.

OK, zero cost.

3 “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

OK, zero cost.

4 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

OK, zero cost.

5 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

OK, zero cost.

6 “You shall not murder.

OK, zero cost.

7 “You shall not commit adultery.

OK, zero cost.

8 “You shall not steal.

OK, zero cost.

9 “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

OK, zero cost.

10 “You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.”

OK, zero cost.
Most people think of "god" as a being who resembles them, hangs out in a place called "heaven" and passes harsh judgements on us. "He loves us", they say. "But, He is not going to love us if we don't obey him and do as he says. He will send us to hell if we disobey him and don't keep his commandments."

Now, that's all a bit confusing to me. How can he love us and then punish us in hell for all eternity if we don't obey his laws? Always heard that love is unconditional; why is gods love conditional?

For some reason I am suppose to bow to and worship some guy who has never physically revealed himself to me. I am suppose to do it on "faith" (whatever that is).

Now, don't get me wrong, I do believe there is a higher power - a force so strong it can create and destroy everything. And I believe that higher power to be intelligent. What I cannot believe any longer, after decades of doing so, is this higher power is jealous and petty and will put me in hell for also being jealous and petty. I don't believe this higher power will call for the murdering of people, yet put me in hell for murdering without his consent. If my purpose in being on this big blue marble is to aspire to be like him, then it is my responsibility to be jealous, petty and a murderer. If this truly is the way he is, then I don't want to be like him.

There are many, many different religions on this planet. Many are indigenous to particular regions or eras of the world. For instance: You have Judaics here, Muslims there, Buddhists over there and Christians all over the place. ALL of these religions began in different locales or in close proximity to each other at different times in history. Each became government sponsored according to what manner the government chose to use them. The United States was once considered a Christian country. So was much of Europe. Israel is considered to be a Jewish state. Thailand recognizes Buddhism as its traditional religion. Islam (the Muslim religion) is practiced throughout the middle east. There are way more than four religions - I am only using four as examples to save time and space.

Nearly all religions have three things in common: 1. They believe in a god. 2. Only their religions is right. 3. Fear.
Those are the three main things they all have in common. While some are non-violent, many will kill you or condemn you to hell for believing differently from them. Even sects within each religion will condemn or kill each other for not believing as they do, even though those sects claim to worship the same god (i.e. Catholics and Protestants; Secular and ultra-orthodox Jews).

I believe that #3, Fear, is the main motivator when it comes to peoples beliefs in their religions. People are terrified of the unknown. Death is an unknown. We don't know where we are going when we die, but we don't want to end. Death is permanent and scary as hell - unless you believe in hell, then you can avoid it. All you have to do is believe and do a few rituals, follow some commandments and, POOF, you will live forever in a wonderful mansion with or without (depending on your religion) 72 virgins.

No, I am not an atheist. Atheism is a religion as wicked as all of the rest. It is based in hatred and condemnation of those who are not atheists. Just like every other religion, atheism, seeks to dictate how others should think, believe and live. Many atheists would behead you, burn you at the stake, or hang you from a cross, just as quickly as any other religion has done in the past.

So, what religion am I? Just like being a Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, a Anarchist, a Voluntaryist...I am none. Or am of none. I do not subscribe to any religious dogma any more than I subscribe to any political dogma. I believe there is a force of energy that is so great it can create things from nothing, including the human life form. I don't believe that energy wants me to murder, be jealous, or be petty. I believe that I was created in that energies imagine, because I too am energy and energy never dies. Energy does not know heaven, nor does it know hell. Energy is immune to such stupidity.
Let me ask you one question.
What is the motive of fabricating a faith where the only requirement is to believe Jesus Christ is your redeemer?
Control and money.
Christianity has zero requirements for having to follow orders from people nor give a penny.

So you validate there is no motive other than love.
You have to follow the 10 commandment and churches expect money from you.
Karl? Karl Marx? Is that you, lol? I bet you took that as a compliment. order to charm the golden birds, out of the pockets of his dearly beloved neighbours in Christ. He puts himself at the service of the other’s most depraved fancies, plays the pimp between him and his need, excites in him morbid appetites, lies in wait for each of his weaknesses – all so that he can then demand the cash for this service of love. (Every product is a bait with which to seduce away the other’s very being, his money; every real and possible need is a weakness which will lead the fly to the glue-pot. General exploitation of communal human nature, just as every imperfection in man, is a bond with heaven – an avenue giving the priest access to his heart; every need is an opportunity to approach one’s neighbour under the guise of the utmost amiability and to say to him: Dear friend, I give you what you need, but you know the conditio sine qua non; you know the ink in which you have to sign yourself over to me; in providing for your pleasure, I fleece you.)

Karl Marx
Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844
3rd paragraph
The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion.
Are you denying that it's technically possible?
You might want to rethink your strategy. How exactly do you believe that conversation will go with Jesus when He asks you about it?
He'll agree with me that technically, it's possible. That Muslims do anal sex to preserve the female's virginity makes me think that the story of the virgin birth is based on commonplace events from that time.
It's your mistake to make.
Actually, god made anal sex when he put the laws of nature in motion at the Big Bang. Isn't that part of your theory?
Consider it an intelligence test. One smells good and the other smells like shit.
The matter/energy which we are made of was created when space and time were created. We are literally star dust. We came from dust and we will return to dust.

"...The law implies that mass can neither be created nor destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space, or the entities associated with it may be changed in form,..."
"...The law implies that mass can neither be created nor destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space, or the entities associated with it may be changed in form,..."

... or the entities associated with it may be changed in form

so at the moment of singularity the transitional mass entities (do) change, the Bang being a cyclical event is not to say new matter is created from the old .... an entirely new universe is the result.

lol, no. Not according to our current models. The cosmic evolutionary phase of Creation was very chaotic - the development of space, time, matter and energy from nothing - and occurred quickly. It was during this phase that hydrogen and helium were formed from sub-atomic particles.

So... you see... that form thingee that you are misunderstanding... is still within the box we call the universe and still follows the laws of nature which came into existence when space and time were created. In fact, according to Leon Lederman it happened in 1 billionth of 1 trillionth of a second.

"In the very beginning, there was a void, a curious form of vacuum, a nothingness containing no space, no time, no matter, no light, no sound. Yet the laws of in and this curious vacuum held potential. A story logically begins at the beginning, but this story is about the universe and unfortunately there are no data for the very beginnings--none, zero. We don't know anything about the universe until it reaches the mature age of a billion of a trillionth of a second. That is, some very short time after creation in the big bang. When you read or hear anything about the birth of the universe, someone is making it up--we are in the realm of philosophy. Only God knows what happened at the very beginning."

Do you know why the equations break down at the singularity? Do you know what they yield?
"In the very beginning, there was a void, a curious form of vacuum, a nothingness containing no space, no time, no matter, no light, no sound.

that is only at the point of singularity - the Bang is cyclical, the expansion will stop at the apex of the finite angle all matter is traveling and will then begin following the finite angle to travel back to its origin to recreate through compaction a new singularity ... to create a new universe.

and unfortunately there are no data for the very beginnings--none, zero.

that's because we are in the expansion phase, when the matter reaches the apex of its angular projection and begins the path back to its origin the proof will be indisputable - similar to the characteristics of a boomerang.

Do you know why the equations break down at the singularity? Do you know what they yield?

yes, a new universe, time never stops there is no beginning or end.

Most people think of "god" as a being who resembles them, hangs out in a place called "heaven" and passes harsh judgements on us. "He loves us", they say. "But, He is not going to love us if we don't obey him and do as he says. He will send us to hell if we disobey him and don't keep his commandments."

Now, that's all a bit confusing to me. How can he love us and then punish us in hell for all eternity if we don't obey his laws? Always heard that love is unconditional; why is gods love conditional?

For some reason I am suppose to bow to and worship some guy who has never physically revealed himself to me. I am suppose to do it on "faith" (whatever that is).

Now, don't get me wrong, I do believe there is a higher power - a force so strong it can create and destroy everything. And I believe that higher power to be intelligent. What I cannot believe any longer, after decades of doing so, is this higher power is jealous and petty and will put me in hell for also being jealous and petty. I don't believe this higher power will call for the murdering of people, yet put me in hell for murdering without his consent. If my purpose in being on this big blue marble is to aspire to be like him, then it is my responsibility to be jealous, petty and a murderer. If this truly is the way he is, then I don't want to be like him.

There are many, many different religions on this planet. Many are indigenous to particular regions or eras of the world. For instance: You have Judaics here, Muslims there, Buddhists over there and Christians all over the place. ALL of these religions began in different locales or in close proximity to each other at different times in history. Each became government sponsored according to what manner the government chose to use them. The United States was once considered a Christian country. So was much of Europe. Israel is considered to be a Jewish state. Thailand recognizes Buddhism as its traditional religion. Islam (the Muslim religion) is practiced throughout the middle east. There are way more than four religions - I am only using four as examples to save time and space.

Nearly all religions have three things in common: 1. They believe in a god. 2. Only their religions is right. 3. Fear.
Those are the three main things they all have in common. While some are non-violent, many will kill you or condemn you to hell for believing differently from them. Even sects within each religion will condemn or kill each other for not believing as they do, even though those sects claim to worship the same god (i.e. Catholics and Protestants; Secular and ultra-orthodox Jews).

I believe that #3, Fear, is the main motivator when it comes to peoples beliefs in their religions. People are terrified of the unknown. Death is an unknown. We don't know where we are going when we die, but we don't want to end. Death is permanent and scary as hell - unless you believe in hell, then you can avoid it. All you have to do is believe and do a few rituals, follow some commandments and, POOF, you will live forever in a wonderful mansion with or without (depending on your religion) 72 virgins.

No, I am not an atheist. Atheism is a religion as wicked as all of the rest. It is based in hatred and condemnation of those who are not atheists. Just like every other religion, atheism, seeks to dictate how others should think, believe and live. Many atheists would behead you, burn you at the stake, or hang you from a cross, just as quickly as any other religion has done in the past.

So, what religion am I? Just like being a Democrat, a Republican, a Libertarian, a Anarchist, a Voluntaryist...I am none. Or am of none. I do not subscribe to any religious dogma any more than I subscribe to any political dogma. I believe there is a force of energy that is so great it can create things from nothing, including the human life form. I don't believe that energy wants me to murder, be jealous, or be petty. I believe that I was created in that energies imagine, because I too am energy and energy never dies. Energy does not know heaven, nor does it know hell. Energy is immune to such stupidity.
Let me ask you one question.
What is the motive of fabricating a faith where the only requirement is to believe Jesus Christ is your redeemer?
Control and money.
Christianity has zero requirements for having to follow orders from people nor give a penny.

So you validate there is no motive other than love.
You have to follow the 10 commandment and churches expect money from you.
There is nothing in the Bible that requires I pay any money to be a Christian.
Which of the 10 Commandments requires me to lose something and disturbs you?

1 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. You shall have no other gods before Me.
OK, zero cost.

2 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth; you shall not bow down to them nor serve them. For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing mercy to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My Commandments.

OK, zero cost.

3 “You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain.

OK, zero cost.

4 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your cattle, nor your stranger who is within your gates. For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.

OK, zero cost.

5 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord your God is giving you.

OK, zero cost.

6 “You shall not murder.

OK, zero cost.

7 “You shall not commit adultery.

OK, zero cost.

8 “You shall not steal.

OK, zero cost.

9 “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

OK, zero cost.

10 “You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.”

OK, zero cost.
You álso said that you don't obey anyone. The 10 orders say different.
Are you denying that it's technically possible?
You might want to rethink your strategy. How exactly do you believe that conversation will go with Jesus when He asks you about it?
He'll agree with me that technically, it's possible. That Muslims do anal sex to preserve the female's virginity makes me think that the story of the virgin birth is based on commonplace events from that time.
It's your mistake to make.
Actually, god made anal sex when he put the laws of nature in motion at the Big Bang. Isn't that part of your theory?
Consider it an intelligence test. One smells good and the other smells like shit.
Ok, good, you didn't disagree with me.

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