Is there a people more evil and depraved than the Palestinians?


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2012
Not even the Nazis, Al Queda or ISIS would use their own hospitals as military command and control centers.

The head of a Gaza hospital has admitted to being a senior Hamas commander — and detailed how the terror group transformed the medical site into an operational hub that once housed a kidnapped Israeli soldier.
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I know you are not very bright but you cannot use ignorance indefinitely as an excuse .
So buck up your ideas Racist Lad and see if you can find a good reason not to strangle yourself .

BTW Did you enjoy reading that Fake News -- all set up by Ethnic Cleansers who worked with Mossad and CIA to produce several of those pieces of Fake News . Then used WaPo who are the CIA ,
Ignorant and gullible boy .
Mexican drug cartels are just as bad. Only difference is they don't bump their heads on prayer rugs 5 times a day.
I know you are not very bright but you cannot use ignorance indefinitely as an excuse .
So buck up your ideas Racist Lad and see if you can find a good reason not to strangle yourself .

BTW Did you enjoy reading that Fake News -- all set up by Ethnic Cleansers who worked with Mossad and CIA to produce several of those pieces of Fake News . Then used WaPo who are the CIA ,
Ignorant and gullible boy .
Blah blah blah, whine whine whine. You act as if Hamas animals haven’t done this before?! In fact there is a long and well documented history of Palestinian subhuman animals using hospitals, mosques, schools, ambulances, etc. for military purposes.

Never in history has there been such a depraved and evil people. Now take your meds and go back to your padded room.
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Not even the Nazis, Al Queda or ISIS would use own hospitals as military command and control centers.

The head of a Gaza hospital has admitted to being a senior Hamas commander — and detailed how the terror group transformed the medical site into an operational hub that once housed a kidnapped Israeli soldier.
No, I cant think of any population on Earth that is more poisoned than Palestinians. They are worthless people who spread lies and misery everywhere in the world where you are unfortunate enough to find them.
I think even Mexican drug cartels have more honor than these Hamas animals.
I mean, even cartels help out their communities every once in awhile. I have never in my life heard of something that Palestinians did that was good. They take money from the rest of the world and do nothing but bad with it. That is the entirety of their existence.
Board Libstain (and those they support) are far worse. They Torture J6 family members, harrass Trump, steal $100s of Billions annually, take it up the rear (or mouth) in the WH,Capitol or 5star oveseas paid trips. They kiss the statue of Satan that they recently installed in a Statehouse.

We have been taken over by an Evil regime who will stop at nothing to never lose control of US treasury again. More devious and reluctantly “cunning” (not smart). They have partnered up with outside enemy regimes (Iran, China) to steal power And control.

They have yet to go door to door and slaughter like HAMAS but they did kill millions with the Flu virus they launched. It’s not over yet for them, unless they are stopped and prosecuted for their crimes of Sedition and/or Treason. Merry XMAS to all those against this hostile takeover.
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I mean, even cartels help out their communities every once in awhile. I have never in my life heard of something that Palestinians did that was good. They take money from the rest of the world and do nothing but bad with it. That is the entirety of their existence.
Cartel is a mafia, as long as you pay your dues they protect you. Hamas is the opposite, they want more of their own dead, so they can use it for propaganda purposes in order to get more funding and arms. Most of the money gets stolen by their leaders, each worth billions.
Not even the Nazis, Al Queda or ISIS would use their own hospitals as military command and control centers.

The head of a Gaza hospital has admitted to being a senior Hamas commander — and detailed how the terror group transformed the medical site into an operational hub that once housed a kidnapped Israeli soldier.
Although western media did not report on this, this was a very common tactic of the Azov battalion in the conflict in the Donbas, before the Russians moved in to support the separatists.

. . . Azov also used schools as well.

  • Military bases set up in residential areas including schools and hospitals
  • Attacks launched from populated civilian areas
  • Such violations in no way justify Russia’s indiscriminate attacks, which have killed and injured countless civilians

Ukrainian army uses populated residential areas and hospitals as military bases: Report​

Nationalists in Mariupol setting up emplacements in schools, hospitals — Russian top brass​

And of course, then the Western media would label the Russians as, "war criminals," for rooting out units that were using these facilities.

The AFU doesn't do this as much anymore, but. . . it is still an option for them, and we do still see it.

So, I'd say. . . any people that are up against a foe that is numerically superior and against all odds, will probably do this when faced with either total annihilation, or underhanded tactics. War has always evolved.

This? Is just reality.

Although western media did not report on this, this was a very common tactic of the Azov battalion in the conflict in the Donbas, before the Russians moved in to support the separatists.

. . . Azov also used schools as well.

  • Military bases set up in residential areas including schools and hospitals
  • Attacks launched from populated civilian areas
  • Such violations in no way justify Russia’s indiscriminate attacks, which have killed and injured countless civilians

Ukrainian army uses populated residential areas and hospitals as military bases: Report​

Nationalists in Mariupol setting up emplacements in schools, hospitals — Russian top brass​

And of course, then the Western media would label the Russians as, "war criminals," for rooting out units that were using these facilities.

The AFU doesn't do this as much anymore, but. . . it is still an option for them, and we do still see it.

So, I'd say. . . any people that are up against a foe that is numerically superior and against all odds, will probably do this when faced with either total annihilation, or underhanded tactics. War has always evolved.

This? Is just reality.

The difference is this is not the a new thing, Hamas has been doing these kinds of things for decades. They didn’t just start digging tunnels and using hospitals. This has been their strategy from the beginning, to ensure mass casualty of their people so they can parade it in Western and Arab media.

When a Hamas leader is asked why don’t you let your people take refuge in the tunnels with Hamas during the bombings, the leader responds, that is the job of the UN!

By Nayla Rush on November 1, 2023
Senior Hamas official, Mousa Abu Marzouk, said in an October 23 interview with Russia Today TV that the tunnels the terrorist organization has built in Gaza are meant to protect Hamas members from airstrikes, not civilians. He added that the responsibility to protect civilians in Gaza, who are, in his words, mostly “refugees”, lies with the United Nations.
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The difference is this is not the a new thing, Hamas has been doing these kinds of things for decades. They didn’t just start digging tunnels and using hospitals. This has been their strategy from the beginning, to ensure mass casualty of their people so they can parade it in Western and Arab media.

When a Hamas leader is asked why don’t you let your people take refuge in the tunnels with Hamas during the bombings, the leader responds, that is apt he job of the UN!

Is there a people more evil and depraved than the Palestinians?​

. . . . . Is the title of yoar thread.

I answered.

Now. . . .??? What have you done?


What are we talking about here. . . Palestinians? Or Hamas?

Or is this your transparent attempt to demonize an entire people, so folks will think bombing innocent women, children and elderly . . . on, and on, and on, till hundreds of thousands are dead and disabled, is acceptable?

Get the fuck out of here with your disingenuous propaganda. I thought you were smarter and better than spreading indiscriminate hate.

If I want to read shit that toxic, I'll just run up the road and check out a copy of Mein Kampf to read at my leisure. :rolleyes:

But I don't need that. I quit watching the idiot box a decade ago for the same reason.

Is there a people more evil and depraved than the Palestinians?​

. . . . . Is the title of yoar thread.

I answered.

Now. . . .??? What have you done?


What are we talking about here. . . Palestinians? Or Hamas?

Or is this your transparent attempt to demonize an entire people, so folks will think bombing innocent women, children and elderly . . . on, and on, and on, till hundreds of thousands are dead and disabled, is acceptable?

Get the fuck out of here with your disingenuous propaganda. I thought you were smarter and better than spreading indiscriminate hate.

If I want to read shit that toxic, I'll just run up the road and check out a copy of Mein Kampf to read at my leisure. :rolleyes:

But I don't need that. I quit watching the idiot box a decade ago for the same reason.
Hamas are the Palestinians, and they are the governing body in Gaza. They also enjoy overwhelming support both in Gaza and West Bank, EVEN TODAY.

Upon hearing of the atrocities of Oct. 7, what was the first thing the people did? Celebrated and ate sweets.

I thought YOU knew better, but until you can show me Palestinians protesting the release of the hostages and trying to remove Hamas or any of the terrorist animals that have ruled them (such as the people of Iran that have been protesting the Mullahs for the last 3 years or more), then you can whine about separating the Palestinian Hamas rulers from the Palestinian people. They are one and the same.


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Blah blah blah, whine whine whine. You act as if Hamas animals haven’t done this before?! In fact there is a long and well documented history of Palestinian subhuman animals using hospitals, mosques, schools, ambulances, etc. for military purposes.

Never in history has there been such a depraved and evil people. Now take your meds and go back to your padded room.
Forum Outcast .
A child of the Devil .
Although western media did not report on this, this was a very common tactic of the Azov battalion in the conflict in the Donbas, before the Russians moved in to support the separatists.

. . . Azov also used schools as well.

  • Military bases set up in residential areas including schools and hospitals
  • Attacks launched from populated civilian areas
  • Such violations in no way justify Russia’s indiscriminate attacks, which have killed and injured countless civilians

Ukrainian army uses populated residential areas and hospitals as military bases: Report​

Nationalists in Mariupol setting up emplacements in schools, hospitals — Russian top brass​

And of course, then the Western media would label the Russians as, "war criminals," for rooting out units that were using these facilities.

The AFU doesn't do this as much anymore, but. . . it is still an option for them, and we do still see it.

So, I'd say. . . any people that are up against a foe that is numerically superior and against all odds, will probably do this when faced with either total annihilation, or underhanded tactics. War has always evolved.

This? Is just reality.

yep. If it comes down to a grenade in the face or digging a hole under a Church…..I may go with the Church. Under a bunch of kids in school? I don’t think so.

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