Is There Any Racism In The United States?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
1. Well....yes. But it is all, 100% anti-white racism.
Ask me to prove it and I will.....but take this as a prime example:

[Democrat-run]"New York prioritizes nonwhite people in COVID-19 treatment distribution plan"

2. The most brainless posters will simply claim all sorts of white privilege, white supremacy, systemic racism.......but are shocked if you ask them for any evidence.
When pressed......this is the best they can do: a particular Democrat lap-dog wrote this-

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Get that? The percentage of minorities in any outcome proves racism.
And....that there are laws that enforce this!

3. First lie….there are no such laws in America.
But government school grads claim such. They're taught to lie.

Second is that blacks, minorities, are in any way prevented from choosing any profession, career, or endeavor to earn a living. Each category has its own requirements, and none are skin color (other than restricting white folks).

4. Thomas Sowell evinced amusement at the idea that percentages in any job show racism.

"If there were a contest for the most stupid idea in politics, my choice would be the assumption that people would be evenly or randomly distributed in incomes, institutions, occupations or awards, in the absence of somebody doing somebody wrong."​

Thomas Sowell - The Dumbest Idea

5. When Democrat Judge Sotomayor wrote that a city can toss out the results of a fireman's exam based on the percentages of each race that passed the test......all nine Supreme Court Justices reamed her as follows:

Ricci decision: all nine Supreme Court Justices criticized her decision, saying that summary judgment was inappropriate, and should have been judged on the facts.​

"All nine justices rejected Sotomayor's holding that different test results alone give the government a green light to engage in race discrimination. Even Justice Ginsburg's opinion for the dissent clearly stated that "an employer could not cast aside a selection method based on a statistical disparity alone." None adopted Sotomayor's position that unequal test results alone prove discrimination. This suggests that a wise Jewess, due to the richness of her life experiences, might come to a better judgment than a Latina judge would."​

One moment, please...

Of course, she was immediately picked to be a Supreme Court Justice by the Democrats.

Every Democrat voter endorses these lies and stupidity, leading to the observation that only liars and fools vote Democrat.


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Well, it isn't ALL anti-white, you know.

Asians and Jews are on the list as well.

I accept the clarification re: Democrat racism.

They're certainly hard working little Nazis, aren't they.

But earlier leaders of their party sent Americans to concentration camps.

If they could include Gypsies, communists, socialists, Polish boy scouts, homosexuals, Romanies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Spanish Republicans, they could live up to the standards their predecessors set.
I love how democrats keep racism on their political agenda when people who aren't a member of their cult are like "huh?"

I believe I agree with the post, but would really appreciate a bit more depth concerning your views.
1. Well....yes. But it is all, 100% anti-white racism.
Ask me to prove it and I will.....but take this as a prime example:

[Democrat-run]"New York prioritizes nonwhite people in COVID-19 treatment distribution plan"

2. The most brainless posters will simply claim all sorts of white privilege, white supremacy, systemic racism.......but are shocked if you ask them for any evidence.
When pressed......this is the best they can do: a particular Democrat lap-dog wrote this-

“White Privilege is evident in the distribution of wealth and power in America, historically-based and perpetuated via laws, educational advantages, inherited wealth, Good Ol' Boy networks, racial prejudices, etc., but some Whites are disgruntled because they do not believe they share in it.”
The Myth Of White Privilege post #77

Get that? The percentage of minorities in any outcome proves racism.
And....that there are laws that enforce this!

3. First lie….there are no such laws in America.
But government school grads claim such. They're taught to lie.

Second is that blacks, minorities, are in any way prevented from choosing any profession, career, or endeavor to earn a living. Each category has its own requirements, and none are skin color (other than restricting white folks).

4. Thomas Sowell evinced amusement at the idea that percentages in any job show racism.

"If there were a contest for the most stupid idea in politics, my choice would be the assumption that people would be evenly or randomly distributed in incomes, institutions, occupations or awards, in the absence of somebody doing somebody wrong."​

Thomas Sowell - The Dumbest Idea

5. When Democrat Judge Sotomayor wrote that a city can toss out the results of a fireman's exam based on the percentages of each race that passed the test......all nine Supreme Court Justices reamed her as follows:

Ricci decision: all nine Supreme Court Justices criticized her decision, saying that summary judgment was inappropriate, and should have been judged on the facts.​

"All nine justices rejected Sotomayor's holding that different test results alone give the government a green light to engage in race discrimination. Even Justice Ginsburg's opinion for the dissent clearly stated that "an employer could not cast aside a selection method based on a statistical disparity alone." None adopted Sotomayor's position that unequal test results alone prove discrimination. This suggests that a wise Jewess, due to the richness of her life experiences, might come to a better judgment than a Latina judge would."​

One moment, please...

Of course, she was immediately picked to be a Supreme Court Justice by the Democrats.

Every Democrat voter endorses these lies and stupidity, leading to the observation that only liars and fools vote Democrat.
Guess how many OP's on this subject? I guess working on your OP for the last week couldn't be squashed by you.
6. His is DNC house organ, Axios, cheering for racial hiring......

......but now where is the source of the problem examined.

Anyone know why the disparity exists????
Hint: it isn't due to anti-minority feeling among white folks......except Democrat white-folks.

"Tech companies are starting to open their wallets to confront racial inequities, but the issues that the industry needs to address go far beyond just writing checks.

The big picture: The lack of black and Latinx representation in the tech workforce is well documented, but the industry also must grapple with the vast impact its products can have in healing inequality — or worsening it.

Driving the news:

  • Apple CEO Tim Cook announced a new $100 million effort aimed at supporting racial equality and at boosting Apple's internal hiring and supplier diversity efforts. The effort, to be led by executive Lisa Jackson, will initially focus on the U.S. before expanding globally.
  • Google announced that YouTube is launching a $100 million initiative to support black creators. Separately, Google is expanding its advertising guidelines so that advertisers will no longer be able to target job, housing and credit ads by ZIP code, among other categories. Google already barred such digital redlining based on categories including race, sexual orientation and nationality.
  • PayPal announced a $530 million effort aimed at supporting black- and minority-owned businesses and to boost its own internal diversity efforts. Most of the money — $500 million — goes toward a fund that can invest in black and minority entrepreneurs.
  • Microsoft said Thursday that it won't allow police in the U.S. to use its facial recognition technology until the government sets rules on its use, following moves earlier this week by IBM, which is getting out of the business entirely, and Amazon, which said it was banning police use of its Rekognition technology for a year.
Yes, but: Silicon Valley still has a ways to go on diversity.


  • The makeup of a tech firm's workforce shapes everything from its culture to the biases that are embedded in its products.
  • Most large tech companies now report diversity breakdowns of their staffs, showing only modest gains, if any, in boosting the numbers of black and Latinx employees. (As workers of Asian descent are well represented in tech, companies typically track progress on diversity by looking at numbers for black and Latinx employees, as well as gender breakdown.)
  • Flashback: Intel was a pioneer in putting significant dollars into diversifying tech, announcing in 2015 that it would spend $300 million to boost its own minority representation, as well as that in the tech industry overall. This year, it pledged to, by 2030, double the number of women and underrepresented minorities in senior leadership."
  • Big Tech opens wallets to address racial inequality even as diversity lags
7. Interesting view from Tucker Carlson, that the anti-white woke corporatations will cannabalize themselves due their racism.

"Tucker shows how often NPR, with an 84% white audience, ‘attacks privileged white people’​

And just as I said, the "proof" of racism is claimed to be the percentages of each group:

Watch Carlson from the 8:40 point on:

At least I check beforehand. Ask the mods why that is. Dummy.

Must be a reason you can't provide any dispute of the OP that got under your scales.

I yearn for the day when one of your sort can digest the post, and articulate a cogent response to same, making an argument for the opposite view.
I'm sure that will occur any day now.....
.....any day.......
Impressive, you've polled EVERY Democrat voter! Hyperbole is not the road to veracity but I know you don't care.
The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism,



opposition to free speech,

standing with criminals and felons rather than law-abiding citizens

substituting illegal alien voters for the American citizenry,

support for rioters, arsonists, murderers, and anarchists,

accepting payment from Communist China for future considerations,

and anti-Semitism… the knuckle-dragging, atavistic pagan party.

Now......which is your favorite?

Do you vote for the anti-white racist party?
Must be a reason you can't provide any dispute of the OP that got under your scales.

I yearn for the day when one of your sort can digest the post, and articulate a cogent response to same, making an argument for the opposite view.
I'm sure that will occur any day now.....
.....any day.......
Well there you go girl. I've read it before last week. Get the point to why mods say "Already a thread on this"

Copy and paste that to remind you.

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