Is there one single Democrat policy aimed to benefit the best of and the bulk of Americans?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I’m genuinely curious about this as my daughters and I sit here talking about it?
Is there even one?

They only play pretend that their identity politics and corporate fascism benefits everyone.
Wow...that was easy, I expected a bunch of Lefties to engage and tell us a few twisted tales.
I’m genuinely curious about this as my daughters and I sit here talking about it?
Is there even one?

Social Security

Farm Subsides.

Can we get current bud?
I mean shit, I remember when a Democrat said..”Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” but we are trying to talk about shit today.
I’m genuinely curious about this as my daughters and I sit here talking about it?
Is there even one?

Yes, the plan to not change a thing from their 2016 effort next year in trying to defeat Trump. The entire nation stands to benefit immensely.
Just for shits and giggles, I looked at their party platform on

Well let's see:

"Democrats will push back against North Korean aggression and press China to play by the rules. We will stand up to Beijing on unfair trade practices, currency manipulation, censorship of the internet, piracy, and cyberattacks..."


"A strong and secure Israel is vital to the United States because we share overarching strategic interests and the common values of democracy, equality, tolerance, and pluralism. That is why we will always support Israel’s right to defend itself, including by retaining its qualitative military edge..."


"Democrats believe one of the best ways to innovate, prosper, and create good-paying jobs is to make more in America, which is why we firmly support American manufacturing with a “Make it in America” plan...."


"Democrats believe we must break down all the barriers holding Americans back and restore the basic bargain that built America’s mighty middle class: If you work hard and play by the rules, you can get ahead and stay ahead..."


"Democrats are committed to reforming our criminal justice system and ending mass incarceration...."

Anyone really believe this bullshit? :laughing0301:
I’m genuinely curious about this as my daughters and I sit here talking about it?
Is there even one?

Social Security

Farm Subsides.

Social Security is going bankrupt, and pays out less than if you invested that money in a 401k.

Farm subsidies are wrong and should end....

Have anything real?
Why is it that Social Security is always said to be going bankrupt, but welfare never is?

It’s just retarded bullshit.
The feds will never let SS go insolvent nor will welfare. We pay out more than we take in all across the’s become the American way.

They want power again so they can abuse it again............don't dare question them..........They will send the IRS to destroy you....................

Or pay FOREIGN agents to spy on you to avoid U.S. laws..............Have FBI top dogs Lie under oath against your side and not charge them with a crime.............and so on.
Just for shits and giggles, I looked at their party platform on

Well let's see:

"Democrats will push back against North Korean aggression and press China to play by the rules. We will stand up to Beijing on unfair trade practices, currency manipulation, censorship of the internet, piracy, and cyberattacks..."


"A strong and secure Israel is vital to the United States because we share overarching strategic interests and the common values of democracy, equality, tolerance, and pluralism. That is why we will always support Israel’s right to defend itself, including by retaining its qualitative military edge..."


"Democrats believe one of the best ways to innovate, prosper, and create good-paying jobs is to make more in America, which is why we firmly support American manufacturing with a “Make it in America” plan...."


"Democrats believe we must break down all the barriers holding Americans back and restore the basic bargain that built America’s mighty middle class: If you work hard and play by the rules, you can get ahead and stay ahead..."


"Democrats are committed to reforming our criminal justice system and ending mass incarceration...."

Anyone really believe this bullshit? :laughing0301:
Sounds like they stole most of Trumps play book. Lol

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