Is there or i'snt there a tax break for going abroad

Money made in a foreign country cannot be taxed in America.

How hard is that to understand?

Drop the oppressive tax rates and you won't see business fleeing overseas.

Tax rates after deductions aren't the real issue. It's quasi Government demands that are causing our woe's.

Romney will do away with the repatriation tax along with costly "over" regulation. He'll convince companies to come back and get the country on a path to prosperity again.
The guy's a business RockStar.. vote for him. Save a nation.

The Dems are all about crushing business to create the nanny state. They do it an inch at a time.. They've been at it for 100 years.


I like breathing clean air and I like drinking clean water.

I don't think letting business pollute America like they are currently polluting China is really an answer.

Its not about clean air and water.. Its all about the cost of internal systems and reporting forcing companies out. The Dems want to dictate how a company has to operate on a daily basis. Don't be fooled by the left wing media.
To add to this.. The cost imposed on business has lead to lower wages in the private sector as well. Bank's and Wall Street are just plain corrupt no matter what. They produce nothing so..
you get my point I'm sure.
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Yes you can get a tax break for moving your company. Regardless if you relocate outside the US.

No, you do not get a tax break, you just get to compute the moving costs as part of the cost of doing business. No different than building a new plant next door. You get to deduct the cost of the new plant, and the costs of moving your stuff into the new plant.

The plain and simple fact is that Democrats have continually lied about some phony gift from the government to induce companies to move overseas. No different that a whole lot of other lies that Democrats firmly believe to be true.

A company can take the deductions regardless where they move to, even out of the country. These deductions reduce the amount a tax they pay, a tax break.

Which is why the following bill was written:

Amends the Internal Revenue Code to:
(1) grant business taxpayers a tax credit for up to 20% of insourcing expenses incurred for eliminating a business located outside the United States and relocating it within the United States, and

(2) deny a tax deduction for outsourcing expenses incurred in relocating a U.S. business outside the United States. Requires an increase in the taxpayer's employment of full-time employees in the United States in order to claim the tax credit for insourcing expenses.

Bring Jobs Home Act

I'm still waiting for someone to tell me what the problem is with this bill that the Republicans had to filibuster it.
Excessive regulations aren't only impacting small businessmen and women. Major manufacturers like Richmond, Va.-based MeadWestvaco are facing a barrage of regulations from the EPA. The company's senior expert on environmental regulations testified before a congressional panel that, "The current wave of regulations is unsustainable. Living with such an uncertain regulatory environment not only costs current jobs, but also prevents new jobs from being created."

Companies that find it unprofitable to comply with regulations leave the country.

Then we make it even more unprofitable for them to move their factories.

Huge tariffs on imported goods AND mandetory big labels that say "Made in China" with a big commie Chinese flag on the product.

Now, I recently had to entertain a visitor from one of my companies branches in China. (Yes, unfortunately, I'm part of the same hypocrisy,and will have to attend that.) As we drove through Chicago, she was ABSOLUTELY amazed that Chicago was a big city that had clean air, and you could actually see the buildings from a distance.

So, yeah, I guess if you don't like having clean air and clean water, or making a decent wage, you should totally move your factories to China.

Trade wars, then?

You are even more of a dumber fuck than I previously thought, and that is saying something!

Private companies are NOT agents of the US State Dept. They don't harangue foreign governments for changes in labor and environmental laws. And DOING THAT would be Economic Imperialism by definition. If THAT's what you want -- count me out..

Nobody should ever think that paying American scale wages to tube sock makers in Bangladesh would solve the problems of Bangladesh.. You'd end up with a 1% aristocracy made up of tube sock makers running the freakin' country.. There is no level playing field in Globalism. That's why we need to act our age and work to the limits of our ability to do the HARD STUFF.. Not fret about stamping "made in China" on a pair of tube socks..
Its not about clean air and water.. Its all about the cost of internal systems and reporting forcing companies out. The Dems want to dictate how a company has to operate on a daily basis. Don't be fooled by the left wing media.
To add to this.. The cost imposed on business has lead to lower wages in the private sector as well. Bank's and Wall Street are just plain corrupt no matter what. They produce nothing so..
you get my point I'm sure.

The only point is at the top of your head.

Please don't tell me that having to fill out forms is really a problem. Most businesses fill out a shitload of forms, just to keep track of shit, and it's nothing to do with the government.

Fact is, outsourcing is about breaking the middle class in this country.

"The Problem with Capitalism is Capitalists; they're too damned greedy!" - Herbert Hoover.
Private companies are NOT agents of the US State Dept. They don't harangue foreign governments for changes in labor and environmental laws. And DOING THAT would be Economic Imperialism by definition. If THAT's what you want -- count me out..

Nobody should ever think that paying American scale wages to tube sock makers in Bangladesh would solve the problems of Bangladesh.. You'd end up with a 1% aristocracy made up of tube sock makers running the freakin' country.. There is no level playing field in Globalism. That's why we need to act our age and work to the limits of our ability to do the HARD STUFF.. Not fret about stamping "made in China" on a pair of tube socks..

Actually, most of our history, we'd have slapped a tarriff on those tube socks, and unless there was something unique about them, they'd have bought the American version.

It should also be pointed out that a lot of big corporations DO insist on better behavior from their vendors.

Point is, China protects her markets and manufacturing... we don't.
Trade wars, then?

You are even more of a dumber fuck than I previously thought, and that is saying something!


It's only a trade war when we fight back.

Obviously, you've never tried to get a product INTO a foreign country like China. Even when it's something they want, they slap a VAT on it.

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