Is there an organization in the USA that monitors the observance of freedoms in corporations?

Now you've found out about it

The only thing I've found out in this thread is that it appears to be more of the same "Workers of the world, unite" commie blather we've been hearing since the 1920's Bolshevik Revolution.

Ok, you've covered worker freedom, now move on to wage inequality like a good little Bolshevik.
The only thing I've found out in this thread is that it appears to be more of the same "Workers of the world, unite" commie blather we've been hearing since the 1920's Bolshevik Revolution.

Ok, you've covered worker freedom, now move on to wage inequality like a good little Bolshevik.
The Bolsheviks did the same thing. They demanded equality, uniform and subordination. The Bolsheviks were an offshoot of the Prussian Junkers
Firstly, this is not so, because it causes an outflow of creative people and an influx of servile fools.
Secondly, it violates freedoms.
No one can dictate to me the style of my clothes and behavior model.
If you think your mode of irresponsible behavior makes you more creative, you need help.
If you think your mode of irresponsible behavior makes you more creative, you need help.
An intelligent creative person always has an aversion to junker servility, because there is no slave blood flowing in him. It really interferes with productive work when people are standing over you and controlling your every step. a button buttoned on your chest can annoy you, you can get used to it, but then it will mean that you gave up and you were broken
I don't go to work to serve, I just want to do my job for money. I fucked their rules
The Bolsheviks did the same thing. They demanded equality, uniform and subordination. The Bolsheviks were an offshoot of the Prussian Junkers

Well, Marx and Engels were Germans, after all. They came up with the concept of 20th century communism and the Russians and Chinese said "Hold my beer and watch this!"
An intelligent creative person always has an aversion to junker servility, because there is no slave blood flowing in him. It really interferes with productive work when people are standing over you and controlling your every step. a button buttoned on your chest can annoy you, you can get used to it, but then it will mean that you gave up and you were broken
Then you have only to find a company that hires creative intelligent people, never mind whether they are rule followers.

Everyone will be happy and no force needed.
Well, Marx and Engels were Germans, after all. They came up with the concept of 20th century communism and the Russians and Chinese said "Hold my beer and watch this!"
Historical Russians are the Balts, they have always been under Marxism, there was slavery and serfdom, peasant communities were Marxist communes. Marx wrote the same thing that had been in the German states for centuries, only in other words
Then you have only to find a company that hires creative intelligent people, never mind whether they are rule followers.
This is another problem related to freedom. They try to simplify and devalue labor
Firstly, this is not so, because it causes an outflow of creative people and an influx of servile fools.
Secondly, it violates freedoms.
No one can dictate to me the style of my clothes and behavior model.

They only dictate the style of your clothes and behavior if you are an employee. They pay you to be a certain way. If you don't like it you are free to leave.

But do not expect the government to interfere in a private business to protect your clothing choices or ability to put your feet on furniture.
This fascism must be stopped. The only reason for discontent may be that I do not fulfill the tasks set, otherwise it is the church of Germanophiles

It is not just you that is involved. And they have every right to set dress codes and behavioral expectations. You are free to leave at any time.
They began to pay too much attention to safety and some standards. These are socialist pretext for socialist slavery. It is no need to impose "care" on a person against his will.

Too much attention to safety?? Are you aware that an accident that costs $1,000.00 in medical bills can cost 8 to 10 times as much in other costs?

The safety rules are almost all written because someone was injured or died. Suck it up, buttercup. Just follow the safety rules.
But do not expect the government to interfere in a private business to protect your clothing choices or ability to put your feet on furniture.
If the government is against the people it must leave
It is not just you that is involved. And they have every right to set dress codes and behavioral expectations. You are free to leave at any time.
They cannot force free people to behave as they want. There is no slavery in the USA
Then it sounds like what is needed is not creativity, but willingness to work.

You are welcome to be a starving artist, if work does not suit you.
They can become starving shit if they don't like dealing with free people. The US industry ultimately belongs to the American nation and not to the managers who have been entrusted with management and ownership
Let them leave themselves

When you accept employment with a company, they usually give you a handbook with the rules and explain what is expected of you.

If you cannot or will not follow those specific rules, you will be given a verbal warning, then a written warning, and then you will be fired. It is not a violation of your freedoms.

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