Is There A God?

You keep wanting to inject divinity where none is needed - "special act of God". It is you who is trying to impose order where there is none. No "special act of God" is necessary, because in a random universe sometimes shit just happens.

If you don't believe that everything is controlled by physical processes and the laws of nature, then I can only conclude that you do believe in special acts of God. We live in an orderly universe. It is orderly precisely because it follows the laws of nature. The randomness that you so dearly prescribe to is chaos. Out of that chaos, the laws of nature have created order. Things do behave exactly as we expect. That is order.

Order: the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.
Actually, the second law of thermodynamics dictates that the opposite is true. Systems tend toward chaos, not order.

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Sure I do. However, I make no attempt to suggest that my belief is any more rational, or beyond questioning than any other. My problem comes when anyone claims to have absolute proof of the existence of something that cannot be proven.

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Agreed. I have a problem with that too, regardless of the source.
You keep wanting to inject divinity where none is needed - "special act of God". It is you who is trying to impose order where there is none. No "special act of God" is necessary, because in a random universe sometimes shit just happens.

If you don't believe that everything is controlled by physical processes and the laws of nature, then I can only conclude that you do believe in special acts of God. We live in an orderly universe. It is orderly precisely because it follows the laws of nature. The randomness that you so dearly prescribe to is chaos. Out of that chaos, the laws of nature have created order. Things do behave exactly as we expect. That is order.

Order: the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.
Actually, the second law of thermodynamics dictates that the opposite is true. Systems tend toward chaos, not order.

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A most misunderstood and in this case misapplied law of nature. The 2nd Law states that the entropy of closed system will always increase over time. Entropy is the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system. That does not convey chaos in the way you are trying to imply. It only conveys a loss of thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work. Your error is a common error. Loss of thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work does not mean the matter within the closed system cannot be orderly. What it really means is that there is a cost for every exchange between matter and energy. Furthermore, the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics proves that the universe had a beginning because if the universe were eternal there would be no usable energy left within the closed system.
You keep wanting to inject divinity where none is needed - "special act of God". It is you who is trying to impose order where there is none. No "special act of God" is necessary, because in a random universe sometimes shit just happens.

If you don't believe that everything is controlled by physical processes and the laws of nature, then I can only conclude that you do believe in special acts of God. We live in an orderly universe. It is orderly precisely because it follows the laws of nature. The randomness that you so dearly prescribe to is chaos. Out of that chaos, the laws of nature have created order. Things do behave exactly as we expect. That is order.

Order: the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.
Actually, the second law of thermodynamics dictates that the opposite is true. Systems tend toward chaos, not order.

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You didn't answer my question though... Did you just randomly type that response? Or did you have a reason to type it? How many random things did you do today versus how many things did you do today that were done for specific reasons?
Actually, the second law of thermodynamics dictates that the opposite is true. Systems tend toward chaos, not order.

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Do you raise your children without method or conscious decision?

random: made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision.

chaos: complete disorder and confusion.

Or do you raise your children according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method? If so, how come the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics doesn't prevent that?

Order: the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.
Like people, stars are born, they grow old and they die. Their birth places are huge, cold clouds of gas and dust, known as 'nebulas'. The most famous of these is the Orion nebula, which is just visible with the unaided eye.

The Birth of Stars

And yet the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is still a law of nature. Order from chaos.
too many words ding dong ^^^

word is are the source of misunderstanding
You keep wanting to inject divinity where none is needed - "special act of God". It is you who is trying to impose order where there is none. No "special act of God" is necessary, because in a random universe sometimes shit just happens.

If you don't believe that everything is controlled by physical processes and the laws of nature, then I can only conclude that you do believe in special acts of God. We live in an orderly universe. It is orderly precisely because it follows the laws of nature. The randomness that you so dearly prescribe to is chaos. Out of that chaos, the laws of nature have created order. Things do behave exactly as we expect. That is order.

Order: the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.
Actually, the second law of thermodynamics dictates that the opposite is true. Systems tend toward chaos, not order.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You didn't answer my question though... Did you just randomly type that response? Or did you have a reason to type it? How many random things did you do today versus how many things did you do today that were done for specific reasons?
Your question is nonsense. Because a person is capable of making rational decisions does not dictate that the universe, which is neither a being, not intelligent, is capable of the same thing.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You keep wanting to inject divinity where none is needed - "special act of God". It is you who is trying to impose order where there is none. No "special act of God" is necessary, because in a random universe sometimes shit just happens.

If you don't believe that everything is controlled by physical processes and the laws of nature, then I can only conclude that you do believe in special acts of God. We live in an orderly universe. It is orderly precisely because it follows the laws of nature. The randomness that you so dearly prescribe to is chaos. Out of that chaos, the laws of nature have created order. Things do behave exactly as we expect. That is order.

Order: the arrangement or disposition of people or things in relation to each other according to a particular sequence, pattern, or method.
Actually, the second law of thermodynamics dictates that the opposite is true. Systems tend toward chaos, not order.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
You didn't answer my question though... Did you just randomly type that response? Or did you have a reason to type it? How many random things did you do today versus how many things did you do today that were done for specific reasons?
Your question is nonsense. Because a person is capable of making rational decisions does not dictate that the universe, which is neither a being, not intelligent, is capable of the same thing.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Not true. Cause and effect applies to everything. The only difference is timing. Everything is connected. Everything is evolving. Even consciousness which is the pinnacle of creation. We are all being pruned.

The matter/energy which you are made of was created when space and time were created. The law of conservation of mass or principle of mass conservation states that for any system closed to all transfers of matter and energy, the mass of the system must remain constant over time, as system mass cannot change quantity if it is not added or removed. Hence, the quantity of mass is "conserved" over time. The law implies that mass can neither be created nor destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space, or the entities associated with it may be changed in form, as for example when light or physical work is transformed into particles that contribute the same mass to the system as the light or work had contributed. Thus, during any chemical reaction, nuclear reaction, or radioactive decay in an isolated system, the total mass of the reactants or starting materials must be equal to the mass of the products.

Of course there is an exception to this... entropy. There is no such thing as a free lunch. There is a cost for all transfers of energy to matter and matter to energy. That cost is entropy. Which is why we know the universe is not eternal, but truth is. The proof of the first cause can be found in the proof of reality. There is a final state of fact for all things. Once the final state of fact is discovered it will be known that it was always true and will always be true. In effect... it is eternal. Therefore, God is both truth and reality. To say it differently as it was first said... I am.
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The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge ~ Stephen Hawking ~

Often times ignorance is insolent. This is especially true for ignorance that thinks it knows ~ ding ~
The matter/energy which we are made of was created when space and time were created. We are literally star dust. We came from dust and we will return to dust.

"...The law implies that mass can neither be created nor destroyed, although it may be rearranged in space, or the entities associated with it may be changed in form,..."
So you admit that the stories in the bible are full of lies. Good for you.

No, the bible is not full of lies anymore than the story about the pied piper is full of lies.

Like in any fairy tale, myth or fable that was written specifically for instruction, the bible is a treasure trove of hidden knowledge and wisdom conveyed through fantastical stories that conceal subjects and issues that are not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

OK, so you admit that you don't know what the stories are actually about.

Goody for you.

If you want to know what any given story is actually about, all that you have to do is ask.

BTW, I never said that the earth is 6000 years old.

Pay attention!
So god told Adam not to bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him. So Adam did the girl and was tossed. What's that story really about?

And how old is the world according to you?
The account of Adam and Eve is allegorical. It is the account of how man knows right from wrong and when he violates it he rationalizes that he didn't violate it, but he never abandons the concept of right and wrong. We've had this discussion before. The only reason you are still having it is because you condemn respect for anyone who believes in God, you believe yourself to be superior to them and because it pleases you to "try" to make fun of them. Thus proving that, you have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. See my signature below.
"The account of Adam and Eve is allegorical", you may think so, but others don't, as the bible was written as a true account. Anyways, you're all over the map with what you pick and choose. So you're not a good example of a theist, you're too messed up.
What others believe or don't believe has no bearing on me. The same thing applies to what they say and do. The only thing that has a bearing on me are the things I think, say and do. I'm ok with you believing anything you want about me. You have your own movie playing in your head; you are the writer, director and narrator. Your beliefs are clouded by your bias. You do not speak with integrity; you take the beliefs of others personally; you make assumptions which fit your narrative; and you don't always do your best.
I was trying to find a coherent thread in your arguments. Best I can tell is that when confronted with uncomfortable questions about your stance(s), you deflect and think no one notices. Is that about right?
No, the bible is not full of lies anymore than the story about the pied piper is full of lies.

Like in any fairy tale, myth or fable that was written specifically for instruction, the bible is a treasure trove of hidden knowledge and wisdom conveyed through fantastical stories that conceal subjects and issues that are not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

OK, so you admit that you don't know what the stories are actually about.

Goody for you.

If you want to know what any given story is actually about, all that you have to do is ask.

BTW, I never said that the earth is 6000 years old.

Pay attention!
So god told Adam not to bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him. So Adam did the girl and was tossed. What's that story really about?

And how old is the world according to you?
The account of Adam and Eve is allegorical. It is the account of how man knows right from wrong and when he violates it he rationalizes that he didn't violate it, but he never abandons the concept of right and wrong. We've had this discussion before. The only reason you are still having it is because you condemn respect for anyone who believes in God, you believe yourself to be superior to them and because it pleases you to "try" to make fun of them. Thus proving that, you have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. See my signature below.
"The account of Adam and Eve is allegorical", you may think so, but others don't, as the bible was written as a true account. Anyways, you're all over the map with what you pick and choose. So you're not a good example of a theist, you're too messed up.
What others believe or don't believe has no bearing on me. The same thing applies to what they say and do. The only thing that has a bearing on me are the things I think, say and do. I'm ok with you believing anything you want about me. You have your own movie playing in your head; you are the writer, director and narrator. Your beliefs are clouded by your bias. You do not speak with integrity; you take the beliefs of others personally; you make assumptions which fit your narrative; and you don't always do your best.
I was trying to find a coherent thread in your arguments. Best I can tell is that when confronted with uncomfortable questions about your stance(s), you deflect and think no one notices. Is that about right?
If I could raise your level of intelligence so that you could understand what I have plainly written.... I wouldn't do it.

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