Is there some reason why perfectly reasonable threads are being re-categorized???

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That's hardly the point. As administrator, if Gunny can't stand the opinions of liberals and thinks it's approporiate to arbitrarily censor them, then the integrity of the board is compromised and he needs to change the mission of the forum. Normally, I don't see that happening. He simply posts a counter opinion, which is fine.

What censor? He moved your thread to the flame zone (as he did one of mine, 'The New Civil War') and you posted a bitchy-assed thread whining about it. That thread lasted all of about three minutes before he deleted it. lol Gonna whine about that too?? His board, his rules.

Oh and I'm sooooooooooo sure you would feel the same way if the "administrator" were a liberal. :lol:

I had damned good reason to be royally pissed off about moving that thread. Not to beat up any further on the decision to move it to the "Lame Zone," it seems that topic has been one of the hottest generating wide spread discussion in recent days, ALL as a result of Frank Rich's column. So was I off the wall by posting it? Why? It was (and is) a political, current event. That some people's OPINIONS think it's lame is too fucking bad. It is what it is, and an equal number of others don't consider it "lame" at all.

The administrator IS a liberal. YOU are not.
are we discussing all the treads with "christian terrorists" etc...there were quite a few....did you try going to pms with an admin or mod? i do that...i wont reveal which mod is the object of my bitching....but he listens....does it change anything...well really shouldnt be bitching about an election to them that they voted in....

so what is your bitch be specific? and why did you elect to go public? that is kinda just shooting yourself in the foot isnt it? gunny will not and never (well in my short time here) has listened to or addressed seriously, any bitching in public..unless he shuts it down...why he has set up a method to address pms...

*hows that for sucking up to the chain of command, boss? lol

what fucking morons...attack a board...piss on board policy and expect anything other than a bitchslap?
Far be it from me to tell the mods how to do their thankless job, but if it were up to me I'd close this bitch and move it to the lame zone. :lol:
You are right. Honestly, I don't mind you too much at all. You actually think.

I DO mind drama. It seems beneath you.

It's Maggie's trademark, though. :lol:

Well, the feeling is mutual modo, I also don't mind you too much at all.

And usually I would not be spouting drama, but partisan censorship on the board is definitely a catalyst for me.

False accusations and question staff members in public rather than via PM is a catalyst for ME.

Try looking again. There's partisan nothing but in your head.
o my my....better boards...get your ass to them ....what a fucking joke...more whining from hannity maggots...*i just love using that term* it fits so well....

my threads get aint like someone slapped my child....get over it and move on...i am sure some other board will be happy to have ya maggie mae...

I don't care that MY thread was moved.

In fact, I could care less.

I'm pissed because all threads on the subject of the Michigan terrorists were moved, while other threads on similar subjects were not.

That specifically in addition to several other thread choices, is trying to direct the discourse away from any thread that points out right-wing violence.

Thus it is partisan and hack-ish.

Because calling tea party-ers terrorists is lame?

Try again.
o my my....better boards...get your ass to them ....what a fucking joke...more whining from hannity maggots...*i just love using that term* it fits so well....

my threads get aint like someone slapped my child....get over it and move on...i am sure some other board will be happy to have ya maggie mae...

I don't care that MY thread was moved.

In fact, I could care less.

I'm pissed because all threads on the subject of the Michigan terrorists were moved, while other threads on similar subjects were not.

That specifically in addition to several other thread choices, is trying to direct the discourse away from any thread that points out right-wing violence.

Thus it is partisan and hack-ish.

i suggest you let it drop and just savor the sweet irony and hypocrisy.

anyone who looks at the threads in the lame zone can make up its own mind about the motive for moving them, and letting certain other threads stay in "current events".


You mean you can assume, hack?
I don't care that MY thread was moved.

In fact, I could care less.

I'm pissed because all threads on the subject of the Michigan terrorists were moved, while other threads on similar subjects were not.

That specifically in addition to several other thread choices, is trying to direct the discourse away from any thread that points out right-wing violence.

Thus it is partisan and hack-ish.

i suggest you let it drop and just savor the sweet irony and hypocrisy.

anyone who looks at the threads in the lame zone can make up its own mind about the motive for moving them, and letting certain other threads stay in "current events".


You mean you can assume, hack?

no, i meant what i wrote, teabagger.
hell i call them worse than terrorists......i call them for profit....

the so called tea party is nothing but a group out to make money...that will drain off voters from the republican party...the irony of it all...

i assume this is in reference to all the non verified attacks etc....tea party members are one extreme....i dont care for extremes on either side...and the amping up of rhetoric is beyond sane at this point.
The concept that Gunny is an admin on a privately run message board seems to escape some folks . . . .

Not one is talking about violations of freedom of speech.

We are just asking for basic fairness and an explanation.

And the rule since before even you came here and I assume you are well-aware by now is if you have a question about board policy or a staff decision you send a PM. Questioning either then not shutting up will get you some time out.
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