Is There A God?

So god told Adam not to bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him. So Adam did the girl and was tossed. What's that story really about?

And how old is the world according to you?
The account of Adam and Eve is allegorical. It is the account of how man knows right from wrong and when he violates it he rationalizes that he didn't violate it, but he never abandons the concept of right and wrong. We've had this discussion before. The only reason you are still having it is because you condemn respect for anyone who believes in God, you believe yourself to be superior to them and because it pleases you to "try" to make fun of them. Thus proving that, you have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. See my signature below.
"The account of Adam and Eve is allegorical", you may think so, but others don't, as the bible was written as a true account. Anyways, you're all over the map with what you pick and choose. So you're not a good example of a theist, you're too messed up.
What others believe or don't believe has no bearing on me. The same thing applies to what they say and do. The only thing that has a bearing on me are the things I think, say and do. I'm ok with you believing anything you want about me. You have your own movie playing in your head; you are the writer, director and narrator. Your beliefs are clouded by your bias. You do not speak with integrity; you take the beliefs of others personally; you make assumptions which fit your narrative; and you don't always do your best.
I was trying to find a coherent thread in your arguments. Best I can tell is that when confronted with uncomfortable questions about your stance(s), you deflect and think no one notices. Is that about right?
If I could raise your level of intelligence so that you could understand what I have plainly written.... I wouldn't do it.
The account of Adam and Eve is allegorical. It is the account of how man knows right from wrong and when he violates it he rationalizes that he didn't violate it, but he never abandons the concept of right and wrong. We've had this discussion before. The only reason you are still having it is because you condemn respect for anyone who believes in God, you believe yourself to be superior to them and because it pleases you to "try" to make fun of them. Thus proving that, you have no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. See my signature below.
"The account of Adam and Eve is allegorical", you may think so, but others don't, as the bible was written as a true account. Anyways, you're all over the map with what you pick and choose. So you're not a good example of a theist, you're too messed up.
What others believe or don't believe has no bearing on me. The same thing applies to what they say and do. The only thing that has a bearing on me are the things I think, say and do. I'm ok with you believing anything you want about me. You have your own movie playing in your head; you are the writer, director and narrator. Your beliefs are clouded by your bias. You do not speak with integrity; you take the beliefs of others personally; you make assumptions which fit your narrative; and you don't always do your best.
I was trying to find a coherent thread in your arguments. Best I can tell is that when confronted with uncomfortable questions about your stance(s), you deflect and think no one notices. Is that about right?
If I could raise your level of intelligence so that you could understand what I have plainly written.... I wouldn't do it.
What was there to deflect? You didn't write anything of substance. Your whole comment was a deflection. You can't dispute anything I wrote so all you could do was to make a blanket dismissal while waving your arms like what you wrote had merit. It doesn't. This discussion is far above your head, you need to stand on a ladder just to be underwater.
The story of genesis is about God establishing the law, as a light to the nations, in a world that was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep, meaning superstition and ignorance reigned for the previous untold millions of years of evolution when people did not yet learn to think very deeply or rationally and lived like vicious wild animals in a lawless jungle.

The story is not about the beginning of the universe or the creation of the solar system, the earth, plants, animals, or the first human beings.

The story is about an extraterrestrial influence that taught people to learn to distinguish between clean and unclean, right and wrong, good and evil, true and false, and life and death, no more than 6000 years ago.

Thats when heaven and earth, a world above and a world below, - the concept of a higher and lower realm of conscious existence - was first introduced and established among people on this planet.
The account of Genesis is about a great many things of which the beginning of Creation is one of them.

Genesis is about many things, yes, but it is not about the beginning of the creation of the universe or solar system or life on earth.

If you think it is about the Creation, literally, even though it is impossible that anyone living 6000 years ago would have known anything about the subject, what it is actually about will continue to remain hidden from you.
So you admit that the stories in the bible are full of lies. Good for you.

No, the bible is not full of lies anymore than the story about the pied piper is full of lies.

Like in any fairy tale, myth or fable that was written specifically for instruction, the bible is a treasure trove of hidden knowledge and wisdom conveyed through fantastical stories that conceal subjects and issues that are not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

OK, so you admit that you don't know what the stories are actually about.

Goody for you.

If you want to know what any given story is actually about, all that you have to do is ask.

BTW, I never said that the earth is 6000 years old.

Pay attention!
So god told Adam not to bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him. So Adam did the girl and was tossed. What's that story really about?

And how old is the world according to you?

The story is an autobiographical account of Moses and his expulsion from Egypt turned into a fairy tale to educate children about the dangers of losing your mind in a time where religious deceivers were considered the stars and holy men of the ancient world.. The talking serpent represents the Pharaoh who stood in the place of God over men and happened to wear a serpent on his head. Adam represents Moses who was forbidden to enter the "promised land". The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is deception, eating of it causes the loss of the rational mind, the soul. One cannot reach out, take and eat of the fruit of the tree of life, conform to the instruction of the Law and attain peace, without the ability to think honestly and rationally.

A person cannot enter or remain in paradise, see clearly, think rationally, attain peace or enlightenment when the mind, the seat of perception, has been defiled and contaminated by falsehood.

Standing guard over the purity of one's own mind is a matter of life and death. In paradise there are many trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat, just don't fall for the bullshit of a liar, otherwise you will die, lose your mind, in the very day that you swallow it.

That's what the story is about even though there is much more hidden in secret places...

The earth is about 4.543 billion years old.

How old do you think it is?
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The account of Genesis is about a great many things of which the beginning of Creation is one of them.

Genesis is about many things, yes, but it is not about the beginning of the creation of the universe or solar system or life on earth.

If you think it is about the Creation, literally, even though it is impossible that anyone living 6000 years ago would have known anything about the subject, what it is actually about will continue to remain hidden from you.
So you admit that the stories in the bible are full of lies. Good for you.

No, the bible is not full of lies anymore than the story about the pied piper is full of lies.

Like in any fairy tale, myth or fable that was written specifically for instruction, the bible is a treasure trove of hidden knowledge and wisdom conveyed through fantastical stories that conceal subjects and issues that are not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

OK, so you admit that you don't know what the stories are actually about.

Goody for you.

If you want to know what any given story is actually about, all that you have to do is ask.

BTW, I never said that the earth is 6000 years old.

Pay attention!
So god told Adam not to bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him. So Adam did the girl and was tossed. What's that story really about?

And how old is the world according to you?

The story is an autobiographical account of Moses and his expulsion from Egypt turned into a fairy tale to educate children about the dangers of losing your mind in a world where religious deceivers were considered the stars and holy men of the ancient world.. The talking serpent represents the Pharaoh who stood in the place of God over men and happened to wear a serpent on his head. Adam represents Moses who was forbidden to enter the "promised land". The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is deception, eating of it causes the loss of the rational mind, the soul. One cannot reach out, take and eat of the fruit of the tree of life, conform to the instruction of the Law and attain peace, without the ability to think honestly and rationally.

A person cannot enter or remain in paradise, see clearly, think rationally, or attain peace when the mind, the seat of perception, has been defiled and contaminated by falsehood.

Standing guard of the purity of one's own mind is a matter of life and death.

There is much more hidden in the story, but thats the gist of it.

The earth is about 4.543 billion years old.

How old do you think it is?
4.5 billion sounds about right to me. Creation is about 14 billion years.

And no... The part of Genesis I am discussing is not an autobiographical account of Moses and his expulsion from Egypt.
"The account of Adam and Eve is allegorical", you may think so, but others don't, as the bible was written as a true account. Anyways, you're all over the map with what you pick and choose. So you're not a good example of a theist, you're too messed up.
What others believe or don't believe has no bearing on me. The same thing applies to what they say and do. The only thing that has a bearing on me are the things I think, say and do. I'm ok with you believing anything you want about me. You have your own movie playing in your head; you are the writer, director and narrator. Your beliefs are clouded by your bias. You do not speak with integrity; you take the beliefs of others personally; you make assumptions which fit your narrative; and you don't always do your best.
I was trying to find a coherent thread in your arguments. Best I can tell is that when confronted with uncomfortable questions about your stance(s), you deflect and think no one notices. Is that about right?
If I could raise your level of intelligence so that you could understand what I have plainly written.... I wouldn't do it.
What was there to deflect? You didn't write anything of substance. Your whole comment was a deflection. You can't dispute anything I wrote so all you could do was to make a blanket dismissal while waving your arms like what you wrote had merit. It doesn't. This discussion is far above your head, you need to stand on a ladder just to be underwater.
It came down to: you have no real proof of who made the universe and why, just a lot of fartsmoke.
The account of Genesis is about a great many things of which the beginning of Creation is one of them.

Genesis is about many things, yes, but it is not about the beginning of the creation of the universe or solar system or life on earth.

If you think it is about the Creation, literally, even though it is impossible that anyone living 6000 years ago would have known anything about the subject, what it is actually about will continue to remain hidden from you.
So you admit that the stories in the bible are full of lies. Good for you.

No, the bible is not full of lies anymore than the story about the pied piper is full of lies.

Like in any fairy tale, myth or fable that was written specifically for instruction, the bible is a treasure trove of hidden knowledge and wisdom conveyed through fantastical stories that conceal subjects and issues that are not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

OK, so you admit that you don't know what the stories are actually about.

Goody for you.

If you want to know what any given story is actually about, all that you have to do is ask.

BTW, I never said that the earth is 6000 years old.

Pay attention!
So god told Adam not to bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him. So Adam did the girl and was tossed. What's that story really about?

And how old is the world according to you?

The story is an autobiographical account of Moses and his expulsion from Egypt turned into a fairy tale to educate children about the dangers of losing your mind in a time where religious deceivers were considered the stars and holy men of the ancient world.. The talking serpent represents the Pharaoh who stood in the place of God over men and happened to wear a serpent on his head. Adam represents Moses who was forbidden to enter the "promised land". The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is deception, eating of it causes the loss of the rational mind, the soul. One cannot reach out, take and eat of the fruit of the tree of life, conform to the instruction of the Law and attain peace, without the ability to think honestly and rationally.

A person cannot enter or remain in paradise, see clearly, think rationally, attain peace or enlightenment when the mind, the seat of perception, has been defiled and contaminated by falsehood.

Standing guard over the purity of one's own mind is a matter of life and death. In paradise there are many trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat, just don't fall for the bullshit of a liar, otherwise you will die, lose your mind, in the very day that you swallow it.

That's what the story is about even though there is much more hidden in secret places...

The earth is about 4.543 billion years old.

How old do you think it is?
You got the age of the earth right. Jus' checkin'. :D

It's amazing how no one here, even people who profess to be catholics, don't think that any of the stories in the bible are true. So when they quote Jesus, is that true, or just made up like the rest of it? Is Jesus a fictitious character there to make a point only, and who did not actually exist?
Project much? :D

I'm happy enough to let others decide for themselves.

It came down to: you have no real proof of who made the universe and why, just a lot of fartsmoke.

I'm happy enough to let others decide for themselves.

You got the age of the earth right. Jus' checkin'. :D

It's amazing how no one here, even people who profess to be catholics, don't think that any of the stories in the bible are true. So when they quote Jesus, is that true, or just made up like the rest of it? Is Jesus a fictitious character there to make a point only, and who did not actually exist?

I would be shocked if you stated my position correctly. Thanks for not letting me down.
Genesis is about many things, yes, but it is not about the beginning of the creation of the universe or solar system or life on earth.

If you think it is about the Creation, literally, even though it is impossible that anyone living 6000 years ago would have known anything about the subject, what it is actually about will continue to remain hidden from you.
So you admit that the stories in the bible are full of lies. Good for you.

No, the bible is not full of lies anymore than the story about the pied piper is full of lies.

Like in any fairy tale, myth or fable that was written specifically for instruction, the bible is a treasure trove of hidden knowledge and wisdom conveyed through fantastical stories that conceal subjects and issues that are not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

OK, so you admit that you don't know what the stories are actually about.

Goody for you.

If you want to know what any given story is actually about, all that you have to do is ask.

BTW, I never said that the earth is 6000 years old.

Pay attention!
So god told Adam not to bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him. So Adam did the girl and was tossed. What's that story really about?

And how old is the world according to you?

The story is an autobiographical account of Moses and his expulsion from Egypt turned into a fairy tale to educate children about the dangers of losing your mind in a time where religious deceivers were considered the stars and holy men of the ancient world.. The talking serpent represents the Pharaoh who stood in the place of God over men and happened to wear a serpent on his head. Adam represents Moses who was forbidden to enter the "promised land". The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is deception, eating of it causes the loss of the rational mind, the soul. One cannot reach out, take and eat of the fruit of the tree of life, conform to the instruction of the Law and attain peace, without the ability to think honestly and rationally.

A person cannot enter or remain in paradise, see clearly, think rationally, attain peace or enlightenment when the mind, the seat of perception, has been defiled and contaminated by falsehood.

Standing guard over the purity of one's own mind is a matter of life and death. In paradise there are many trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat, just don't fall for the bullshit of a liar, otherwise you will die, lose your mind, in the very day that you swallow it.

That's what the story is about even though there is much more hidden in secret places...

The earth is about 4.543 billion years old.

How old do you think it is?
You got the age of the earth right. Jus' checkin'. :D

It's amazing how no one here, even people who profess to be catholics, don't think that any of the stories in the bible are true. So when they quote Jesus, is that true, or just made up like the rest of it? Is Jesus a fictitious character there to make a point only, and who did not actually exist?

Of course there was never a Jesus whose mother never had intercourse. No one ever cured any physical illness with a word, no one ever walked out of a tomb after being beaten to the point of death and then crucified.

That being said the virgin birth had nothing to do with his mother, the illnesses cured, demonic possession, paralysis, lunacy, blindness, etc., were maladies of the mind which can only be cured with words. There are two resurrections. The first from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil. Biological death has no power over he who takes part in the first resurrection.

So yes, none of it is literally true. One must decipher the metaphors and analogies, think deeply, to know what the real Jesus, not the supernatural mangod character, was actually saying and literally doing.
So you admit that the stories in the bible are full of lies. Good for you.

No, the bible is not full of lies anymore than the story about the pied piper is full of lies.

Like in any fairy tale, myth or fable that was written specifically for instruction, the bible is a treasure trove of hidden knowledge and wisdom conveyed through fantastical stories that conceal subjects and issues that are not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

OK, so you admit that you don't know what the stories are actually about.

Goody for you.

If you want to know what any given story is actually about, all that you have to do is ask.

BTW, I never said that the earth is 6000 years old.

Pay attention!
So god told Adam not to bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him. So Adam did the girl and was tossed. What's that story really about?

And how old is the world according to you?

The story is an autobiographical account of Moses and his expulsion from Egypt turned into a fairy tale to educate children about the dangers of losing your mind in a time where religious deceivers were considered the stars and holy men of the ancient world.. The talking serpent represents the Pharaoh who stood in the place of God over men and happened to wear a serpent on his head. Adam represents Moses who was forbidden to enter the "promised land". The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is deception, eating of it causes the loss of the rational mind, the soul. One cannot reach out, take and eat of the fruit of the tree of life, conform to the instruction of the Law and attain peace, without the ability to think honestly and rationally.

A person cannot enter or remain in paradise, see clearly, think rationally, attain peace or enlightenment when the mind, the seat of perception, has been defiled and contaminated by falsehood.

Standing guard over the purity of one's own mind is a matter of life and death. In paradise there are many trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat, just don't fall for the bullshit of a liar, otherwise you will die, lose your mind, in the very day that you swallow it.

That's what the story is about even though there is much more hidden in secret places...

The earth is about 4.543 billion years old.

How old do you think it is?
You got the age of the earth right. Jus' checkin'. :D

It's amazing how no one here, even people who profess to be catholics, don't think that any of the stories in the bible are true. So when they quote Jesus, is that true, or just made up like the rest of it? Is Jesus a fictitious character there to make a point only, and who did not actually exist?

Of course there was never a Jesus whose mother never had intercourse. No one ever cured any physical illness with a word, no one ever walked out of a tomb after being beaten to the point of death and then crucified.

That being said the virgin birth had nothing to do with his mother, the illnesses cured, demonic possession, paralysis, lunacy, blindness, etc., were maladies of the mind which can only be cured with words. There are two resurrections. The first from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil. Biological death has no power over he who takes part in the first resurrection.

So yes, none of it is literally true. One must decipher the metaphors and analogies, think deeply, to know what the real Jesus, not the supernatural mangod character, was actually saying and literally doing.
You just said "none of it is literally true". So Jesus never happened. Just like Adam and Eve never happened...
Btw, Mary could have been having anal sex and still be a virgin, like in Islam, and some of the cum could have dribbled into her vagina. So technically, a virgin birth is possible.
Btw, Mary could have been having anal sex and still be a virgin, like in Islam, and some of the cum could have dribbled into her vagina. So technically, a virgin birth is possible.
Btw, Mary could have been having anal sex and still be a virgin, like in Islam, and some of the cum could have dribbled into her vagina. So technically, a virgin birth is possible.
The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion.
Btw, Mary could have been having anal sex and still be a virgin, like in Islam, and some of the cum could have dribbled into her vagina. So technically, a virgin birth is possible.
The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion.
Are you denying that it's technically possible?
Btw, Mary could have been having anal sex and still be a virgin, like in Islam, and some of the cum could have dribbled into her vagina. So technically, a virgin birth is possible.
The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion.
Are you denying that it's technically possible?
You might want to rethink your strategy. How exactly do you believe that conversation will go with Jesus when He asks you about it?
No, the bible is not full of lies anymore than the story about the pied piper is full of lies.

Like in any fairy tale, myth or fable that was written specifically for instruction, the bible is a treasure trove of hidden knowledge and wisdom conveyed through fantastical stories that conceal subjects and issues that are not directly connected to the literal meaning of the words used.

OK, so you admit that you don't know what the stories are actually about.

Goody for you.

If you want to know what any given story is actually about, all that you have to do is ask.

BTW, I never said that the earth is 6000 years old.

Pay attention!
So god told Adam not to bang the girl and to stay in homo heaven with him. So Adam did the girl and was tossed. What's that story really about?

And how old is the world according to you?

The story is an autobiographical account of Moses and his expulsion from Egypt turned into a fairy tale to educate children about the dangers of losing your mind in a time where religious deceivers were considered the stars and holy men of the ancient world.. The talking serpent represents the Pharaoh who stood in the place of God over men and happened to wear a serpent on his head. Adam represents Moses who was forbidden to enter the "promised land". The fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is deception, eating of it causes the loss of the rational mind, the soul. One cannot reach out, take and eat of the fruit of the tree of life, conform to the instruction of the Law and attain peace, without the ability to think honestly and rationally.

A person cannot enter or remain in paradise, see clearly, think rationally, attain peace or enlightenment when the mind, the seat of perception, has been defiled and contaminated by falsehood.

Standing guard over the purity of one's own mind is a matter of life and death. In paradise there are many trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat, just don't fall for the bullshit of a liar, otherwise you will die, lose your mind, in the very day that you swallow it.

That's what the story is about even though there is much more hidden in secret places...

The earth is about 4.543 billion years old.

How old do you think it is?
You got the age of the earth right. Jus' checkin'. :D

It's amazing how no one here, even people who profess to be catholics, don't think that any of the stories in the bible are true. So when they quote Jesus, is that true, or just made up like the rest of it? Is Jesus a fictitious character there to make a point only, and who did not actually exist?

Of course there was never a Jesus whose mother never had intercourse. No one ever cured any physical illness with a word, no one ever walked out of a tomb after being beaten to the point of death and then crucified.

That being said the virgin birth had nothing to do with his mother, the illnesses cured, demonic possession, paralysis, lunacy, blindness, etc., were maladies of the mind which can only be cured with words. There are two resurrections. The first from the tomb of false religion, the second resurrection is from this mortal coil. Biological death has no power over he who takes part in the first resurrection.

So yes, none of it is literally true. One must decipher the metaphors and analogies, think deeply, to know what the real Jesus, not the supernatural mangod character, was actually saying and literally doing.
You just said "none of it is literally true". So Jesus never happened. Just like Adam and Eve never happened...

I should have been more clear and specified that none of what is literally true are the miracles or demonstrations of supernatural power over reality. They conceal a hidden story, the miracles only allude to the power of God over the mind of man manifested in a far more subtle way that many do not even notice who are blinded by story conjured by the unrestrained imagination..

"So he drove the man out and to the east of Eden he place the Cherubim and a flaming and flashing sword, that turns in every direction, to guard the way to the tree of life"....
Btw, Mary could have been having anal sex and still be a virgin, like in Islam, and some of the cum could have dribbled into her vagina. So technically, a virgin birth is possible.
The religious nature of socialism explains the extraordinary attraction to socialist doctrines and its capacity to inflame individuals and inspire popular movements and condemn respect for any who believe in Christianity. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural marxism and normalization of deviance. Their hostility towards traditional religions is that of an animosity between a rival religion.
Are you denying that it's technically possible?
You might want to rethink your strategy. How exactly do you believe that conversation will go with Jesus when He asks you about it?
He'll agree with me that technically, it's possible. That Muslims do anal sex to preserve the female's virginity makes me think that the story of the virgin birth is based on commonplace events from that time.

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