is there really a difference between Charlie Sheen and Trump when it comes to attention whoring?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
I really think the simple minded republican turns to Trump the same way the American public turned to Charlie Sheen during his meltdown in 2011. An 8th grader trapped in a grown man's body runs his mouth and the media and public can't shut up about it.

Do you notice how Trump only rises in the polls when he says something controversial? I mean anyone with average intelligence knows that Trump is an idiot, but republicans think differently than this. They latch onto what this moron says because it validates their pre conceived notions about certain issues like Mexican immigrants or Muslims.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims"! Republicans see this as Trump being bold and resolute, but to everyone else (liberals) they know it is just Trump pandering to his knuckle-dragging, celebrity worshipping base. Do you notice how Trump is very short on actual policy ideas? I seriously doubt the majority of Trump's peons even know the actual platform this idiot is running on. Tell me Trump supporters: why do you support Trump beyond his rhetoric about Muslims and illegal immigrants? Surely you care about more than just this. What is so winning about his economic agenda? What, EXACTLY, is Trump going to do to boost wages in this country and create jobs? How about dealing with ISIS? What will he do about Putin?

I think you only respond to his attention whoring the way America did to Charlie Sheen in 2011. The media attention on Trump is really no different than it was to Sheen back then. Trump appeals to your emotions. Deep down you know that Trump is useless as an actual serious presidential contender but you just can't admit it.

Like them or not, Bernie and Hillary's poll numbers only change after the democratic debates. Liberals don't respond to stupid one liners like republicans do with Trump. They want to see the issues laid out on the table so they can weigh the pros and cons.
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Whoring? there is no bigger whore than when Ricky Ricardo whores up to open border billionaire donors and licks up their feces.
I really think the simple minded republican turns to Trump the same way the American public turned to Charlie Sheen during his meltdown in 2011.

Do you notice how Trump only rises in the polls when he says something controversial? I mean anyone with average intelligence knows that Trump is an idiot, but republicans think differently than this. They latch onto what this moron says because it validates their pre conceived notions about certain issues like Mexican immigrants or Muslims.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims"! Republicans see this as Trump being bold and resolute, but to everyone else (liberals) they know it is just Trump pandering to his knuckle-dragging, celebrity worshipping base. Do you notice how Trump is very short on actual policy ideas? I seriously doubt the majority of Trump's peons even know the actual platform this idiot is running on. Tell me Trump supporters: why do you support Trump beyond his rhetoric about Muslims and illegal immigrants? Surely you care about more than just this. What is so winning about his economic agenda? What, EXACTLY, is Trump going to do to boost wages in this country and create jobs? How about dealing ISIS? What will he do about Putin?

I think you only respond to his attention whoring the way America did to Charlie Sheen in 2011. The media attention on Trump is really no different than it was to Sheen back then. Trump appeals to your emotions. Deep down you know that Trump is useless as an actual serious presidential contender but you just can't admit it.

Like them or not, Bernie and Hillary's poll numbers only change after the democratic debates. Liberals don't respond to stupid one liners like republicans do with Trump. They want to see the issues laid out on the table so they can weigh the pros and cons.

A question how do the democrats poll numbers change after a debate that no one even knew it was on when it was a Saturday night up against a football game and the Wiz?
I really think the simple minded republican turns to Trump the same way the American public turned to Charlie Sheen during his meltdown in 2011.

Do you notice how Trump only rises in the polls when he says something controversial? I mean anyone with average intelligence knows that Trump is an idiot, but republicans think differently than this. They latch onto what this moron says because it validates their pre conceived notions about certain issues like Mexican immigrants or Muslims.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims"! Republicans see this as Trump being bold and resolute, but to everyone else (liberals) they know it is just Trump pandering to his knuckle-dragging, celebrity worshipping base. Do you notice how Trump is very short on actual policy ideas? I seriously doubt the majority of Trump's peons even know the actual platform this idiot is running on. Tell me Trump supporters: why do you support Trump beyond his rhetoric about Muslims and illegal immigrants? Surely you care about more than just this. What is so winning about his economic agenda? What, EXACTLY, is Trump going to do to boost wages in this country and create jobs? How about dealing ISIS? What will he do about Putin?

I think you only respond to his attention whoring the way America did to Charlie Sheen in 2011. The media attention on Trump is really no different than it was to Sheen back then. Trump appeals to your emotions. Deep down you know that Trump is useless as an actual serious presidential contender but you just can't admit it.

Like them or not, Bernie and Hillary's poll numbers only change after the democratic debates. Liberals don't respond to stupid one liners like republicans do with Trump. They want to see the issues laid out on the table so they can weigh the pros and cons.

Bully, you just keep drinking that liberal kool-aid and do what your betters tell you to do. Every time I read one of your brain dead liberal postings about how the Trump supporters are stupid, I just laugh at you. For almost 30 years, the corruption at the federal level has been growing President after President. Bush Sr introduced the New World Order and Clinton, Bush Jr, Obama and now Hillary have run with it. It is a war that has been waged against the American working class and We The People are losing.

The American political system has been completely high jacked by two companies ( Democrats and Republicans) who sell politics for profit. Your liberal candidate is the ultimate expression of this pay for play system as her and her husband have made their living doing this for about 40 years. What Trump offers, is that he was on the buy side of the equation and has seen how this is ruining the country for anyone who isn't a billionaire like him.

Trump is destroying the Republican Party, which is something that many Republicans and Independents want him to do in order to rebuild it as the party for a small and responsible federal government. You complain that the man wants to level the playing field, end illegal immigration, and keep terrorist out of America but most of us see these as not only necessary but just the beginning. We expect Trump to expose the Washington elites for the corrupt bastards that they are and to utilize the FBI and the Justice Department to make life miserable to these corrupt politicians. America is supposed to be run for the benefit of the majority, not for the benefit of the wealthy and the special interests.

You won't be laughing at the end of this election as Trump may be a big mouth but Hillary is a fucking lying bitch and everyone knows it. She will do nothing but sell this country further down the river for the wealthy elites. As for seeing what Trumps plans are, go read his positions on his website. His stuff makes a lot more sense than Hillary's BS. You wonder how Trump will do against Putin and ISIS but we have already seen how Hillary fails against both of them. Trump knows business a whole lot better than Hillary or Bernie (who actually hates business).

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Running a successful political campaign in a primary season is now called attention whoring? OMG! Liberal whack jobs never ever cease to amaze me.

I really think the simple minded republican turns to Trump the same way the American public turned to Charlie Sheen during his meltdown in 2011.

Do you notice how Trump only rises in the polls when he says something controversial? I mean anyone with average intelligence knows that Trump is an idiot, but republicans think differently than this. They latch onto what this moron says because it validates their pre conceived notions about certain issues like Mexican immigrants or Muslims.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims"! Republicans see this as Trump being bold and resolute, but to everyone else (liberals) they know it is just Trump pandering to his knuckle-dragging, celebrity worshipping base. Do you notice how Trump is very short on actual policy ideas? I seriously doubt the majority of Trump's peons even know the actual platform this idiot is running on. Tell me Trump supporters: why do you support Trump beyond his rhetoric about Muslims and illegal immigrants? Surely you care about more than just this. What is so winning about his economic agenda? What, EXACTLY, is Trump going to do to boost wages in this country and create jobs? How about dealing ISIS? What will he do about Putin?

I think you only respond to his attention whoring the way America did to Charlie Sheen in 2011. The media attention on Trump is really no different than it was to Sheen back then. Trump appeals to your emotions. Deep down you know that Trump is useless as an actual serious presidential contender but you just can't admit it.

Like them or not, Bernie and Hillary's poll numbers only change after the democratic debates. Liberals don't respond to stupid one liners like republicans do with Trump. They want to see the issues laid out on the table so they can weigh the pros and cons.

A question how do the democrats poll numbers change after a debate that no one even knew it was on when it was a Saturday night up against a football game and the Wiz?
Running a successful political campaign in a primary season is now called attention whoring? OMG! Liberal whack jobs never ever cease to amaze me.

I can't help it if republicans are stupid and think like the rest of the Kardashian culture does. Trump says stuff 8th graders say. The media covers it and his base goes crazy because they too have 8th grade minds.
So Trump is an idiot and you're smart. That's why he's a multi billionaire and you're not. Thank you for sharing your infinite wisdom.
Oh right we can't all be as smart as a guy who was given a million dollars by his daddy to start his questionable business that went bankrupt more than once before what it is now.
I really think the simple minded republican turns to Trump the same way the American public turned to Charlie Sheen during his meltdown in 2011.

Do you notice how Trump only rises in the polls when he says something controversial? I mean anyone with average intelligence knows that Trump is an idiot, but republicans think differently than this. They latch onto what this moron says because it validates their pre conceived notions about certain issues like Mexican immigrants or Muslims.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims"! Republicans see this as Trump being bold and resolute, but to everyone else (liberals) they know it is just Trump pandering to his knuckle-dragging, celebrity worshipping base. Do you notice how Trump is very short on actual policy ideas? I seriously doubt the majority of Trump's peons even know the actual platform this idiot is running on. Tell me Trump supporters: why do you support Trump beyond his rhetoric about Muslims and illegal immigrants? Surely you care about more than just this. What is so winning about his economic agenda? What, EXACTLY, is Trump going to do to boost wages in this country and create jobs? How about dealing ISIS? What will he do about Putin?

I think you only respond to his attention whoring the way America did to Charlie Sheen in 2011. The media attention on Trump is really no different than it was to Sheen back then. Trump appeals to your emotions. Deep down you know that Trump is useless as an actual serious presidential contender but you just can't admit it.

Like them or not, Bernie and Hillary's poll numbers only change after the democratic debates. Liberals don't respond to stupid one liners like republicans do with Trump. They want to see the issues laid out on the table so they can weigh the pros and cons.

A question how do the democrats poll numbers change after a debate that no one even knew it was on when it was a Saturday night up against a football game and the Wiz?
Running a successful political campaign in a primary season is now called attention whoring? OMG! Liberal whack jobs never ever cease to amaze me.

I can't help it if republicans are stupid and think like the rest of the Kardashian culture does. Trump says stuff 8th graders say. The media covers it and his base goes crazy because they too have 8th grade minds.

Why do you care about Trump?
Don't you have the election all locked up with Hillary winning all 57 states!
Maybe you are losing faith in Shrillary!
I was just thinking on my drive home from work yesterday, that Sheen would be the perfect running mate for Trump.
I really think the simple minded republican turns to Trump the same way the American public turned to Charlie Sheen during his meltdown in 2011. An 8th grader trapped in a grown man's body runs his mouth and the media and public can't shut up about it.
The media focuses on Trump because watching Hillary is like watching paint dry.
I really think the simple minded republican turns to Trump the same way the American public turned to Charlie Sheen during his meltdown in 2011. An 8th grader trapped in a grown man's body runs his mouth and the media and public can't shut up about it.

Do you notice how Trump only rises in the polls when he says something controversial? I mean anyone with average intelligence knows that Trump is an idiot, but republicans think differently than this. They latch onto what this moron says because it validates their pre conceived notions about certain issues like Mexican immigrants or Muslims.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims"! Republicans see this as Trump being bold and resolute, but to everyone else (liberals) they know it is just Trump pandering to his knuckle-dragging, celebrity worshipping base. Do you notice how Trump is very short on actual policy ideas? I seriously doubt the majority of Trump's peons even know the actual platform this idiot is running on. Tell me Trump supporters: why do you support Trump beyond his rhetoric about Muslims and illegal immigrants? Surely you care about more than just this. What is so winning about his economic agenda? What, EXACTLY, is Trump going to do to boost wages in this country and create jobs? How about dealing with ISIS? What will he do about Putin?

I think you only respond to his attention whoring the way America did to Charlie Sheen in 2011. The media attention on Trump is really no different than it was to Sheen back then. Trump appeals to your emotions. Deep down you know that Trump is useless as an actual serious presidential contender but you just can't admit it.

Like them or not, Bernie and Hillary's poll numbers only change after the democratic debates. Liberals don't respond to stupid one liners like republicans do with Trump. They want to see the issues laid out on the table so they can weigh the pros and cons.

And this is why the far left fail at all their narratives..

If the far left media did not give them all that FREE airtime, then you would not be talking about it..

Trump knows being an (R) that the far left media will give him all the FREE airtime he wants..

One day you far left drones will grow up and understand these things..

Even a two year old can figure this one out, which is obviously above the brain power of the collective far left drones..
Liberals have sunk to the point where they are attacking Trump by comparing him to Charlie Sheen...

I really think the simple minded republican turns to Trump the same way the American public turned to Charlie Sheen during his meltdown in 2011.

Do you notice how Trump only rises in the polls when he says something controversial? I mean anyone with average intelligence knows that Trump is an idiot, but republicans think differently than this. They latch onto what this moron says because it validates their pre conceived notions about certain issues like Mexican immigrants or Muslims.

Any idiot can say "we must ban all Muslims"! Republicans see this as Trump being bold and resolute, but to everyone else (liberals) they know it is just Trump pandering to his knuckle-dragging, celebrity worshipping base. Do you notice how Trump is very short on actual policy ideas? I seriously doubt the majority of Trump's peons even know the actual platform this idiot is running on. Tell me Trump supporters: why do you support Trump beyond his rhetoric about Muslims and illegal immigrants? Surely you care about more than just this. What is so winning about his economic agenda? What, EXACTLY, is Trump going to do to boost wages in this country and create jobs? How about dealing ISIS? What will he do about Putin?

I think you only respond to his attention whoring the way America did to Charlie Sheen in 2011. The media attention on Trump is really no different than it was to Sheen back then. Trump appeals to your emotions. Deep down you know that Trump is useless as an actual serious presidential contender but you just can't admit it.

Like them or not, Bernie and Hillary's poll numbers only change after the democratic debates. Liberals don't respond to stupid one liners like republicans do with Trump. They want to see the issues laid out on the table so they can weigh the pros and cons.

A question how do the democrats poll numbers change after a debate that no one even knew it was on when it was a Saturday night up against a football game and the Wiz?
Running a successful political campaign in a primary season is now called attention whoring? OMG! Liberal whack jobs never ever cease to amaze me.

I can't help it if republicans are stupid and think like the rest of the Kardashian culture does. Trump says stuff 8th graders say. The media covers it and his base goes crazy because they too have 8th grade minds.

You bloody fool. The media attention that Trump gets is not designed to win him an election.


It's been designed to destroy him. But it's not working.

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